def smokegrenade_detonate(ev): userid = ev['userid'] level = playerlist[userid].GetSkillLevel(skillname) if level > 0: team = int(ev['es_userteam']) save = (float(ev['x']), float(ev['y']), float(ev['z']), team, level) nades.append(save) gamethread.delayed(19.0, rpg_remove_poison, (save,)) # Make the smoke colourfull index = es.createentity("light_dynamic","mylight%s" % userid) es.entitysetvalue(index, "angles", "-90 0 0") if team == 3: es.entitysetvalue(index,"_light", "0 0 255") elif team == 2: es.entitysetvalue(index,"_light", "255 0 0") es.entitysetvalue(index, "_inner_cone","-89") es.entitysetvalue(index, "_cone","-89") es.entitysetvalue(index, "pitch","-90") es.entitysetvalue(index, "distance","256") es.entitysetvalue(index, "spotlight_radius","96") es.entitysetvalue(index, "origin","%s %s %s"% (ev['x'], ev['y'], ev['z'])) es.entitysetvalue(index, "brightness","5") es.entitysetvalue(index, "style","6") es.entitysetvalue(index, "spawnflags","1") es.spawnentity(index) gamethread.delayed(20.0, es.remove, index) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s mylight%s DisableShadow' % (userid,userid)) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s mylight%s addoutput "OnUser1 !self,kill,-1,24"' % (userid,userid)) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s mylight%s addoutput "OnUser2 !self,Toggle,-1,21"' % (userid,userid)) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s mylight%s addoutput "OnUser3 !self,TurnOff,-1,23"' % (userid,userid)) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s mylight%s addoutput "OnUser4 !self,spawnflags,3,19"' % (userid,userid))
def make_blood(userid, color=0, amount=5, spawnflags=1, randomdir=1, headshot=1, valueat=0): index = es.createentity("env_blood") if spawnflags == 1: if headshot: es.entitysetvalue(index, "spawnflags", 4|8|40) else: es.entitysetvalue(index, "spawnflags", 8|40) elif spawnflags == 2: if headshot: es.entitysetvalue(index, "spawnflags", 4|8|20|40) else: es.entitysetvalue(index, "spawnflags", 8|20|40) es.entitysetvalue(index, "amount", amount) es.entitysetvalue(index, "color", color) if headshot: x,y,z = geteyelocation(userid) else: x,y,z = es.getplayerlocation(userid) z += random.randint(20,60) if randomdir == 1: if valueat > 0: vx,vy,vz = playerlib.getPlayer(valueat).viewVector() es.entitysetvalue(index, "spraydir", "%s %s %s" %(vx, vy, vz)) else: es.entitysetvalue(index, "spraydir", "%s %s %s" %(random.randint(-90, 90), random.randint(-90, 90), random.randint(-90, 90))) es.entitysetvalue(index, "origin", "%s %s %s" %(x, y, z)) es.entitysetvalue(index, "classname", "env_blood_%s" %(index)), "env_blood_%s" %(index), "emitblood"), "env_blood_%s" %(index), "kill")
def Overlay(self): index = es.createentity('env_screenoverlay') es.setentityname(index,self.NAME) es.entitysetvalue(index,'OverlayTime1',self.duration) es.entitysetvalue(index,'OverlayName1',str(self.path)) es.spawnentity(index) gamethread.queue(,(es.getUseridList()[0],self.NAME,'StartOverlays')) gamethread.delayed(self.duration,self.Shutdown,())
def rpg_damage(userid, damage, attacker, weapon): player = playerlib.getPlayer(userid) index = es.createentity('point_hurt') es.entitysetvalue(index, 'targetname', index) es.entitysetvalue(index, 'damage', damage) es.entitysetvalue(index, 'damagetype', 2) es.entitysetvalue(index, 'classname', weapon) targetname = es.entitygetvalue(player.index, 'targetname') es.entitysetvalue(player.index, 'targetname', player), index, 'addoutput', 'damagetarget %s' % (userid)), index, 'hurt'), '!self', 'addoutput', 'targetname %s' % (targetname)), index, 'kill')
