Esempio n. 1
# requirements.txt: necessary: six
from six.moves import StringIO

from .. import embeddedonly

from embci.configs import DIR_BASE, DIR_DATA
from embci.utils import (get_boolean, get_func_args, load_configs, get_config,
                         mkuserdir, serialize, deserialize, config_logger,
                         duration, validate_filename, LoggerStream,
                         TempLogLevel, Singleton)

# redirect logging stream to a StringIO so that we can check log messages
logmsg = StringIO()
logger = config_logger(level=logging.INFO,

def get_log_msg(f=logmsg):
    msg = f.getvalue()
    f.truncate(0)  # noqa: E702
    return msg.strip()

def test_serialization():
    def bar():
        this function will be `` after
        deserialization with `method` set to `json`.
Esempio n. 2
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import re
import time
import subprocess

# requirements.txt: network: bottle
import bottle

from embci.utils import embedded_only, config_logger

__basedir__ = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
system = bottle.Bottle()
logger = config_logger()

def system_index():
    return '\n'.join(['<p>%s</p>' % s.strip() for s in __doc__.split('\n')])

def system_exec(cmd, block=True):
    '''This will block the caller thread until the command terminate'''
    proc = subprocess.Popen(
        cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
    # Python 3 only
    #  with proc:
    #      code, output = proc.returncode,
    if not block:
Esempio n. 3
from import LSLReader as Reader, find_data_info, load_mat
from embci.apps.recorder import Recorder

from .model import Model

# =============================================================================
# constants

__basedir__ = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
__layouts__ = os.path.join(__basedir__, 'layouts')
__events__ = os.path.join(__basedir__, 'events.json')

speller = bottle.Bottle()
results = {}
wslist = []
logger = config_logger(__name__)
reader = model = event = outlet = wsevent = recorder = rec_lock = None

# =============================================================================

def event_websocket():
    ws = bottle.request.environ.get('wsgi.websocket')
    if ws is None:
        bottle.abort(400, 'WebSocket request expected.')
    ADDR = '{REMOTE_ADDR}:{REMOTE_PORT}'.format(**ws.environ)'Event websocket connected from ' + ADDR)
    event_update()  # Is this my turn?
Esempio n. 4
def __external__():
    Importing inside this function to avoid the existance of useless module
    names as attributes of this module, resulting in a **clean** namespace.
    # built-in
    import sys, functools, random, string, inspect  # noqa: E401
    from six import string_types  # noqa: W611
    from six.moves import (  # noqa: W611
        socketserver, xmlrpc_client, xmlrpc_server, urllib, reduce, StringIO)

    # filter useless functions
        del xmlrpc_server.SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher.system_multicall
        del xmlrpc_server.SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher.register_multicall_functions
        del xmlrpc_server.SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler.is_rpc_path_valid
        del xmlrpc_server.SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler.accept_encodings
        del xmlrpc_server.SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler.aepattern
        del xmlrpc_server.SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler.decode_request_content
    except (AttributeError, NameError):

    # `embci.utils.jsonrpc` is part of project `EmBCI`, but it also can be
    # used individually like `import jsonrpc`. Functions below are not defined
    # inside this module and need to be imported from other library before
    # using them. To use `jsonrpc` outside `embci` package, just replace few
    # lines below with proper importing code to provide these functions.
    #   e.g.: from simplejson import dumps, loads, ...
    from embci.utils import (  # noqa: W611
        # jsonify/unjsonify method
        dumps, loads,

        # convert string to bytes and unicode, py 2 & 3 compatiable
        #   e.g. ensure_bytes(u'\u963f') => b'\xe9\x98\xbf'
        ensure_bytes, ensure_unicode,

        # resolve arguments of a function
        #   e.g. sum(x, y=None, z=1) => (['x', 'y', 'z'], (None, 1, ))

        # create logging.Logger, similar as logging.basicConfig
        #   e.g. logger = config_logger(name='jsonrpc', format='%(message)s')

        # a property only computed once and becomes a constant attribute

    dumps = functools.partial(dumps, indent=None, separators=(',', ':'))
    params_types = (tuple, list, dict)

    logger_rpc = config_logger('JSONRPC',
                               format='[%(asctime)s] %(name)s %(message)s',
    logger_server = config_logger('RPCServer', level='DEBUG')
    logger_rpc.setLevel('INFO')  # default be quiet
    logger_server.setLevel('DEBUG')  # default be verbose
    del config_logger

    namespace = dict(
        # utilities
        debug=lambda v=True: logger_rpc.setLevel('DEBUG' if v else 'INFO'),
        typename=lambda obj: type(obj).__name__,
        format_exc=lambda e: '%s: %s' % (type(e).__name__, e),
        random_id=lambda length=8: ''.join([
            random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits)
            for _ in range(length)
        list_public_methods=lambda obj: [
            method for method in dir(obj)
            if not method.startswith('_') and callable(getattr(obj, method))
        resolve_dotted_attribute=lambda obj, attr, allow=True: reduce(
            getattr, [
                i for i in (attr.split('.') if allow else [attr])
                if not i.startswith('_')
            ], obj),
        # none represent no-exist, same as builtins.None
        none=type('NoExist', (), {}),

        # other modules, functions and instances imported/created above
    import types
    module = types.ModuleType(
        __name__ + '.external',
        'Virtual module that defines necessary external modules and functions')
    for _ in [
        namespace.pop(_, None)
    return module