def run_workload(self, workload_path, result_path, vd_name, workload): ''' This method run workloads and stores the result Arguments (str, str, str, str): workload_path, result_path, vd_name, workload Return: None ''' # Config\VdBench_config\Workload path = 'cd ' + self.vdbench_path + '\n' str_ = 'vdbench -f "' + workload_path + '" -o "' + result_path + '"' + "\n" ssh = subprocess.Popen(["cmd"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, bufsize=0) # Send ssh commands to stdin ssh.stdin.write(path) ssh.stdin.write(str_) out, err = ssh.communicate() print(out, err) ssh.wait() if 'Vdbench execution completed successfully' in out: if '4-4k-4-fill' not in result_path: msg = workload.upper() + ' workload executed sucessfully' LogCreate() new_path = os.path.join(result_path, "flatfile.html") ResultCreation().read_result(new_path, vd_name, workload, self.new_) else: msg = '4-4k-4-fill workload executed sucessfully' LogCreate()
def execute_test(self): ''' This method execute workload and create all required configuration of SSY. Arguments : None Return: None ''' vd_name, workload, flag_run = self.input_for_test() if flag_run == 1: print('************************'\ 'Test Started************************\n') LogCreate()'************************'\ 'Test Started************************') time.sleep(10) if vd_name.lower() != "standard": self.test_enable_cap_opt_at_server() time.sleep(15) self.create_diskpool(vd_name) time.sleep(15) self.stop_server() time.sleep(25) self.start_server() time.sleep(25) self.test_create_virtual_disk(vd_name) time.sleep(50) self.set_vd_properties(vd_name) time.sleep(5) self.test_serve_vd_to_host() time.sleep(10) diskindex = self.initialize_vd() time.sleep(5) print('************************'\ 'VdBench Execution Started************************\n') LogCreate()'************************'\ 'VdBench Execution Started************************') VdBenchRun().run(vd_name, workload, diskindex) print('Result creation completed') print('************************'\ 'Setup Cleanup Started************************\n') LogCreate()'************************'\ 'Setup Cleanup Started************************') self.un_server_vd() time.sleep(25) self.delete_vd() time.sleep(180) self.delete_pool() time.sleep(180) if vd_name.lower() != "standard": self.test_disable_cap_opt_at_server() time.sleep(30) print('************************'\ 'VdBench Execution Completed************************\n') LogCreate()'************************'\ 'VdBench Execution Completed************************')
def start_update_html(self, virtualdisk, workload): ''' This method append all results in HTML page Arguments (str, str): virtualdisk, workload Return: None ''' path_html = os.path.abspath("../../..") + '/' + 'HTML_Template' + '/' if self.glob_flag == 0: self.first_temp() print('************************'\ 'VdBench Result Creation Started************************\n') LogCreate()'************************'\ 'VdBench Result Creation Started************************') update = '<td class="u-border-1 u-border-grey-30 u-table-cell u-table-cell-' file1 = open(self.path, "r+") list_lines = file1.readlines() number = self.update_lines(workload, virtualdisk) for index, val in enumerate(list_lines): vsi_new = update + str(number) if vsi_new in val.strip(): data = '<td class="u-border-1 u-border-grey-30'\ ' u-table-cell u-table-cell-' + str(number) data = data + '">' + self.merge_list[0] + "</td>" list_lines[index] = data self.merge_list.pop(0) number += 5 if val.strip() == '<script class="u-script" type="text/javascript" '\ 'src="jquery.js" defer=""></script>': list_lines[index] = '<script class="u-script" type="text/javascript" '\ 'src=""'+path_html+'jquery.js" defer=""></script>' if val.strip( ) == '<link rel="stylesheet" href="nicepage.css" media="screen">': list_lines[index] = '<link rel="stylesheet" '\ 'href="'+path_html+'nicepage.css" media="screen">' if val.strip( ) == '<link rel="stylesheet" href="VdBench.css" media="screen">': list_lines[index] = '<link rel="stylesheet"'\ ' href="'+path_html+'VdBench.css" media="screen">' if val.strip() == '<script class="u-script" type="text/javascript" '\ 'src="nicepage.js" defer=""></script>': list_lines[index] = '<script class="u-script" type="text/javascript" '\ 'src="href="'+path_html+'nicepage.js" defer=""></script>' if val.strip() == '<img class="u-image u-image-1" src="images/new.png" '\ 'data-image-width="539" data-image-height="136">': list_lines[index] = '<img class="u-image u-image-1" '\ 'src="'+path_html+'images/new.png" '\ 'data-image-width="539" data-image-height="136">' with open(self.destiny, "w") as file: for item in list_lines: file.write("%s\n" % item) file.close() msg = + ' Result created succesfully' LogCreate()
