Esempio n. 1
    def asdict(self, index=None):
        """Returns the data as a dictionary.

        index : slice, optional
            Only get the elements indicated by the given slice before
            converting to a dictionary.
        if index is None:
            return array2dict(
            return array2dict(self[index])
Esempio n. 2
    def _concatenate_dicts(self, attr):
        """Concatenates dictionary attributes over all of the chains.

        This is a convenience function used by properties such as
        ``current_positions`` to gather all of the dictionary attributes from
        the chains.

        attr : str
            The name of the attribute to get from the chains. The attribute
            is assumed to return a dictionary.

        dict :
            Dictionary mapping parameters to arrays. The arrays have shape
            ``ntemps x nchains``.
        # we'll create a chain data instance to stack the dictionaries
        d = getattr(self.chains[0], attr)
        out = ChainData(list(d.keys()),
        for ii, chain in enumerate(self.chains):
            out[ii] = getattr(chain, attr)
        return array2dict(
Esempio n. 3
def _check_array(array, expected_params, expected_shape):
    """Helper function to test arrays returned by the sampler."""
    # check that the fields are the same as the model's
    assert sorted(array.dtype.names) == sorted(expected_params)
    # check that the shape is what's expected
    assert array.shape == expected_shape
    # check that we can turn this into a dictionary
    adict = epsie.array2dict(array)
    assert sorted(adict.keys()) == sorted(expected_params)
    for param, val in adict.items():
        assert val.shape == expected_shape
Esempio n. 4
    def samples(self):
        """A dict mapping ``variable_params`` to arrays of samples currently
        in memory.

        The arrays have shape ``ntemps x nchains x niterations``.

        The dictionary also contains sampling parameters.
        samples = epsie.array2dict(self._sampler.positions)
        # apply boundary conditions
        samples = self.model.prior_distribution.apply_boundary_conditions(
        # apply transforms to go to model's variable params space
        if self.model.sampling_transforms is not None:
            samples = self.model.sampling_transforms.apply(samples,
        return samples
Esempio n. 5
def detect_dtypes(data):
    """Convenience function to detect the dtype of some data.

    data : dict or numpy.ndarray
        Either a numpy structred array/void or a dictionary mapping parameter
        names to some (arbitrary) values. The values may be either arrays or
        atomic data. If the former, the dtype will be taken from the array's

    dict :
        Dictionary mapping the parameter names to types.
    if not isinstance(data, dict):  # assume it's a numpy.void or numpy.ndarray
        data = array2dict(data)
    return {
        p: val.dtype if isinstance(val, numpy.ndarray) else type(val)
        for (p, val) in data.items()
Esempio n. 6
def _check_chains_are_different(chain, other, test_blobs, test_state=True):
    """Checks that two chains' random states and positions/stats/blobs are
    if test_state:
        rstate = chain.state['proposal_dist']['random_state']
        ostate = other.state['proposal_dist']['random_state']
        assert rstate != ostate
    if test_blobs:
        # note: we're checking that the blobs aren't the same, but
        # it might happen for a model that they would be the same
        # across chains, depending on the data. The testing models
        # in return the value of the log likelihood in
        # each parameter for the blobs, so we expect them to be
        # different in this case
Esempio n. 7
def test_chains(model_cls, nprocs, swap_interval, proposals=None):
    """Sets up and runs a sampler for a few iterations, then performs
    the following checks:

