Esempio n. 1
    def test_equal_mapping(self):

        # Create some dummy data
        grid = emg3d.TensorMesh(
            [np.array([2, 2]),
             np.array([3, 4]),
             np.array([0.5, 2])], np.zeros(3))

        model1 = models.Model(grid)
        model2 = models.Model(grid, mapping='Conductivity')

        check = model1 == model2

        assert check is False
Esempio n. 2
    def test_broadcasting(self):
        grid = emg3d.TensorMesh(
            [np.ones(4), np.ones(2), np.ones(6)], (0, 0, 0))

        model = models.Model(grid, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
        assert_allclose(model.property_x, model.property_y)
        assert_allclose(model.property_x, model.property_z)
        assert_allclose(model.property_x, model.mu_r)
        assert_allclose(model.property_x, model.epsilon_r)

        model.property_x = [[[1.]], [[2.]], [[3.]], [[4.]]]
        assert_allclose(model.property_x[:, 0, 0], [1, 2, 3, 4])

        model.property_y = [[[
        ], [
        assert_allclose(model.property_y[0, :, 0], [1, 2])

        model.property_z = [[[1, 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.]]]
        assert_allclose(model.property_z[0, 0, :], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])

        model.mu_r = 3.33
        assert_allclose(model.mu_r, 3.33)

        data = np.arange(1, 4 * 2 * 6 + 1).reshape((4, 2, 6), order='F')
        model.epsilon_r = data
        assert_allclose(model.epsilon_r, data)
Esempio n. 3
    def test_interpolate(self):

        # Create some dummy data
        grid = emg3d.TensorMesh(
            [np.array([2, 2]),
             np.array([4, 4]),
             np.array([5, 5])], np.zeros(3))

        grid2 = emg3d.TensorMesh([np.array(
            [2]), np.array([4]), np.array([5])], np.array([1, 2, 2.5]))

        property_x = helpers.dummy_field(*grid.shape_cells, False)
        property_y = property_x / 2.0
        property_z = property_x * 1.4
        mu_r = property_x * 1.11
        epsilon_r = property_x * 3.33

        model1inp = models.Model(grid, property_x)
        same = model1inp.interpolate_to_grid(model1inp.grid)
        assert model1inp == same

        model1out = model1inp.interpolate_to_grid(grid2)
                        10**(np.sum(np.log10(model1inp.property_x)) / 8))
        assert model1out.property_y is None
        assert model1out.property_z is None
        assert model1out.epsilon_r is None
        assert model1out.mu_r is None

        model2inp = models.Model(grid,

        model2out = model2inp.interpolate_to_grid(grid2)
                        10**(np.sum(np.log10(model2inp.property_x)) / 8))
                        10**(np.sum(np.log10(model2inp.property_y)) / 8))
                        10**(np.sum(np.log10(model2inp.property_z)) / 8))
                        10**(np.sum(np.log10(model2inp.epsilon_r)) / 8))
                        10**(np.sum(np.log10(model2inp.mu_r)) / 8))
Esempio n. 4
    def test_change_anisotropy(self):
        hx = [2, 2]
        grid = emg3d.TensorMesh([hx, hx, hx], (0, 0, 0))
        model = models.Model(grid, 1)

        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='initiated without `property_y`'):
            model.property_y = 3

        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='initiated without `property_z`'):
            model.property_z = 3

        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='l was initiated without `mu_r`'):
            model.mu_r = 3

        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=' initiated without `epsilon_r`'):
            model.epsilon_r = 3
Esempio n. 5
    def test_negative_values(self):
        # Create some dummy data
        grid = emg3d.TensorMesh(
            [np.array([2, 2]),
             np.array([3, 4]),
             np.array([0.5, 2])], np.zeros(3))

        # Check these fails.
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='`property_x` must be '):
            models.Model(grid, property_x=-1, mapping='Conductivity')
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='`property_x` must be '):
            models.Model(grid, property_x=-1, mapping='Resistivity')

