Esempio n. 1
def execute(filters=None):
    data, columns, row = [], [], []
    if not filters: filters = {}
    conditions, filters = get_conditions(filters)
    columns = get_columns()
    leave_data = get_data(conditions, filters)
    for d in sorted(leave_data):
        disc_leavs_indays = 0.0
        emp_shif_hrs = get_emp_work_shift(,
        if (d.disc_leavs != "NULL"
                or d.disc_leavs is not None) and emp_shif_hrs:
            disc_leavs_indays = d.disc_leavs / emp_shif_hrs
        row = [
  , d.employee_name, d.attendance_date, disc_leavs_indays,

    return columns, data
Esempio n. 2
	def update_leave_balance(self):
		if  not frappe.db.get_value("Leave Type",_('Annual Leave'), "name") :
			frappe.throw(_("{0} not found, you should add it to complete the process").format(_('Annual Leave')) )
		if self.discount_salary_from_leave():
			#from_date = add_days(cstr(getdate(today())), 1)
			from import get_emp_work_shift
			day = calendar.day_name[getdate(self.start_date).weekday()];
			shift_diff = get_emp_work_shift(self.employee,day)
			#emp_wshift = frappe.db.get_value("Employee Employment Detail", self.employee, "work_shift")
			#employee_start_time = frappe.db.get_value("Work Shift Details", {"parent":emp_wshift,"day":day}, "start_work")
			#employee_end_time = frappe.db.get_value("Work Shift Details", {"parent":emp_wshift,"day":day}, "end_work")
			#shift_diff = time_diff_in_hours(employee_end_time, employee_start_time)
			day_count = flt(self.hrs_disc) / flt(shift_diff)
			to_date = add_days(cstr(getdate(self.start_date)), day_count)
			#to_date= datetime.datetime.strptime(to_date,'%Y-%m-%d')

			doc = frappe.db.get_value('Leave Application',{'leave_type':_('Annual Leave'),'employee':self.employee,'status':'Approved','from_date':(">=",self.start_date ),'to_date':("<=",to_date ),'description': _('Auto Entry: Discount form Leaves')})
			if not doc and self.hrs_disc >= shift_diff:
				leave = frappe.new_doc('Leave Application')
				leave.employee= self.employee
				leave.employee_name= self.employee_name
				leave.leave_type= _('Annual Leave')
				leave.from_date = self.start_date
				leave.to_date = to_date
				leave.total_leave_days = get_number_of_leave_days(self.employee, _('Annual Leave'),self.start_date,to_date)
				leave.status = 'Approved'
				leave.hours = self.hrs_disc
				leave.balance_hrs = self.hrs_disc
				leave.leave_balance = get_leave_balance_on(self.employee,_('Annual Leave'), self.start_date,
				leave.description = _('Auto Entry: Discount form Leaves')
				leave.docstatus= 1
				leave.discount_salary_from_leaves= 1
				leave.flags.ignore_validate = True
def get_leave_balance_on(employee, leave_type, date, allocation_records=None,
	if allocation_records == None:
		allocation_records = get_leave_allocation_records(date, employee).get(employee, frappe._dict())
	com = frappe.defaults.get_user_default("Company")
	remain,leave_hrs_balance = 0, 0.0
	discout_from_leaves = frappe.db.get_value("Employee", employee, "discount_salary_from_leaves")

	date2 = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(date), "%Y-%m-%d")
	date_of_joining = frappe.db.get_value("Employee", employee, "date_of_joining")
	if date2:
			pre_year_date = date2.replace(year=date2.year-1)

		except ValueError as e:
			pre_year_date = date2.replace(
			pre_year_date = pre_year_date.replace(year=date2.year-1)