def set_vd_properties(self, virtual_disk): ''' This method used to set virtual disk property. Arguments (str): virtual disk Return: None ''' payload = {} #Once the VD is created set virtual disk properties if virtual_disk.lower() != "standard": if virtual_disk.lower().strip() == "ildc": payload["Deduplication"] = True payload["Compression"] = True elif virtual_disk.lower() == "ild": payload["Deduplication"] = True elif virtual_disk.lower() == "ilc": payload["Compression"] = True uri = "virtualdisks/" + self.vd_id res = ILDC().do_enable_cap_opt_on_vd(uri, header=None, payload=payload) msg = virtual_disk + " property enable at virtual disk level" if str(res) == '<Response [200]>': print(msg) LogCreate() else: self.verification(res.json(), msg)
def input_for_test(self): ''' This method pass disk and workload details to the tool. Arguments : None Return: None ''' flag_run = 0 vd_name = '' workload = '' self.file = open(r"../../../Config/Test.txt", "r+") data = self.file.readlines() self.file.close() if data == []: msg = 'There is nothing to perform plz give vdbench configuration' LogCreate() else: virtual_disk = data[0].split() vd_name = virtual_disk[0] workload = virtual_disk[1] flag_run = 1 file = open(r"../../../Config/Test.txt", "w+") for _ in data[1:]: file.write(_) file.close() return vd_name, workload, flag_run
def run(self): ''' This method validate disk is used by othere process. If its used by othere process it will raise error and stop execution of tool. Arguments : None Return: None ''' flag = 0 self.read_config() pd_ids = self.get_physical_disk_id() for _ in self.disk: ILDC().clean_diskpart(_) if int(_) not in pd_ids.keys(): msg = 'Disk index ' + str(_) + ' Already used by other process' print(msg) LogCreate().logger_error.error(msg) flag = 1 else: if _ in self.config_dict['co disk']: self.co_disk.append(pd_ids[int(_)]) else: self.disk_pool_disk.append(pd_ids[int(_)]) del self.config_dict return flag
def test_create_virtual_disk(self, virtual_disk): ''' This method used to create Virtual disk. Arguments (str): virtual disk Return: None ''' uri = "virtualdisks" vd_payload = { "Name": virtual_disk + "_VD", "Description": "Description of virtual disk", "Size": "500GB", "SectorSize": "512B", "PoolVolumeType": "0", # 0-stripped, 1-spanned, "Pool": self.pool_id, "Type": "0", "Count": "1", } res = ILDC().do_create_vd(uri, header=None, payload=vd_payload) msg = "Virtual disk created successfully" if str(res) == '<Response [200]>': print(msg) LogCreate() else: self.verification(json.loads(res.content), msg) res = json.loads(res.content) if len(res) != 0: vd_id = [x["Id"] for x in res] self.vd_id = vd_id[0]
def __init__(self): self.config_file = r"../../../Config/VdBench_config/VDBench_config.ini" self.config_test = r"../../../Config/Test.txt" self.list_lines = [] self.file = '' configur = ConfigParser() flag = 1 msg = '' if configur.get('first run', 'run') == 'False': today = date_time = today.strftime("%y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") self.set_config_val('first run', 'start', date_time) flag, msg = AutoLoggin().run() print(flag, msg) if flag == 1 and msg == '': flag_ = self.verification_file() if flag_ == 0: self.arguments() else: Test_ILDC().start() self.set_config_val('first run', 'run', 'True') print('System will restart in 30 sec') time.sleep(30) os.system("shutdown /r /t 1") else: print(msg) LogCreate().logger_error.error(msg)
def verification(self, res_json, msg): ''' This method used to log INFO and ERROR to log file. Arguments (dict, str): res_json, msg Return (str): self.test_status ''' try: if 'ErrorCode' not in res_json.keys(): self.test_status = "Pass" LogCreate() print(msg) else: self.test_status = "Fail" print(res_json['Message']) LogCreate().logger_error.error(res_json['Message']) except: LogCreate().logger_error.error(res_json['Message']) return self.test_status