        # Check these do not fail.
        models.Model(grid, property_x=-1, mapping='LgConductivity')
        models.Model(grid, property_x=-1, mapping='LnConductivity')
        models.Model(grid, property_x=-1, mapping='LgResistivity')
        models.Model(grid, property_x=-1, mapping='LnResistivity')
Esempio n. 6
input_grid = {
    'hx': grid.h[0],
    'hy': grid.h[1],
    'hz': grid.h[2],
    'origin': grid.origin

input_model = {
    'grid': grid,
    'property_x': 1.5,
    'property_y': 2.0,
    'property_z': 3.3,
    'mapping': 'Resistivity'
model = models.Model(**input_model)

input_source = {
    'grid': grid,
    'source': [0, 0, 250., 30, 10],  # A rotated source to include all
    'frequency': freq

# Fields
sfield = fields.get_source_field(**input_source)

# F-cycle
fefield = solver.solve(model, sfield, plain=True)

# W-cycle
wefield = solver.solve(model, sfield, cycle='W', plain=True)
Esempio n. 7
class TestModelOperators:

    # Define two different sized meshes.
    mesh_base = emg3d.TensorMesh(
        [np.ones(3), np.ones(4), np.ones(5)], origin=np.array([0, 0, 0]))
    mesh_diff = emg3d.TensorMesh(
        [np.ones(3), np.ones(4), np.ones(6)], origin=np.array([0, 0, 0]))

    # Define a couple of models.
    mod_iso = models.Model(mesh_base, 1.)
    mod_map = models.Model(mesh_base, 1., mapping='Conductivity')
    mod_hti_a = models.Model(mesh_base, 1., 2.)
    mod_hti_b = models.Model(mesh_base, 2., 4.)
    mod_vti_a = models.Model(mesh_base, 1., property_z=3.)
    mod_vti_b = models.Model(mesh_base, 2., property_z=6.)
    mod_tri_a = models.Model(mesh_base, 1., 2., 3.)
    mod_tri_b = models.Model(mesh_base, 2., 4., 6.)
    mod_mu_a = models.Model(mesh_base, 1., mu_r=1.)
    mod_mu_b = models.Model(mesh_base, 2., mu_r=2.)
    mod_epsilon_a = models.Model(mesh_base, 1., epsilon_r=1.)
    mod_epsilon_b = models.Model(mesh_base, 2., epsilon_r=2.)

    mod_int_diff = models.Model(mesh_diff, 1.)
    mod_size = models.Model(mesh_base, np.ones(mesh_base.n_cells) * 2.)
    mod_shape = models.Model(mesh_base, np.ones(mesh_base.shape_cells))

    def test_operator_test(self):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Models have different anisotro'):
            self.mod_iso + self.mod_hti_a
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Models have different anisotro'):
            self.mod_iso - self.mod_vti_a
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Models have different anisotro'):
            self.mod_iso + self.mod_tri_a
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='One model has mu_r, the other '):
            self.mod_iso - self.mod_mu_a
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='One model has epsilon_r, the o'):
            self.mod_iso + self.mod_epsilon_a
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Models have different grids.'):
            self.mod_iso - self.mod_int_diff
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Models have different mappings'):
            self.mod_iso - self.mod_map

    def test_add(self):
        a = self.mod_iso + self.mod_size
        b = self.mod_size + self.mod_shape
        c = self.mod_iso + self.mod_shape
        assert a == b
        assert a != c
        assert a.property_x[0, 0, 0] == 3.0
        assert b.property_x[0, 0, 0] == 3.0
        assert c.property_x[0, 0, 0] == 2.0

        # Addition with something else than a model
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            self.mod_iso + self.mesh_base

        # All different cases
        a = self.mod_hti_a + self.mod_hti_a
        assert_allclose(a.property_x, self.mod_hti_b.property_x)
        assert_allclose(a.property_y, self.mod_hti_b.property_y)

        a = self.mod_vti_a + self.mod_vti_a
        assert_allclose(a.property_x, self.mod_vti_b.property_x)
        assert_allclose(a.property_z, self.mod_vti_b.property_z)

        a = self.mod_tri_a + self.mod_tri_a
        assert_allclose(a.property_x, self.mod_tri_b.property_x)
        assert_allclose(a.property_y, self.mod_tri_b.property_y)
        assert_allclose(a.property_z, self.mod_tri_b.property_z)

        # mu_r and epsilon_r
        a = self.mod_mu_a + self.mod_mu_a
        b = self.mod_epsilon_a + self.mod_epsilon_a
        assert_allclose(a.mu_r, self.mod_mu_b.mu_r)
        assert_allclose(b.epsilon_r, self.mod_epsilon_b.epsilon_r)

    def test_sub(self):
        # Addition with something else than a model
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            self.mod_iso - self.mesh_base

