Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, x_start, x_goal, heuristic_type):
        self.u_set = motion_model.motions  # feasible input set
        self.xI, self.xG = x_start, x_goal
        self.obs = env.obs_map()  # position of obstacles
        self.heuristic_type = heuristic_type

        tools.show_map(self.xI, self.xG, self.obs, "a_star searching")
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self, x_start, x_goal):
     self.u_set = motion_model.motions  # feasible input set
     self.xI, self.xG = x_start, x_goal
     self.e = 0.001  # threshold for convergence
     self.gamma = 0.9  # discount factor
     self.obs = env.obs_map()  # position of obstacles
     self.lose = env.lose_map()  # position of lose states
     self.name1 = "Q-policy_iteration, e=" + str(self.e) \
                  + ", gamma=" + str(self.gamma)
     self.name2 = "convergence of error"
 def __init__(self, x_start, x_goal):
     self.u_set = motion_model.motions  # feasible input set
     self.xI, self.xG = x_start, x_goal
     self.M = 500  # iteration numbers
     self.gamma = 0.9  # discount factor
     self.alpha = 0.5
     self.epsilon = 0.1  # epsilon error
     self.obs = env.obs_map()  # position of obstacles
     self.lose = env.lose_map()  # position of lose states
     self.name1 = "SARSA, M=" + str(self.M)
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, x_start, x_goal):
        self.u_set = motion_model.motions  # feasible input set
        self.xI, self.xG = x_start, x_goal
        self.obs = env.obs_map()  # position of obstacles

        tools.show_map(self.xI, self.xG, self.obs, "breadth-first searching")