		#if(date_diff(pre_year_date,date_of_joining) < 0 and date_diff(date_of_joining,date2)<0 ):
		#	pre_year_date =date_of_joining
		allocation_records_last_year = get_leave_allocation_records(pre_year_date, employee).get(employee, frappe._dict())
		allocation_prev = allocation_records_last_year.get(leave_type, frappe._dict())
		leaves_taken_prev = get_approved_leaves_for_period(employee, leave_type, allocation_prev.from_date,  allocation_prev.to_date)
		remain = flt(allocation_prev.total_leaves_allocated) - flt(leaves_taken_prev) 
		if ( flt(allocation_prev.total_leaves_allocated) - flt(leaves_taken_prev)  >  0.5*(flt(allocation_prev.total_leaves_allocated))):
			remain = 0.5*(flt(allocation_prev.total_leaves_allocated))
			remain =  flt(allocation_prev.total_leaves_allocated) - flt(leaves_taken_prev) 

	allocation = allocation_records.get(leave_type, frappe._dict())

	from import get_working_total_hours
	from import get_emp_work_shift
	total_hrs , disc_hours ,total_real_hrs, compensatory_total_hours, permission_total_hours = get_working_total_hours(employee,allocation.from_date, datetime.datetime.strptime(str(date), "%Y-%m-%d").date())

	if consider_all_leaves_in_the_allocation_period:
		date = allocation.to_date
	leaves_taken = get_approved_leaves_for_period(employee, leave_type, allocation.from_date, date)
	shift_hrs = get_emp_work_shift(employee,calendar.day_name[getdate(allocation.from_date).weekday()] )
	leave_days_balance = (flt(allocation.total_leaves_allocated) - flt(leaves_taken))+remain
	if  leave_days_balance > 60:

	annual_ex_total_hours= 0.0
	sick_ex_total_hours= 0.0

	disc_hours =disc_hours - permission_total_hours

	perm = frappe.db.sql("select employee,docstatus ,permission_date ,ifnull(diff_exit,0) as diff from `tabExit permission` where type='Return' and permission_type='Exit with return' and employee = %(employee)s and date(permission_date) BETWEEN %(start_date)s AND DATE_ADD(%(end_date)s,INTERVAL 1 day) and docstatus = 1 and exit_type = 'Special' ", {'employee': employee, 'start_date': allocation.from_date, 'end_date': date}, as_dict=1)
	if perm:
		for p in perm:
			exit_hrs = frappe.db.sql("select format(((TIME_TO_SEC('%s'))/3600),0)" %p.diff)[0][0]
			annual_ex_total_hours += float(exit_hrs)

	sickk = frappe.db.sql("select employee,docstatus ,permission_date ,ifnull(diff_exit,0) as diff from `tabExit permission` where type='Return' and permission_type='Exit with return' and employee = %(employee)s and date(permission_date) BETWEEN %(start_date)s AND DATE_ADD(%(end_date)s,INTERVAL 1 day) and docstatus = 1 and exit_type = 'Sick' ", {'employee': employee, 'start_date':allocation.from_date, 'end_date': date}, as_dict=1)
	if sickk:
		for p in sickk:
			exit_hrs = frappe.db.sql("select format(((TIME_TO_SEC('%s'))/3600),0)" %p.diff)[0][0]
			sick_ex_total_hours += float(exit_hrs)

	if leave_type == _('Annual Leave'):
		disc_hours =disc_hours + annual_ex_total_hours

	if leave_type == _('Sick Leave'):
		sick_ex_total_hours  = sick_ex_total_hours

	if shift_hrs: 
		leave_hrs_balance=  (leave_days_balance * shift_hrs) 
		if discout_from_leaves and discout_from_leaves ==1:
			if leave_type == _('Annual Leave'):
				leave_hrs_balance = (leave_days_balance * shift_hrs) - disc_hours
			if leave_type == _('Sick Leave'):
				leave_hrs_balance = (leave_days_balance * shift_hrs) - sick_ex_total_hours

		leaves_dayss = int(leave_hrs_balance/shift_hrs)
		leaves_hourss = leave_hrs_balance % shift_hrs

