def _dispatch_to_enable(self, event, suffix): """ Calls Enable-level event handlers. Overrides PlotComponent. """ Container.dispatch(self, event, suffix) return
def overlay(self, other_component, gc, view_bounds=None, mode="normal"): c = other_component self.do_layout(component=c) with gc: gc.clip_to_rect(c.x, c.y, c.width, c.height) Container._draw(self, gc, view_bounds) return
def overlay(self, other_component, gc, view_bounds=None, mode="normal"): c = other_component self.do_layout(component=c) gc.save_state() try: gc.clip_to_rect(c.x, c.y, c.width, c.height) Container._draw(self, gc, view_bounds) finally: gc.restore_state() return
def _create_component(self): stack = VStackedContainer( position=[0, 0], halign="center", valign="center", # border_visible=True, fit_components="hv", auto_size=True, stack_order="top_to_bottom", bgcolor="red", ) strings = [ "apple", "banana", "cherry", "durian", "eggfruit", "fig", "grape", "honeydew", ] for i, s in enumerate(strings): label = TextField( text=s, resizable="", bounds=[100 + i * 10, 20], bgcolor="red", # border_visible=True, text_offset=1, ) number = TextField( text=str(i + 1), resizable="", bgcolor="blue", # border_visible=True, text_offset=1, can_edit=False, bounds=[20, 20], ) row = HStackedContainer( fit_components="hv", auto_size=True, resizable="", valign="top", border_visible=True, ) row.add(number) row.add(label) stack.add(row) container = Container(position=[20, 20], bounds=size) container.add(stack) container2 = Container(bounds=size) container2.add(container) return container2
def set_slot(self, slotname, container): """ Sets the named slot to use the given container. *container* can be None. """ if self._frame_slots.has_key(slotname): old_container = self._frame_slots[slotname] Container.remove(self, old_container) if container is not None: self._frame_slots[slotname] = container Container.add(self, container) return
def _create_window(self): a = Box(bounds=[75, 75], position=[50,50], fill_color=(1, 0, 0, 1)) b = Box(bounds=[75, 75], position=[200,50], fill_color=(0, 1, 0, 1)) c = Box(bounds=[75, 75], position=[50,200], fill_color=(0, 0, 1, 1)) cont = Container(a, b, c, bounds=[400,400], border_visible=True, bgcolor="lightgray") #cont.unified_draw = True #cont.draw_layer = "background" cont2 = Container(bounds=[300,300], border_visible=True, bgcolor="cyan"), drag_button="left")), drag_button="left")) outer = Container(cont, cont2, fit_window=True) return Window(self, -1, component=outer)
def _create_component(self): text_field = TextField(position=[25, 100], width=200) text = "This a test with a text field\nthat has more text than\n" text += "can fit in it." text_field2 = TextField( position=[25, 200], width=200, height=50, multiline=True, text=text, font="Courier New 14", ) text_field3 = TextField( position=[250, 50], height=300, width=200, multiline=True, font="Courier New 14", ) container = Container(bounds=size, bgcolor="grey") container.add(text_field, text_field2, text_field3) return container
def _create_window(self): # create a box that changes color when clicked push_button_box = SelectableBox(bounds=[100, 50], position=[50, 50], color='red') # create a basic push button tool for it push_button_tool = ButtonTool(component=push_button_box) # print when box clicked, change color when button down push_button_tool.on_trait_change(self.button_clicked, 'clicked') push_button_tool.on_trait_change(, 'down') # another box for a toggle button toggle_box = SelectableBox(bounds=[100, 50], position=[50, 125], color='lightblue', selected_color='blue') # a toggle button tool toggle_button_tool = ButtonTool(component=toggle_box, togglable=True) # change color when checked down toggle_button_tool.on_trait_change(, 'checked') container = Container(bounds=[600, 600]) container.add(push_button_box) container.add(toggle_box) window = Window(self, -1, component=container) return window
