Esempio n. 1
def getCSV(webargs):
    """Fetch a RAMON object as CSV.  Always includes bounding box.  No data option."""

    [token, csvliteral, annoid, reststr] = webargs.split('/', 3)

    # Get the annotation database
    projdb = emcaproj.EMCAProjectsDB()
    proj = projdb.getProj(token)
    dbcfg = dbconfig.switchDataset(proj.getDataset())
    db = emcadb.EMCADB(dbcfg, proj)

    # Make the HDF5 file
    # Create an in-memory HDF5 file
    tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
    h5f = h5py.File(

    dataoption = AR_BOUNDINGBOX
    [resstr, sym, rest] = reststr.partition('/')
    resolution = int(resstr) if resstr != '' else proj.getResolution()

    getAnnoById(annoid, h5f, db, dbcfg, dataoption, resolution)

    # convert the HDF5 file to csv
    csvstr = h5ann.h5toCSV(h5f)
    return csvstr
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, token):
        """Load the database and project"""

        projdb = emcaproj.EMCAProjectsDB()
        self.proj = projdb.getProj(token)
        self.dbcfg = dbconfig.switchDataset(self.proj.getDataset())

        # Bind the annotation database
        self.imgDB = emcadb.EMCADB(self.dbcfg, self.proj)
Esempio n. 3
def annId(imageargs, dbcfg, proj):
    """Return the annotation identifier of a voxel"""

    # Perform argument processing
    (resolution, voxel) = restargs.voxel(imageargs, dbcfg)

    # Get the identifier
    db = emcadb.EMCADB(dbcfg, proj)
    return db.getVoxel(resolution, voxel)
Esempio n. 4
def listAnnoObjects(webargs, postdata=None):
    """ Return a list of anno ids restricted by equality predicates.
      Equalities are alternating in field/value in the url.

    [token, dontuse, restargs] = webargs.split('/', 2)

    # Get the annotation database
    projdb = emcaproj.EMCAProjectsDB()
    proj = projdb.getProj(token)
    dbcfg = dbconfig.switchDataset(proj.getDataset())
    db = emcadb.EMCADB(dbcfg, proj)

    # Split the URL and get the args
    args = restargs.split('/')
    predicates = dict(zip(args[::2], args[1::2]))

    annoids = db.getAnnoObjects(predicates)

    # We have a cutout as well
    if postdata:

        # RB this is a brute force implementation.  This probably needs to be
        #  optimized to use several different execution strategies based on the
        #  cutout size and the number of objects.

        # Make a named temporary file for the HDF5
        tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
        h5f = h5py.File(, driver='core', backing_store=False)

        corner = h5f['XYZOFFSET'][:]
        dim = h5f['CUTOUTSIZE'][:]
        resolution = h5f['RESOLUTION'][0]

        if not dbcfg.checkCube(resolution, corner[0], corner[0] + dim[0],
                               corner[1], corner[1] + dim[1], corner[2],
                               corner[2] + dim[2]):
            logger.warning("Illegal cutout corner=%s, dim=%s" % (corner, dim))
            raise ANNError("Illegal cutout corner=%s, dim=%s" % (corner, dim))

        # RBFIX this a hack
        #  the zstart in dbconfig is sometimes offset to make it aligned.
        #   Probably remove the offset is the best idea.  and align data
        #    to zero regardless of where it starts.  For now.
        corner[2] -= dbcfg.slicerange[0]

        cutout = db.cutout(corner, dim, resolution)
        annoids = np.intersect1d(annoids, np.unique(

    if postdata:

    return h5ann.PackageIDs(annoids)
Esempio n. 5
def deleteAnnotation(webargs):
    """Delete a RAMON object"""

    ## TODO add retry loop for transaction

    [token, sym, otherargs] = webargs.partition('/')

    # Get the annotation database
    projdb = emcaproj.EMCAProjectsDB()
    proj = projdb.getProj(token)
    dbcfg = dbconfig.switchDataset(proj.getDataset())
    db = emcadb.EMCADB(dbcfg, proj)

