Esempio n. 1
    def test_normalisations_complex(self):
        log = logging.getLogger('TestZern.test_normalisations_complex')
        n_beta = 6
        L, K = 400, 393

        # polar grid
        pol = CZern(n_beta)
        fitBeta = FitZern(pol, L, K)
        t1 = time()
        pol.make_pol_grid(fitBeta.rho_j, fitBeta.theta_i)
        t2 = time()
        log.debug('make pol grid {:.6f}'.format(t2 - t1))

        # cartesian grid
        cart = CZern(n_beta)
        dd = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, max(L, K))
        xx, yy = np.meshgrid(dd, dd)
        t1 = time()
        cart.make_cart_grid(xx, yy)
        t2 = time()
        log.debug('make cart grid {:.6f}'.format(t2 - t1))

        smap = np.isfinite(cart.eval_grid(np.zeros(cart.nk)))
        scale = (1.0 / np.sum(smap))
        log.debug('{} modes, {} x {} grid'.format(n_beta, L, K))
        for i in range(pol.nk):
            a = np.zeros(pol.nk)
            a[i] = 1.0
            Phi_a = cart.eval_grid(a)
            for j in range(pol.nk):
                b = np.zeros(pol.nk)
                b[j] = 1.0
                Phi_b = cart.eval_grid(b)
                ip = scale * np.sum(Phi_a[smap] * (Phi_b[smap].conj()))
                if i == j:
                    eip = 1.0
                    eip = 0.0
                iperr = abs(ip - eip)
                log.debug('<{:02},{:02}> = {:+e} {:+e}'.format(
                    i + 1, j + 1, ip, iperr))
                self.assertTrue(iperr < self.max_ip_err)
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, unparsed):

        args = self.do_cmdline(unparsed)

        # plot objects
        phaseplot = PhasePlot(n=args.n_alpha)  # to plot beta and the PSF
        betaplot = BetaPlot(args)  # to plot the phase

        # complex-valued Zernike polynomials for the GPF
        ip = FitZern(CZern(args.n_beta), args.fit_L, args.fit_K)

        # real-valued Zernike polynomials for the phase
        phase_pol = RZern(args.n_alpha)
        phase_pol.make_pol_grid(ip.rho_j, ip.theta_i)  # make a polar grid

        # real-valued Zernike coefficients
        alpha = np.zeros(phase_pol.nk)

        # set the alpha coefficients randomly
        if args.random:
            alpha1 = normal(size=alpha.size - 1)
            alpha1 = (args.rms / norm(alpha1)) * alpha1
            alpha[1:] = alpha1
            del alpha1

        self.rms = args.rms
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.phase_pol = phase_pol
        self.ip = ip

        self.betaplot = betaplot
        self.phaseplot = phaseplot

        # fit beta coefficients from alpha coefficients

        # make gui
Esempio n. 3
    def test_fit_real_numpy(self):
        log = logging.getLogger('TestFitZern.test_fit_real_numpy')
        z = RZern(4)
        F = FitZern(z, self.L, self.K)
        theta_i = F.theta_i
        rho_j = F.rho_j

        c = normal(size=z.nk)
        Phi = [z.eval_a(c, rh, th) for rh in rho_j for th in theta_i]

        time1 = time()
        ce = F._fit_slow(Phi)
        time2 = time()
        log.debug('elapsed FIT_LIST {:.6f}'.format(time2 - time1))

        time1 = time()
        ce2 =, order='F'))
        time2 = time()
        log.debug('elapsed FIT_NUMPY {:.6f}'.format(time2 - time1))

        enorm = norm(ce2 - np.array(ce, order='F'))
        log.debug('enorm {:e}'.format(enorm))
        self.assertTrue(enorm < self.max_enorm)
Esempio n. 4
    def test_fit_real(self):
        log = logging.getLogger('TestFitZern.test_fit_real')
        z = RZern(4)
        F = FitZern(z, self.L, self.K)
        theta_i = F.theta_i
        rho_j = F.rho_j

        c = normal(size=z.nk)
        time1 = time()
        Phi = [z.eval_a(c, rh, th) for rh in rho_j for th in theta_i]
        time2 = time()
        log.debug('eval Phi {:.4f}'.format(time2 - time1))