def _create_window(self): box = Box(bounds=[100.0, 100.0], position=[50.0, 50.0]) container = Container(bounds=[500, 500]) container.add(box) drop_tool = TextDropTool(component=container) return Window(self, -1, component=container)
def _create_component(self): # create a box that changes color when clicked push_button_box = SelectableBox(bounds=[100, 50], position=[50, 50], color="red") # create a basic push button tool for it push_button_tool = ButtonTool(component=push_button_box) # print when box clicked, change color when button down push_button_tool.observe(self.button_clicked, "clicked") push_button_tool.observe(, "down") # another box for a toggle button toggle_box = SelectableBox( bounds=[100, 50], position=[50, 125], color="lightblue", selected_color="blue", ) # a toggle button tool toggle_button_tool = ButtonTool(component=toggle_box, togglable=True) # change color when checked down toggle_button_tool.observe(, "checked") container = Container(bounds=[600, 600]) container.add(push_button_box) container.add(toggle_box) return container
def _create_component(self): label = Label(text="h:\nv:", font="modern 16", position=[20, 50], bounds=[100, 100], bgcolor="red", color="white", hjustify="center", vjustify="center") vscroll = NativeScrollBar(orientation="vertical", bounds=[15, label.height], position=[label.x2, label.y], range=(0, 100.0, 10.0, 1.0), enabled=True) vscroll.on_trait_change(self._update_vscroll, "scroll_position") hscroll = NativeScrollBar(orientation="horizontal", bounds=[label.width, 15], position=[label.x, label.y - 15], range=(0, 100.0, 10.0, 1.0), enabled=True) hscroll.on_trait_change(self._update_hscroll, "scroll_position") container = Container(bounds=[200, 200], border_visible=True, padding=15) container.add(label, hscroll, vscroll) container.on_trait_change(self._update_layout, "bounds") container.on_trait_change(self._update_layout, "bounds_items") self.label = label self.hscroll = hscroll self.vscroll = vscroll return container
def _create_component(self): container = Container(auto_size=False, bgcolor="black", *self._create_shapes()) return container
def test_auto_size(self): container = Container(bounds=[100.0, 100.0]) self.assertTrue(container.auto_size == False) # Add some components c1 = Component(position=[10.0, 10.0], bounds=[50.0, 60.0]) c2 = Component(position=[15.0, 15.0], bounds=[10.0, 10.0]) container.add(c1) container.add(c2) self.assert_dims(container, x=0.0, y=0.0, width=100.0, height=100.0) # Turn on auto-sizing container.auto_size = True self.assert_dims(container, x=10.0, y=10.0, width=49.0, height=59.0) # Check that the components' positions changed appropriately self.assert_dims(c1, x=0.0, y=0.0) self.assert_dims(c2, x=5.0, y=5.0) # Move the second component c2.position = [100.0, 100.0] self.assert_dims(container, x=10.0, y=10.0, width=109.0, height=109.0) self.assert_dims(c2, x=100.0, y=100.0) # Delete the second component container.remove(c2) self.assert_dims(container, x=10.0, y=10.0, width=49.0, height=59.0) return
def test_adjust_container_bounds_vanchor_top(self): container = Container(bounds=[100.0, 100.0]) component = Component(bounds=[50.0, 50.0], position=[5.0, 5.0]) container.add(component) view = Viewport( component=container, view_bounds=[50.0, 50.0], view_position=[20, 20], position=[0, 0], bounds=[50, 50], vertical_anchor="top", ) # simple resize bigger container.bounds = [120, 120] self.assertEqual(view.view_position, [20, 40.0]) # simple resize smaller container.height = 90 container.width = 90 self.assertEqual(view.view_position, [20, 10.0]) # simple resize much smaller container.bounds[0] = 40 container.bounds[1] = 40 self.assertEqual(view.view_position, [20, -40.0])
