Esempio n. 1
class BRAINSClassPlugsInputSpec(CommandLineInputSpec):
    t1Volume = File(exists="True", argstr="--t1Volume %s")
    t2Volume = File(exists="True", argstr="--t2Volume %s")
    pdVolume = File(exists="True", argstr="--pdVolume %s")
    searchVolume = File(exists="True", argstr="--searchVolume %s")
    gmPlugs = traits.Either(traits.Bool, File, argstr="--gmPlugs %s")
    wmPlugs = traits.Either(traits.Bool, File, argstr="--wmPlugs %s")
    csfPlugs = traits.Either(traits.Bool, File, argstr="--csfPlugs %s")
    plugClassNames = traits.List("traits.Str",
                                 argstr="--plugClassNames %s")
    t1ClassMeans = traits.List("traits.Float",
                               argstr="--t1ClassMeans %f")
    t2ClassMeans = traits.List("traits.Float",
                               argstr="--t2ClassMeans %f")
    pdClassMeans = traits.List("traits.Float",
                               argstr="--pdClassMeans %f")
    randomSeed = traits.Int(argstr="--randomSeed %d")
    numberOfPlugs = traits.Int(argstr="--numberOfPlugs %d")
    coverage = traits.Float(argstr="--coverage %f")
    permissiveness = traits.Float(argstr="--permissiveness %f")
    meanOutlier = traits.Float(argstr="--meanOutlier %f")
    varOutlier = traits.Float(argstr="--varOutlier %f")
    plugSize = traits.Float(argstr="--plugSize %f")
    partitions = traits.List("traits.Int", sep=",", argstr="--partitions %d")
    numberOfClassPlugs = traits.List("traits.Int",
                                     argstr="--numberOfClassPlugs %d")
    bloodMode = traits.Enum("Manual", "Top", "Bottom", argstr="--bloodMode %s")
    bloodImage = traits.Enum("T1", "T2", "PD", argstr="--bloodImage %s")
    vbPlugs = File(exists="True", argstr="--vbPlugs %s")
Esempio n. 2
class N4ITKInputSpec(CommandLineInputSpec):
    inputImageName = File(exists="True", argstr="--inputimage %s")
    maskImageName = File(exists="True", argstr="--maskimage %s")
    outputImageName = traits.Either(traits.Bool,
                                    argstr="--outputimage %s")
    outputBiasFieldName = traits.Either(traits.Bool,
                                        argstr="--outputbiasfield %s")
    Force2D = traits.Bool(argstr="--force2D ")
    numberOfIterations = traits.List("traits.Int",
                                     argstr="--iterations %d")
    convergenceThreshold = traits.Float(argstr="--convergencethreshold %f")
    initialMeshResolution = traits.List("traits.Float",
                                        argstr="--meshresolution %f")
    splineDistance = traits.Float(argstr="--splinedistance %f")
    shrinkFactor = traits.Int(argstr="--shrinkfactor %d")
    bsplineOrder = traits.Int(argstr="--bsplineorder %d")
    weightImageName = File(exists="True", argstr="--weightimage %s")
    alpha = traits.Float(argstr="--bsplinealpha %f")
    beta = traits.Float(argstr="--bsplinebeta %f")
    histogramSharpening = traits.List("traits.Float",
                                      argstr="--histogramsharpening %f")
    biasFieldFullWidthAtHalfMaximum = traits.Float(
        argstr="--biasFieldFullWidthAtHalfMaximum %f")
    weinerFilterNoise = traits.Float(argstr="--weinerFilterNoise %f")
    numberOfHistogramBins = traits.Int(argstr="--numberOfHistogramBins %d")
Esempio n. 3
class BRAINSTalairachInputSpec(CommandLineInputSpec):
    AC = traits.List("traits.Float", sep=",", argstr="--AC %f")
    ACisIndex = traits.Bool(argstr="--ACisIndex ")
    PC = traits.List("traits.Float", sep=",", argstr="--PC %f")
    PCisIndex = traits.Bool(argstr="--PCisIndex ")
    SLA = traits.List("traits.Float", sep=",", argstr="--SLA %f")
    SLAisIndex = traits.Bool(argstr="--SLAisIndex ")
    IRP = traits.List("traits.Float", sep=",", argstr="--IRP %f")
    IRPisIndex = traits.Bool(argstr="--IRPisIndex ")
    inputVolume = File(exists="True", argstr="--inputVolume %s")
    outputBox = traits.Either(traits.Bool, File, argstr="--outputBox %s")
    outputGrid = traits.Either(traits.Bool, File, argstr="--outputGrid %s")
Esempio n. 4
class BRAINSDiscreteClassInputSpec(CommandLineInputSpec):
    inputVolume = File(exists="True", argstr="--inputVolume %s")
    subcorticalMask = File(exists="True", argstr="--subcorticalMask %s")
    outputVolume = traits.Either(traits.Bool, File, argstr="--outputVolume %s")
    subcorticalThreshold = traits.Float(argstr="--subcorticalThreshold %f")
    corticalThreshold = traits.Float(argstr="--corticalThreshold %f")
    csfThreshold = traits.Float(argstr="--csfThreshold %f")
class BRAINSApplySurfaceLabelsInputSpec(CommandLineInputSpec):
    inputLabelMap = File(exists="True", argstr="--inputLabelMap %s")
    inputSurface = File(exists="True", argstr="--inputSurface %s")
