Esempio n. 1
def populate(err, incoming):
    """ Populate the error table with the incoming error """
    # special lookup the account
    uid = incoming.get("account", "")
    if not uid:
        raise ValueError, "Missing the required account number."
    if str(uid) != settings.ARECIBO_PUBLIC_ACCOUNT_NUMBER:
        raise ValueError, "Account number does not match"

    # special
    if incoming.has_key("url"):
        for k, v in break_url(incoming["url"]).items():
            setattr(err, k, v)

    # check the status codes
    if incoming.has_key("status"):
        status = str(incoming["status"])
            err.status = status
        except StatusDoesNotExist:
            err.errors += "Status does not exist, ignored.\n"

    # not utf-8 encoded
    for src, dest in [
        ("ip", "ip"),
        ("user_agent", "user_agent"),
        ("uid", "uid"),
        actual = incoming.get(src, None)
        if actual is not None:
            setattr(err, dest, str(actual))

        priority = int(incoming.get("priority", 0))
    except ValueError:
        priority = 0
    err.priority = min(priority, 10)

    # possibly utf-8 encoding
    for src, dest in [("type", "type"), ("msg", "msg"), ("server", "server"),
                      ("traceback", "traceback"), ("request", "request"),
                      ("username", "username")]:
        actual = incoming.get(src, None)
        if actual is not None:
                setattr(err, dest, actual.encode("utf-8"))
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                err.errors += "Encoding error on the %s field, ignored.\n" % src

    # timestamp handling
    if incoming.has_key("timestamp"):
        tmstmp = incoming["timestamp"].strip()
        if tmstmp.endswith("GMT"):
            tmstmp = tmstmp[:-3] + "-0000"
        tme = parsedate(tmstmp)
        if tme:
                final = datetime(*tme[:7])
                err.error_timestamp = final
            except ValueError, msg:
                err.errors += 'Date error on the field "%s", ignored.\n' % msg
Esempio n. 2
def populate(incoming):
    """ Populate the error table with the incoming error """
    # special lookup the account
    err = Error()
    uid = incoming.get("account", "")
    if not settings.ANONYMOUS_POSTING:
        if not uid:
            raise ValueError, "Missing the required account number."

        if str(uid) != settings.ARECIBO_PUBLIC_ACCOUNT_NUMBER:
            raise ValueError, "Account number does not match"

    # special
    if incoming.has_key("url"):
        for k, v in break_url(incoming["url"]).items():
            setattr(err, k, v)

    # check the status codes
    if incoming.has_key("status"):
        status = str(incoming["status"])
            err.status = status
        except StatusDoesNotExist:
            err.errors += "Status does not exist, ignored.\n"

    # not utf-8 encoded
    for src, dest in [
        ("ip", "ip"),
        ("user_agent", "user_agent"),
        ("uid", "uid"),
        actual = incoming.get(src, None)
        if actual is not None:
            setattr(err, dest, str(actual))

        priority = int(incoming.get("priority", 0))
    except ValueError:
        priority = 0
    err.priority = min(priority, 10)

    # possibly utf-8 encoding
    for src, dest in [
        ("type", "type"),
        ("msg", "msg"),
        ("server", "server"),
        ("traceback", "traceback"),
        ("request", "request"),
        ("username", "username")
        actual = incoming.get(src, None)
        if actual is not None:
                setattr(err, dest, actual.encode("utf-8"))
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                err.errors += "Encoding error on the %s field, ignored.\n" % src

    # timestamp handling
    if incoming.has_key("timestamp"):
        tmstmp = incoming["timestamp"].strip()
        if tmstmp.endswith("GMT"):
            tmstmp = tmstmp[:-3] + "-0000"
        tme = parsedate(tmstmp)
        if tme:
                final = datetime(*tme[:7])
                err.error_timestamp = final
                err.error_timestamp_date =
            except ValueError, msg:
                err.errors += 'Date error on the field "%s", ignored.\n' % msg
Esempio n. 3
def populate(err, incoming):
    # special lookup the account
    uid = incoming.get("account", "")
    if not uid:
        raise ValueError, "Missing the required account number."
    if str(uid) != settings.ARECIBO_PUBLIC_ACCOUNT_NUMBER:
        raise ValueError, "Account number does not match"
    # special
    if incoming.has_key("url"):
        err.raw = incoming["url"]
        parsed = list(urlparse(incoming["url"]))
        err.protocol, err.domain = parsed[0], parsed[1]
        err.query = urlunparse(["",""] + parsed[2:])

    # check the status codes
    if incoming.has_key("status"):
        status = str(incoming["status"])
            err.status = status
        except StatusDoesNotExist:
            err.errors += "Status does not exist, ignored.\n"

    # not utf-8 encoded
    for src, dest in [
        ("ip", "ip"),
        ("user_agent", "user_agent"),
        ("uid", "uid"),
        actual = incoming.get(src, None)
        if actual is not None:
            setattr(err, dest, actual)

        priority = int(incoming["priority"] or 0)
    except KeyError: # key not found
        priority = 0
    except ValueError: # int conversion error
        priority = 0
    err.priority = min(priority, 10)

    # possibly utf-8 encoding
    for src, dest in [
        ("type", "type"),
        ("msg", "msg"),
        ("server", "server"),
        ("traceback", "traceback"),
        ("request", "request"),
        ("username", "username")
        actual = incoming.get(src, None)
        if actual is not None:
                setattr(err, dest, actual.encode("utf-8"))
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                err.errors += "Encoding error on the %s field, ignored.\n" % src
    # timestamp handling
    if incoming.has_key("timestamp"):
        tmstmp = incoming["timestamp"].strip()
        if tmstmp.endswith("GMT"):
            tmstmp = tmstmp[:-3] + "-0000"
        tme = parsedate(tmstmp)
        if tme:
                final = datetime(*tme[:7])
                err.error_timestamp = final
            except ValueError, msg:
                err.errors += 'Date error on the field "%s", ignored.\n' % msg