    # Split the URL and get the args
    args = otherargs.split('/', 2)

    # if the first argument is numeric.  it is an annoid
    if re.match('^[\d,]+$', args[0]):
        annoids = map(int, args[0].split(','))
    # if not..this is not a well-formed delete request
            "Delete did not specify a legal object identifier = %s" % args[0])
        raise ANNError(
            "Delete did not specify a legal object identifier = %s" % args[0])

    for annoid in annoids:

        tries = 0
        done = False
        while not done and tries < 5:

                done = True
            # rollback if you catch an error
            except MySQLdb.OperationalError, e:
                logger.warning("Transaction did not complete. %s" % (e))
                tries += 1
            except MySQLdb.Error, e:
                logger.warning("Put transaction rollback. %s" % (e))
            except Exception, e:
                    "Put transaction rollback. Unknown error. %s" % (e))
    def __init__(self, token, resolution, path):

        self.path = path
        self.resolution = resolution

        self.projdb = emcaproj.EMCAProjectsDB()
        self.proj = self.projdb.loadProject(token)

        self._ximgsz = self.proj.datasetcfg.imagesz[resolution][0]
        self._yimgsz = self.proj.datasetcfg.imagesz[resolution][1]
        self.startslice = self.proj.datasetcfg.slicerange[0]
        self.endslice = self.proj.datasetcfg.slicerange[1]

        self.batchsz = self.proj.datasetcfg.cubedim[resolution][2]

        self.alldirs = os.listdir(path)

        # open the database
        self.db = emcadb.EMCADB(self.proj)

        # get a db cursor
        self.cursor = self.db.conn.cursor()
Esempio n. 7
EM_EMCA_PATH = os.path.join(EM_BASE_PATH, "emca" )
EM_DBCONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(EM_BASE_PATH, "dbconfig" )


import emcaproj
import emcadb
import dbconfig

# load the project
projdb = emcaproj.EMCAProjectsDB()
proj = projdb.getProj ( 'kasthuri11' )
dbcfg = dbconfig.switchDataset ( proj.getDataset() )

#Load the database
db = emcadb.EMCADB ( dbcfg, proj )

_ximagesz = 4096
_yimagesz = 4096

fid = open ( "/data/formisha/rasdamancutout", "w" )

for zstart in range(1,1024,16):

  zend = min(zstart+16,1025)
  corner = [1024,1024,zstart]
  resolution = 1
  dim = [ _ximagesz, _yimagesz, zend-zstart ]
  print "Corner %s dim %s." % ( corner, dim )
  cube = db.cutout ( corner, dim, resolution )
Esempio n. 8
def main():

  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Ingest a tiff stack.')
  parser.add_argument('token', action="store" )
  parser.add_argument('channel', type=int, action="store" )
  parser.add_argument('path', action="store" )
  parser.add_argument('numslices', type=int, action="store" )

  result = parser.parse_args()

  projdb = emcaproj.EMCAProjectsDB()
  proj = projdb.getProj ( result.token )
  dbcfg = dbconfig.switchDataset ( proj.getDataset() )

  _ximgsz = None
  _yimgsz = None

  for sl in range(result.numslices):

    filenm = result.path + '/' + '{:0>4}'.format(sl) + '.png'
    print filenm
    img = ( filenm, "r" )

    if _ximgsz==None and _yimgsz==None:
      _ximgsz,_yimgsz = img.size
      imarray = np.zeros ( [result.numslices, _yimgsz, _ximgsz], dtype=np.uint16 )
      assert _ximgsz == img.size[0] and _yimgsz == img.size[1]

    imarray[sl,:,:] = np.asarray ( img )

  # get the size of the cube
  xcubedim,ycubedim,zcubedim = dbcfg.cubedim[0]
  # and the limits of iteration
  xlimit = (_ximgsz-1) / xcubedim + 1
  ylimit = (_yimgsz-1) / ycubedim + 1
  zlimit = (result.numslices-1) / zcubedim + 1

  # open the database
  db = emcadb.EMCADB ( dbcfg, proj )

  # get a db cursor 
  cursor = db.conn.cursor()

  for z in range(zlimit):
    for y in range(ylimit):
      for x in range(xlimit):

        zmin = z*zcubedim
        zmax = min((z+1)*zcubedim,result.numslices)
        zmaxrel = ((zmax-1)%zcubedim)+1 
        ymin = y*ycubedim
        ymax = min((y+1)*ycubedim,_yimgsz)
        ymaxrel = ((ymax-1)%ycubedim)+1
        xmin = x*xcubedim
        xmax = min((x+1)*xcubedim,_ximgsz)
        xmaxrel = ((xmax-1)%xcubedim)+1

        # morton key
        key = zindex.XYZMorton ( [x,y,z] )

        # Create a channel cube
        cube = chancube.ChanCube ( [xcubedim,ycubedim,zcubedim] )

        # data for this key[0:zmaxrel,0:ymaxrel,0:xmaxrel] = imarray[zmin:zmax,ymin:ymax,xmin:xmax]

        # compress the cube
        npz = cube.toNPZ ()

        # add the cube to the database
        sql = "INSERT INTO " + proj.getTable(RESOLUTION) +  "(zindex, channel, cube) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"
        print sql
          cursor.execute ( sql, (key,, npz))
        except MySQLdb.Error, e:
          raise ANNError ( "Error updating data cube: %d: %s. sql=%s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1], sql))
Esempio n. 9
def getAnnotations(webargs, postdata):
    """Get multiple annotations.  Takes an HDF5 that lists ids in the post."""