        time1 = time()
        ce = F._fit_slow(Phi)
        time2 = time()
        log.debug('elapsed time {:.4f}'.format(time2 - time1))

        err1 = norm(np.array(c) - np.array(ce))
        max1 = max([abs(c[i] - ce[i]) for i in range(z.nk)])

        log.debug('err1 {:e} max1 {:e}'.format(err1, max1))
        self.assertTrue(err1 < self.max_fit_norm)
Esempio n. 5
        def do_test(cls, complex_a):
            z = cls(4)
            F = FitZern(z, self.L, self.K)
            theta_i = F.theta_i
            rho_j = F.rho_j
            z.make_pol_grid(rho_j, theta_i)

            if complex_a:
                c = normal(size=z.nk) + 1j * normal(size=z.nk)
                c = normal(size=z.nk)

            PhiN = np.array(
                [z.eval_a(c, rh, th) for rh in rho_j for th in theta_i],

            ce1 =

            # create tmp path
            tmpfile = NamedTemporaryFile()
            tmppath =


            F2 = FitZern.load(tmppath)

            PhiN1 = np.array(
                [F.z.eval_a(c, rh, th) for rh in rho_j for th in theta_i],
            PhiN2 = np.array(
                [F2.z.eval_a(c, rh, th) for rh in rho_j for th in theta_i],

            self.assertTrue(isinstance(F, FitZern))
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(F2, FitZern))
            if complex_a:
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(F.z, CZern))
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(F2.z, CZern))
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(F.z, RZern))
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(F2.z, RZern))
            self.assertTrue(norm(PhiN - PhiN1) == 0)
            self.assertTrue(norm(PhiN - PhiN2) == 0)

            self.assertTrue(norm(F.z.coefnorm - F2.z.coefnorm) == 0)
            self.assertTrue(norm(F.z.ntab - F2.z.ntab) == 0)
            self.assertTrue(norm(F.z.mtab - F2.z.mtab) == 0)
            self.assertTrue(F.z.n == F2.z.n)
            self.assertTrue(F.z.nk == F2.z.nk)
            self.assertTrue(F.z.normalise == F2.z.normalise)
            self.assertTrue(norm(F.z.rhoitab - F2.z.rhoitab) == 0)
            self.assertTrue(norm(F.z.rhotab - F2.z.rhotab) == 0)
            self.assertTrue(F.z.numpy_dtype == F2.z.numpy_dtype)
            self.assertTrue(norm(F.z.ZZ - F2.z.ZZ) == 0)

            self.assertTrue(norm(F.A - F2.A) == 0)
            self.assertTrue(norm(F.I_cosm - F2.I_cosm) == 0)
            self.assertTrue(norm(F.I_sinm - F2.I_sinm) == 0)
            self.assertTrue(norm(F.I_Rnmrho - F2.I_Rnmrho) == 0)
            self.assertTrue(F.K == F2.K)
            self.assertTrue(F.L == F2.L)
            self.assertTrue(norm(F.rho_a - F2.rho_a) == 0)
            self.assertTrue(norm(F.rho_b - F2.rho_b) == 0)
            self.assertTrue(norm(F.rho_j - F2.rho_j) == 0)
            self.assertTrue(norm(F.theta_a - F2.theta_a) == 0)
            self.assertTrue(norm(F.theta_b - F2.theta_b) == 0)
            self.assertTrue(norm(F.theta_i - F2.theta_i) == 0)

            ce2 =
            self.assertTrue(norm(ce2 - ce1) < self.max_enorm)

            del z, F, F2, c, ce1, ce2, PhiN, PhiN1, PhiN2
Esempio n. 6
 .. [A2015] Jacopo Antonello and Michel Verhaegen, "Modal-based phase retrieval
    for adaptive optics," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 32, 1160-1170 (2015) . `url


if __name__ == '__main__':

    # grid sizes
    L, K = 95, 105

    # complex-valued Zernike polynomials up to the 4-th radial order
    gpf_pol = CZern(4)  # to approximate the GPF

    # FitZern computes the approximate inner products, see Eq. (B4) in [A2015]
    ip = FitZern(gpf_pol, L, K)
    gpf_pol.make_pol_grid(ip.rho_j, ip.theta_i)  # make a polar grid

    # random vector of Zernike coefficients to be estimated
    beta_true = normal(size=gpf_pol.nk) + 1j * normal(size=gpf_pol.nk)

