Esempio n. 1
# Fisher z to r transform on average , now this is back to correlation array
SUM = fisher_z2r(SUM)

# transform correlation array into similarity array
SUM += 1.0
SUM /= 2.0

# get full similartiy matrix of correlations
N = hcp_util.N_original(SUM)

print "SUM.shape", SUM.shape

print "do embed for correlation matrix:", SUM.shape

# Satra's embedding algorithm 
embedding, result = embed.compute_diffusion_map(SUM, alpha=0, n_components=20,
    diffusion_time=0, skip_checks=True, overwrite=True)

# output prefix
# output precision

np.savetxt(out_prfx + "embedding2.csv", embedding, fmt=out_prec, delimiter='\t', newline='\n')
np.savetxt(out_prfx + "lambdas2.csv", result['lambdas'], fmt=out_prec, delimiter='\t', newline='\n')
np.savetxt(out_prfx + "vectors2.csv", result['vectors'], fmt=out_prec, delimiter='\t', newline='\n')

print result['lambdas']
Esempio n. 2
print "loading data - loop done"

# total number of HCP subjects run with
N = args.cntsubjects
# get mean correlation 
SUM = ne.evaluate('SUM / N')   

# get similarity matrix (Kernel matrix / Gram matrix)
SUM +=1.0
SUM /=2.0

# set NaN entries to 0
SUM[np.where(np.isnan(SUM) == True)] = 0
# ignore zero entries?
ind = np.where(np.sum(SUM,axis=1) != 1)

print "do embed for corr matrix "

embedding, result = embed.compute_diffusion_map(SUM[ind].T[ind].T, 
print result['lambdas']
print "embedding done!"

print "writing out embedding results..."
h = h5py.File(args.outprfx , 'w')
h.create_dataset('embedding', data=embedding)
h.create_dataset('lambdas', data=result['lambdas'])
h.create_dataset('vectors', data=result['vectors'])
Esempio n. 3
    corr[i, corr[i, :] < perc[i]] = 0

# Check for minimum & maximum value
print "Minimum value is %f" % corr.min()
print "Maximum value is %f" % corr.max()

## Count negative values per row
#neg_values = np.array([sum(corr[i,:] < 0) for i in range(N_orig)])
#print "Negative values occur in %d rows" % sum(neg_values > 0)

#if sum(neg_values) > 0:
#    corr[corr < 0] = 0

##### Step #7: get affinity matrix via cosine similarity ##############
print "calculating affinity matrix..."
aff = 1 - pairwise_distances(corr, metric='cosine')

h = h5py.File('affinity_matrix.h5', 'w')
h.create_dataset("data", data=aff)

##### Step #8: get embedding components on affinity matrix ############
print "calculating connectivity components..."
comp = 9

emb, res = embed.compute_diffusion_map(aff, alpha=0.5, n_components=comp)'embedding_dense_emb.npy', emb)'embedding_dense_res.npy', res)
Esempio n. 4
# Check for minimum & maximum value
print "Minimum value is %f" % corr.min()
print "Maximum value is %f" % corr.max()

## Count negative values per row
#neg_values = np.array([sum(corr[i,:] < 0) for i in range(N_orig)])
#print "Negative values occur in %d rows" % sum(neg_values > 0)

#if sum(neg_values) > 0:
#    corr[corr < 0] = 0

##### Step #7: get affinity matrix via cosine similarity ##############
print "calculating affinity matrix..."
aff = 1 - pairwise_distances(corr, metric = 'cosine')

h = h5py.File('affinity_matrix.h5','w')
h.create_dataset("data", data=aff)