    [token, objectsliteral, otherargs] = webargs.split('/', 2)

    # Get the annotation database
    projdb = emcaproj.EMCAProjectsDB()
    proj = projdb.getProj(token)
    dbcfg = dbconfig.switchDataset(proj.getDataset())
    db = emcadb.EMCADB(dbcfg, proj)

    # Read the post data HDF5 and get a list of identifiers
    tmpinfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
    h5in = h5py.File(

    if not h5in.get('ANNOIDS'):
            "Requesting multiple annotations.  But no HDF5 \'ANNOIDS\' field specified."
        raise ANNError(
            "Requesting multiple annotations.  But no HDF5 \'ANNOIDS\' field specified."

    # GET the data out of the HDF5 file.  Never operate on the data in place.
    annoids = h5in['ANNOIDS'][:]

    # set variables to None: need them in call to getAnnoByID, but not all paths set all
    corner = None
    dim = None
    resolution = None
    dataarg = ''

    # process options
    # Split the URL and get the args
    if otherargs != '':
        (dataarg, cutout) = otherargs.split('/', 1)

    if dataarg == '' or dataarg == 'nodata':
        dataoption = AR_NODATA

    elif dataarg == 'voxels':
        dataoption = AR_VOXELS
        # only arg to voxels is resolution
        [resstr, sym, rest] = cutout.partition('/')
        resolution = int(resstr) if resstr != '' else proj.getResolution()

    elif dataarg == 'cutout':
        # if blank of just resolution then a tightcutout
        if cutout == '' or re.match('^\d+[\/]*$', cutout):
            dataoption = AR_TIGHTCUTOUT
            [resstr, sym, rest] = cutout.partition('/')
            resolution = int(resstr) if resstr != '' else proj.getResolution()
            dataoption = AR_CUTOUT

            # Perform argument processing
            brargs = restargs.BrainRestArgs()
            brargs.cutoutArgs(cutout, dbcfg)

            # Extract the relevant values
            corner = brargs.getCorner()
            dim = brargs.getDim()
            resolution = brargs.getResolution()

    # RBTODO test this interface
    elif dataarg == 'boundingbox':
        # if blank of just resolution then a tightcutout
        if cutout == '' or re.match('^\d+[\/]*$', cutout):
            dataoption = AR_BOUNDINGBOX
            [resstr, sym, rest] = cutout.partition('/')
            resolution = int(resstr) if resstr != '' else proj.getResolution()

        logger.warning("In getAnnotations: Error: no such data option %s " %
        raise ANNError("In getAnnotations: Error: no such data option %s " %

    # Make the HDF5 output file
    # Create an in-memory HDF5 file
    tmpoutfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
    h5fout = h5py.File(

    # get annotations for each identifier
    for annoid in annoids:
        # the int here is to prevent using a numpy value in an inner loop.  This is a 10x performance gain.
        getAnnoById(int(annoid), h5fout, db, dbcfg, dataoption, resolution,
                    corner, dim)

    # close temporary file

    # Transmit back the populated HDF5 file
Esempio n. 10
def getAnnotation(webargs):
    """Fetch a RAMON object as HDF5 by object identifier"""

    [token, sym, otherargs] = webargs.partition('/')

    # Get the annotation database
    projdb = emcaproj.EMCAProjectsDB()
    proj = projdb.getProj(token)
    dbcfg = dbconfig.switchDataset(proj.getDataset())
    db = emcadb.EMCADB(dbcfg, proj)

    # Split the URL and get the args
    args = otherargs.split('/', 2)

    # Make the HDF5 file
    # Create an in-memory HDF5 file
    tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
    h5f = h5py.File(

    # if the first argument is numeric.  it is an annoid
    if re.match('^[\d,]+$', args[0]):

        annoids = map(int, args[0].split(','))

        for annoid in annoids:

            # default is no data
            if args[1] == '' or args[1] == 'nodata':
                dataoption = AR_NODATA
                getAnnoById(annoid, h5f, db, dbcfg, dataoption)

