Esempio n. 1
  def load_json(self, data_type, path):'loading json for data type %s', data_type)
		json_file = open(ROOT_PATH + "/data/" + path + str(data_type) + ".json")
		json_str =
		json_data = simplejson.loads(json_str) # Load JSON file as object
		memcache.set("json_" + str(data_type), json_data, 60000)
		entities = []
		# Setup, Imports
		if data_type == 'employers': emp = emp_data()
Esempio n. 2
 def special_processes(self, data_type):
    if data_type == 'employers': 
      emp = emp_data()
Esempio n. 3
  def load_data(self, data_type, MIN_SLICE = None, MAX_SLICE = None):'loading data type %s from %s to %s' % (data_type, str(MIN_SLICE), str(MAX_SLICE)))

		entities = []
		# Setup, Imports
		if data_type == 'employers': emp = emp_data()

		newdata = memcache.get("json_" + str(data_type))
		if len(newdata[MIN_SLICE:MAX_SLICE]) == 0: 
		                           return "Data Load Is Finished"
		for entity in newdata[MIN_SLICE:MAX_SLICE]: # Could this be more efficient? 
			if data_type == 'proficiencies':
				this_entity = Proficiency.get_by_key_name(entity['name'])
				if this_entity: save_entity = this_entity #if this exists, modify it
				else: save_entity = Proficiency(key_name=entity['name'], name = entity['name']) = entity['name']
				save_entity.status = entity.get("status", "")
				these_links = entity.get("links", [])
				if len(these_links) > 0: save_entity.links = these_links
				save_entity.video_html = entity.get("video_html", "") 
				save_entity.status = entity.get('status', None)
				save_entity.blurb = entity.get('blurb', None)
				save_entity.popularity = entity.get("popularity", 50) 
				save_entity.difficulty = entity.get("difficulty", 50)

			if data_type == 'proficiency_topics':
				this_proficiency = Proficiency.get_by_key_name(entity['proficiency']['name'])
				if not this_proficiency: 
				         print "proficiency ", entity['proficiency']['name'], " not found when inserting topic ", entity['name']
				         logging.error('proficiency %s not found for topic %s' % (entity['proficiency']['name'],  entity['name']))
				this_entity = ProficiencyTopic.get_by_key_name(entity['proficiency']['name'] + str('_') + entity['name'])
				if this_entity: save_entity = this_entity #if this exists, modify it
				else: save_entity = ProficiencyTopic(key_name=entity['proficiency']['name'] + str('_') + entity['name'], name = entity['name']) = entity['name']
				save_entity.proficiency = this_proficiency
			if data_type == 'content_pages':
				 this_proficiency = Proficiency.get_by_key_name(entity['proficiency']['name'])
				 save_entity = ContentPage(key_name=entity['url'], url = entity['url'], proficiency = this_proficiency) 

			if data_type == 'links':
				 this_subject = Proficiency.get_by_key_name(entity['subject']['name'])
				 this_link = Link.get_by_key_name(entity['subject']['name'] + "_" + entity['url'])
				 if not this_link: save_entity = Link(key_name=entity['subject']['name'] + "_" + entity['url'], title = entity['title'], url = entity['url'], subject = this_subject) 
			if data_type == 'raw_items':
				this_url = ContentPage.get_by_key_name(entity['page']['url'])
				save_entity = RawQuizItem(#key_name?
										  index = entity['index'],
										  answer_candidates = entity['answer_candidates'],
										  pre_content = entity['pre_content'],
										  content = entity['content'],
										  post_content = entity['post_content'],
										  page = this_url,
										  moderated = False)

			if data_type == 'quiz_items': 
				this_proficiency = Proficiency.get_by_key_name(entity['proficiency']['name'])
				if not this_proficiency: 
				    print "proficiency ", entity['proficiency']['name'], " not found when inserting quiz item"
				    logging.error('proficiency %s not found for quiz item', entity['proficiency']['name'])
				this_topic = ProficiencyTopic.get_by_key_name(entity['proficiency']['name'] + str('_') + entity['topic']['name'])
				if not this_topic: 
				    print "proficiency topic ", entity['topic']['name'], " not found when inserting quiz item"
				    logging.error('proficiency topic %s not found for quiz item', entity['topic']['name'])

				import string
				if entity['index'].lower() not in [ a.lower() for a in entity['answers'] ]: logging.error('Quiz Item Index %s not in answers %s' % ( entity['index'], str(entity['answers'])))
				save_entity = QuizItem( content = entity['content'],
									 theme = entity['theme'],
									 proficiency = this_proficiency.key(),
									 answers = [  ".".join( [ string.capwords(l) for l in a.split(".") ] ) for a in entity['answers']   ],
									 index = entity['index'],
									 topic = this_topic.key())
				if entity['content_url']: save_entity.content_url = entity['content_url']   
			if data_type == 'employers': 
				save_entity = False # employers.methods used to save 
				for e in emp.create_business_account(entity['unique_identifier'], entity.get('email', None), entity['proficiencies'], batch=True):
			if data_type == 'mailing_list':
				save_entity = MailingList(key_name=entity['email'], fullname = entity.get('fullname', ""), email = entity['email'], type = entity.get('type', ""))
			if data_type == 'settings':
				save_entity = Setting(key_name=entity['name'], name = entity['name'], value = entity['value'])
			if save_entity: entities.append(save_entity)
			entity_num = 0
			self.load_entities[data_type] = entities
			for entity in entities: entity_num += 1'finished preparing data load for %d %s' % (len(entities), data_type))
			return len(entities)
			logging.error('Unable to save %s at number %d' % (data_type, entity_num))
			return False