def color_correct(path,userid): #Constructer for Color Correction NAME = str("BLUEZM_COLOR_CORRECT") index = es.createentity('color_correction') es.setentityname(index,NAME) es.entitysetvalue(index,'fadeInDuration',0.1) es.entitysetvalue(index,'StartDisabled',1) es.entitysetvalue(index,'fadeOutDuration',0.1) es.entitysetvalue(index,'minfalloff',0) es.entitysetvalue(index,'maxfalloff',-1) es.entitysetvalue(index,'filename',str(path)) es.entitysetvalue(index,'maxweight',.6) es.spawnentity(index) gamethread.delayed(2,,(userid,NAME,'enable')) Msg("Color Correction Enabled")
def OnTick(): for i in amounts: if i not in parachuted and not es.getplayerprop(i, "") and spe.getLocVal("i", spe.getPlayer(i) + buttonPressedOffset) & 32 and es.getplayerprop(i, "CBasePlayer.localdata.m_Local.m_flFallVelocity") >= 1.0 and amounts[i] > 0: index = es.createentity("prop_dynamic_override") parachuted[i] = index es.entitysetvalue(index, "solid", 0) es.entitysetvalue(index, "model", random.choice(rpgParachuteModels)) es.server.insertcmd("es_xspawnentity %i" % index) amounts[i] -= 1 for i in parachuted.copy(): if not es.exists("userid", i) or es.getplayerprop(i, "") or es.getplayerprop(i, "CBasePlayer.localdata.m_hGroundEntity") != -1 or es.getplayerprop(i, "CBasePlayer.localdata.m_nWaterLevel") > 1 or not spe.getLocVal("i", spe.getPlayer(i) + buttonPressedOffset) & 32: spe.removeEntityByIndex(parachuted[i]) del parachuted[i] else: es.entitysetvalue(parachuted[i], "angles", "0 %f 0" % es.getplayerprop(i, "CCSPlayer.m_angEyeAngles[1]")) es.entitysetvalue(parachuted[i], "origin", es.getplayerprop(i, "CBaseEntity.m_vecOrigin").replace(",", " ")) es.setplayerprop(i, "CBasePlayer.localdata.m_vecBaseVelocity", "0,0,%f" % es.getplayerprop(i, "CBasePlayer.localdata.m_Local.m_flFallVelocity"))
def smokegrenade_detonate(ev): userid = ev['userid'] level = playerlist[userid].GetSkillLevel(skillname) if level > 0: team = int(ev['es_userteam']) save = (float(ev['x']), float(ev['y']), float(ev['z']), team, level) nades.append(save) gamethread.delayed(19.0, rpg_remove_poison, (save, )) # Make the smoke colourfull index = es.createentity("light_dynamic", "mylight%s" % userid) es.entitysetvalue(index, "angles", "-90 0 0") if team == 3: es.entitysetvalue(index, "_light", "0 0 255") elif team == 2: es.entitysetvalue(index, "_light", "255 0 0") es.entitysetvalue(index, "_inner_cone", "-89") es.entitysetvalue(index, "_cone", "-89") es.entitysetvalue(index, "pitch", "-90") es.entitysetvalue(index, "distance", "256") es.entitysetvalue(index, "spotlight_radius", "96") es.entitysetvalue(index, "origin", "%s %s %s" % (ev['x'], ev['y'], ev['z'])) es.entitysetvalue(index, "brightness", "5") es.entitysetvalue(index, "style", "6") es.entitysetvalue(index, "spawnflags", "1") es.spawnentity(index) gamethread.delayed(20.0, es.remove, index) es.server.queuecmd('es_xfire %s mylight%s DisableShadow' % (userid, userid)) es.server.queuecmd( 'es_xfire %s mylight%s addoutput "OnUser1 !self,kill,-1,24"' % (userid, userid)) es.server.queuecmd( 'es_xfire %s mylight%s addoutput "OnUser2 !self,Toggle,-1,21"' % (userid, userid)) es.server.queuecmd( 'es_xfire %s mylight%s addoutput "OnUser3 !self,TurnOff,-1,23"' % (userid, userid)) es.server.queuecmd( 'es_xfire %s mylight%s addoutput "OnUser4 !self,spawnflags,3,19"' % (userid, userid))