    * That the positions, stats, acceptance ratios, and (if the model
      returns blobs) blobs all have the expected parameters, shape
      ntemps x nchains x niterations, and can be converted to dictionaries of
    * That the ``current_(positions|stats|blobs)`` (if the model returns
      blobs) are the same as the last item in the positions/stats/blobs.
    * If the model does not return blobs, that the ``blobs`` and
      ``current_blobs`` are all None.
    * That the chains all have different random states after the
      iterations, and different positions/stats/blobs.
    model = model_cls()
    sampler = _create_sampler(model,
    # check that the number of parameters that we have proposals for
    # matches the number of model parameters
    joint_dist = sampler.chains[0].chains[0].proposal_dist
    prop_params = set.union(*[set(p.parameters) for p in joint_dist.proposals])
    assert set(joint_dist.parameters) == prop_params
    assert prop_params == set(model.params)
    if proposals is not None:
        # check that the proposals used by the sampler match what we gave it
        pdict = {frozenset(p.parameters): p for p in joint_dist.proposals}
        for prop in proposals:
            prop_params = frozenset(prop.parameters)
            assert prop_params in pdict
            assert == pdict[prop_params].name
    # check that the number of recorded iterations matches how long we
    # actually ran for
    assert sampler.niterations == ITERINT
    # check that we get the positions back in the expected format
    positions = sampler.positions
    expected_shape = (NTEMPS, NCHAINS, ITERINT)
    _check_array(positions, model.params, expected_shape)
    # check that the current positions have the right shape
    for arr in sampler.start_position.values():
        assert arr.shape == (NTEMPS, NCHAINS)
    for arr in sampler.current_positions.values():
        assert arr.shape == (NTEMPS, NCHAINS)
    for arr in sampler.current_stats.values():
        assert arr.shape == (NTEMPS, NCHAINS)
    if model.blob_params:
        for arr in sampler.current_blobs.values():
            assert arr.shape == (NTEMPS, NCHAINS)
    # check that the current position is the same as the last in the array
    _compare_dict_array(epsie.array2dict(positions[..., -1]),
    # check that the stats have the expected fields and shape
    stats = sampler.stats
    _check_array(stats, ['logl', 'logp'], expected_shape)
    # check that the current position is the same as the last in the array
    _compare_dict_array(epsie.array2dict(stats[..., -1]),
    # check that the acceptance ratios have the expected fields and shape
    acceptance = sampler.acceptance
    _check_array(acceptance, ['acceptance_ratio', 'accepted'], expected_shape)
    # check that the temperature swaps have the expected shape
    temperature_swaps = sampler.temperature_swaps
    assert temperature_swaps.shape == (NTEMPS, NCHAINS,
                                       ITERINT // swap_interval)
    # ditto for the temperature acceptance
    temperature_acceptance = sampler.temperature_acceptance
    assert temperature_acceptance.shape == (NTEMPS - 1, NCHAINS,
                                            ITERINT // swap_interval)
    # check the individual chains
    for ii, chain in enumerate(sampler.chains):
        # check that the length matches the number of iterations
        assert len(chain) == ITERINT
        # check that hasblobs is None if the model doesn't return any
        assert chain.hasblobs == bool(model.blob_params)
        # do the same for every temperature
        for kk, subchain in enumerate(chain.chains):
            # check that the length matches the number of iterations
            assert len(subchain) == ITERINT
            # check that hasblobs is None if the model doesn't return any
            assert subchain.hasblobs == bool(model.blob_params)
    # check the blobs
    blobs = sampler.blobs
    current_blobs = sampler.current_blobs
    if model.blob_params:
        _check_array(blobs, model.blob_params, expected_shape)
        _compare_dict_array(epsie.array2dict(blobs[..., -1]), current_blobs)
        # check that blobs are None since this model doesn't have blobs
        assert blobs is None
        assert current_blobs is None
    # check that every temperature in every chain has a different random state
    # and different current values than all others
    combos = itertools.combinations(range(len(sampler.chains)), 2)
    temp_combos = itertools.combinations(range(NTEMPS), 2)
    # check that all temps have different current positions/stats/blobs within
    # each chain, but that they all have the same random state
    for chain in sampler.chains:
        for kk, ll in temp_combos:
            rstate = chain.chains[kk].state['proposal_dist']['random_state']
            ostate = chain.chains[ll].state['proposal_dist']['random_state']
            assert rstate == ostate
    # now check that all temps in different chains are different
    for ii, jj in combos:
        chain = sampler.chains[ii]
        other = sampler.chains[jj]
        for kk in range(NTEMPS):
            for ll in range(NTEMPS):
    if sampler.pool is not None:
Esempio n. 8
    def model_stats(self):
        """A dict mapping the model's ``default_stats`` to arrays of values.

        The arrays have shape ``ntemps x nchains x niterations``.
        return epsie.array2dict(self._sampler.blobs)
Esempio n. 9
def test_chains(model_cls, nprocs):
    """Sets up and runs a sampler for a few iterations, then performs
    the following checks:

    * That the positions, stats, acceptance ratios, and (if the model
      returns blobs) blobs all have the expected parameters, shape
      nchains x niterations, and can be converted to dictionaries of
    * That the ``current_(positions|stats|blobs)`` (if the model returns
      blobs) are the same as the last item in the positions/stats/blobs.
    * If the model does not return blobs, that the ``blobs`` and
      ``current_blobs`` are all None.
    * That the chains all have different random states after the
      iterations, and different positions/stats/blobs.
    model = model_cls()
    sampler = _create_sampler(model, nprocs, nchains=NCHAINS, seed=SEED)
    # check that the number of parameters that we have proposals for
    # matches the number of model parameters
    joint_dist = sampler.chains[0].proposal_dist
    prop_params = set.union(*[set(p.parameters) for p in joint_dist.proposals])
    assert set(joint_dist.parameters) == prop_params
    assert prop_params == set(model.params)
    # run for some iterations
    # check that the number of recorded iterations matches how long we
    # actually ran for
    assert sampler.niterations == ITERINT
    # check that we get the positions back in the expected format
    positions = sampler.positions
    expected_shape = (NCHAINS, ITERINT)
    _check_array(positions, model.params, expected_shape)
    # check that the current position is the same as the last in the array
    _compare_dict_array(epsie.array2dict(positions[..., -1]),
    # check that the stats have the expected fields and shape
    stats = sampler.stats
    _check_array(stats, ['logl', 'logp'], expected_shape)
    # check that the current position is the same as the last in the array
    _compare_dict_array(epsie.array2dict(stats[..., -1]),
    # check that the acceptance ratios have the expected fields and shape
    acceptance = sampler.acceptance
    _check_array(acceptance, ['acceptance_ratio', 'accepted'], expected_shape)
    # check the individual chains
    for ii, chain in enumerate(sampler.chains):
        # check that the length matches the number of iterations
        assert len(chain) == ITERINT
        # check that hasblobs is None if the model doesn't return any
        assert chain.hasblobs == bool(model.blob_params)
    # check the blobs
    blobs = sampler.blobs
    current_blobs = sampler.current_blobs
    if model.blob_params:
        _check_array(blobs, model.blob_params, expected_shape)
        _compare_dict_array(epsie.array2dict(blobs[..., -1]), current_blobs)
        # check that blobs are None since this model doesn't have blobs
        assert blobs is None
        assert current_blobs is None
    # check that each chain's random state and current values are different
    combos = itertools.combinations(range(len(sampler.chains)), 2)
    for ii, jj in combos:
    # terminate the multiprocessing pool so we don't end up with too many
    # open processes
    if sampler.pool is not None: