def _create_manager_recurse(self, schema, additions, path=""):
        """ Recursively builds the manager for with the specified additions map.
        # Compute the new action path.
        if path:
            path += "/"
        path +=

        # Determine the order of the items at this path.
        items = schema.items
        if additions[path]:
            items = before_after_sort(items + additions[path])

        # Create the actual children by calling factory items.
        children = []
        for item in items:
            # Unpack additions first, since they may themselves be schemas.
            if isinstance(item, SchemaAddition):
                item = item.factory()

            if isinstance(item, Schema):
                item = self._create_manager_recurse(item, additions, path)

            if isinstance(item, ActionManager):
                # Give even non-root action managers a reference to the
                # controller so that custom Groups, MenuManagers, etc. can get
                # access to their Tasks.
                item.controller = self.controller


        # Finally, create the pyface.action instance for this schema.
        return schema.create(children)
 def test_before_after_sort_2(self):
     """ Does the before-after sort work when both 'before' and 'after'
         are set?
     items = [ TestItem(1), TestItem(2), TestItem(3),
               TestItem(4, after=2, before=3) ]
     actual = before_after_sort(items)
     desired = [ TestItem(1), TestItem(2), TestItem(4), TestItem(3) ]
     self.assertEquals(actual, desired)
 def test_before_after_sort_1(self):
     """ Does the before-after sort work?
     items = [ TestItem(1), TestItem(2), TestItem(3, before=2),
               TestItem(4, after=1), TestItem(5) ]
     actual = before_after_sort(items)
     desired = [ TestItem(1), TestItem(3), TestItem(4),
                 TestItem(2), TestItem(5) ]
     self.assertEquals(actual, desired)
 def test_before_after_sort_3(self):
     """ Does the degenerate case for the before-after sort work?
     actual = before_after_sort([ TestItem(1) ])
     desired = [ TestItem(1) ]
     self.assertEquals(actual, desired)