Esempio n. 1
    def ik_robot_eef_joint_cartesian_pose(self):
        Returns the current cartesian pose of the last joint of the ik robot with respect
        to the base frame as a (pos, orn) tuple where orn is a x-y-z-w quaternion.
        out = []
        for eff in [self.effector_right, self.effector_left]:
            eef_pos_in_world = np.array(p.getLinkState(self.ik_robot, eff)[0])
            eef_orn_in_world = np.array(p.getLinkState(self.ik_robot, eff)[1])
            eef_pose_in_world = T.pose2mat(
                (eef_pos_in_world, eef_orn_in_world))

            base_pos_in_world = np.array(
            base_orn_in_world = np.array(
            base_pose_in_world = T.pose2mat(
                (base_pos_in_world, base_orn_in_world))
            world_pose_in_base = T.pose_inv(base_pose_in_world)

            eef_pose_in_base = T.pose_in_A_to_pose_in_B(
                pose_A=eef_pose_in_world, pose_A_in_B=world_pose_in_base)

        return out
    def get_dx(self):
        # compute gradient (angle to rotate by)
        grad = -self.gradient()

        # compute the axis to rotate around
        r_axis = np.cross(self.ee_point_axis, self.align_axis)
        r_axis = T.norm(r_axis)
        if self.debug:
            print("point axis: ", self.ee_point_axis, "align axis: ",
                  self.align_axis, "rotate axis: ", r_axis)

        # compute transform based on angle and axis, transform w.r.t. end-effector
        rot_wrt_ee = T.rotation_matrix(grad, r_axis)

        # pose of end-effector w.r.t. world
        ee_wrt_world = T.pose2mat((self.curr_pos, self.curr_quat))

        # compute rotation w.r.t. world
        # T(rot w.r.t. world) = T(end-effector w.r.t. world) * T(rot w.r.t. end-effector)
        # (rotation in world frame) = (end-effector in world frame) * (rotation in end-effector frame)
        rot_wrt_world = T.pose_in_A_to_pose_in_B(rot_wrt_ee, ee_wrt_world)

        # get rotation w.r.t. world
        _, dx_quat = T.mat2pose(rot_wrt_world)

        # we do not want to change linear position
        dx_pos = np.zeros(3)

        # compute dx
        dx = np.hstack([dx_pos, dx_quat])
        return dx
    def get_align_axis(self):
        # align pose w.r.t. world
        align_wrt_world = T.pose2mat(
            (self.align_pos, T.euler_to_quat([0, 0, 0])))

        # pose of end-effector w.r.t. world
        ee_wrt_world = T.pose2mat((self.curr_pos, self.curr_quat))

        if self.debug:
            print("align pos: ", self.align_pos)
            print("curr pos: ", self.curr_pos)

        # pose of world w.r.t. end-effector
        world_wrt_ee = T.pose_inv(ee_wrt_world)

        # align pose w.r.t. end-effector
        # T(align pose w.r.t end-effector) = T(world w.r.t. end-effector) * T(align pose w.r.t. world)
        # (align pose in end-effector frame) = (world pose in end-effector frame) * (align pose in world frame)
        align_wrt_ee = T.pose_in_A_to_pose_in_B(align_wrt_world, world_wrt_ee)

        # get axis from pose
        align_axis, _ = T.mat2pose(align_wrt_ee)
        align_axis = T.norm(align_axis)

        # set align axis
        self.align_axis = align_axis

Esempio n. 4
    def pose_in_base_from_pose_in_unity(self, pose_in_unity):
        # get base pose in unity
        base_pos_in_unity ="base")
        base_rot_in_unity ="base").reshape((3, 3))
        base_pose_in_unity = T.make_pose(base_pos_in_unity, base_rot_in_unity)

        # get pose of unity in base
        unity_pose_in_base = T.pose_inv(base_pose_in_unity)

        # pose in base = pose of unity in base * pose in unity
        pose_in_base = T.pose_in_A_to_pose_in_B(pose_in_unity,
        return pose_in_base
Esempio n. 5
    def ik_robot_eef_joint_cartesian_pose(self):
        Returns the current cartesian pose of the last joint of the ik robot with respect to the base frame as
        a (pos, orn) tuple where orn is a x-y-z-w quaternion
        eef_pos_in_world = np.array(p.getLinkState(self.ik_robot, 6)[0])
        eef_orn_in_world = np.array(p.getLinkState(self.ik_robot, 6)[1])
        eef_pose_in_world = T.pose2mat((eef_pos_in_world, eef_orn_in_world))

        base_pos_in_world = np.array(p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(self.ik_robot)[0])
        base_orn_in_world = np.array(p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(self.ik_robot)[1])
        base_pose_in_world = T.pose2mat((base_pos_in_world, base_orn_in_world))
        world_pose_in_base = T.pose_inv(base_pose_in_world)

        eef_pose_in_base = T.pose_in_A_to_pose_in_B(
            pose_A=eef_pose_in_world, pose_A_in_B=world_pose_in_base

        return T.mat2pose(eef_pose_in_base)
Esempio n. 6
    def bullet_base_pose_to_world_pose(self, pose_in_base):
        Convert a pose in the base frame to a pose in the world frame.

            pose_in_base: a (pos, orn) tuple.

            pose_in world: a (pos, orn) tuple.
        pose_in_base = T.pose2mat(pose_in_base)

        base_pos_in_world = np.array(p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(self.ik_robot)[0])
        base_orn_in_world = np.array(p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(self.ik_robot)[1])
        base_pose_in_world = T.pose2mat((base_pos_in_world, base_orn_in_world))

        pose_in_world = T.pose_in_A_to_pose_in_B(
            pose_A=pose_in_base, pose_A_in_B=base_pose_in_world
        return T.mat2pose(pose_in_world)