def make_quickview(qickview_figure_file, raw_image_file, glt_image_file, setting_file): """ Make a RGB quickview image. Arguments: qickview_figure_file: str Quickview figure filename. raw_image_file: str Raw Hyspex image filename. glt_image_file: str GLT image filename. """ from radiometric import get_cal_data, raw2rdn # Read Hyspex raw image raw_header = read_envi_header(raw_image_file[:-len('.hyspex')]+'.hdr') raw_image = np.memmap(raw_image_file, dtype='int16', mode='r', offset=raw_header['header offset'], shape=(raw_header['lines'], raw_header['bands'], raw_header['samples'])) cal_data = get_cal_data(raw_image_file, setting_file) # Read GLT image glt_header = read_envi_header(glt_image_file+'.hdr') glt_image = np.memmap(glt_image_file, dtype=np.int32, mode='r', offset=0, shape=(2, glt_header['lines'], glt_header['samples'])) # Write RGB image driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') ds = driver.Create(qickview_figure_file, glt_header['samples'], glt_header['lines'], 3, gdal.GDT_Byte) ds.SetGeoTransform((float(glt_header['map info'][3]), float(glt_header['map info'][5]), 0, float(glt_header['map info'][4]), 0, -float(glt_header['map info'][6]))) ds.SetProjection(glt_header['coordinate system string']) quickview_image = np.zeros((glt_header['lines'], glt_header['samples']), dtype='uint8') I,J = np.where(glt_image[0,:,:]>0) for output_band_index, rgb_band_index in enumerate(raw_header['default bands']): quickview_image[:,:] = 0 rdn_image = raw2rdn(raw_image[:,rgb_band_index-1,:], cal_data, rgb_band_index-1) rdn_image = linear_percent_stretch(rdn_image) quickview_image[I,J] = rdn_image[glt_image[0,I,J], glt_image[1,I,J]] ds.GetRasterBand(output_band_index+1).WriteArray(quickview_image) del rdn_image raw_image.flush() glt_image.flush() ds = None del cal_data, I, J, glt_header, raw_header'Save quickview figure to %s.' %qickview_figure_file)
def get_acquisition_time(header_file, imugps_file): """Get Hyspex image acquistion time. Notes: (1) The code is adapted from Brendan Heberlein's ([email protected]) script. Arguments: header_file: str Hyspex header filename. imugps_file: str Hyspex imugps filename. Returns: when: datetime object Image acquisition time. """ from datetime import datetime, timedelta from envi import read_envi_header header = read_envi_header(header_file) week_start = datetime.strptime(f"{header['acquisition date']} 00:00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") week_seconds = np.loadtxt(imugps_file)[:, 7].mean() epoch = datetime(1980, 1, 6, 0, 0) gps_week = (week_start - epoch).days // 7 time_elapsed = timedelta(days=gps_week * 7, seconds=week_seconds) when = epoch + time_elapsed return when
def get_avg_scan_angles(sca_image_file): """ Get average scan angles along each column. Arguments: sca_image_file: str Sensor view angle image filename. Returns: avg_vza, avg_raa: 1D array Averaged view zenith angle, averaged relative azimuth angle. """ # Read scan angles sca_header = read_envi_header(sca_image_file + '.hdr') sca_image = np.memmap(sca_image_file, dtype='float32', mode='r', offset=0, shape=(sca_header['bands'], sca_header['lines'], sca_header['samples'])) # Get average sensor view zenith angle along each column avg_vza = sca_image[0, :, :].mean(axis=0) # Get average relative azimuth angle along each column saa = float(sca_header['sun azimuth']) raa = saa - sca_image[1, :, :] raa[raa < 0] += 360.0 raa[raa > 180] = 360.0 - raa[raa > 180] avg_raa = raa.mean(axis=0) sca_image.flush() del saa, raa return avg_vza, avg_raa