        # All different cases
        a = self.mod_hti_b - self.mod_hti_a
        assert_allclose(a.property_x, self.mod_hti_a.property_x)
        assert_allclose(a.property_y, self.mod_hti_a.property_y)

        a = self.mod_vti_b - self.mod_vti_a
        assert_allclose(a.property_x, self.mod_vti_a.property_x)
        assert_allclose(a.property_z, self.mod_vti_a.property_z)

        a = self.mod_tri_b - self.mod_tri_a
        assert_allclose(a.property_x, self.mod_tri_a.property_x)
        assert_allclose(a.property_y, self.mod_tri_a.property_y)
        assert_allclose(a.property_z, self.mod_tri_a.property_z)

        # mu_r and epsilon_r
        a = self.mod_mu_b - self.mod_mu_a
        b = self.mod_epsilon_b - self.mod_epsilon_a
        assert_allclose(a.mu_r, self.mod_mu_a.mu_r)
        assert_allclose(b.epsilon_r, self.mod_epsilon_a.epsilon_r)

    def test_eq(self):

        assert (self.mod_iso == self.mesh_base) is False

        out = self.mod_iso == self.mod_int_diff
        assert not out

        out = self.mod_iso == self.mod_iso
        assert out

    def test_general(self):

        # Check shape and size
        assert_allclose(self.mod_iso.shape, self.mesh_base.shape_cells)
        assert self.mod_iso.size == self.mesh_base.n_cells

    def test_copy(self):
        model_new1 = self.mod_shape.copy()
        model_new2 = self.mod_tri_a.copy()
        model_new3 = self.mod_mu_a.copy()
        model_new4 = self.mod_epsilon_a.copy()

        assert model_new1 == self.mod_shape
        assert model_new2 == self.mod_tri_a
        assert model_new3 == self.mod_mu_a
        assert model_new4 == self.mod_epsilon_a

        assert not np.may_share_memory(model_new1.property_x,
        assert not np.may_share_memory(model_new2.property_y,
        assert not np.may_share_memory(model_new2.property_z,
        assert not np.may_share_memory(model_new3.mu_r, self.mod_mu_a.mu_r)
        assert not np.may_share_memory(model_new4.epsilon_r,

    def test_dict(self):
        # dict is already tested via copy. Just the other cases here.
        mdict = self.mod_tri_b.to_dict()
        keys = [
            'property_x', 'property_y', 'property_z', 'mu_r', 'epsilon_r',
        for key in keys:
            assert key in mdict.keys()
        for key in keys[:3]:
            val = getattr(self.mod_tri_b, key)
            assert_allclose(mdict[key], val)

        del mdict['grid']
        with pytest.raises(KeyError, match="'grid'"):
Esempio n. 8
    def test_regression(self, capsys):
        # Mainly regression tests

        # Create some dummy data
        grid = emg3d.TensorMesh(
            [np.array([2, 2]),
             np.array([3, 4]),
             np.array([0.5, 2])], np.zeros(3))

        property_x = helpers.dummy_field(*grid.shape_cells, False)
        property_y = property_x / 2.0
        property_z = property_x * 1.4
        mu_r = property_x * 1.11

        _, _ = capsys.readouterr()  # Clean-up
        # Using defaults; check backwards compatibility for freq.
        sfield = emg3d.Field(grid, frequency=1)
        model1 = models.Model(grid)

        # Check representation of Model.
        assert 'Model: resistivity; isotropic' in model1.__repr__()

        vmodel1 = models.VolumeModel(model1, sfield)
        assert_allclose(model1.size, grid.n_cells)
        assert_allclose(model1.shape, grid.shape_cells)
        assert_allclose(vmodel1.eta_z, vmodel1.eta_y)
        assert model1.property_y is None
        assert model1.property_z is None
        assert model1.mu_r is None
        assert model1.epsilon_r is None

        # Using ints
        model2 = models.Model(grid, 2., 3., 4.)
        vmodel2 = models.VolumeModel(model2, sfield)
        assert_allclose(model2.property_x * 1.5, model2.property_y)
        assert_allclose(model2.property_x * 2, model2.property_z)

