def send_card(self, body: str = '', to: Identifier = None, in_reply_to: Message = None, summary: str = None, title: str = '', link: str = None, image: str = None, thumbnail: str = None, color: str = 'green', fields: Tuple[Tuple[str, str], ...] = ()) -> None: """ Sends a card. A Card is a special type of preformatted message. If it matches with a backend similar concept like on Slack or Hipchat it will be rendered natively, otherwise it will be sent as a regular formatted message. :param body: main text of the card in markdown. :param to: the card is sent to this identifier (Room, RoomOccupant, Person...). :param in_reply_to: the original message this message is a reply to (optional). :param summary: (optional) One liner summary of the card, possibly collapsed to it. :param title: (optional) Title possibly linking. :param link: (optional) url the title link is pointing to. :param image: (optional) link to the main image of the card. :param thumbnail: (optional) link to an icon / thumbnail. :param color: (optional) background color or color indicator. :param fields: (optional) a tuple of (key, value) pairs. """ frm = if in_reply_to else self.bot_identifier if to is None: if in_reply_to is None: raise ValueError('Either to or in_reply_to needs to be set.') to = in_reply_to.frm self._bot.send_card(Card(body, frm, to, in_reply_to, summary, title, link, image, thumbnail, color, fields))
def send_text_with_buttons(self, recipient_id, message, buttons): if len(buttons) > 5: logging.warn("Slack API currently allows only up to 5 buttons." "If you add more, all will be ignored.") return self.send_text_message(recipient_id, message) card = Card(summary=message, title="Nachricht vom {}".format(, to=self._evaluate_identifier_by_recipient_id(recipient_id), fields=self._convert_to_slack_buttons(buttons)) self._send_to_card_or_text(card, recipient_id)
def send_slack_attachment_action(self, body: str = '', to: Identifier = None, in_reply_to: Message = None, summary: str = None, title: str = '', link: str = None, image: str = None, thumbnail: str = None, color: str = 'green', fields: Tuple[Tuple[str, str], ...] = (), callback_id: str = None, fallback: str = None, actions=[]) -> None: """ send attachment message. this code is customized from errbot.botplugin and errbot.backends.slack """ frm = if in_reply_to else self.bot_identifier if to is None: if in_reply_to is None: raise ValueError('Either to or in_reply_to needs to be set.') to = in_reply_to.frm if isinstance(to, RoomOccupant): to = to_humanreadable, to_channel_id = self._bot._prepare_message( Card(body, frm, to, in_reply_to, summary, title, link, image, thumbnail, color, fields)) attachment = {} if actions: attachment['actions'] = actions if callback_id: attachment['callback_id'] = callback_id if summary: attachment['pretext'] = summary if title: attachment['title'] = title if link: attachment['title_link'] = link if image: attachment['image_url'] = image if thumbnail: attachment['thumb_url'] = thumbnail if fallback: attachment['fallback'] = fallback attachment['text'] = body if color: attachment['color'] = self.COLORS[color] if color in self.COLORS else color if fields: attachment['fields'] = [{ 'title': key, 'value': value, 'short': True } for key, value in fields] data = { 'text': ' ', 'channel': to_channel_id, 'attachments': json.dumps([attachment]), 'link_names': '1', 'as_user': '******' } try: self.log.debug('Sending data:\n%s', data) self._bot.api_call('chat.postMessage', data=data) except Exception as e: self.log.exception( "An exception occurred while trying to send a card to %s.[%s]" % (to_humanreadable, data))