def plot_image_area(image_area_figure_file, dem_image_file, igm_image_file, imugps_file): """ Plot image area. Arguments: image_area_figure_file: str Image area figure filename. dem_image_file: str DEM image filename. igm_image_file: str IGM image filename. imugps_file: str IMUGPS filename. """ # Read DEM. ds = gdal.Open(dem_image_file, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) dem_image = ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() dem_geotransform = ds.GetGeoTransform() ds = None # Read IGM. igm_header = read_envi_header(igm_image_file+'.hdr') igm_image = np.memmap(igm_image_file, dtype='float64', mode='r', offset=0, shape=(2, igm_header['lines'], igm_header['samples'])) cols = (igm_image[0,:,:]-dem_geotransform[0])/dem_geotransform[1] rows = (igm_image[1,:,:]-dem_geotransform[3])/dem_geotransform[5] igm_image.flush() # Read IMUGPS imugps = np.loadtxt(imugps_file) # Make a plot plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10.0*dem_image.shape[0]/dem_image.shape[1])) plt.imshow(dem_image, cmap='gray', vmin=dem_image.min(), vmax=dem_image.max()) del dem_image plt.plot(cols[:,0], rows[:,0], '-', color='green', lw=4) plt.plot(cols[:,-1], rows[:,-1], '-', color='green', lw=4) plt.plot(cols[0,:], rows[0,:], '-', color='green', lw=4) plt.plot(cols[-1,:], rows[-1,:], '-', color='green', lw=4) cols = (imugps[:,1]-dem_geotransform[0])/dem_geotransform[1] rows = (imugps[:,2]-dem_geotransform[3])/dem_geotransform[5] plt.plot(cols, rows, '-', color='red', lw=5) plt.plot(cols[0], rows[0], '.', color='red', ms=25) plt.arrow(cols[-100], rows[-100], cols[-1]-cols[-100], rows[-1]-rows[-100], head_width=10, head_length=10, fc='red', ec='red') plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.savefig(image_area_figure_file, dpi=1000) plt.close() del cols, rows, imugps'Save image area figure to %s.' %image_area_figure_file)
def plot_angle_geometry(angle_geometry_figure_file, sca_image_file): """ Plot sun and view geometry in a polar coordinate system. Arguments: angle_geometry_figure_file: str Angle geometry figure filename. sca_image_file: str Scan angle image filename. """ # Read sca image data. sca_header = read_envi_header(sca_image_file+'.hdr') sca_image = np.memmap(sca_image_file, dtype='float32', mode='r', offset=0, shape=(sca_header['bands'], sca_header['lines'], sca_header['samples'])) # Scatter-plot view geometry. plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) ax = plt.subplot(111, projection='polar') ax.scatter(np.deg2rad(sca_image[1,:,:].flatten()), sca_image[0,:,:].flatten(), color='green') sca_image.flush() # Scatter-plot sun geometry. ax.scatter(np.deg2rad(float(sca_header['sun azimuth'])), float(sca_header['sun zenith']), color='red', marker='*', s=500) del sca_header # Flip figure left to right. ax.set_theta_direction(-1) # Rotate figure by 90 degrees. ax.set_theta_zero_location('N') ax.tick_params(labelsize=20) plt.savefig(angle_geometry_figure_file) plt.close() del ax'Save angle geometry figure to %s.' %angle_geometry_figure_file)