def make_blood(userid, color=0, amount=5, spawnflags=1, randomdir=1, headshot=1, valueat=0): index = es.createentity("env_blood") if spawnflags == 1: if headshot: es.entitysetvalue(index, "spawnflags", 4 | 8 | 40) else: es.entitysetvalue(index, "spawnflags", 8 | 40) elif spawnflags == 2: if headshot: es.entitysetvalue(index, "spawnflags", 4 | 8 | 20 | 40) else: es.entitysetvalue(index, "spawnflags", 8 | 20 | 40) es.entitysetvalue(index, "amount", amount) es.entitysetvalue(index, "color", color) if headshot: x, y, z = geteyelocation(userid) else: x, y, z = es.getplayerlocation(userid) z += random.randint(20, 60) if randomdir == 1: if valueat > 0: vx, vy, vz = playerlib.getPlayer(valueat).viewVector() es.entitysetvalue(index, "spraydir", "%s %s %s" % (vx, vy, vz)) else: es.entitysetvalue( index, "spraydir", "%s %s %s" % (random.randint(-90, 90), random.randint( -90, 90), random.randint(-90, 90))) es.entitysetvalue(index, "origin", "%s %s %s" % (x, y, z)) es.entitysetvalue(index, "classname", "env_blood_%s" % (index)), "env_blood_%s" % (index), "emitblood"), "env_blood_%s" % (index), "kill")
def createentity(argv): sv['eventscripts_lastgive'] = es.createentity(*argv)
def damage(users, _damage, attacker=None, armor=False, weapon=None): '''Damage a player...''' # Is there no player on the server? if not es.getplayercount(): # Don't go further... return # Create a 'point_hurt' entity... index = es.createentity('point_hurt') # Set the entity name... es.setentityname(index, index) # Does we need to apply damage on the player's armor? if armor: # Set the damage type to fall... es.entitysetvalue(index, 'damagetype', 32) # Is any weapon specified? if weapon: # Set the classname to the given weapon... es.entitysetvalue(index, 'classname', weapon) # Set the given damage... es.entitysetvalue(index, 'damage', _damage) # Loop through all matching players... for userid in _get_matching_players(users): # Is the player dead? if es.getplayerprop(userid, ''): # Don't go further... continue # Is the given damage need to be the player health? if _damage == '#health': # Set the damage to the player health... es.entitysetvalue(index, 'damage', es.getplayerprop(userid, 'CBasePlayer.m_iHealth')) # Get the player index... player_index = es.getindexfromhandle(es.getplayerhandle(userid)) # Store the actual player name... targetname = es.entitygetvalue(index, 'targetname') # Set the player name to his index... es.setentityname(player_index, player_index) # Set the damage target... es.entitysetvalue(index, 'damagetarget', player_index) # Is there's no attacker? if not attacker: # Damage the player..., index, 'Hurt') # Otherwise... else: # Damage the player..., index, 'Hurt') # Set back the player name..., player_index, 'AddOutput', 'targetname %s' % targetname) # Remove the entity later... gamethread.delayedname(0.5, '_wcs_delay', _remove_entity, index)
def getgametime(): index = es.createentity("env_particlesmokegrenade") gametime = es.getindexprop(index, "ParticleSmokeGrenade.m_flSpawnTime") spe.removeEntityByIndex(index) return gametime