def zfs_data(self): ''' This method read ZFS data. Arguments : None Return (float, float, float, float): os_mem, ddt, comp, dedup ''' try: process = subprocess.Popen( 'cmd.exe', stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf8', universal_newlines=True, bufsize=0, creationflags=subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, shell=False) process.stdin.write('cd /d c:\\' + "\n") process.stdin.write( "cd \"C:/Program Files/DataCore/SANsymphony/zfs\"" + "\n") process.stdin.write("zpool status -D" + "\n") process.stdin.write("kstat spl:0:spl_misc:os_mem_alloc" + "\n") process.stdin.write("zpool list" + "\n") process.stdin.write("zfs get compressratio" + "\n") process.stdin.write("kstat.exe zfs:0:tunable:zfs_arc_meta_limit" + "\n") process.stdin.write("kstat.exe zfs:0:tunable:zfs_arc_meta_limit" + "\n") process.stdin.write("zfs get primarycache" + "\n") process.stdin.write("zfs get sync" + "\n") process.stdin.close() output ='\n') count = 0 for _ in output: if count == 1: count = 0 if 'compressratio' in _.split(): comp = str(_.split()[-2].strip('x')) else: dedup = str(_.split()[-3].strip('x')) if 'dedup: DDT entries' in _: ddt = (int(_.split()[3].split(',')[0])) * (int( _.split()[8])) if 'os_mem_alloc' in _: os_mem = _.split()[-1] if 'SIZE ALLOC FREE CKPOINT' in _: count = 1 if 'PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE' in _: count = 1 if 'zfs_arc_meta_limit' in _: self.zfs_max = _.split()[-1] ddt = str(round(ddt / 1048576, 2)) os_mem = str(round(int(os_mem) / 1073741824, 2)) return os_mem, ddt, comp, dedup except Exception as error: LogCreate().logger_error.error(error)
def get_physical_disk_id(self): ''' This method used to get all physical disk details. Arguments : None Return: None ''' uri = "physicaldisks" pd_data = Disks().do_get_physical_disks(uri, header=None) pd_data = json.loads(pd_data.content) if len(pd_data) != 0: self.pd_ids = { x['DiskIndex']: x["Id"] for x in pd_data if x['Partitioned'] == False } msg = "Found %d physical disks in server group" % len(self.pd_ids) LogCreate() else: msg = "No Physical disks found" LogCreate().logger_error.error(msg) return self.pd_ids
def get_host(self): ''' This method used to get host details. Arguments : None Return: None ''' uri = 'hosts' res = ILDC().do_ssy_details(uri, header=None) msg = 'Get host details' if str(res) == '<Response [200]>': LogCreate() else: self.verification(res.json(), msg)
def get_server(self): ''' This method used to get server details. Arguments : None Return: None ''' uri = "servers" res = ILDC().do_ssy_details(uri, header=None) self.server_id = res.json()[0]['Id'] msg = 'Get server details' if str(res) == '<Response [200]>': LogCreate() else: self.verification(res.json(), msg)
def delete_vd(self): ''' This method used to delete virtual disk. Arguments : None Return: None ''' uri = "virtualdisks/" + self.vd_id res = ILDC().do_vd_delete(uri) msg = "Virtual disk deleted" if str(res) == '<Response [200]>': print(msg) LogCreate() else: self.verification(res.json(), msg)
def delete_pool(self): ''' This method used to delete diskpool. Arguments : None Return: None ''' uri = "pools/" + self.pool_id res = ILDC().do_pool_delete(uri) msg = "Diskpool deleted successfully" if str(res) == '<Response [200]>': print(msg) LogCreate() else: self.verification(res.json(), msg)
def un_server_vd(self): ''' This method used to unserve virtual disk from host. Arguments : None Return: None ''' uri = "virtualdisks/" + self.vd_id payload_dict = {"Operation": "Unserve", "Host": self.server_id} res = ILDC().do_serve_vd(uri, header=None, payload=payload_dict) msg = "Unserve Virtual disk sucessfuly" if str(res) == '<Response [200]>': print(msg) LogCreate() else: self.verification(res.json(), msg)
def add_disk_to_pool(self): ''' This method add disks to diskpool. Arguments : None Return: None ''' uri = "pools/" + self.pool_id payload_dict = { "Operation": "AddDisks", "Disks": self.disk_pool_disk[1:] } res = ILDC().do_create_pool(uri, header=None, payload=payload_dict) msg = "Disks are added to Diskpool" if str(res) == '<Response [200]>': LogCreate() else: self.verification(res.json(), msg)
def initialize_vd(self): ''' This method used to initialize virtual disk. Arguments : None Return: None ''' uri = "physicaldisks" pd_data = Disks().do_get_physical_disks(uri, header=None) pd_data = json.loads(pd_data.content) for i in range(len(pd_data)): for key, val in pd_data[i].items(): if key == "VirtualDiskId" and val in self.vd_id: diskindex = pd_data[i]['DiskIndex'] ILDC().initial_disk(diskindex) msg = "Initialized Virtual disk" print(msg) LogCreate() break return diskindex
def test_serve_vd_to_host(self): ''' This method used serve virtual disk to host. Arguments : None Return: None ''' uri = "virtualdisks/" + self.vd_id serve_payload = { "Operation": "Serve", "Host": self.server_id, "Redundancy": "false" } res = ILDC().do_serve_vd(uri, header=None, payload=serve_payload) msg = "Virtual disk server to the host" if str(res) == '<Response [200]>': print(msg) LogCreate() else: self.verification(res, msg)