    cellDataName = traits.Str(exists="True", argstr="--cellDataName %s")
    outputSurface = traits.Either(traits.Bool,
                                  argstr="--outputSurface %s")
Esempio n. 6
class DicomToNrrdConverterInputSpec(CommandLineInputSpec):
    inputDicomDirectory = Directory( exists = "True",argstr = "--inputDicomDirectory %s")
    outputDirectory = traits.Either(traits.Bool, Directory, argstr = "--outputDirectory %s")
    outputVolume = traits.Str( argstr = "--outputVolume %s")
    smallGradientThreshold = traits.Float( argstr = "--smallGradientThreshold %f")
    writeProtocolGradientsFile = traits.Bool( argstr = "--writeProtocolGradientsFile ")
    useIdentityMeaseurementFrame = traits.Bool( argstr = "--useIdentityMeaseurementFrame ")
    useBMatrixGradientDirections = traits.Bool( argstr = "--useBMatrixGradientDirections ")
Esempio n. 7
class BRAINSTalairachMaskInputSpec(CommandLineInputSpec):
    inputVolume = File(exists="True", argstr="--inputVolume %s")
    talairachParameters = File(exists="True",
                               argstr="--talairachParameters %s")
    talairachBox = File(exists="True", argstr="--talairachBox %s")
    hemisphereMode = traits.Enum("left",
                                 argstr="--hemisphereMode %s")
    expand = traits.Bool(argstr="--expand ")
    outputVolume = traits.Either(traits.Bool, File, argstr="--outputVolume %s")
Esempio n. 8
class BRAINSMeasureSurfaceInputSpec(CommandLineInputSpec):
    inputSurface = File( exists = "True",argstr = "--inputSurface %s")
    arrayName = traits.Str( argstr = "--arrayName %s")
    labels = traits.List("traits.Str", sep = ",",argstr = "--labelNames %s")
    subjectId = traits.Str( argstr = "--subjectId %s")
    scanId = traits.Str( argstr = "--scanId %s")
    writeCsvFile = traits.Bool( argstr = "--writeCsvFile ")
    writeXmlFile = traits.Bool( argstr = "--writeXmlFile ")
    csvFile = traits.Either(traits.Bool, File, argstr = "--csvFile %s")
    xmlFile = traits.Either(traits.Bool, File, argstr = "--xmlFile %s")
    testDepth = traits.Bool( argstr = "--testDepth ")
    totalDepthResults = traits.List("traits.Float", sep = ",",argstr = "--totalDepthResults %f")
    gyralDepthResults = traits.List("traits.Float", sep = ",",argstr = "--gyralDepthResults %f")
    sulcalDepthResults = traits.List("traits.Float", sep = ",",argstr = "--sulcalDepthResults %f")
    testArea = traits.Bool( argstr = "--testArea ")
    totalAreaResults = traits.List("traits.Float", sep = ",",argstr = "--totalAreaResults %f")
    gyralAreaResults = traits.List("traits.Float", sep = ",",argstr = "--gyralAreaResults %f")
    sulcalAreaResults = traits.List("traits.Float", sep = ",",argstr = "--sulcalAreaResults %f")
    testCurvature = traits.Bool( argstr = "--testCurvature ")
    totalCurvatureResults = traits.List("traits.Float", sep = ",",argstr = "--totalCurvatureResults %f")
    gyralCurvatureResults = traits.List("traits.Float", sep = ",",argstr = "--gyralCurvatureResults %f")
    sulcalCurvatureResults = traits.List("traits.Float", sep = ",",argstr = "--sulcalCurvatureResults %f")
Esempio n. 9
class BRAINSClassifyInputSpec(CommandLineInputSpec):
    t1Volume = File(exists="True", argstr="--t1Volume %s")
    t2Volume = File(exists="True", argstr="--t2Volume %s")
    pdVolume = File(exists="True", argstr="--pdVolume %s")
    gmPlugs = File(exists="True", argstr="--gmPlugs %s")
    wmPlugs = traits.Either(traits.Bool, File, argstr="--wmPlugs %s")
    csfPlugs = File(exists="True", argstr="--csfPlugs %s")
    bloodPlugs = File(exists="True", argstr="--bloodPlugs %s")
    BrainVolume = File(exists="True", argstr="--BrainVolume %s")
    classVolume = traits.Either(traits.Bool, File, argstr="--classVolume %s")
    grossTrim = traits.Float(argstr="--grossTrim %f")
    spatialTrim = traits.Float(argstr="--spatialTrim %f")
    x = traits.Bool(argstr="--x ")
    y = traits.Bool(argstr="--y ")
    z = traits.Bool(argstr="--z ")
    xx = traits.Bool(argstr="--xx ")
    yy = traits.Bool(argstr="--yy ")
    zz = traits.Bool(argstr="--zz ")
    xy = traits.Bool(argstr="--xy ")
    xz = traits.Bool(argstr="--xz ")
    yz = traits.Bool(argstr="--yz ")
    histogramEqualize = traits.Bool(argstr="--histogramEqualize ")
    generateSeperateImages = traits.Bool(argstr="--generateSeperateImages ")
    excludeVolume = File(exists="True", argstr="--excludeVolume %s")
Esempio n. 10
from nipype.interfaces.base import CommandLine, CommandLineInputSpec, TraitedSpec
import enthought.traits.api as traits
import os
from nipype.interfaces.traits import File
from nipype.interfaces.traits import Directory
from nipype.utils.misc import isdefined