def make_atm_lut(config): """ Make an atmophere look-up-table (LUT). Notes: (1) If the `atm_database` exits, then do interpolation to generate a LUT. Otherwise, use the LibRadTran model to generate it. Arguments: config: dictionary Configuration parameters. """ from envi import read_envi_header from dem import get_avg_elev # If the LUT has been created, do nothing. if os.path.exists(config['atm_lut_file']):'Write atmospheric LUT to %s.' % config['atm_lut_file']) return # Make a directory. if not os.path.exists(config['atm_lut_dir']): os.mkdir(config['atm_lut_dir']) # Make the LUT """ Notes: (1) If `atm_database` is None, the LibRadTran model is used to the LUT. Otherwise, the LUT is interpolated from the `atm_database`. """ """ Step 1: Read sun zenith `sza` in degrees, sun azimuth `saa` in degrees, elevation `elev` in km, above-ground flight altitude `zout` in km. """ sca_header = read_envi_header(config['vnir']['sca_image_file'] + '.hdr') sza = float(sca_header['sun zenith']) saa = float(sca_header['sun azimuth']) elev = get_avg_elev(config['vnir']['new_dem_image_file']) / 1000.0 imugps = np.loadtxt(config['vnir']['new_imugps_file']) avg_flight_altitude = imugps[:, 3].mean() zout = avg_flight_altitude / 1000.0 - elev del imugps, sca_header, avg_flight_altitude """ Step 2: Get the LUT grids of view zenith angle `VZA` in degrees, relative azimuth angle `RAA` in degrees. """ VZA = [] RAA = [] for sensor in ['vnir', 'swir']: sca_header = read_envi_header(config[sensor]['sca_image_file'] + '.hdr') sca_image = np.memmap(config[sensor]['sca_image_file'], dtype='float32', mode='r', offset=0, shape=(2, sca_header['lines'], sca_header['samples'])) raa = saa - sca_image[1, :, :] raa[raa < 0] += 360.0 raa[raa > 180] = 360.0 - raa[raa > 180] VZA += list( np.arange(int(np.floor(sca_image[0, :, :].min() / vza_grid)), int(np.ceil(sca_image[0, :, :].max() / vza_grid)) + .01, 1) * vza_grid) RAA += list( np.arange(int(np.floor(raa.min() / raa_grid)), int(np.ceil(raa.max() / raa_grid)) + .01, 1) * raa_grid) sca_image.flush() del raa, sca_header VZA = sorted(list(set(VZA))) RAA = sorted(list(set(RAA))) if config['atm_database'] is None: """ Step 3: Use the LibRadTran model to make the LUT. """ # Initialize rtm configurations rtm_config = dict() rtm_config['altitude'] = elev rtm_config['zout'] = zout rtm_config['sun_zenith'] = sza rtm_config['sun_azimuth'] = 0 rtm_config['resolution'] = config['rtm_params']['resolution'] rtm_config['source_file'] = '../data/solar_flux/kurudz_0.1nm.dat' rtm_config['atmosphere_file'] = config['rtm_params']['atm_mode'] rtm_config['lambda_0'] = 400 rtm_config['lambda_1'] = 2500 rtm_config['o3'] = 331 # Make atmospheric look-up-tables pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=min( config['rtm_params']['cpu_count'], multiprocessing.cpu_count())) rtm_config['sensor_zenith'] = VZA rtm_config['sensor_azimuth'] = RAA for rho in RHO: rtm_config['albedo'] = rho for wvc in WVC: rtm_config['h2o'] = wvc for vis in VIS: rtm_config['aerosol_visibility'] = vis inp_file = os.path.join( config['atm_lut_dir'], 'rho_%03d_wvc_%03d_vis_%03d.inp' % (rho * 100, wvc, vis)) out_file = inp_file[:-len('.inp')] + '.out' make_inp_file(inp_file, rtm_config) if os.path.exists(out_file) and os.path.getsize(out_file): continue pool.apply_async( run_rtm, (os.path.join(config['rtm_params']['install_dir'], 'test'), inp_file, out_file)) pool.close() pool.join() # Save all .out files to a binary file atm_lut = np.memmap(config['atm_lut_file'], dtype='float32', mode='w+', offset=0, shape=(len(RHO), len(WVC), len(VIS), len(VZA), len(RAA), len(WAVE))) for rho_index, rho in enumerate(RHO): for wvc_index, wvc in enumerate(WVC): for vis_index, vis in enumerate(VIS): out_file = os.path.join( config['atm_lut_dir'], 'rho_%03d_wvc_%03d_vis_%03d.out' % (rho * 100, wvc, vis)) data = np.loadtxt( out_file, dtype='float32' ) # data.shape = [len(WAVE), len(SZA)*len(RAA)] data = np.dstack( np.split(data, len(VZA), axis=1) [::-1]) # data.shape = [len(WAVE), len(RAA), len(SZA)] data = data.swapaxes( 0, 2) # data.shape = [len(SZA), len(RAA), len(WAVE)] """ Notes: (1) In the .out file, the radiance uu is arranged as: umu(0),phi(0) umu(0),phi(1) ... umu(0),phi(N) umu(1),phi(0) umu(1),phi(1) ... umu(0),phi(N) ... umu(M),phi(0) umu(M),phi(1) ... umu(M),phi(N) where umu=cos(sensor_zenith), which is ascendingly ordered. To ascend SZA, we need to reverse the order of the radiance. That is why we have [::-1] in the `data = np.dstack(...)