Esempio n. 1
 def test_retrieve_invalid_user(self):
     Request for invalid user by passing invalid user id and validate status code.
     :return: None
     resp_obj = UserEndpoint.get_user_list(self.invalid_specific_user_url)
     self.assertEqual(resp_obj['resp_obj'].status_code, 404,'Validate endpoint action with non existing user id.')
Esempio n. 2
 def test_get_users_list_page(self):
     Request for users list on the basis of page number and validate status code.
     :return: None
     resp_obj = UserEndpoint.get_user_list(self.users_url_with_page)
     self.assertEqual(resp_obj['resp_obj'].status_code, 200, 'Invalid URL - {}'.format(self.users_url_with_page))
Esempio n. 3
 def test_retrieve_specific_user(self):
     Request for specific user and validate status code and data.
     resp_obj = UserEndpoint.get_user_list(self.specific_user_url)
     self.assertEqual(resp_obj['resp_obj'].status_code, 200, 'Invalid url - {}'.format(self.specific_user_url))
     self.assertEqual(resp_obj['resp_data']['data'], self.specific_user_data,
                      'Retrieved data is not matching with expected data.')
Esempio n. 4
 def test_delete_existing_user(self):
     Since data is not getting saved to database. Unable to pass newly created user id for delete operation.
     Hence testing is performed for user with id = 2.
     :return: None
     resp_obj = UserEndpoint.delete_user(self.specific_user_url)
     self.assertEqual(resp_obj['resp_obj'].status_code, 204,
                      'Deleting user is not successful. Please validate URL and request body.')
Esempio n. 5
 def test_patch_existing_user(self):
     Update part of user data through patch request.
     Validate status code, new user data in both request and response objects.
     resp_obj = UserEndpoint.patch_user(self.specific_user_url, payload=self.patch_payload)
     self.assertEqual(resp_obj['resp_obj'].status_code, 200,
                      'Updating user is not successful. Please validate URL and request body.')
     self.assertEqual(resp_obj['resp_data']['name'], self.patch_payload['name'],
                      'user name in request and response is not matching with each other.')
Esempio n. 6
 def test_update_existing_user(self):
     Update existing user with new user data.
     Validate status code and user fields in response and request object.
     resp_obj = UserEndpoint.update_user(self.specific_user_url, payload=self.update_payload)
     self.assertEqual(resp_obj['resp_obj'].status_code, 201,
                      'Updating user is not successful. Please validate URL and request body.')
     self.assertEqual(resp_obj['resp_data']['name'], self.update_payload['name'],
                      'user name in request and response is not matching with each other.')
     self.assertEqual(resp_obj['resp_data']['job'], self.update_payload['job'],
                      'user job in request and response is not matching with each other.')
Esempio n. 7
 def test_create_new_user(self):
     Create new user. validate status code and user fields in POST request and response.
     :return: None
     resp_obj = UserEndpoint.create_user(self.users_url, payload=self.create_payload)
     self.assertEqual(resp_obj['resp_obj'].status_code, 201, 'User creation is not successfull. '
                                                             'Please validate url and data format')
     self.assertEqual(resp_obj['resp_data']['name'], self.create_payload['name'],
                      'user name in request and response is not matching with each other.')
     self.assertEqual(resp_obj['resp_data']['job'], self.create_payload['job'],
                      'user job in request and response is not matching with each other.')
     self.assertTrue(resp_obj['resp_data']['id'].isdigit(), 'user id does not contains only numbers.')
Esempio n. 8
 def test_get_users_list(self):
     Request for users list and validate status code, user related data fields
     and number of user data matching with data count.
     :return: None
     resp_obj = UserEndpoint.get_user_list(self.users_url)
     self.assertEqual(resp_obj['resp_obj'].status_code, 200, 'Invalid URL - {}'.format(self.users_url))
     self.assertGreater(len(resp_obj['resp_data']['data']), 0, 'No user exists in the database.')
     user_keys = list(resp_obj['resp_data']['data'][0].keys())
     self.assertEqual(self.users_list_keys, user_keys, 'users key values is not matching with expected values.')
     self.assertEqual(int(resp_obj['resp_data']['per_page']), len(resp_obj['resp_data']['data']),
                      'Number of user entires are not matching with per page count.')