class test.xmlInputSpec(CommandLineInputSpec):
	houghEyeDetectorMode = traits.Int( argstr = "--houghEyeDetectorMode %d")
	inputTemplateModel = File( exists = "True",argstr = "--inputTemplateModel %s")
	inputLLSModel = File( exists = "True",argstr = "--inputLLSModel %s")
	inputEPCAModelMat = File( exists = "True",argstr = "--inputEPCAModelMat %s")
	inputEPCAModelTxt = File( exists = "True",argstr = "--inputEPCAModelTxt %s")
	inputVolume = File( exists = "True",argstr = "--inputVolume %s")
	outputVolume = traits.Either(traits.Bool, File, argstr = "--outputVolume %s")
	outputResampledVolume = traits.Either(traits.Bool, File, argstr = "--outputResampledVolume %s")
	outputTransform = traits.Either(traits.Bool, File, argstr = "--outputTransform %s")
	outputLandmarksInInputSpace = traits.Either(traits.Bool, File, argstr = "--outputLandmarksInInputSpace %s")
	outputLandmarksInACPCAlignedSpace = traits.Either(traits.Bool, File, argstr = "--outputLandmarksInACPCAlignedSpace %s")
	inputLandmarksPaired = File( exists = "True",argstr = "--inputLandmarksPaired %s")
	outputLandmarksPaired = traits.Either(traits.Bool, File, argstr = "--outputLandmarksPaired %s")
	outputMRML = traits.Either(traits.Bool, File, argstr = "--outputMRML %s")
	outputVerificationScript = traits.Either(traits.Bool, File, argstr = "--outputVerificationScript %s")
	mspQualityLevel = traits.Int( argstr = "--mspQualityLevel %d")
	otsuPercentileThreshold = traits.Float( argstr = "--otsuPercentileThreshold %f")
	acLowerBound = traits.Float( argstr = "--acLowerBound %f")
	cutOutHeadInOutputVolume = traits.Bool( argstr = "--cutOutHeadInOutputVolume ")
	outputUntransformedClippedVolume = traits.Either(traits.Bool, File, argstr = "--outputUntransformedClippedVolume %s")
	rescaleIntensities = traits.Bool( argstr = "--rescaleIntensities ")
	trimRescaledIntensities = traits.Float( argstr = "--trimRescaledIntensities %f")
	rescaleIntensitiesOutputRange = traits.List("traits.Int", sep = ",",argstr = "--rescaleIntensitiesOutputRange %d")
Esempio n. 11
class Passenger(PrtEvent):
    """A passenger."""
    mass = traits.Int()
    _loc = traits.Either(traits.Instance('pyprt.sim.station.Station'),

