Esempio n. 1
def run_download(_):
    run_date ="%d-%m-%Y") 
    print(f"Starting download of API files on {run_date}")
    # set up
    root = Path("/tmp")
    data = mkdir(root/"data")

    # download aggregated CSVs as well
    download_data(data, "states.csv")
    download_data(data, "districts.csv")

    print("Uploading time series to storage bucket.")
    bucket = storage.Client().bucket(bucket_name)
        .upload_from_filename(str(data/"districts.csv"), content_type = "text/csv")
        .upload_from_filename(str(data/"states.csv"), content_type = "text/csv")

    return 'OK!'
Esempio n. 2
    return coef

def notch_filter(ts):
    "Implement notch filter with notches at {1/7, 2/7}"
    fs, f0, Q = 1, 1/7, 1
    b1, a1 = iirnotch(f0, Q, fs)
    b2, a2 = iirnotch(2*f0, 2*Q, fs)
    b = convolve(b1, b2)
    a = convolve(a1, a2)
    notched = pd.Series(filtfilt(b, a, ts))
    notched.index = ts.index
    return notched

root = cwd()
data = mkdir(root/"data")
figs = mkdir(root/"figs")

# download latest case data
# download_data(data, 'state_wise_daily.csv')
# df = load_statewise_data(data/"state_wise_daily.csv")
# ts = get_time_series(df, "state")

# load delay data
api_diff = pd.read_csv(data/"daily_diff.csv", parse_dates=["status_change_date", "report_date"],  dayfirst=True)
delay = api_diff[(api_diff.current_status == "Hospitalized") & (api_diff.report_date > "2020-08-02")].copy()
delay = delay.drop(columns = [col for col in delay.columns if col.startswith("Unnamed")] + ["rowhash"])
delay["newhash"] = delay[["patient_number", "date_announced", "detected_district", "detected_state","current_status", "status_change_date", "num_cases"]].apply(lambda x: hash(tuple(x)), axis = 1)
delay = delay.drop_duplicates(subset=["newhash"], keep="first")
Esempio n. 3
import pandas as pd
from epimargin.utils import setup, mkdir

data, _ = setup()
peru = mkdir(data/"peru")

schema = dict(zip(

df = pd.read_csv(peru/"fallecidos_covid.csv", delimiter = ";", encoding = "ISO-8859-1")\
        .rename(columns = schema)

df[df.district == "IQUITOS"][["death_date", "declared_age", "sex", "district"]]\
        death_date = lambda _: pd.to_datetime(_["death_date"].astype(str).str.lstrip("0"), format = "%Y%m%d"),
        sex        = lambda _: _["sex"].str[0]
Esempio n. 4
from studies.age_structure.TN_CMIE.commons import *
from tqdm.std import tqdm
import epimargin.plots as plt

sns.set(style = "whitegrid")
num_sims         = 1000
simulation_range = 1 * years
phi_points       = [_ * percent * annually for _ in (25, 50, 100, 200)]
simulation_initial_conditions = pd.read_csv(data/"simulation_initial_conditions.csv")\
    .drop(columns = ["Unnamed: 0"])\
districts_to_run = simulation_initial_conditions
num_age_bins     = 7
seed             = 0

dst = mkdir(data/f"sim_metrics{num_sims}")

def save_metrics(policy, tag):
        dT = policy.dT_total,
        dD = policy.dD_total,
        pi = policy.pi,
        q0 = policy.q0,
        q1 = policy.q1, 
        Dj = policy.D

def prioritize(num_doses, S, prioritization):
    Sp = S[:, prioritization]
    dV = np.where(Sp.cumsum(axis = 1) <= num_doses, Sp, 0)
    dV[np.arange(len(dV)), (Sp.cumsum(axis = 1) > dV.cumsum(axis = 1)).argmax(axis = 1)] = num_doses - dV.sum(axis = 1)
Esempio n. 5
infectious_period = 1/gamma
smooth = notched_smoothing(window)

# simulation parameters
simulation_start = pd.Timestamp("April 15, 2021")

num_sims = 1000
focus_states = ["Tamil Nadu", "Punjab", "Maharashtra", "Bihar", "West Bengal"]
# states to evaluate at state level (no district level data)
coalesce_states = ["Delhi", "Manipur", "Dadra And Nagar Haveli And Daman And Diu", "Andaman And Nicobar Islands"]

# experiment_tag = "OD_IFR_Rtdownscale_fullstate"
experiment_tag = "unitvaxhazard_TN_IFR"
# epi_dst = tev_src = mkdir(ext/f"{experiment_tag}_epi_{num_sims}_{simulation_start.strftime('%b%d')}")
# epi_dst = tev_src = mkdir(Path("/Volumes/dedomeno/covid/vax-nature/OD_IFR_Rtdownscale_fullstate_epi_1000_Apr15"))
epi_dst = tev_src = mkdir(Path("/Volumes/dedomeno/covid/vax-nature/all_india_coalesced_epi_1000_Apr15"))
tev_dst = fig_src = mkdir(ext/f"{experiment_tag}_tev_{num_sims}_{simulation_start.strftime('%b%d')}")

# misc
survey_date = "October 23, 2020"

# palette 
TN_color = "firebrick"
IN_color = "#292f36"

no_vax_color          = "black"
contactrate_vax_color = "darkorange"
random_vax_color      = "royalblue"
mortality_vax_color   = "forestgreen"

agebin_colors = [ "#05668d", "#427aa1", "#679436", "#a5be00", "#ffcb77", "#d0393b", "#7a306c"]