Esempio n. 1
    # 'gin': '',#no gin
    # 'tequila': '',#no tequila
    # 'liquor': '',#no liquor
    # 'white_wine': '',
    # 'red_wine': '',
    # 'bourbon': '',#no bourbon
    # 'brandy': '',#no brandy
    # 'rum': '',#no rum

# Category Scraping - with selenium - multiple pages per category (click on next page)
for ctg, url in urls_ctgs_dict.items():
    categories[ctg] = []
    number_of_pdcts_in_ctg = 0
    print("Beginning ", ctg, url)
    if not op.exists(fpath_namer(shop_id, 'ctg', ctg, 0)):

    # If files exist, don't scrap
    perform_scrapping = not op.exists(fpath_namer(shop_id, 'ctg', ctg, 0))
    for p in range(100):
        fpath = fpath_namer(shop_id, 'ctg', ctg, p)
        if not op.exists(fpath) and perform_scrapping:
            driver.save_page(fpath, scroll_to_bottom=True)
        categories, products = ctg_parsing(fpath, ctg, categories, products)
        print(fpath, ctg, p, len(categories[ctg]))

        # Break or change pages
        if number_of_pdcts_in_ctg == len(categories[ctg]):
            print("Finished, because no more new products")
Esempio n. 2

urls_ctgs_dict = {
    'champagne': '',
    'sparkling': '',
    'still_wines': '',
    'white_wine': '',
    'red_wine': '',

# Category Scraping - with selenium - multiple pages per category (click on next page)
for ctg, url in urls_ctgs_dict.items():
    categories[ctg] = []
    number_of_pdcts_in_ctg = 0
    if not op.exists(fpath_namer(shop_id, 'ctg', ctg, 0)):
    for p in range(100):
        fpath = fpath_namer(shop_id, 'ctg', ctg, p)
        if not op.exists(fpath):
            driver.driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")
            driver.waitclick('//button[@data-dismiss="modal"]', timeout=7)
            driver.save_page(fpath, scroll_to_bottom=False)
        tree = etree.parse(open(fpath, 'rb'), parser=parser)
        for li in tree.xpath('//article[@data-entity-type="product"]'):
            produrl = li.xpath('.//a[@data-ec-linklabel="Product Text"]/@href')[0]
            produrl = parse_qs(urlsplit(produrl).query)['url'][0] if 'url' in parse_qs(urlsplit(produrl).query) else produrl
            products[produrl] = {
                'pdct_name_on_eretailer': " ".join("".join(li.xpath('.//h1//text()')).split()),
Esempio n. 3
from create_csvs import create_csvs
from custom_browser import CustomDriver
from ers import COLLECTION_DATE, file_hash, img_path_namer
from ers import all_keywords_fr as keywords, TEST_PAGES_FOLDER_PATH
from ers import clean_xpathd_text
from ers import fpath_namer, mh_brands, clean_url, headers
from matcher import BrandMatcher
from validators import validate_raw_files

parser = etree.HTMLParser()

# Init variables and assets
shop_id = 'gourmondo'
root_url = ''
requests_cache.install_cache(fpath_namer(shop_id, 'requests_cache'))
country = 'DE'
searches, categories, products = {}, {}, {}
driver = CustomDriver(headless=True, download_images=True)

def getprice(pricestr):
    pricestr = re.sub("[^0-9.€,]", "", pricestr)
    if pricestr.endswith('*'):
        pricestr = pricestr[:-1]
    if not pricestr:
    price = parse('{pound:d}€', pricestr)
    if price:
        return price.named['pound'] * 100
    price = parse('{pound:d},{pence:d}€', pricestr)
Esempio n. 4
from validators import validate_raw_files
from create_csvs import create_csvs
from ers import all_keywords_usa as keywords, fpath_namer, mh_brands, clean_url, headers

from matcher import BrandMatcher
from ers import COLLECTION_DATE, file_hash, img_path_namer
import shutil
from custom_browser import CustomDriver
from parse import parse
import re