    traits_view = ui.View(
        ui.Item(name='mass'),  # in kg
        ui.Item(name='wait_time', format_func=sec_to_hms),
        ui.Item(name='walk_time', format_func=sec_to_hms),
        ui.Item(name='ride_time', format_func=sec_to_hms),
        ui.Item(name='load_delay', format_func=sec_to_hms),
        ui.Item(name='unload_delay', format_func=sec_to_hms),

    ##    # Subset of passenger data in table format.
    ##    table_editor = ui.TableEditor(
    ##            columns = [ui_tc.ObjectColumn(name='ID', label='ID'),
    ##                       ui_tc.ObjectColumn(name='src_station', label='Origin'),
    ##                       ui_tc.ObjectColumn(name='dest_station', label='Destination'),
    ##                       ui_tc.ExpressionColumn(label='Waiting',
    ##                                              expression='sec_to_hms(object.wait_time)',
    ##                                              globals={'sec_to_hms':sec_to_hms},
    ##                                              tooltip='Time spent waiting'),
    ##                       ui_tc.ExpressionColumn(label='Riding',
    ##                                              expression='sec_to_hms(object.ride_time)',
    ##                                              globals={'sec_to_hms':sec_to_hms},
    ##                                              tooltip='Time spent riding'),
    ##                       ui_tc.ExpressionColumn(label='Walking',
    ##                                              expression='sec_to_hms(object.walk_time)',
    ##                                              globals={'sec_to_hms':sec_to_hms},
    ##                                              tooltip='Time spent walking'),
    ##                       ui_tc.ExpressionColumn(label='Total',
    ##                                              expression='sec_to_hms(object.total_time)',
    ##                                              globals={'sec_to_hms':sec_to_hms},
    ##                                              tooltip='Total time spent on trip'),
    ##                       ui_tc.ObjectColumn(name='trip_success', label='Success',
    ##                                          tooltip='Sucessfully reached destination'),
    ##                       ui_tc.ObjectColumn(name='loc', label='Current Location')
    ##                      ],
    ##            other_columns = [ui_tc.ObjectColumn(name='label', label='Label'),
    ##                       ui_tc.ObjectColumn(name='will_share', label='Will Share',
    ##                                          tooltip='Willing to share vehicle when destinations match'),
    ##                       ui_tc.ObjectColumn(name='load_delay', label='Load Delay',
    ##                                          tooltip='Time that passenger takes to embark'),
    ##                       ui_tc.ObjectColumn(name='unload_delay', label='Unload Delay',
    ##                                          tooltip='Time that passenger takes to disembark'),
    ##                       ui_tc.ObjectColumn(name='mass', label='Mass',
    ##                                          tooltip='Includes luggage (kg)')
    ##                       ],
    ##                       # more...
    ##            deletable = False,
    ##            editable=False,
    ##            sortable = True,
    ##            sort_model = False,
    ##            auto_size = True,
    ##            orientation = 'vertical',
    ##            show_toolbar = True,
    ##            reorderable = False,
    ##            rows = 15,
    ##            row_factory = traits.This)

    def __init__(self, time, ID, src_station, dest_station, load_delay,
                 unload_delay, will_share, mass):
        super(Passenger, self).__init__(time, ID)
        self.src_station = src_station
        self.dest_station = dest_station
        self.load_delay = load_delay
        self.unload_delay = unload_delay
        self.will_share = will_share  # Willing to share pod (if same dest)
        self.mass = mass
        self.trip_success = False
        self._loc = src_station

