color = r * 65536 + g * 256 + b triangles = quantized if subframe % 2 == 0 else simulation mpm.add_mesh(triangles=triangles, material=MPMSolver.material_elastic, color=color, velocity=(0, -5, 0), translation=((i - 0.5) * 0.4, 0.2, (3 - j) * 0.1 - 0.8)) for frame in range(args.frames): print(f'frame {frame}') t = time.time() frame_split = 1 if frame < stop_seeding_at: for subframe in range(frame * frame_split, (frame + 1) * frame_split): if mpm.n_particles[None] < max_num_particles: seed_letters(subframe) mpm.step(frame_dt / frame_split, print_stat=True) else: mpm.step(frame_dt, print_stat=True) if with_gui: particles = mpm.particle_info() visualize(particles, frame, output_dir) if write_to_disk: mpm.write_particles(f'{output_dir}/particles/{frame:05d}.npz') print(f'Folder name {output_dir}') print(f'Frame total time {time.time() - t:.3f}') print(f'Total running time {time.time() - start_t:.3f}')
# Try to run on GPU ti.init(arch=ti.cuda, device_memory_GB=3.0) gui = ti.GUI("Taichi Elements", res=512, background_color=0x112F41) mpm = MPMSolver(res=(64, 64, 64), size=1) triangles = np.fromfile('suzanne.npy', dtype=np.float32) triangles = np.reshape(triangles, (len(triangles) // 9, 9)) * 0.306 + 0.501 mpm.add_mesh(triangles=triangles, material=MPMSolver.material_elastic, color=0xFFFF00) mpm.set_gravity((0, -20, 0)) for frame in range(1500): mpm.step(4e-3) particles = mpm.particle_info() np_x = particles['position'] / 1.0 # simple camera transform screen_x = ((np_x[:, 0] + np_x[:, 2]) / 2**0.5) - 0.2 screen_y = (np_x[:, 1]) screen_pos = np.stack([screen_x, screen_y], axis=-1) gui.circles(screen_pos, radius=1.1, color=particles['color'])'{frame:06d}.png' if write_to_disk else None)
velocity=(0, -6, 0), translation=(0.0, 0.16, (F % 2) * 0.4)) if frame > 60 and mpm.n_particles[None] < max_num_particles: i = frame % 3 - 1.5 j = 0 # frame / 4 % 4 - 1 colors = [0xFF8888, 0xEEEEFF, 0xFFFF55] materials = [ MPMSolver.material_elastic, MPMSolver.material_elastic, MPMSolver.material_elastic ] mpm.add_mesh(triangles=triangles_small, material=materials[frame % 3], color=colors[frame % 3], velocity=(0, -6, 0), translation=((i + 0.5) * 0.33, 0.13, 0.2)) mpm.step(4e-3, print_stat=True) if with_gui and frame % 3 == 0: particles = mpm.particle_info() visualize(particles) if write_to_disk: mpm.write_particles(f'{output_dir}/{frame:05d}.npz') if w2ply: mpm.write_ply(output_dir,frame + 1) print(f'Frame total time {time.time() - t:.3f}') print(f'Total running time {time.time() - start_t:.3f}')
ti.init(arch=ti.cuda, kernel_profiler=True) gui = ti.GUI("MPM Benchmark", res=256, background_color=0x112F41) mpm = MPMSolver(res=(256, 256, 256), size=1, unbounded=False) particles = np.fromfile('benchmark_particles.bin', dtype=np.float32) particles = particles.reshape(len(particles) // 3, 3) print(len(particles)) mpm.add_particles(particles=particles, material=MPMSolver.material_elastic, color=0xFFFF00) mpm.set_gravity((0, -20, 0)) for frame in range(1500): mpm.step(3e-3) particles = mpm.particle_info() np_x = particles['position'] / 1.0 # simple camera transform screen_x = ((np_x[:, 0] + np_x[:, 2]) / 2**0.5) - 0.2 screen_y = (np_x[:, 1]) screen_pos = np.stack([screen_x, screen_y], axis=-1) gui.circles(screen_pos, radius=1.1, color=particles['color'])'{frame:06d}.png' if write_to_disk else None) ti.kernel_profiler_print()
material=MPMSolver.material_elastic) @ti.kernel def block_active(vs_field: ti.template(), solver: ti.template()): for I in ti.grouped(vs_field): blk_I = I // solver.leaf_block_size - solver.block_offset if ti.is_active(solver.block, blk_I) and (I % solver.leaf_block_size).min() != 0: vs_field[I] = [0.11, 0.22, 0.25] else: vs_field[I] = [0.07, 0.125, 0.23] for frame in range(500): mpm.step(8e-3) if frame < 500: mpm.add_cube(lower_corner=[0.1, 0.8], cube_size=[0.01, 0.05], velocity=[1, 0], material=MPMSolver.material_sand) if 10 < frame < 100: mpm.add_cube(lower_corner=[0.6, 0.7], cube_size=[0.2, 0.01], material=MPMSolver.material_water, velocity=[math.sin(frame * 0.1), 0]) if 120 < frame < 200 and frame % 10 == 0: mpm.add_cube( lower_corner=[0.4 + frame * 0.001, 0.6 + frame // 40 * 0.02], cube_size=[0.2, 0.1], velocity=[-3, -1],
start_frame = load_mpm_state(mpm, args.state_dir) + 1 for frame in range(start_frame, args.frames): print(f'frame {frame}') t = time.time() if args.thin: frame_split = 5 else: frame_split = 1 for subframe in range(frame * frame_split, (frame + 1) * frame_split): if mpm.n_particles[None] < max_num_particles: if args.thin: seed_letters(subframe) else: seed_bars(subframe) mpm.step(1e-2 / frame_split, print_stat=True) if frame % args.state_fre == 0: save_mpm_state(mpm, frame, f'{output_dir}/states/{frame:05d}.npz') if with_gui and frame % 4 == 0: particles = mpm.particle_info() visualize(particles, frame, output_dir) if write_to_disk and frame % 4 == 0: mpm.write_particles(f'{output_dir}/particles/{frame:05d}.npz') print(f'Frame total time {time.time() - t:.3f}') print(f'Total running time {time.time() - start_t:.3f}')
screen_x = np_x[:, 0] * 0.5 + 0.5 screen_y = np_x[:, 1] * 0.5 screen_pos = np.stack([screen_x, screen_y], axis=-1) gui.circles(screen_pos, radius=1.0, color=particles['color']) if output_dir is None: else:'{output_dir}/previews/{frame:05d}.png') counter = 0 start_t = time.time() for frame in range(args.frames): print(f'frame {frame}') t = time.time() mpm.step(1e-2, print_stat=True) if with_gui: particles = mpm.particle_info() visualize(particles, frame, output_dir) if write_to_disk: mpm.write_particles(f'{output_dir}/particles/{frame:05d}.npz') if args.output_ply: mpm.write_particles_ply(f'{output_dir}/particles/{frame:05d}.ply') print(f'Frame total time {time.time() - t:.3f}') print(f'Total running time {time.time() - start_t:.3f}')