# Init variables and assets
shop_id = "pogos_wine_spirits"
root_url = "" 
requests_cache.install_cache(fpath_namer(shop_id, 'requests_cache'))
country = "USA"

searches, categories, products = {}, {}, {}
# If necessary
driver = CustomDriver(headless=True)

def getprice(pricestr):
    if pricestr == '':
        return pricestr
    if pricestr.count('$') >= 2:
        pricestr = "$" + pricestr.split('$')[1]
    pricestr = re.sub("[^0-9.$]", "", pricestr)
    price = parse('${pound:d}.{pence:d}', pricestr)
Esempio n. 5
import requests
import requests_cache, imghdr
from ers import all_keywords_es as keywords, fpath_namer, mh_brands, clean_url, headers

from matcher import BrandMatcher
from ers import COLLECTION_DATE, file_hash, img_path_namer
import shutil
from custom_browser import CustomDriver
from parse import parse
from validators import validate_raw_files
from create_csvs import create_csvs

# Init variables and assets
shop_id = "bodeboca"
root_url = ""
requests_cache.install_cache(fpath_namer(shop_id, 'requests_cache'))
country = "ES"

searches, categories, products = {}, {}, {}
# If necessary
driver = CustomDriver(headless=False, download_images=True, firefox=True)

def getprice(pricestr):
    if pricestr == '':
        return pricestr
    pricestr = re.sub("[^0-9,€]", "", pricestr)
    pricestr = pricestr.split('€')[0] + '€'
    price = parse('{pound:d},{pence:d}€', pricestr)
    if price is None:
        price = parse('{pence:d}p', pricestr)
Esempio n. 6
parser = etree.HTMLParser()
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
import requests
import requests_cache, imghdr

from validators import validate_raw_files
from create_csvs import create_csvs
from ers import all_keywords_usa as keywords, fpath_namer, mh_brands, clean_url, headers
from matcher import BrandMatcher
from ers import COLLECTION_DATE, file_hash, img_path_namer
import shutil
import re
# Init variables and assets
shop_id = 'astor_wines'
root_url = ''
requests_cache.install_cache(fpath_namer(shop_id, 'requests_cache'))
country = 'USA'
searches, categories, products = {}, {}, {}

from parse import parse

def getprice(pricestr):
    if not pricestr:
    pricestr = re.sub("[^0-9.$]", "", pricestr)
    price = parse('${pound:d}.{pence:d}', pricestr)
    if not price:
        price = parse('${th:d},{pound:d}.{pence:d}', pricestr)
        return price.named['th'] * 100000 + price.named[
            'pound'] * 100 + price.named['pence']
Esempio n. 7
import requests_cache, imghdr

from validators import validate_raw_files
from create_csvs import create_csvs
from ers import all_keywords_de as keywords, fpath_namer, mh_brands, clean_url, headers

from matcher import BrandMatcher
from ers import COLLECTION_DATE, file_hash, img_path_namer, TEST_PAGES_FOLDER_PATH
import shutil
from custom_browser import CustomDriver
from ers import clean_xpathd_text

# Init variables and assets
shop_id = 'real'
root_url = ''
session = requests_cache.CachedSession(fpath_namer(shop_id, 'requests_cache'))
country = 'DE'
searches, categories, products = {}, {}, {}
driver = CustomDriver(headless=True)
brm = BrandMatcher()

from parse import parse

def getprice(pricestr):
    if not pricestr:
    price = parse('{pound:d}', pricestr)
    if price:
        return price.named['pound'] * 100
    price = parse('{pound:d},{pence:d}', pricestr)
Esempio n. 8
from validators import validate_raw_files, check_products_detection
from create_csvs import create_csvs
from ers import all_keywords_usa as keywords, fpath_namer, mh_brands, clean_url, shop_inventory_lw_csv

from matcher import BrandMatcher
from ers import COLLECTION_DATE, file_hash, img_path_namer, TEST_PAGES_FOLDER_PATH
from custom_browser import CustomDriver
from parse import parse
from ers import clean_xpathd_text