        # For the following, where start and end are times in seconds, with 0 being the start of the sim.
        self._wait_times = [[time, None, self._loc]
                            ]  # contains triples: [[start, end, loc], ...]
        self._walk_times = [
        ]  # containing pairs:  [[start, end], [start, end], ...]
        self._ride_times = [
        ]  # contains triples: [[start, end, vehicle], [start, end, vehicle], ...]

        self._start_time = time
        self._end_time = None

    def wait_time(self):  # in seconds
        total = 0
        for start, end, loc in self._wait_times:
            if end is None:
                total += - start
                total += end - start
        return total

    def ride_time(self):  # in seconds
        total = 0
        for start, end, vehicle in self._ride_times:
            if end is None:
                total += - start
                total += end - start
        return total

    def walk_time(self):  # in seconds
        total = 0
        for start, end in self._walk_times:
            if end is None:
                total += - start
                total += end - start
        return total

    def total_time(self):
        if self._end_time is None:
            return - self._start_time
            return self._end_time - self._start_time

    def get_loc(self):
        return self._loc

    def set_loc(self, loc):
        """Changes the loc, and keeps track of how much time is spent in each
        mode of transit: waiting, riding, or walking."""
        ### Track time spent in each mode of transit ###
        if self._loc is None:  # Was walking
            self._walk_times[-1][1] =
        elif hasattr(self._loc, 'vehicle_mass'):  # was in vehicle
            self._ride_times[-1][1] =
        elif hasattr(self._loc, 'platforms'):  # was at station
            self._wait_times[-1][1] =
            raise Exception("Unknown loc type")

        ### Note if trip is completed. ###
        if loc is self.dest_station:
            self._end_time =
            self.trip_success = True

        ### More time tracking ###
        if not self.trip_success:
            if loc is None: self._walk_times.append([, None])
            elif hasattr(loc, 'vehicle_mass'):
                self._ride_times.append([, None,
                                         loc])  # isinstance(loc, BaseVehicle)
            elif hasattr(loc, 'platforms'):
                self._wait_times.append([, None,
                                         loc])  # isinstance(loc, TrackSegment)
                raise Exception("Unknown loc type")

        self._loc = loc

    loc = property(
        doc="loc is expected to be a Station, a "
        "Vehicle, or None (which indicates walking from one station "
        "to another). Setting the loc has side-effects, see set_loc.")

    def walk(self, origin_station, dest_station, travel_time, cmd_msg, cmd_id):
        assert self._loc is origin_station
        assert travel_time >= 0
        assert isinstance(cmd_msg, api.CtrlCmdPassengerWalk)
        assert isinstance(cmd_id, int)
        self.loc = None
        common.AlarmClock( + travel_time, self._post_walk,
                          dest_station, cmd_msg, cmd_id)

    def _post_walk(self, dest_station, cmd_msg, cmd_id):
        """Updates stats, changes location, and sends a SimCompletePassengerWalk
        message. To be called once the walk is complete."""
        assert self._loc is None
        self.loc = dest_station

        msg = api.SimCompletePassengerWalk()
        msg.msgID = cmd_id
        msg.time =
        common.interface.send(api.SIM_COMPLETE_PASSENGER_WALK, msg)

    def fill_PassengerStatus(self, ps):
        ps.pID = self.ID
        # I'd much rather use isinstance checks, but circular imports are killing me
        if self._loc is None:
            ps.loc_type = api.WALKING
            ps.locID = api.NONE_ID
        elif hasattr(self._loc, 'vehicle_mass'):  # a vehicle
            ps.loc_type = api.VEHICLE
            ps.locID = self._loc.ID
        elif hasattr(self._loc, 'platforms'):  # a station
            ps.loc_type = api.STATION
            ps.locID = self._loc.ID
            raise Exception, "Unknown passenger location type: %s" % self._loc

        ps.src_stationID = self.src_station.ID
        ps.dest_stationID = self.dest_station.ID
        ps.creation_time = self._start_time
        ps.mass = self.mass
        ps.trip_success = self.trip_success