def test_adjust_container_bounds_hanchor_right_stay_inside(self): container = Container(bounds=[100.0, 100.0]) component = Component(bounds=[50.0, 50.0], position=[5.0, 5.0]) container.add(component) view = Viewport(component=container, view_bounds=[50.0, 50.0], view_position=[20, 20], position=[0, 0], bounds=[50, 50], horizontal_anchor='right', stay_inside=True) # simple resize bigger container.bounds = [120, 120] self.assertEqual(view.view_position, [40, 20]) # simple resize smaller container.height = 90 container.width = 90 self.assertEqual(view.view_position, [10, 20]) # simple resize much smaller container.bounds[0] = 40 container.bounds[1] = 40 self.assertEqual(view.view_position, [-10, 0])
def test_adjust_bounds_hanchor_top_stay_inside(self): container = Container(bounds=[100.0, 100.0]) component = Component(bounds=[50.0, 50.0], position=[5.0, 5.0]) container.add(component) view = Viewport( component=container, view_bounds=[50.0, 50.0], view_position=[20, 20], position=[0, 0], bounds=[50, 50], horizontal_anchor="right", stay_inside=True, ) # simple resize view.bounds = [60, 60] self.assertEqual(view.view_position, [10, 20.0]) # resize beyond left view.bounds = [80, 80] self.assertEqual(view.view_position, [0, 20.0]) # resize bigger than view view.bounds = [120, 120] self.assertEqual(view.view_position, [-20.0, 0])
def main(): from basic_move import Box from enable.api import Container container = Container() box = Box(bounds=[30, 30], position=[20, 20], padding=5) container.add(box) # Create the mlab test mesh and get references to various parts of the # VTK pipeline m = mlab.test_mesh() scene = mlab.gcf().scene render_window = scene.render_window renderer = scene.renderer rwi = scene.interactor # Create the Enable Window window = EnableVTKWindow( rwi, renderer, component=container, #istyle_class = tvtk.InteractorStyleSwitch, istyle_class=tvtk.InteractorStyle, resizable="v", bounds=[100, 100], padding_top=20, padding_bottom=20, padding_left=20, ) #rwi.render() #rwi.start() return window, render_window
def _create_component(self): strings = array([["apple", "banana", "cherry", "durian"], ["eggfruit", "fig", "grape", "honeydew"]]) grid = TextGrid(string_array=strings) container = Container(bounds=size) container.add(grid) return container
def test_adjust_bounds_hanchor_center_stay_inside(self): container = Container(bounds=[100.0, 100.0]) component = Component(bounds=[50.0, 50.0], position=[5.0, 5.0]) container.add(component) view = Viewport(component=container, view_bounds=[50.0, 50.0], view_position=[20, 20], position=[0, 0], bounds=[50, 50], horizontal_anchor='center', stay_inside=True) # simple resize view.bounds = [60, 60] self.assertEqual(view.view_position, [15.0, 20]) # resize beyond left view.height = 95 view.width = 95 self.assertEqual(view.view_position, [0.0, 5]) # resize bigger than view view.bounds[0] = 120 view.bounds[1] = 120 self.assertEqual(view.view_position, [-10.0, 0])
def test_adjust_bounds_vanchor_center_stay_inside(self): container = Container(bounds=[100.0, 100.0]) component = Component(bounds=[50.0, 50.0], position=[5.0, 5.0]) container.add(component) view = Viewport( component=container, view_bounds=[50.0, 50.0], view_position=[20, 20], position=[0, 0], bounds=[50, 50], vertical_anchor="center", stay_inside=True, ) # simple resize view.bounds = [60, 60] self.assertEqual(view.view_position, [20, 15.0]) # resize beyond left view.bounds = [95, 95] self.assertEqual(view.view_position, [5, 0.0]) # resize bigger than view view.bounds = [120, 120] self.assertEqual(view.view_position, [0, -10.0])
def _create_window(self): """ Create an enable window. """ container = Container(auto_size=False, bgcolor='black', *self._create_shapes()) return Window(self, component=container)