# Init variables and assets
shop_id = 'astor_wines'
root_url = ''
requests_cache.install_cache(fpath_namer(shop_id, 'requests_cache'))
country = 'USA'

searches, categories, products = {}, {}, {}
driver = CustomDriver(headless=True)
brm = BrandMatcher()

def getprice(pricestr):
    if not pricestr:
    pricestr = re.sub("[^0-9.$]", "", pricestr)
    price = parse('${pound:d}.{pence:d}', pricestr)
    if not price:
        price = parse('${th:d},{pound:d}.{pence:d}', pricestr)
        return price.named['th'] * 100000 + price.named['pound'] * 100 + price.named['pence']
from create_csvs import create_csvs
from custom_browser import CustomDriver
from ers import COLLECTION_DATE, file_hash, img_path_namer
from ers import all_keywords_fr as keywords, TEST_PAGES_FOLDER_PATH
from ers import clean_xpathd_text
from ers import fpath_namer, mh_brands, clean_url, headers
from matcher import BrandMatcher
from validators import validate_raw_files

parser = etree.HTMLParser()

# Init variables and assets
shop_id = 'auchan_drive'
root_url = ''
requests_cache.install_cache(fpath_namer(shop_id, 'requests_cache'))
country = 'FR'
searches, categories, products = {}, {}, {}
driver = CustomDriver(headless=True, download_images=True)

def getprice(pricestr):
    if not pricestr:
        return None
    pricestr = re.sub("[^0-9,€]", "", pricestr)
    price = parse('{euro:d},{cent:d}€', pricestr)
    if price is not None:
        return price.named['euro'] * 100 + price.named['cent']

Esempio n. 10
import requests_cache, imghdr

from validators import validate_raw_files
from create_csvs import create_csvs

from ers import all_keywords_aus as keywords, fpath_namer, mh_brands, clean_url, headers
from matcher import BrandMatcher
from ers import COLLECTION_DATE, file_hash, img_path_namer
import shutil
from parse import parse
from custom_browser import CustomDriver

# Init variables and assets
shop_id = 'goodygoody'
root_url = ''
requests_cache.install_cache(fpath_namer(shop_id, 'requests_cache'))
country = 'AUS'
searches, categories, products = {}, {}, {}
driver = CustomDriver(headless=True, download_images=True)

def getprice(pricestr):
    if pricestr == '':
        return pricestr
    pricestr = pricestr.replace(',', '').strip()
    price = parse('${dol:d}.{pence:d}', pricestr)
    if price is None:
        price = parse('{pence:d}p', pricestr)
        return price.named['pence']
        return price.named['dol'] * 100 + price.named['pence']
Esempio n. 11
    # 'gin': '',#no gin
    # 'tequila': '',#no tequila
    # 'liquor': '',#no liquor
    # 'white_wine': '',
    # 'red_wine': '',
    # 'bourbon': '',#no bourbon
    # 'brandy': '',#no brandy
    # 'rum': '',#no rum

# Category Scraping - with selenium - multiple pages per category (click on next page)
for ctg, url in urls_ctgs_dict.items():
    categories[ctg] = []
    number_of_pdcts_in_ctg = 0
    print("Beginning ", ctg, url)
    if not op.exists(fpath_namer(shop_id, 'ctg', ctg, 0)):

    # If files exist, don't scrap
    perform_scrapping = not op.exists(fpath_namer(shop_id, 'ctg', ctg, 0))
    for p in range(100):
        fpath = fpath_namer(shop_id, 'ctg', ctg, p)
        if not op.exists(fpath) and perform_scrapping:
            driver.save_page(fpath, scroll_to_bottom=True)
        categories, products = ctg_parsing(fpath, ctg, categories, products)
        print(fpath, ctg, p, len(categories[ctg]))

        # Break or change pages
        if number_of_pdcts_in_ctg == len(categories[ctg]):
            print("Finished, because no more new products")
Esempio n. 12
    # 'bourbon': '',#na
    # 'rum': '',#na