    # random generalised pupil function P
    P = gpf_pol.eval_grid(beta_true)

    # estimate the random vector from the GPF grid
    beta_hat =

    # plot the results

    # real part of the Zernike coefficients of beta_true and beta_hat
Esempio n. 7
        '--rms', type=float, default=1.0,
        help='Rms of the alpha aberration.')
        '--random', action='store_true',
        help='Make a random alpha aberration.')
        '--fit-L', type=int, default=95, metavar='L',
        help='Grid size for the inner products.')
        '--fit-K', type=int, default=105, metavar='K',
        help='Grid size for the inner products.')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    # complex-valued Zernike polynomials for the GPF
    ip = FitZern(CZern(args.n_beta), args.fit_L, args.fit_K)

    # real-valued Zernike polynomials for the phase
    phase_pol = RZern(args.n_alpha)
    phase_pol.make_pol_grid(ip.rho_j, ip.theta_i)  # make a polar grid

    # real-valued Zernike coefficients
    alpha = np.zeros(phase_pol.nk)

    # nm to linear index conversion
    nmlist = list(zip(phase_pol.ntab, phase_pol.mtab))

    # set an alpha coefficient using the (n, m) indeces
    if args.nm[0] != -1 and args.nm[0] != -1:
            k = nmlist.index(tuple(args.nm))
Esempio n. 8
    def make(self, wavelength, aperture_radius, focal_length, pixel_size,
             image_width, image_height, n_alpha, n_beta, fit_L, fit_K,

        self.wavelength = wavelength
        self.aperture_radius = aperture_radius
        self.focal_length = focal_length

        self.image_width = image_width
        self.image_height = image_height
        self.pixel_size = pixel_size

        self.n_alpha, self.n_beta = n_alpha, n_beta

        self.fit_L, self.fit_K = fit_L, fit_K

        self.focus_positions = np.array(focus_positions)

        fu = enz.get_field_unit(wavelength, aperture_radius, focal_length)

        def make_space(w, p, fu):
            if w % 2 == 0:
                return np.linspace(-(w / 2 - 0.5), w / 2 - 0.5, w) * p / fu
                return np.linspace(-(w - 1) / 2, (w - 1) / 2, w) * p / fu

        # image side space
        xspace = make_space(image_width, pixel_size, fu)
        yspace = make_space(image_height, pixel_size, fu)
        self.xspace, self.yspace = xspace, yspace

        # phase
        self.phase_grid = RZern(n_alpha)
        self.phase_fit = FitZern(self.phase_grid, self.fit_L, self.fit_K)
        print('phase: n_alpha = {}, N_alpha = {}'.format(
            self.n_alpha, self.phase_grid.nk))

        # complex psf
        self.cpsf = CPsf(n_beta)
        self.gpf_fit = FitZern(self.cpsf.czern, self.fit_L, self.fit_K)
        print('cpsf:  n_beta  = {}, N_beta  = {}, N_f = {}'.format(
            n_beta, self.cpsf.czern.nk, self.focus_positions.size))

        # make phase polar grid
        t1 = time.time()
        t2 = time.time()
        print('make phase pol grid {:.6f}'.format(t2 - t1))

        # make gpf polar grid (Zernike approximation)
        t1 = time.time()
        t2 = time.time()
        print('make gpf pol grid {:.6f}'.format(t2 - t1))

        # make cpsf cart grid
        t1 = time.time()
        t2 = time.time()
        print('make cpsf cart grid {:.6f}'.format(t2 - t1))
Esempio n. 9

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # plotting stuff
    phaseplot = PhasePlot()

    # grid sizes
    L, K = 95, 105

    # real-valued Zernike polynomials up to the 6-th radial order
    phase_pol = RZern(6)

    # FitZern computes the approximate inner products, see Eq. (B2) in [A2015]
    ip = FitZern(phase_pol, L, K)
    phase_pol.make_pol_grid(ip.rho_j, ip.theta_i)  # make a polar grid

    # random vector of Zernike coefficients to be estimated
    alpha_true = normal(size=phase_pol.nk)

    # phase grid
    Phi = phase_pol.eval_grid(alpha_true)

    # estimate the random vector from the phase grid
    alpha_hat =

    # plot the results

    # Zernike coefficients of alpha_true and alpha_hat