` step. """ atm_lut[rho_index, wvc_index, vis_index, :, :, :] = data del data, out_file atm_lut.flush() atm_lut_metadata = dict() atm_lut_metadata['description'] = 'Atmospheric Look-Up-Table Metadata' atm_lut_metadata['dtype'] = 'float32' atm_lut_metadata['shape'] = [ len(RHO), len(WVC), len(VIS), len(VZA), len(RAA), len(WAVE) ] atm_lut_metadata['dimension'] = [ 'RHO', 'WVC', 'VIS', 'VZA', 'RAA', 'WAVE' ] atm_lut_metadata['RHO'] = RHO atm_lut_metadata['WVC'] = WVC atm_lut_metadata['VIS'] = VIS atm_lut_metadata['VZA'] = VZA atm_lut_metadata['RAA'] = RAA atm_lut_metadata['WAVE'] = WAVE atm_lut_metadata['SZA'] = sza atm_lut_metadata['SAA'] = saa write_atm_lut_metadata(config['atm_lut_file'] + '.meta', atm_lut_metadata) #TODO: remove all *.inp and *.out files. else: #TODO: do interpolations on `atm_database` to generate the LUT. pass'Write atmospheric LUT to %s.' % config['atm_lut_file'])
def remove_smile_effect(config, atm_lut_file, sun_zenith): from atmosphere import read_wvc_model # Read calibration data cal_data = get_cal_data(config['raw_image_file'], config['setting_file']) # Read raw image data raw_header = read_envi_header( os.path.splitext(config['raw_image_file'])[0] + '.hdr') raw_image = np.memmap(config['raw_image_file'], dtype='uint16', mode='r', offset=raw_header['header offset'], shape=(raw_header['lines'], raw_header['bands'], raw_header['samples'])) samples = raw_header['samples'] # Read mask mask_header = read_envi_header( os.path.splitext(config['raw_image_file'])[0] + '.hdr') mask_image = np.memmap(config['mask_image_file'], dtype='bool', mode='r', shape=(mask_header['bands'], raw_header['lines'], raw_header['samples'])) # Get average radiance spectra with dark current corrected avg_rdn_01 = get_avg_rdn_01(raw_image, cal_data, mask_image) raw_image.flush() mask_image.flush() del raw_header, mask_header # Get average radiance spectra with dark current and gain corrected avg_rdn_02 = get_avg_rdn_02(avg_rdn_01, cal_data) plt.figure() plt.plot(cal_data['spectralVector'], avg_rdn_02, '-') plt.figure() plt.plot(cal_data['spectralVector'], avg_rdn_02[:, 10], '-') # Get average scan angles avg_vza, avg_raa = get_avg_scan_angles(config['sca_image_file']) # Build water vapor column estimation model """ Notes: (1) The view geometry does not seem to affect the model. Therefore, a vza=0 and raa=0 are used here. """ wvc_model = read_wvc_model(config['wvc_model_file']) # Estimate water vapor for each column ratio = avg_rdn_02[wvc_model['Bands'][1], :] / ( avg_rdn_02[wvc_model['Bands'][0], :] * wvc_model['Weights'][0] + avg_rdn_02[wvc_model['Bands'][2], :] * wvc_model['Weights'][1]) wvc = np.interp(ratio, wvc_model['Ratio'], wvc_model['WVC']) vis = 80 plt.figure() plt.plot(wvc_model['Ratio'], wvc_model['WVC'], 'r.