def _create_window(self): input = InputVariable(name='foo', default=3) box = IOField(input, position=[50, 300], bounds=[150, 15]) container = Container(bounds=[800, 600]) container.add(box) return Window(self, -1, size=[800, 600], component=container)
def test_initial_position(self): container = Container(bounds=[100.0, 100.0]) component = Component(bounds=[50.0, 50.0], position=[5.0, 5.0]) container.add(component) view = Viewport(component=container, view_bounds=[50.0, 50.0], position=[0, 0], bounds=[50, 50]) self.assertEqual(view.view_position, [0, 0])
def _create_window(self): box1 = TextFieldGrid(4, 2, position=[50, 300]) box1.set_cell(1, 1, "apple") box1.set_cell(0, 3, "pear") container = Container(bounds=[800, 600], use_backbuffer=False) container.add(box1) return Window(self, -1, size=[800, 600], component=container)
def _create_window(self): stack = VStackedContainer( position=[0, 0], halign='center', valign='center', #border_visible=True, fit_components='hv', auto_size=True, stack_order='top_to_bottom', bgcolor='red') strings = [ "apple", "banana", "cherry", "durian", "eggfruit", "fig", "grape", "honeydew" ] for i, s in enumerate(strings): label = TextField( text=s, resizable='', bounds=[100 + i * 10, 20], bgcolor='red', #border_visible=True, text_offset=1) number = TextField( text=str(i + 1), resizable='', bgcolor='blue', #border_visible=True, text_offset=1, can_edit=False, bounds=[20, 20]) row = HStackedContainer(fit_components='hv', auto_size=True, resizable='', valign='top', border_visible=True) row.add(number) row.add(label) stack.add(row) container = Container(position=[20, 20], bounds=size) container.add(stack) container2 = Container(bounds=size) container2.add(container) return Window(self, -1, component=container2)
def test_initial_position_hanchor_center(self): container = Container(bounds=[100.0, 100.0]) component = Component(bounds=[50.0, 50.0], position=[5.0, 5.0]) container.add(component) view = Viewport(component=container, horizontal_anchor='center', view_bounds=[50.0, 50.0], position=[0, 0], bounds=[50, 50]) self.assertEqual(view.view_position, [25, 0])
def _create_window(self): box = Box(bounds=[100.0, 100.0], position=[50.0, 50.0]) menu = MenuManager() menu.append(Action(name="Hello World", on_perform=self.hello)) context_menu = ContextMenuTool(component=box, menu_manager=menu) container = Container(bounds=[500, 500]) container.add(box) return Window(self, -1, component=container)
def _create_component(self): container = Container(bounds=[800, 600], bgcolor=(0.9, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0), auto_size=False, fit_window=False) circle1 = Circle(bounds=[75,75], position=[100,100], shadow_type="dashed") container.add(circle1) scr = Scrolled(container, bounds=[200,200], position=[50,50], stay_inside=True, vertical_anchor='top', horizontal_anchor='left', fit_window=False) return scr
def _create_component(self): box = Box(bounds=[100.0, 100.0], position=[50.0, 50.0]) ResizeTool(component=box, hotspots=set([ "top", "left", "right", "bottom", "top left", "top right", "bottom left", "bottom right" ]))) container = Container(bounds=[500, 500]) container.add(box) return container
def test_initial_position_vanchor_center(self): container = Container(bounds=[100.0, 100.0]) component = Component(bounds=[50.0, 50.0], position=[5.0, 5.0]) container.add(component) view = Viewport( component=container, vertical_anchor="center", view_bounds=[50.0, 50.0], position=[0, 0], bounds=[50, 50], ) self.assertEqual(view.view_position, [0, 25])
def _dispatch_draw(self, layer, gc, view_bounds, mode): self._position_cells() Container._dispatch_draw(self, layer, gc, view_bounds, mode) self._draw_grid(gc, view_bounds, mode)
def _dispatch_stateful_event(self, event, suffix): Container._dispatch_stateful_event(self, event, suffix) if not event.handled: if self.is_in(event.x, event.y): event.handled = True return