# Category Scraping - with selenium - multiple pages per category (click on next page)
for ctg, url in urls_ctgs_dict.items():
    categories[ctg] = []
    number_of_pdcts_in_ctg = 0

    for p in range(100):
        fpath = fpath_namer(shop_id, 'ctg', ctg, p)

        if not op.exists(fpath):
            driver.get(url.format(page=p + 1))
            driver.save_page(fpath, scroll_to_bottom=True)
        categories, products = ctg_parsing(fpath, ctg, categories, products)

        if len(set(categories[ctg])) == number_of_pdcts_in_ctg:
            print("Finishing with :", len(set(categories[ctg])), "products")
            number_of_pdcts_in_ctg = len(set(categories[ctg]))
    print(ctg, url, p, len(categories[ctg]))

Esempio n. 13
import requests_cache, imghdr
from validators import validate_raw_files
from create_csvs import create_csvs
from custom_browser import CustomDriver

from ers import all_keywords_usa as keywords, mh_brands, clean_url, headers
from matcher import BrandMatcher
from ers import COLLECTION_DATE, file_hash, img_path_namer,fpath_namer
import shutil
driver = CustomDriver(headless=False, download_images=True)

# Init variables and assets
shop_id = 'tower'
root_url = ''
session = requests_cache.core.CachedSession(
    fpath_namer(shop_id, 'requests_cache'), allowable_methods=('GET', 'POST'))
country = 'USA'
searches, categories, products = {}, {}, {}

from parse import parse

def getprice(pricestr):
    if not pricestr:
    pricestr = pricestr.replace("Reg.", "").replace("\xa0", "")
    price = parse('${pound:d}.{pence:d}', pricestr)
    if not price:
        price = parse('${th:d},{pound:d}.{pence:d}', pricestr)
        return price.named['th'] * 100000 + price.named['pound'] * 100 + price.named['pence']
    return price.named['pound'] * 100 + price.named['pence']
Esempio n. 14
import requests_cache, imghdr

from validators import validate_raw_files
from create_csvs import create_csvs
from ers import all_keywords_usa as keywords, fpath_namer, mh_brands, clean_url, headers
from matcher import BrandMatcher
from ers import COLLECTION_DATE, file_hash, img_path_namer
import shutil
from custom_browser import CustomDriver
from parse import parse

# Init variables and assets
shop_id = 'twin_liquors'
root_url = ''
requests_cache.install_cache(fpath_namer(shop_id, 'requests_cache'))
country = 'USA'
searches, categories, products = {}, {}, {}
driver = CustomDriver(headless=True, download_images=False)

urls_ctgs_dict = {
    'champagne': '',
    'sparkling': '',
    'still_wines': '',
    'whisky': '',
    'cognac': '',
    'vodka': '',
    'red_wine': '',
    'white_wine': '',
    'tequila': '',
    'gin': '',
Esempio n. 15
    # 'bourbon': '',#na
    'rum': '{page}',

# Category Scraping - with selenium - multiple pages per category (click on next page)
for ctg, url in urls_ctgs_dict.items():
    categories[ctg] = []
    number_of_pdcts_in_ctg = 0

    for p in range(100):
        fpath = fpath_namer(shop_id, 'ctg', ctg, p)

        if not op.exists(fpath):
            driver.get(url.format(page=p + 1))
            driver.save_page(fpath, scroll_to_bottom=True)
        categories, products = ctg_parsing(fpath, ctg, categories, products)

        if len(set(categories[ctg])) == number_of_pdcts_in_ctg:
            number_of_pdcts_in_ctg = len(set(categories[ctg]))
    print(ctg, url, p, len(categories[ctg]))

