Esempio n. 1
	def start_encryption(self, nick, maker_pk):
		if nick not in self.active_orders.keys():
			raise Exception("Counterparty not part of this transaction.")
		self.crypto_boxes[nick] = [maker_pk, enc_wrapper.as_init_encryption(\
		              , enc_wrapper.init_pubkey(maker_pk))]
		#send authorisation request
		my_btc_addr = self.input_utxos.itervalues().next()['address']
		my_btc_priv = self.wallet.get_key_from_addr(my_btc_addr)
		my_btc_pub = btc.privtopub(my_btc_priv)
		my_btc_sig = btc.ecdsa_sign(, my_btc_priv)
		self.msgchan.send_auth(nick, my_btc_pub, my_btc_sig)
Esempio n. 2
 def start_encryption(self, nick, maker_pk):
     if nick not in self.active_orders.keys():
         raise Exception("Counterparty not part of this transaction.")
     self.crypto_boxes[nick] = [maker_pk, enc_wrapper.as_init_encryption(\
                   , enc_wrapper.init_pubkey(maker_pk))]
     #send authorisation request
     my_btc_addr = self.input_utxos.itervalues().next()['address']
     my_btc_priv = self.wallet.get_key_from_addr(my_btc_addr)
     my_btc_pub = btc.privtopub(my_btc_priv)
     my_btc_sig = btc.ecdsa_sign(, my_btc_priv)
     self.msgchan.send_auth(nick, my_btc_pub, my_btc_sig)
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, maker, nick, oid, amount, taker_pk):
        self.maker = maker
        self.oid = oid
        self.cj_amount = amount
        if self.cj_amount <= common.DUST_THRESHOLD:
            self.maker.msgchan.send_error(nick, 'amount below dust threshold')
        #the btc pubkey of the utxo that the taker plans to use as input
        self.taker_pk = taker_pk
        #create DH keypair on the fly for this Order object = enc_wrapper.init_keypair()
        #the encryption channel crypto box for this Order object
        self.crypto_box = enc_wrapper.as_init_encryption(, \

        order_s = [o for o in maker.orderlist if o['oid'] == oid]
        if len(order_s) == 0:
            self.maker.msgchan.send_error(nick, 'oid not found')
        order = order_s[0]
        if amount < order['minsize'] or amount > order['maxsize']:
            self.maker.msgchan.send_error(nick, 'amount out of range')
        self.ordertype = order['ordertype']
        self.txfee = order['txfee']
        self.cjfee = order['cjfee']
        debug('new cjorder nick=%s oid=%d amount=%d' % (nick, oid, amount))
        self.utxos, self.cj_addr, self.change_addr = maker.oid_to_order(
            self, oid, amount)
        if not self.utxos:
                nick, 'unable to fill order constrained by dust avoidance')
            #TODO make up orders offers in a way that this error cant appear
        #check nothing has messed up with the wallet code, remove this code after a while
        import pprint
        debug('maker utxos = ' + pprint.pformat(self.utxos))
        utxo_list = self.utxos.keys()
        utxo_data = common.bc_interface.query_utxo_set(utxo_list)
        if None in utxo_data:
            debug('wrongly using an already spent utxo. utxo_data = ' +
        for utxo, data in zip(utxo_list, utxo_data):
            if self.utxos[utxo]['value'] != data['value']:
                debug('wrongly labeled utxo, expected value ' +
                      str(self.utxos[utxo]['value']) + ' got ' +

        #always a new address even if the order ends up never being
        # furfilled, you dont want someone pretending to fill all your
        # orders to find out which addresses you use
Esempio n. 4
	def __init__(self, maker, nick, oid, amount, taker_pk):
		self.maker = maker
		self.oid = oid
		self.cj_amount = amount
		if self.cj_amount <= common.DUST_THRESHOLD:
			self.maker.msgchan.send_error(nick, 'amount below dust threshold')
		#the btc pubkey of the utxo that the taker plans to use as input
		self.taker_pk = taker_pk
		#create DH keypair on the fly for this Order object = enc_wrapper.init_keypair()
		#the encryption channel crypto box for this Order object
		self.crypto_box = enc_wrapper.as_init_encryption(, \
		order_s = [o for o in maker.orderlist if o['oid'] == oid]
		if len(order_s) == 0:
			self.maker.msgchan.send_error(nick, 'oid not found')
		order = order_s[0]
		if amount < order['minsize'] or amount > order['maxsize']:
			self.maker.msgchan.send_error(nick, 'amount out of range')
		self.ordertype = order['ordertype']
		self.txfee = order['txfee']
		self.cjfee = order['cjfee']
		debug('new cjorder nick=%s oid=%d amount=%d' % (nick, oid, amount))
		self.utxos, self.cj_addr, self.change_addr = maker.oid_to_order(self, oid, amount)
		if not self.utxos:
			self.maker.msgchan.send_error(nick, 'unable to fill order constrained by dust avoidance')
			#TODO make up orders offers in a way that this error cant appear
		#check nothing has messed up with the wallet code, remove this code after a while
		import pprint
		debug('maker utxos = ' + pprint.pformat(self.utxos))
		utxo_list = self.utxos.keys()
		utxo_data = common.bc_interface.query_utxo_set(utxo_list)
		if None in utxo_data:
			debug('wrongly using an already spent utxo. utxo_data = ' + pprint.pformat(utxo_data))
		for utxo, data in zip(utxo_list, utxo_data):
			if self.utxos[utxo]['value'] != data['value']:
				debug('wrongly labeled utxo, expected value ' +
					str(self.utxos[utxo]['value']) + ' got ' + str(data['value']))

		#always a new address even if the order ends up never being
		# furfilled, you dont want someone pretending to fill all your
		# orders to find out which addresses you use