def Speech(): estimators = get_best_estimators(True) estimators_str, estimator_dict = get_estimators_name(estimators) import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=""" Testing emotion recognition system using your voice, please consider changing the model and/or parameters as you wish. """) parser.add_argument( "-e", "--emotions", help= """Emotions to recognize separated by a comma ',', available emotions are "neutral", "calm", "happy" "sad", "angry", "fear", "disgust", "ps" (pleasant surprise) and "boredom", default is "sad,neutral,happy" """, default="sad,neutral,happy,angry,fear,disgust,ps") parser.add_argument("-m", "--model", help=""" The model to use, 8 models available are: {}, default is "BaggingClassifier" """.format(estimators_str), default="BaggingClassifier") # Parse the arguments passed args = parser.parse_args() features = ["mfcc", "chroma", "mel"] detector = EmotionRecognizer(estimator_dict[args.model], emotions=args.emotions.split(","), features=features, verbose=0) detector.train() print("Please talk") filename = "test.wav" #This bad above this line, give you confusion matrix, I am writing this comment cause I hate you! record_to_file(filename) result = detector.predict(filename) #detector.draw_confusion_matrix() return result, (detector.test_score() / 2) * 100
matplotlib_logger = logging.getLogger('matplotlib') matplotlib_logger.propagate = False from emotion_recognition import EmotionRecognizer from sklearn.svm import SVC from deep_emotion_recognition import DeepEmotionRecognizer # init a model, let's use SVC my_model = SVC() # pass my model to EmotionRecognizer instance # and balance the dataset simple_emotion = EmotionRecognizer(model=my_model, emotions=['sad', 'neutral', 'happy', 'fear'], balance=True, verbose=0) # train the model simple_emotion.train() # initialize instance # inherited from emotion_recognition.EmotionRecognizer # default parameters (LSTM: 128x2, Dense:128x2) deep_emotion = DeepEmotionRecognizer(emotions=['angry', 'sad', 'neutral', 'ps', 'happy'], n_rnn_layers=2, n_dense_layers=2, rnn_units=128, dense_units=128) # train the model deep_emotion.train() app = Flask(__name__)
import pickle from emotion_recognition import EmotionRecognizer from parameters import classification_grid_parameters, regression_grid_parameters emotions = ['sad', 'neutral', 'happy'] best_estimators = [] for model, params in classification_grid_parameters.items(): if model.__class__.__name__ == "KNeighborsClassifier": # in case of a K-Nearest neighbors algorithm # set number of neighbors to the length of emotions params['n_neighbors'] = [len(emotions)] d = EmotionRecognizer(model, emotions=emotions) d.load_data() best_estimator, best_params, cv_best_score = d.grid_search(params=params) best_estimators.append((best_estimator, best_params, cv_best_score)) print( f"{emotions} {best_estimator.__class__.__name__} achieved {cv_best_score:.3f} cross validation accuracy score!" ) print(f"[+] Pickling best classifiers for {emotions}...") pickle.dump(best_estimators, open(f"grid/best_classifiers.pickle", "wb")) best_estimators = [] for model, params in regression_grid_parameters.items(): if model.__class__.__name__ == "KNeighborsRegressor": # in case of a K-Nearest neighbors algorithm
def plot_histograms(classifiers=True, beta=0.5, n_classes=3, verbose=1): """ Loads different estimators from `grid` folder and calculate some statistics to plot histograms. Params: classifiers (bool): if `True`, this will plot classifiers, regressors otherwise. beta (float): beta value for calculating fbeta score for various estimators. n_classes (int): number of classes """ # get the estimators from the performed grid search result estimators = get_best_estimators(classifiers) final_result = {} for estimator, params, cv_score in estimators: final_result[estimator.__class__.__name__] = [] for i in range(3): result = {} # initialize the class detector = EmotionRecognizer(estimator, verbose=0) # load the data detector.load_data() if i == 0: # first get 1% of sample data sample_size = 0.01 elif i == 1: # second get 10% of sample data sample_size = 0.1 elif i == 2: # last get all the data sample_size = 1 # calculate number of training and testing samples n_train_samples = int(len(detector.X_train) * sample_size) n_test_samples = int(len(detector.X_test) * sample_size) # set the data detector.X_train = detector.X_train[:n_train_samples] detector.X_test = detector.X_test[:n_test_samples] detector.y_train = detector.y_train[:n_train_samples] detector.y_test = detector.y_test[:n_test_samples] # calculate train time t_train = time() detector.train() t_train = time() - t_train # calculate test time t_test = time() test_accuracy = detector.test_score() t_test = time() - t_test # set the result to the dictionary result['train_time'] = t_train result['pred_time'] = t_test result['acc_train'] = cv_score result['acc_test'] = test_accuracy result['f_train'] = detector.train_fbeta_score(beta) result['f_test'] = detector.test_fbeta_score(beta) if verbose: print( f"[+] {estimator.__class__.__name__} with {sample_size*100}% ({n_train_samples}) data samples achieved {cv_score*100:.3f}% Validation Score in {t_train:.3f}s & {test_accuracy*100:.3f}% Test Score in {t_test:.3f}s" ) # append the dictionary to the list of results final_result[estimator.__class__.__name__].append(result) if verbose: print() visualize(final_result, n_classes=n_classes)