# # KW searches scrapping ############
Esempio n. 16
    if 'pdct_img_main_url' in pdt and pdt[
            'pdct_img_main_url'] and brm.find_brand(
                pdt['pdct_name_on_eretailer'])['brand'] in mh_brands:
        print(pdt['pdct_name_on_eretailer'] + "." +
        response = requests.get(pdt['pdct_img_main_url'],
        # response.raw.decode_content = True
        tmp_file_path = '/tmp/' + shop_id + 'mhers_tmp_{}.imgtype'.format(
        img_path = img_path_namer(shop_id, pdt['pdct_name_on_eretailer'])
        with open(tmp_file_path, 'wb') as out_file:
            shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, out_file)
        if imghdr.what(tmp_file_path) is not None:
            img_path = img_path.split('.')[0] + '.' + imghdr.what(
                '/tmp/' + shop_id + 'mhers_tmp_{}.imgtype'.format(
                '/tmp/' + shop_id + 'mhers_tmp_{}.imgtype'.format(
                    abs(hash(pdt['pdct_img_main_url']))), img_path)
                'img_path': img_path,
                'img_hash': file_hash(img_path)

create_csvs(products, categories, searches, shop_id,
            fpath_namer(shop_id, 'raw_csv'), COLLECTION_DATE)
validate_raw_files(fpath_namer(shop_id, 'raw_csv'))
Esempio n. 17
from validators import validate_raw_files
from create_csvs import create_csvs
import requests_cache, imghdr

from ers import all_keywords_de as keywords, mh_brands, clean_url
from matcher import BrandMatcher
from ers import COLLECTION_DATE, file_hash, img_path_namer, fpath_namer
import requests
import shutil
from helpers.random_user_agent import randomua
from parse import parse

# Init variables and assets
shop_id = 'rewe'
root_url = ''
session = requests_cache.CachedSession(fpath_namer(shop_id, 'requests_cache'))
session.headers = {'User-Agent': randomua()}
country = 'DE'
searches, categories, products = {}, {}, {}

def getprice(pricestr):
    pricestr = pricestr.replace(' ', '')
    if pricestr == '':
        return pricestr
    price = parse('{dol:d},{pence:d}€', pricestr)
    if price is None:
        price = parse('{dol:d}€', pricestr)
        return price.named['dol'] * 100
        return price.named['dol'] * 100 + price.named['pence']
Esempio n. 18
from create_csvs import create_csvs
from custom_browser import CustomDriver
from ers import COLLECTION_DATE, file_hash, img_path_namer, TEST_PAGES_FOLDER_PATH, shop_inventory_lw_csv
from ers import all_keywords_fr as keywords
from ers import clean_xpathd_text
from ers import fpath_namer, mh_brands, clean_url
from matcher import BrandMatcher
from validators import validate_raw_files, check_products_detection

parser = etree.HTMLParser()

# Init variables and assets
shop_id = 'auchan_drive'
root_url = ''
requests_cache.install_cache(fpath_namer(shop_id, 'requests_cache'))
country = 'FR'

searches, categories, products = {}, {}, {}
driver = CustomDriver(headless=True, download_images=True)
brm = BrandMatcher()

def getprice(pricestr):
    if not pricestr:
        return None
    pricestr = re.sub("[^0-9,€]", "", pricestr)
    price = parse('{euro:d},{cent:d}€', pricestr)
    if price is not None:
        return price.named['euro'] * 100 + price.named['cent']
Esempio n. 19
import requests_cache, imghdr
from validators import validate_raw_files
from create_csvs import create_csvs
from ers import all_keywords_usa as keywords, fpath_namer, mh_brands, clean_url, headers

from matcher import BrandMatcher
from ers import COLLECTION_DATE, file_hash, img_path_namer
import shutil
from custom_browser import CustomDriver
from parse import parse

# Init variables and assets
shop_id = "wallys"
root_url = "" 
requests_cache.install_cache(fpath_namer(shop_id, 'requests_cache'))
country = "USA"

searches, categories, products = {}, {}, {}
# If necessary
driver = CustomDriver(headless=True)

def getprice(pricestr):
    if pricestr == '':
        return pricestr
    pricestr = re.sub("[^0-9.$]", "", pricestr)
    price = parse('${pound:d}.{pence:d}', pricestr)
    if price is None:
        price = parse('{pence:d}p', pricestr)
Esempio n. 20
    'liquor': '{page}',
    'red_wine': '{page}',
    'bourbon': '{page}',
    'brandy': '{page}',
    # 'rum': '',