	return leaves_dayss ,flt(leaves_hourss,2)
Esempio n. 4
def get_data(conditions, filters):
    data = []
    hours = {}
    condition = ""
    from_date = filters.get('from_date')
    to_date = filters.get('to_date')
    if filters.get("supervisor"):
        condition += " and supervisor = %(supervisor)s"
    if filters.get("department"):
        condition += " and department = %(department)s"
    if filters.get("employee"): condition += " and name = %(employee)s"

    employees = frappe.db.sql(
        """select name as employee ,employee_name ,supervisor,department, status from `tabEmployee`  
	 					 where docstatus <2 and status = "Active" %s order by employee """ %

    for emp_data in employees:
        emp_details = get_employee_details(conditions, filters, emp_data[0])

        total = 0.0
        total_late = 0.0
        total_early = 0.0
        early_hrs_count = 0
        total_abs = 0
        onleavs = 0
        exit_permision = 0
        disc = 0
        total_over = 0
        total_ex = 0
        dont_write_report = 0
        write_late = 0
        total_att = 0
        over_count = 0
        late_hrs_count = 0
        abs_hrs = 0.0
        total_disc = 0.0

        #leaves_taken = get_leaves_for_period(emp_data[0], leave_type,from_date, to_date) * -1
        #total_over, over_count = get_overtime_hrs(emp_data[0],from_date,to_date)
        #exit_permision= get_permissions(emp_data[0],from_date,to_date )

        for att in emp_details:
            comp_over, over = 0.0, 0.0
            if att.total_hours:
                total_att = att.total_hours
                total_att = 0.0

            #if att.total_work_hrs > att.total_hours :
            #diff = (float(att.total_work_hrs) - float(att.total_hours))

            if att.early_departure:
                total_early += att.early_departure
                early_hrs_count += 1

            if att.late_hrs:
                total_late += att.late_hrs
                late_hrs_count += 1

            if (att.status == "Absent"):
                total_abs += 1
                emp_wsh = get_emp_work_shift(emp_data[0],
                if emp_wsh: abs_hrs += (total_abs * emp_wsh)
            if (att.status == "On Leave"):
                onleavs += 1

            #if att.total_work_hrs and att.total_hours :
            #	if att.total_work_hrs > att.total_hours :
            #		disc += (float(att.total_work_hrs) - float(att.total_hours))

            if att.ext_diff > 0:
                total_ex += 1
                discount_permissions_from_attendance_hours = frappe.db.get_value(
                    "HR Settings", None,
                if att.ext_diff and discount_permissions_from_attendance_hours:
                    total_att -= att.ext_diff
                exit_permision += att.ext_diff

            if att.compensatory > 0 or att.overtime_hours > 0 or att.holiday_overtime_hours > 0:
                if att.compensatory and att.compensatory != 0.0:
                    if total_att > att.total_work_hrs:
                        total_att = total_att - (total_att -

                    comp_over = float(att.compensatory)
                    total_att += comp_over

                if att.overtime_hours:
                    ovr_rate = frappe.db.get_value("HR Settings", None,
                    over = att.overtime_hours * float(ovr_rate)
                    total_over += over

                if att.holiday_overtime_hours:
                    overtime_hour_price_in_holidays = frappe.db.get_value(
                        "HR Settings", None, "overtime_hour_price_in_holidays")
                    over = att.holiday_overtime_hours * float(
                    total_over += over

                over_count += 1

            if total_att > att.total_work_hrs and not comp_over:
                total_att = total_att - (total_att - att.total_work_hrs)

            if total_att <= 0:
                total_att = 0.0

            total += total_att

        if emp_data[1]:
                emp_data[1], emp_data[2], emp_data[3],
                round(total, 2), late_hrs_count,
                round(total_late, 2), early_hrs_count, total_early, over_count,
                round(total_over, 2),
                max(0, round(total_disc, 2)), total_ex,
                round(exit_permision, 2), onleavs, total_abs

    return data