Esempio n. 1
def action_disconnect(args, test_step, expected, params_list):
  src = choose_src(params_list, 0)
  src_stream = choose_src_stream(params_list, 1)
  dst = choose_dst(params_list, 2)
  dst_stream = choose_dst_stream(params_list, 3)

  controller_disconnect(args, test_step, expected, src, dst_stream, dst, dst_stream)

  (talker_expect, listener_expect, controller_expect) = get_expected(
      args, test_step, src, src_stream, dst, dst_stream, 'disconnect')

  # Find the path between the src and dst and check whether there are any nodes between them
  forward_disable = []
  nodes = endpoints.get_path_endpoints(graph.find_path(state.get_current(), src, dst))
  for node in get_dual_port_nodes(nodes):
    if graph.node_will_see_stream_disable(state.get_current(), src, src_stream, dst, dst_stream, node):
      forward_disable += sequences.expected_seq('stream_forward_disable')(test_step, args.user,
        endpoints.get(node), endpoints.get(src))
      forward_disable += sequences.expected_seq('port_shaper_disconnect')(test_step, endpoints.get(node),
          src, src_stream, dst, dst_stream)

  # If there are any nodes in the chain then the forward disabling is expected before the
  # audio will be seen to be lost
  if forward_disable and listener_expect:
    listener_expect = [Sequence([AllOf(forward_disable)] + listener_expect)]
  elif forward_disable:
    listener_expect = forward_disable
  elif listener_expect:
    listener_expect = listener_expect
    listener_expect = []

  # Expect not to see any disables from other nodes
  not_forward_disable = []
  temp_nodes = set(endpoints.get_all().keys()) - set(nodes)
  for node in get_dual_port_nodes(temp_nodes):
    not_forward_disable += sequences.expected_seq('stream_forward_disable')(test_step, args.user,
        endpoints.get(node), endpoints.get(src))

  if not_forward_disable:
    if test_step.checkpoint is None:
      not_forward_disable = [NoneOf(not_forward_disable)]
      not_forward_disable = []

  for node in get_dual_port_nodes(temp_nodes):
    not_forward_disable += sequences.expected_seq('port_shaper_disconnect')(test_step, endpoints.get(node),
          src, src_stream, dst, dst_stream)

  if test_step.checkpoint:
    final_port_shaper_states = sequences.get_and_clear_final_port_shaper_states()
    final_port_shaper_states = []

  if test_step.do_checks and (talker_expect or listener_expect or controller_expect or
                              not_forward_disable or final_port_shaper_states):
    expected += [AllOf(talker_expect + listener_expect + controller_expect +
                       not_forward_disable + final_port_shaper_states)]

  yield args.master.expect(None)
Esempio n. 2
def get_endpoints_connected_to(state, node):
  connected = set()
  for endpoint in endpoints.get_all():
    if find_path(state, node, endpoint):
      connected |= set([endpoint])
  log_debug("get_endpoints_connected_to %s: %s" % (node, connected))
  return connected
Esempio n. 3
def check_clear_clock_masters(args, test_step, expected):
  for name,ep in endpoints.get_all().iteritems():
    if state.get_current().is_clock_source_master(name) and not graph.is_in_loop(state.get_current(), ep['name']):
      args.master.sendLine(args.controller_id, "set_clock_source_slave 0x%s" % (
            endpoints.guid_in_ascii(args.user, ep)))

      if test_step.do_checks:
        controller_expect = [Expected(args.controller_id, "Success", 5)]
        ep_expect = [Expected(ep['name'], "Setting clock source: INPUT_STREAM_DERIVED", 5)]
        if controller_expect or ep_expect:
          expected += [AllOf(controller_expect + ep_expect)]
Esempio n. 4
def check_endpoint_startup():
  """ Ensure that the endpoints have started correctly. The exact sequence will depend
      on which endpoint is the grandmaster.
  grandmaster = endpoints.determine_grandmaster(args.user)
  log_info("Using grandmaster {gm_id}".format(gm_id=endpoints.get_avb_id(args.user, grandmaster)))

  # Check that all endpoints go to PTP master in 30 seconds and then one of the
  # ports will go Master or Slave and lock
  ptp_startup = [AllOf(
             [ptp_startup_two_port(e, grandmaster, args.user)
               for e in filter(lambda x: x['ports'] == 2, endpoints.get_all().values())] +
             [ptp_startup_single_port(e, grandmaster, args.user)
               for e in filter(lambda x: x['ports'] == 1, endpoints.get_all().values())]

  maap = [
            'MAAP reserved Talker stream #%d address: 91:E0:F0:0' % n, 40)
          for n in range(e['talker_streams'])])
      for e in endpoints.get_all().values()

  yield master.expect(AllOf(ptp_startup + maap))
Esempio n. 5
  def dump(self):
    for t,n in self.active_talkers.iteritems():
      log_debug("Talker %s : %d" % (t, n))
    for l,n in self.active_listeners.iteritems():
      log_debug("Listeners %s : %d" % (l, n))
    for c,n in self.active_connections.iteritems():
      log_debug("Connection %s : %d" % (c, n))
    for c,n in self.talker_on_count.iteritems():
      log_debug("Talker on count %s : %d" % (c, n))
    for c,n in self.clock_source_master.iteritems():
      if n:
        log_debug("Clock source master %s" % c)

    rendering.draw_state(self, sorted(endpoints.get_all().keys()))
Esempio n. 6
def ptp_startup_two_port(e, grandmaster, user):
  """ Determine the PTP sequence for the node. If it is not the grandmaster
      it should go to slave and lock
  slave_seq = []
  if grandmaster and (endpoints.get_avb_id(user, e) != endpoints.get_avb_id(user, grandmaster)):
    # The length of time to sync will depend on the total number of endpoints
    sync_lock_time = 3 * len(endpoints.get_all())
    slave_seq = [Sequence(
                  [Expected(e['name'], 'PTP Port \d+ Role: Slave', 40),
                   Expected(e['name'], 'PTP sync locked', sync_lock_time)])]

  return Sequence(
            [Expected(e['name'], 'PTP Port 0 Role: Master', 40),
             Expected(e['name'], 'PTP Port 1 Role: Master', 5)] +
Esempio n. 7
def check_clear_clock_masters(args, test_step, expected):
  for name,ep in endpoints.get_all().iteritems():
    if state.get_current().is_clock_source_master(name) and not graph.is_in_loop(state.get_current(), ep['name']):
      print_title("Command: set_clock_source_slave %s" % name)
      if args.controller_type == 'python':
        args.master.sendLine(args.controller_id, "set_clock_source_slave 0x%s" % (
              endpoints.guid_in_ascii(args.user, ep)))
        select_endpoint(args, ep)
        args.master.sendLine(args.controller_id, "set clock_source 0 0 0")


      if test_step.do_checks:
        controller_expect = sequences.expected_seq('controller_success_set_clock_source')(args, test_step)
        ep_expect = [Expected(ep['name'], "Setting clock source: INPUT_STREAM_DERIVED", 5)]
        if controller_expect or ep_expect:
          expected += [AllOf(controller_expect + ep_expect)]