def determine_best_model(self, train=True): """ Loads best estimators and determine which is best for test data, and then set it to `self.model`. if `train` is True, then train that model on train data, so the model will be ready for inference. In case of regression, the metric used is MSE and accuracy for classification. Note that the execution of this method may take several minutes due to training all estimators (stored in `grid` folder) for determining the best possible one. """ if not self.data_loaded: self.load_data() # loads estimators estimators = self.get_best_estimators() result = [] if self.verbose: estimators = tqdm.tqdm(estimators) for estimator, params, cv_score in estimators: if self.verbose: estimators.set_description( f"Evaluating {estimator.__class__.__name__}") detector = EmotionRecognizer(estimator, emotions=self.emotions, tess_ravdess=self.tess_ravdess, emodb=self.emodb, custom_db=self.custom_db, classification=self.classification, features=self.features, balance=self.balance, override_csv=False) # data already loaded detector.X_train = self.X_train detector.X_test = self.X_test detector.y_train = self.y_train detector.y_test = self.y_test detector.data_loaded = True # train the model detector.train(verbose=0) # get test accuracy accuracy = detector.test_score() # append to result result.append((detector.model, accuracy)) # sort the result if self.classification: result = sorted(result, key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True) else: # regression, best is the lower, not the higher result = sorted(result, key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=False) best_estimator = result[0][0] accuracy = result[0][1] self.model = best_estimator self.model_trained = True if self.verbose: if self.classification: print( f"[+] Best model determined: {self.model.__class__.__name__} with {accuracy*100:.3f}% test accuracy" ) else: print( f"[+] Best model determined: {self.model.__class__.__name__} with {accuracy:.5f} mean absolute error" )
# Set additional plots invisibles ax[0, 3].set_visible(False) ax[1, 3].axis('off') # Create legend for i, learner in enumerate(results.keys()):, 0, color=colors[i], label=learner) pl.legend() # Aesthetics pl.suptitle("Performance Metrics for Three Supervised Learning Models", fontsize=16, y=1.10) pl.tight_layout() from emotion_recognition import EmotionRecognizer from sklearn.svm import SVC # init a model, let's use SVC my_model = SVC() # pass my model to EmotionRecognizer instance # and balance the dataset rec = EmotionRecognizer(model=my_model, emotions=['sad', 'neutral', 'happy'], balance=True, verbose=0) # train the model rec.train() # check the test accuracy for that model print("Test score:", rec.test_score()) # check the train accuracy for that model print("Train score:", rec.train_score())
def get_estimators_name(estimators): result = [ '"{}"'.format(estimator.__class__.__name__) for estimator, _, _ in estimators ] return ','.join(result), { estimator_name.strip('"'): estimator for estimator_name, (estimator, _, _) in zip(result, estimators) } estimators = get_best_estimators(True) estimators_str, estimator_dict = get_estimators_name(estimators) features = ["mfcc", "chroma", "mel"] detector = EmotionRecognizer(estimator_dict['BaggingClassifier'], emotions='angry,happy,neutral'.split(","), features=features, verbose=0) modelObj = open('model_angry.pkl', 'rb') model_emotion = pickle.load(modelObj) ##################################################################################################### def sentiment_scores(sentence): # Create a SentimentIntensityAnalyzer object. sid_obj = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer() # polarity_scores method of SentimentIntensityAnalyzer # oject gives a sentiment dictionary. # which contains pos, neg, neu, and compound scores. sentiment_dict = sid_obj.polarity_scores(sentence)
"--emotions", help= """Emotions to recognize separated by a comma ',', available emotions are "neutral", "calm", "happy" "sad", "angry", "fear", "disgust", "ps" (pleasant surprise) and "boredom", default is "sad,neutral,happy" """, default="sad,neutral,happy") parser.add_argument("-m", "--model", help=""" The model to use, 8 models available are: {}, default is "BaggingClassifier" """.format(estimators_str), default="BaggingClassifier") # Parse the arguments passed args = parser.parse_args() features = ["mfcc", "chroma", "mel"] detector = EmotionRecognizer(estimator_dict[args.model], emotions=args.emotions.split(","), features=features, verbose=0) detector.train() print("Test accuracy score: {:.3f}%".format(detector.test_score() * 100)) print("Please talk") filename = "test.wav" record_to_file(filename) result = detector.predict(filename) print(result)