            # if you want voxels you either requested the resolution id/voxels/resolution
            #  or you get data from the default resolution
            elif args[1] == 'voxels':
                dataoption = AR_VOXELS
                [resstr, sym, rest] = args[2].partition('/')
                resolution = int(
                    resstr) if resstr != '' else proj.getResolution()

                getAnnoById(annoid, h5f, db, dbcfg, dataoption, resolution)

            elif args[1] == 'cutout':

                # if there are no args or only resolution, it's a tight cutout request
                if args[2] == '' or re.match('^\d+[\/]*$', args[2]):
                    dataoption = AR_TIGHTCUTOUT
                    [resstr, sym, rest] = args[2].partition('/')
                    resolution = int(
                        resstr) if resstr != '' else proj.getResolution()

                    getAnnoById(annoid, h5f, db, dbcfg, dataoption, resolution)

                    dataoption = AR_CUTOUT

                    # Perform argument processing
                    brargs = restargs.BrainRestArgs()
                    brargs.cutoutArgs(args[2], dbcfg)

                    # Extract the relevant values
                    corner = brargs.getCorner()
                    dim = brargs.getDim()
                    resolution = brargs.getResolution()

                    getAnnoById(annoid, h5f, db, dbcfg, dataoption, resolution,
                                corner, dim)

            elif args[1] == 'boundingbox':

                dataoption = AR_BOUNDINGBOX
                [resstr, sym, rest] = args[2].partition('/')
                resolution = int(
                    resstr) if resstr != '' else proj.getResolution()

                getAnnoById(annoid, h5f, db, dbcfg, dataoption, resolution)

                    "Fetch identifier %s.  Error: no such data option %s " %
                    (annoid, args[1]))
                raise ANNError(
                    "Fetch identifier %s.  Error: no such data option %s " %
                    (annoid, args[1]))

    # the first argument is not numeric.  it is a service other than getAnnotation
            "Get interface %s requested.  Illegal or not implemented. Args: %s"
            % (args[0], webargs))
        raise ANNError(
            "Get interface %s requested.  Illegal or not implemented" %

Esempio n. 11
def selectPost(webargs, dbcfg, proj, postdata):
    """Parse the first arg and call the right post service"""

    [service, sym, postargs] = webargs.partition('/')

    # Don't write to readonly projects
    if proj.getReadOnly() == 1:
        logger.warning("Attempt to write to read only project. %s: %s" %
                       (proj.getDBName(), webargs))
        raise ANNError("Attempt to write to read only project. %s: %s" %
                       (proj.getDBName(), webargs))

    # choose to overwrite (default), preserve, or make exception lists
    #  when voxels conflict
    # Perform argument processing

    # Bind the annotation database
    db = emcadb.EMCADB(dbcfg, proj)

    tries = 0
    done = False

    while not done and tries < 5:


            if service == 'npvoxels':

                #  get the resolution
                [entity, resolution, conflictargs] = postargs.split('/', 2)

                # Grab the voxel list
                fileobj = cStringIO.StringIO(postdata)
                voxlist = np.load(fileobj)

                conflictopt = restargs.conflictOption(conflictargs)
                entityid = db.annotate(int(entity), int(resolution), voxlist,

            elif service == 'npdense':

                # Process the arguments
                    args = restargs.BrainRestArgs()
                    args.cutoutArgs(postargs, dbcfg)
                except restargs.RESTArgsError, e:
                    logger.warning("REST Arguments failed: %s" % (e))
                    raise ANNError(e)

                corner = args.getCorner()
                resolution = args.getResolution()

                # This is used for ingest only now.  So, overwrite conflict option.
                conflictopt = restargs.conflictOption("")

                # get the data out of the compressed blob
                rawdata = zlib.decompress(postdata)
                fileobj = cStringIO.StringIO(rawdata)
                voxarray = np.load(fileobj)

                # Get the annotation database
                db = emcadb.EMCADB(dbcfg, proj)

                if proj.getDBType() == emcaproj.IMAGES:
                    db.writeImageCuboid(corner, resolution, voxarray)
                    # this is just a status
                    entityid = 0

                # Choose the verb, get the entity (as needed), and annotate
                # Translates the values directly
                    entityid = db.annotateDense(corner, resolution, voxarray,

                    "An illegal Web POST service was requested: %s.  Args %s" %
                    (service, webargs))
                raise ANNError("No such Web service: %s" % service)

            done = True
Esempio n. 12
def putAnnotation(webargs, postdata):
    """Put a RAMON object as HDF5 by object identifier"""

    [token, sym, optionsargs] = webargs.partition('/')

    # Get the annotation database
    projdb = emcaproj.EMCAProjectsDB()
    proj = projdb.getProj(token)
    dbcfg = dbconfig.switchDataset(proj.getDataset())
    db = emcadb.EMCADB(dbcfg, proj)