        # VTI: Setting property_x and property_z, not property_y
        model2b = models.Model(grid, 2., property_z=4., epsilon_r=1)
        vmodel2b = models.VolumeModel(model2b, sfield)
        assert model1.property_y is None
        assert_allclose(vmodel2b.eta_y, vmodel2b.eta_x)
        model2b.property_z = model2b.property_x
        model2c = models.Model(grid, 2., property_z=model2b.property_z.copy())
        vmodel2c = models.VolumeModel(model2c, sfield)
        assert_allclose(model2c.property_x, model2c.property_z)
        assert_allclose(vmodel2c.eta_z, vmodel2c.eta_x)

        # HTI: Setting property_x and property_y, not property_z
        model2d = models.Model(grid, 2., 4.)
        vmodel2d = models.VolumeModel(model2d, sfield)
        assert model1.property_z is None
        assert_allclose(vmodel2d.eta_z, vmodel2d.eta_x)

        # Pure air, epsilon_r init with 0 => should be 1!
        model6 = models.Model(grid, 2e14)
        assert model6.epsilon_r is None

        # Check wrong shape
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='could not be broadcast'):
            models.Model(grid, np.arange(1, 11))
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='could not be broadcast'):
            models.Model(grid, property_y=np.ones((2, 5, 6)))
        # Actual broadcasting.
        models.Model(grid, property_z=np.array([1, 3]))
        models.Model(grid, mu_r=np.array([[
        ], [

        # Check with all inputs
        gridvol = grid.cell_volumes.reshape(grid.shape_cells, order='F')
        model3 = models.Model(grid,
        vmodel3 = models.VolumeModel(model3, sfield)
        assert_allclose(model3.property_x, model3.property_y * 2)
        assert_allclose(model3.property_x.shape, grid.shape_cells)
        assert_allclose(model3.property_x, model3.property_z / 1.4)
        assert_allclose(gridvol / mu_r, vmodel3.zeta)
        # Check with all inputs
        model3b = models.Model(grid,
        vmodel3b = models.VolumeModel(model3b, sfield)
        assert_allclose(model3b.property_x, model3b.property_y * 2)
        assert_allclose(model3b.property_x.shape, grid.shape_cells)
        assert_allclose(model3b.property_x, model3b.property_z / 1.4)
        assert_allclose(gridvol / mu_r, vmodel3b.zeta)

        # Check setters shape_cells
        tres = np.ones(grid.shape_cells)
        model3.property_x[:, :, :] = tres * 2.0
        model3.property_y[:, :1, :] = tres[:, :1, :] * 3.0
        model3.property_y[:, 1:, :] = tres[:, 1:, :] * 3.0
        model3.property_z = tres * 4.0
        model3.mu_r = tres * 5.0
        assert_allclose(tres * 2., model3.property_x)
        assert_allclose(tres * 3., model3.property_y)
        assert_allclose(tres * 4., model3.property_z)

        # Check eta
        iomep = sfield.sval * models.epsilon_0
        eta_x = -sfield.smu0 * (1. / model3.property_x - iomep) * gridvol
        eta_y = -sfield.smu0 * (1. / model3.property_y - iomep) * gridvol
        eta_z = -sfield.smu0 * (1. / model3.property_z - iomep) * gridvol
        vmodel3 = models.VolumeModel(model3, sfield)
        assert_allclose(vmodel3.eta_x, eta_x)
        assert_allclose(vmodel3.eta_y, eta_y)
        assert_allclose(vmodel3.eta_z, eta_z)

        # Check volume
        assert_allclose(grid.cell_volumes.reshape(grid.shape_cells, order='F'),
        model4 = models.Model(grid, 1)
        vmodel4 = models.VolumeModel(model4, sfield)
                        grid.cell_volumes.reshape(grid.shape_cells, order='F'))

        # Check a couple of out-of-range failures
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='`property_x` must be all'):
            with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
                _ = models.Model(grid, property_x=property_x * 0)
        Model = models.Model(grid, property_x=property_x)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='`property_x` must be all'):
            with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
                Model._check_positive_finite(property_x * 0, 'property_x')
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='`property_x` must be all'):
            Model._check_positive_finite(-1.0, 'property_x')
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='`property_y` must be all'):
            _ = models.Model(grid, property_y=np.inf)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='`property_z` must be all'):
            _ = models.Model(grid, property_z=property_z * np.inf)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='`mu_r` must be all'):
            _ = models.Model(grid, mu_r=-1)