# Category Scraping - with selenium - multiple pages per category (click on next page)
for ctg, url in urls_ctgs_dict.items():
    categories[ctg] = []
    number_of_pdcts_in_ctg = 0

    for p in range(100):
        fpath = fpath_namer(shop_id, 'ctg', ctg, p)

        if not op.exists(fpath):
            driver.get(url.format(page=p + 1))
            driver.save_page(fpath, scroll_to_bottom=True)
        categories, products = ctg_parsing(fpath, ctg, categories, products)

        if len(set(categories[ctg])) == number_of_pdcts_in_ctg:
            number_of_pdcts_in_ctg = len(set(categories[ctg]))
    print(ctg, url, p, len(categories[ctg]))

# # KW searches scrapping ############
from create_csvs import create_csvs

from ers import all_keywords_aus as keywords, mh_brands, headers
from matcher import BrandMatcher
from ers import COLLECTION_DATE, file_hash, img_path_namer, fpath_namer
import shutil
from helpers.random_user_agent import randomua
import requests
from custom_browser import CustomDriver
from time import sleep

# Init variables and assets
shop_id = 'my_bottle_shop'
root_url = ''
session = requests_cache.CachedSession(fpath_namer(shop_id, 'requests_cache'))
session.headers = {'User-Agent': randomua()}
driver = CustomDriver(headless=False, download_images=True)
with session.cache_disabled():
# print(session.cookies)
country = 'AUS'
searches, categories, products = {}, {}, {}
from parse import parse

def getprice(pricestr):
    if not pricestr:
    price = parse('{pound:d}', pricestr)
    if price:
Esempio n. 22
import requests_cache, imghdr
from parse import parse
from validators import validate_raw_files
from create_csvs import create_csvs

from ers import all_keywords_uk as keywords
from ers import fpath_namer, mh_brands, clean_url, headers
from matcher import BrandMatcher
from ers import COLLECTION_DATE, file_hash, img_path_namer
import shutil
from custom_browser import CustomDriver

# Init variables and assets
shop_id = 'sainsbury'
root_url = ''
requests_cache.install_cache(fpath_namer(shop_id, 'requests_cache'))
country = 'UK'
searches, categories, products = {}, {}, {}
driver = CustomDriver(headless=True, download_images=False)

def getprice(pricestr):
    if pricestr == '':
        return pricestr
    pricestr = pricestr.replace(',', '').strip()
    price = parse('£{pound:d}.{pence:d}', pricestr)
    if price is None:
        price = parse('{pence:d}p', pricestr)
        return price.named['pence']
        return price.named['pound'] * 100 + price.named['pence']
Esempio n. 23
import requests_cache

from validators import validate_raw_files, check_products_detection
from create_csvs import create_csvs
from ers import all_keywords_usa as keywords, fpath_namer, mh_brands, clean_url, shop_inventory_lw_csv

from matcher import BrandMatcher
from ers import COLLECTION_DATE, file_hash, img_path_namer, TEST_PAGES_FOLDER_PATH
from custom_browser import CustomDriver
from parse import parse
from ers import clean_xpathd_text

# Init variables and assets
shop_id = 'goodygoody'
root_url = ''
requests_cache.install_cache(fpath_namer(shop_id, 'requests_cache'))
country = 'AUS'

searches, categories, products = {}, {}, {}
driver = CustomDriver(headless=True)
brm = BrandMatcher()

def getprice(pricestr):
    if pricestr == '':
        return pricestr
    pricestr = pricestr.replace(',', '').strip()
    price = parse('${dol:d}.{pence:d}', pricestr)
    if price is None:
        price = parse('{pence:d}p', pricestr)
        return price.named['pence']