-') plt.plot(ratio, wvc, 'b.') del ratio wvc = wvc.mean() # Interpolate atm lut lut_wave, lut_rdn_0, lut_rdn_1 = interp_atm_lut_to_angles( atm_lut_file, wvc, vis, avg_vza, avg_raa) plt.plot(lut_wave, lut_rdn_0, 'r-') for wave_range in features.values(): wave_range = [744, 784] # wave_range = [1255, 1285] wave_0, band_0 = get_closest_wave(cal_data['spectralVector'], wave_range[0]) wave_1, band_1 = get_closest_wave(cal_data['spectralVector'], wave_range[1]) if abs(wave_0 - wave_range[0]) > 10 or abs(wave_1 - wave_range[1]) > 10: continue X = [] lower_bounds = [-5.0, -2.0] upper_bounds = [5.0, 2.0] for sample in range(0, samples, 100): x0 = [0, 0] p = optimize.least_squares(err, x0, bounds=(lower_bounds, upper_bounds), args=(cal_data, avg_rdn_01, lut_wave, lut_rdn_0, lut_rdn_1, [band_0, band_1 + 1], sample)) X.append(p.x) X = np.array(X) plt.plot(X[:, 0], '.', color='blue')
def build_mask(mask_image_file, raw_image_file, setting_file, sun_zenith): """ Mask out bad pixels. Arguments: mask_image_file: str Mask image filename. raw_image: 3D array Raw DN image, dimension = [lines, bands, samples] cal_data: dict Calibration data. sun_zenith: float Sun zenith angle in degrees. """ # Read calibration data cal_data = get_cal_data(raw_image_file, setting_file) # Read raw image data raw_header = read_envi_header(os.path.splitext(raw_image_file)[0] + '.hdr') raw_image = np.memmap(raw_image_file, dtype='int16', mode='r', offset=raw_header['header offset'], shape=(raw_header['lines'], raw_header['bands'], raw_header['samples'])) bands = raw_header['bands'] """ Rule 1 for good pixels: At-sensor blue reflectance>0.10, and nir reflectance>0.10, and swir reflectance>0.10 """ solar_flux = resample_solar_flux(solar_flux_file, cal_data['spectralVector'], cal_data['fwhm']) solar_flux /= 10 # mW / (m2 nm) -> mW / (cm2 um) cos_sun_zenith = np.cos(np.deg2rad(sun_zenith)) mask = np.full((raw_image.shape[0], raw_image.shape[2]), True, dtype=np.bool) # if the reflectance at 470 nm is less than 0.10, then mask these pixels. wave, band = get_closest_wave(cal_data['spectralVector'], 470) if abs(wave - 470) < 10: refl = raw2rdn(raw_image[:, band, :], cal_data, band) * np.pi / (solar_flux[band] * cos_sun_zenith) mask &= (refl > 0.10) # if the reflectance at 850 nm is less than 0.10, then mask these pixels. wave, band = get_closest_wave(cal_data['spectralVector'], 850) if abs(wave - 850) < 10: refl = raw2rdn(raw_image[:, band, :], cal_data, band) * np.pi / (solar_flux[band] * cos_sun_zenith) mask &= (refl > 0.10) # if the reflectance at 1600 nm is less than 0.10, then mask these pixels. wave, band = get_closest_wave(cal_data['spectralVector'], 1600) if abs(wave - 1600) < 10: refl = raw2rdn(raw_image[:, band, :], cal_data, band) * np.pi / (solar_flux[band] * cos_sun_zenith) mask &= (refl > 0.10) """ Rule 2: Mask dark pixels by using radiance values. """ mask_image = np.memmap(mask_image_file, dtype='uint8', mode='w+', shape=(raw_image.shape[1], raw_image.shape[0], raw_image.shape[2])) log_mesg = 'Band (max=%d): ' % bands for band in range(bands): if band % 50 == 0: log_mesg += '%d, ' % band rdn = raw2rdn(raw_image[:, band, :], cal_data, band) mask_image[band, :, :] = mask & (raw_image[:, band, :] < cal_data['satValue']) & (rdn > 0.0) del rdn mask_image.flush() raw_image.flush() del cal_data, mask log_mesg += '%d, Done!' % bands mask_header = empty_envi_header() mask_header['description'] = 'Mask 0: bad; 1: good' mask_header['samples'] = raw_image.shape[2] mask_header['lines'] = raw_image.shape[0] mask_header['bands'] = raw_image.shape[1] mask_header['byte order'] = 0 mask_header['header offset'] = 0 mask_header['interleave'] = 'bsq' mask_header['data type'] = 1 write_envi_header(mask_image_file + '.hdr', mask_header)