Esempio n. 1
# 3. Installing the c-functions used to manipulate ecl_kw instances.
#    These functions are used when implementing the EclKW class, not
#    used outside this scope.
cfunc = CWrapperNameSpace("ecl_kw")

cfunc.load_grdecl = cwrapper.prototype(
    "c_void_p ecl_kw_fscanf_alloc_grdecl_dynamic__( FILE , char* , bool , int )"
cfunc.fseek_grdecl = cwrapper.prototype(
    "bool     ecl_kw_grdecl_fseek_kw(char* , bool , FILE )")
cfunc.fprintf_grdecl = cwrapper.prototype(
    "void     ecl_kw_fprintf_grdecl( ecl_kw , FILE )")
cfunc.fprintf_data = cwrapper.prototype(
    "void     ecl_kw_fprintf_data( ecl_kw , char* , FILE )")

cfunc.alloc_new = cwrapper.prototype(
    "c_void_p ecl_kw_alloc( char* , int , ecl_type_enum )")
cfunc.copyc = cwrapper.prototype("c_void_p ecl_kw_alloc_copy( ecl_kw )")
cfunc.sub_copy = cwrapper.prototype(
    "c_void_p ecl_kw_alloc_sub_copy( ecl_kw , char*, int , int)")
cfunc.slice_copyc = cwrapper.prototype(
    "c_void_p ecl_kw_alloc_slice_copy( ecl_kw , int , int , int )")
cfunc.fread_alloc = cwrapper.prototype("c_void_p ecl_kw_fread_alloc( fortio )")
cfunc.get_size = cwrapper.prototype("int      ecl_kw_get_size( ecl_kw )")
cfunc.get_fortio_size = cwrapper.prototype(
    "size_t   ecl_kw_fortio_size( ecl_kw )")
cfunc.get_type = cwrapper.prototype("ecl_type_enum ecl_kw_get_type( ecl_kw )")
cfunc.iget_char_ptr = cwrapper.prototype(
    "char*    ecl_kw_iget_char_ptr( ecl_kw , int )")
cfunc.iset_char_ptr = cwrapper.prototype(
    "void     ecl_kw_iset_char_ptr( ecl_kw , int , char*)")
cfunc.iget_bool = cwrapper.prototype(
Esempio n. 2
File: Progetto: akva2/ert
# 2. Creating a wrapper object around the libecl library, 
#    registering the type map : ecl_kw <-> EclKW
cwrapper = CWrapper(ECL_LIB)
cwrapper.registerType( "ecl_kw" , EclKW )

# 3. Installing the c-functions used to manipulate ecl_kw instances.
#    These functions are used when implementing the EclKW class, not
#    used outside this scope.
cfunc = CWrapperNameSpace("ecl_kw")

cfunc.load_grdecl                = cwrapper.prototype("c_void_p ecl_kw_fscanf_alloc_grdecl_dynamic__( FILE , char* , bool , int )")
cfunc.fseek_grdecl               = cwrapper.prototype("bool     ecl_kw_grdecl_fseek_kw(char* , bool , FILE )")
cfunc.fprintf_grdecl             = cwrapper.prototype("void     ecl_kw_fprintf_grdecl( ecl_kw , FILE )")
cfunc.fprintf_data               = cwrapper.prototype("void     ecl_kw_fprintf_data( ecl_kw , char* , FILE )")

cfunc.alloc_new                  = cwrapper.prototype("c_void_p ecl_kw_alloc( char* , int , ecl_type_enum )")
cfunc.copyc                      = cwrapper.prototype("c_void_p ecl_kw_alloc_copy( ecl_kw )")
cfunc.sub_copy                   = cwrapper.prototype("c_void_p ecl_kw_alloc_sub_copy( ecl_kw , char*, int , int)")
cfunc.slice_copyc                = cwrapper.prototype("c_void_p ecl_kw_alloc_slice_copy( ecl_kw , int , int , int )")
cfunc.fread_alloc                = cwrapper.prototype("c_void_p ecl_kw_fread_alloc( fortio )")
cfunc.get_size                   = cwrapper.prototype("int      ecl_kw_get_size( ecl_kw )")
cfunc.get_fortio_size            = cwrapper.prototype("size_t   ecl_kw_fortio_size( ecl_kw )")
cfunc.get_type                   = cwrapper.prototype("ecl_type_enum ecl_kw_get_type( ecl_kw )")
cfunc.iget_char_ptr              = cwrapper.prototype("char*    ecl_kw_iget_char_ptr( ecl_kw , int )")
cfunc.iset_char_ptr              = cwrapper.prototype("void     ecl_kw_iset_char_ptr( ecl_kw , int , char*)")
cfunc.iget_bool                  = cwrapper.prototype("bool     ecl_kw_iget_bool( ecl_kw , int)")
cfunc.iset_bool                  = cwrapper.prototype("bool     ecl_kw_iset_bool( ecl_kw , int, bool)")
cfunc.iget_int                   = cwrapper.prototype("int      ecl_kw_iget_int( ecl_kw , int )")
cfunc.iget_double                = cwrapper.prototype("double   ecl_kw_iget_double( ecl_kw , int )")
cfunc.iget_float                 = cwrapper.prototype("float    ecl_kw_iget_float( ecl_kw , int)")
cfunc.float_ptr                  = cwrapper.prototype("float*   ecl_kw_get_float_ptr( ecl_kw )")
Esempio n. 3
#  See the GNU General Public License at <>
#  for more details.
Create a polygon
from ert.cwrap import CClass, CWrapper, CWrapperNameSpace
from ert.geo import ERT_GEOMETRY_LIB

class GeoPolygon(CClass):
    def __init__(self, points):
        c_ptr = cfunc.alloc_new()
        for (xc, yc) in points:
            self.add_point(xc, yc)

    def add_point(self, xc, yc):
        cfunc.add_point(self, xc, yc)


cwrapper = CWrapper(ERT_GEOMETRY_LIB)
cwrapper.registerType("geo_polygon", GeoPolygon)

cfunc = CWrapperNameSpace("geo_polygon")
cfunc.alloc_new = cwrapper.prototype("c_void_p geo_polygon_alloc( )")
cfunc.add_point = cwrapper.prototype(
    "void     geo_polygon_add_point( geo_polygon , double , double )") = cwrapper.prototype("void     geo_polygon_free( geo_polygon )")
Esempio n. 4
#  See the GNU General Public License at <> 
#  for more details. 
Create a polygon
from ert.cwrap import CClass, CWrapper, CWrapperNameSpace
from ert.geo import ERT_GEOMETRY_LIB

class GeoPolygon(CClass):
    def __init__(self, points):
        c_ptr = cfunc.alloc_new()
        for (xc, yc) in points:
            self.add_point(xc, yc)

    def add_point( self, xc, yc ):
        cfunc.add_point(self, xc, yc)


cwrapper = CWrapper(ERT_GEOMETRY_LIB)
cwrapper.registerType("geo_polygon", GeoPolygon)

cfunc           = CWrapperNameSpace("geo_polygon")
cfunc.alloc_new = cwrapper.prototype("c_void_p geo_polygon_alloc( )")
cfunc.add_point = cwrapper.prototype("void     geo_polygon_add_point( geo_polygon , double , double )")      = cwrapper.prototype("void     geo_polygon_free( geo_polygon )")