Esempio n. 1
	def escapes(self, escapes_file, readquiet):
		#read and define escape metabolites.
		if not readquiet:
			print 'escapes from', escapes_file	
		escapes = {}
		file = open(escapes_file)
		while True:
			line = file.readline()
			if line == '': break
			line = line.rstrip()
			if line == '': continue
			if line[0] == '#': continue
			col = line.split('\t')
			rawmet = col[0]
			if not readquiet:
				print ' ', rawmet

			#convert metabolites from forms like 'leu-L[c]' to 'M_leu_DASH_L_c'...
			met = eq_current.convert_metabolite_ext2int(rawmet)

			escapes[met] = 1													
		escapelist = escapes.keys()
		cb.set_escapes(self, escapelist)
		if not readquiet:
Esempio n. 2
	def exchanges(self, exchanges_file, readquiet):
		#read and define exchange metabolites.
		if not readquiet:
			print 'exchanges from', exchanges_file	
		exchanges = {}
		file = open(exchanges_file)
		while True:
			line = file.readline()
			if line == '': break
			line = line.rstrip()
			if line == '': continue
			if line[0] == '#': continue
			col = line.split()					## starting here, some changes here to cope with MM2 output
				lb, ub = col[1], col[2]
				lb, ub = '-1000', '1000'
			rawmet = col[0]
			if not readquiet:
				print ' ', rawmet

			#convert metabolites from forms like 'leu-L[c]' to 'M_leu_DASH_L_c'...
			met = eq_current.convert_metabolite_ext2int(rawmet)

			exchanges[(met, lb, ub)] = 1													
		exchangelist = exchanges.keys()
		cb.set_exchanges(self, exchangelist)
		if not readquiet:
Esempio n. 3
	def biomass(self, biomass_file, readquiet):
		#read and define biomass equation...
		if not readquiet:
			print 'biomass from', biomass_file
		biomass_equation = [[], []]
		file = open(biomass_file)
		while True:
			line = file.readline()
			if line == '': break
			line = line.rstrip()
			if line == '': continue
			if line[0] == '#': continue
			col = line.split('\t')
			[rawmet, coef, side] = col[0:3]
			#convert metabolites from forms like 'leu-L[c]' to 'M_leu_DASH_L_c'...
			met = eq_current.convert_metabolite_ext2int(rawmet)
			if 'reactant' in side:
				biomass_equation[0].append((met, coef))
			elif 'product' in side:
				biomass_equation[1].append((met, coef))
				print 'Warning: biomass component skipped because cannot be idenified as reactant or product-->', line
		#add biomass equation to model, and set this as the objective...
		cb.add_reaction(self, 'R_biomass_target', 'BiomassRxn', False, {'SUBSYSTEM: BiomassObjective':1, 'EC: .':1}, biomass_equation)
		cb.set_objective(self, 'Maximize', 'R_biomass_target')
		#cb.set_constraint(self, 'R_biomass_target', '0.0', str(float(self.VMAX)) )
		if not readquiet:
			print eq_current.makestring(biomass_equation, False)