Esempio n. 1
	def _parse_as_who(self, chktree):
		if self.vb:
			print "Called _parse_as_who(chktree):- EntitySet"

		entSet = EntitySet("trivia", self.vb)
		negation = False
		looking_for = 'person'
		for x in chktree:
			if self._isLeaf(x):
				negation = self._negator(self._getLeafTxt(x), negation)
				keyword = None
				if self._getLeafTos(x) == "KW_DIRECTOR":
					keyword = 'director'
				elif self._getLeafTos(x) == "KW_STAR":
					keyword = 'actor'

				if keyword:
					if not entSet.has_entity('type'):
						entSet.add_entity('type', keyword)
						looking_for = keyword
				if x.node == "TITLE":
					entSet.add_entity2("movieTitle", self._getTreeTxt(x), negation)
					negation = False
				elif x.node == "PERSON":
					personName = self._getTreeTxt(x)
					if not entSet.has_entity('type'):
						entSet.add_entity('type', 'person')
						entSet.add_entity('character', personName)
						entSet.add_entity2(looking_for, personName, negation)
						negation = False
		if entSet.count_entities() == 0:
			#empty entitySet -> unable to parse utterance -> let DM know
		elif not entSet.has_entity('type'):
			entSet.add_entity('type', 'person')
		return [ entSet ]
Esempio n. 2
	def _parse_as_what(self, chktree):
		if self.vb:
			print "Called _parse_as_what(%s):- EntitySet" % (chktree.node)
		entSet = EntitySet("trivia", self.vb)
		looking_for = 'other'
		negation = False
		## Shouldn't need this with changes to KW_PLOT below:
		flat = chktree.leaves()
		if flat[ len(flat) - 1 ][1] == ":":
			last = flat[ len(flat) - 2 ]
			last = flat[ len(flat) - 1 ]
		if last[1] == "KW_PLOT":
			entSet.add_entity("type", "plot")
		for itor,x in enumerate(chktree):
			if self._isLeaf(x):
				nodetype = self._getLeafTos(x)
				nodetxt = self._getLeafTxt(x)
				if not entSet.has_entity('type'):
					if nodetype == "KW_YEAR":
						return self._parse_as_when(chktree)
					elif nodetype == "KW_DIRECTOR" or nodetype == "KW_STAR":
						next = chktree[itor+1]
						if self._isTreeBranch(next) and next.node == 'PERSON':
							looking_for = 'actor'
							if nodetype == 'KW_DIRECTOR':
								looking_for = 'director'
							return self._parse_as_who(chktree)
					elif nodetype == "KW_GENRE":
						entSet.add_entity("type", "genre")
					elif nodetype == "KW_MOVIE":
						entSet.add_entity("type", "movieTitle")
					elif nodetype == "KW_PLOT":
						entSet.add_entity("type", "plot")
					elif nodetype == "GNRE":
						entSet.add_entity("type", "movieTitle")
						entSet.add_entity("genre", nodetxt)
					negation = self._negator(nodetxt, negation)
					if nodetype == 'POS':
						## We mis-categorized the type.
						## Ex: "What was director Michael Bay's latest movie?"
						## Director is not what the user is looking for. director describes Michael Bay, which describes movie.
						#if entSet.has_entity('type'):
						#	looking_for = entSet.find_entity('type')
						#	if looking_for = 'director' or looking_for == 'actor'
					if nodetype == "KW_DIRECTOR":
						looking_for = "director"
					elif nodetype == "KW_STAR":
						looking_for = "actor"
					elif nodetype == "KW_PLOT":
						#looking_for = "plot"
						## TODO: TEST THIS
						entSet.add_entity('type', 'plot')
					elif nodetype == "GNRE":
						entSet.add_entity2('genre', nodetxt, negation)
						negation = False
				if x.node == "TITLE":
					entSet.add_entity2('movieTitle', self._getTreeTxt(x), negation)
				elif x.node == "PERSON":
					subject = looking_for
					if looking_for == 'other':
						subject = 'person'
					entSet.add_entity2(subject, self._getTreeTxt(x), negation)
					negation = False
		return [ entSet ]