def getJpegPath(self): if self.exif is None: self.exif = Exif(self.strRawFile) if self.strJepgFile is None: self.strJepgFile = unicode2ascii("%s-%s.jpg" % ( self.exif.interpretedExifValue("Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal").replace(" ", os.sep).replace(":", "-", 2).replace(":", "h", 1).replace(":", "m", 1), self.exif.interpretedExifValue("Exif.Image.Model").strip().split(",")[-1].replace("/", "").replace(" ", "_") )) while op.isfile(op.join(config.DefaultRepository, self.strJepgFile)): number = "" idx = None listChar = list(self.strJepgFile[:-4]) listChar.reverse() for val in listChar: if val.isdigit(): number = val + number elif val == "-": idx = int(number) break else: break if idx is None: self.strJepgFile = self.strJepgFile[:-4] + "-1.jpg" else: self.strJepgFile = self.strJepgFile[:-5 - len(number)] + "-%i.jpg" % (idx + 1) dirname = op.dirname(op.join(config.DefaultRepository, self.strJepgFile)) if not op.isdir(dirname): makedir(dirname) return self.strJepgFile
def search(self, *args): logger.debug("search button pressed") t = self.calB.get_date() begin = "%04d-%02d-%02d" % (t[0], t[1] + 1, t[2]) t = self.calE.get_date() end = "%04d-%02d-%02d" % (t[0], t[1] + 1, t[2]) if end < begin: logger.warning("End date more recent than start time !!!") return inTitle = unicode2ascii(self.xml.get_widget("InTitle").get_text().lower()).split() inComment = unicode2ascii(self.xml.get_widget("InComment").get_text().lower()).split() t0 = time.time() match = [] for d in self.days: date = d[:10] if (end >= date >= begin): if len(inTitle) + len(inComment) == 0: match.append(d) else: day = Day.get(d) good = False for k in inTitle: if k and (k in unicode2ascii(day.title.lower())): good = True if not good: for k in inComment: if k and (k in unicode2ascii(day.comment.lower())): good = True if good: match.append(d)"search took %.3f" , (time.time() - t0)) = gtk.ListStore(str, str, str, str) for i in match: d = Day.get(i) comment = d.comment.replace("<BR>", " ") if len(comment) > 60: comment = comment[:60] + "..."[i, "%02i/%02i/%04i" % (, d.month, d.year), d.title, comment]) self.results.set_model( return match
def start(self, rootDir): """ Lance les calculs @param rootDir: top level directory to start processing @return: 2tuple containing the list of all images and the start-index @rtype: (list,integer) """ config.DefaultRepository = rootDir AllJpegs = fileutils.findFiles(rootDir) AllFilesToProcess = [] AllreadyDone = [] NewFiles = [] uid = os.getuid() gid = os.getgid() for i in AllJpegs: if i.find(config.TrashDirectory) == 0: continue if i.find(config.SelectedDirectory) == 0: continue try: a = int(i[:4]) m = int(i[5:7]) j = int(i[8:10]) if (a >= 0000) and (m <= 12) and (j <= 31) and (i[4] in ["-", "_", "."]) and (i[7] in ["-", "_"]): AllreadyDone.append(i) else: AllFilesToProcess.append(i) except ValueError: AllFilesToProcess.append(i) AllFilesToProcess.sort() NumFiles = len(AllFilesToProcess) self.startSignal.emit(self.__label, NumFiles) for h in range(NumFiles): i = AllFilesToProcess[h] self.refreshSignal.emit(h, i) myPhoto = Photo(i, dontCache=True) data = myPhoto.readExif() try: datei, heurei = data["Heure"].split() date = re.sub(":", "-", datei) heurej = re.sub(":", "h", heurei, 1) model = data["Modele"].split(",")[-1] heure = unicode2ascii("%s-%s.jpg" % (re.sub(":", "m", heurej, 1), re.sub("/", "", re.sub(" ", "_", model)))) except ValueError: date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.gmtime(os.path.getctime(os.path.join(rootDir, i)))) heure = unicode2ascii("%s-%s.jpg" % (time.strftime("%Hh%Mm%S", time.gmtime(os.path.getctime(os.path.join(rootDir, i)))), re.sub("/", "-", re.sub(" ", "_", os.path.splitext(i)[0])))) if not (os.path.isdir(os.path.join(rootDir, date))) : fileutils.mkdir(os.path.join(rootDir, date)) # strImageFile = os.path.join(rootDir, date, heure) ToProcess = os.path.join(date, heure) bSkipFile = False for strImageFile in fileutils.list_files_in_named_dir(rootDir, date, heure): logger.warning("%s -x-> %s", i, strImageFile) existing = Photo(strImageFile, dontCache=True) try: existing.readExif() originalName = existing.exif["Exif.Photo.UserComment"] except: logger.error("in ModelRangeTout: reading Exif for %s", i) else: if "human_value" in dir(originalName): originalName = originalName.human_value if os.path.basename(originalName) == os.path.basename(i):"File already in repository, leaving as it is") bSkipFile = True continue #to next file, i.e. leave the existing one if bSkipFile: continue else: strImageFile = os.path.join(rootDir, date, heure) if os.path.isfile(strImageFile): s = 0 for j in os.listdir(os.path.join(rootDir, date)): if j.find(heure[:-4]) == 0:s += 1 ToProcess = os.path.join(date, heure[:-4] + "-%s.jpg" % s) strImageFile = os.path.join(rootDir, ToProcess) shutil.move(os.path.join(rootDir, i), strImageFile) try: os.chown(strImageFile, uid, gid) os.chmod(strImageFile, config.DefaultFileMode) except OSError: logger.warning("in ModelRangeTout: unable to chown ot chmod %s" , strImageFile) myPhoto = Photo(strImageFile, dontCache=True) # Save the old image name in exif tag myPhoto.storeOriginalName(i) if config.AutoRotate: myPhoto.autorotate() AllreadyDone.append(ToProcess) NewFiles.append(ToProcess) AllreadyDone.sort() self.finishSignal.emit() if len(NewFiles) > 0: FirstImage = min(NewFiles) return AllreadyDone, AllreadyDone.index(FirstImage) else: return AllreadyDone, 0