##### Step #8: get embedding components on affinity matrix ############
print "calculating connectivity components..."
comp = 9

emb, res = embed.compute_diffusion_map(aff, alpha = 0.5,
                                       n_components = comp)'embedding_dense_emb.npy', emb)'embedding_dense_res.npy', res)

def diffusion_embedding(population, workspace, popname):

    mask          =   os.path.join(workspace, 'PA001', 'REGISTRATION/REST_GM_MNI3mm.nii.gz')
    corrmat_shape = np.count_nonzero(nb.load(mask).get_data())
    corrmat_sum   = np.zeros((corrmat_shape, corrmat_shape))
    embed_dir = mkdir_path(os.path.join(workspace, 'EMBEDDING'))

    if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(embed_dir, "corrmat_mean_%s.npy"%popname)):
        for subject in population:

            print 'Creating correlatiom matrix for Subject %s' %subject
            subject_dir = os.path.join(workspace, subject)
            func        = os.path.join(subject_dir, 'DENOISE/residuals_compcor/residual_bp_z_fwhm6.nii.gz')
            mask        = os.path.join(workspace, 'PA001', 'REGISTRATION/REST_GM_MNI3mm.nii.gz')

            # Get timeseries
            masker = input_data.NiftiMasker(mask)
            time_series = masker.fit_transform(func)
            print '....', time_series.shape
            correlation_measure = connectome.ConnectivityMeasure(kind='correlation')
            ###########add R to Z
            correlation_matrix  = correlation_measure.fit_transform([time_series])[0]
            print '....', correlation_matrix.shape

            corrmat_sum += correlation_matrix
            print corrmat_sum.shape

            # modify this to save mat files... make sure they are deleted after embedding. will help looping
            # embed_dir = mkdir_path(os.path.join(subject_dir, 'EMBED'))
            #save matrix as h5py file
            # h5 = h5py.File('%s/corrmat_%s.h5'%(embed_dir, subject), 'w')
            # h5.create_dataset('data', data=correlation_matrix)
            # all_mats.append(correlation_matrix)

        print 'Calculating average correlation matrix'
        corrmat_mean = corrmat_sum / len(population)
        print '....',corrmat_mean.shape
        os.chdir(embed_dir), "corrmat_mean_%s.npy"%popname), corrmat_mean)

    # Nonlinear decomposition with Emebdding
    print 'Eembedding'

    # add Z to R
    corrmat_mean  = np.load(os.path.join(embed_dir, "corrmat_mean_%s.npy" % popname))

    ###### Threshold each row of corr matrix at 90th percentile ##
    print "thresholding each row at its 90th percentile..."
    percentile90 = np.array([np.percentile(x, 90) for x in corrmat_mean])
    for i in range(corrmat_mean.shape[0]):
        # print "Row %d" % i
        corrmat_mean[i, corrmat_mean[i, :] < percentile90[i]] = 0

    ##### get affinity matrix via cosine similarity ##############
    print "calculating affinity matrix..."
    aff = 1 - pairwise_distances(corrmat_mean, metric = 'cosine')

    # Check for minimum & maximum value
    print "....Minimum value of aff is %f" % aff.min()
    print "....Maximum value of aff is %f" % aff.max()

    print "saving affinity matrix..."
    h = h5py.File(os.path.join(embed_dir, 'affinity_matrix.h5'), 'w')
    h.create_dataset("data", data=aff)

    ##### Get embedding components on affinity matrix ############
    print "calculating connectivity components..."
    emb, res = embed.compute_diffusion_map(aff, alpha=0.5, n_components=10),'embedding_dense_emb.npy'), emb),'embedding_dense_res.npy'), res)

    #### Step #9: projecting components back to MNI space as nifti #######
    print "saving components as nifti..."

    emb = np.load(os.path.join(embed_dir,'embedding_dense_emb.npy'))

    ##### get indices of voxels, which are equal to 1 in mask
    mask_array = nb.load(mask).get_data()
    voxel_x    = np.where(mask_array==1)[0]
    voxel_y    = np.where(mask_array==1)[1]
    voxel_z    = np.where(mask_array==1)[2]

    print "%s voxels are in GM..." % len(voxel_x)

    mni_affine = nb.load(mni_brain_3mm).get_affine()
    data_temp  = np.zeros(nb.load(mni_brain_3mm).get_data().shape)

    for j in range(0, 10):
        print np.shape(emb[:,j])
        data_temp[voxel_x, voxel_y, voxel_z] = emb[:,j]
        img_temp  = nb.Nifti1Image(data_temp, mni_affine)
        name_temp = os.path.join(embed_dir, 'mni3_component_%s.nii.gz' % (j+1)), name_temp)