    # Don't write to readonly projects
    if proj.getReadOnly() == 1:
        logger.warning("Attempt to write to read only project. %s: %s" %
                       (proj.getDBName(), webargs))
        raise ANNError("Attempt to write to read only project. %s: %s" %
                       (proj.getDBName(), webargs))

    options = optionsargs.split('/')

    # return string of id values
    retvals = []

    # Make a named temporary file for the HDF5
    tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
    h5f = h5py.File(, driver='core', backing_store=False)


        for k in h5f.keys():

            idgrp = h5f.get(k)

            # Convert HDF5 to annotation
            anno = h5ann.H5toAnnotation(k, idgrp)

            # set the identifier (separate transaction)
            if not ('update' in options or 'dataonly' in options
                    or 'reduce' in options):

            tries = 0
            done = False
            while not done and tries < 5:

                # start a transaction: get mysql out of line at a time mode


                    if anno.__class__ in [
                            annotation.AnnNeuron, annotation.AnnSeed
                    ] and (idgrp.get('VOXELS') or idgrp.get('CUTOUT')):
                        logger.warning("Cannot write to annotation type %s" %
                        raise ANNError("Cannot write to annotation type %s" %

                    if 'update' in options and 'dataonly' in options:
                            "Illegal combination of options. Cannot use udpate and dataonly together"
                        raise ANNError(
                            "Illegal combination of options. Cannot use udpate and dataonly together"

                    elif not 'dataonly' in options and not 'reduce' in options:

                        # Put into the database
                        db.putAnnotation(anno, options)

                    # Is a resolution specified?  or use default
                    h5resolution = idgrp.get('RESOLUTION')
                    if h5resolution == None:
                        resolution = proj.getResolution()
                        resolution = h5resolution[0]

                    # Load the data associated with this annotation
                    #  Is it voxel data?
                    voxels = idgrp.get('VOXELS')
                    if voxels and 'reduce' not in options:

                        if 'preserve' in options:
                            conflictopt = 'P'
                        elif 'exception' in options:
                            conflictopt = 'E'
                            conflictopt = 'O'

                        # Check that the voxels have a conforming size:
                        if voxels.shape[1] != 3:
                                "Voxels data not the right shape.  Must be (:,3).  Shape is %s"
                                % str(voxels.shape))
                            raise ANNError(
                                "Voxels data not the right shape.  Must be (:,3).  Shape is %s"
                                % str(voxels.shape))

                        exceptions = db.annotate(anno.annid, resolution,
                                                 voxels, conflictopt)

                    # Otherwise this is a shave operation
                    elif voxels and 'reduce' in options:

                        # Check that the voxels have a conforming size:
                        if voxels.shape[1] != 3:
                                "Voxels data not the right shape.  Must be (:,3).  Shape is %s"
                                % str(voxels.shape))
                            raise ANNError(
                                "Voxels data not the right shape.  Must be (:,3).  Shape is %s"
                                % str(voxels.shape))
                        db.shave(anno.annid, resolution, voxels)

                    # Is it dense data?
                    cutout = idgrp.get('CUTOUT')
                    h5xyzoffset = idgrp.get('XYZOFFSET')
                    if cutout != None and h5xyzoffset != None and 'reduce' not in options:

                        if 'preserve' in options:
                            conflictopt = 'P'
                        elif 'exception' in options:
                            conflictopt = 'E'
                            conflictopt = 'O'

                        #  the zstart in dbconfig is sometimes offset to make it aligned.
                        #   Probably remove the offset is the best idea.  and align data
                        #    to zero regardless of where it starts.  For now.
                        corner = h5xyzoffset[:]
                        corner[2] -= dbcfg.slicerange[0]

                        db.annotateEntityDense(anno.annid, corner, resolution,
                                               np.array(cutout), conflictopt)
                    elif cutout != None and h5xyzoffset != None and 'reduce' in options:

                        corner = h5xyzoffset[:]
                        corner[2] -= dbcfg.slicerange[0]

                        db.shaveEntityDense(anno.annid, corner, resolution,

                    elif cutout != None or h5xyzoffset != None:
                        #TODO this is a loggable error

                    # Commit if there is no error

                    # Here with no error is successful
                    done = True

                # rollback if you catch an error
                except MySQLdb.OperationalError, e:
                    logger.warning("Transaction did not complete. %s" % (e))
                    tries += 1
                except MySQLdb.Error, e:
                    logger.warning("Put transaction rollback. %s" % (e))