def diffLists(self,list1,list2):	
        """Compare two list of run-ranges. Order lists and look first if 
	for intersection between them, if found show difference between list1 and list2"""
	if list1==list2: return 0
	if list1!=list2:
       	   if list1[-1][1]<list2[0][0] or list2[-1][1]<list1[0][0]: return 0
        if es_init.checkPythonVersion("2.4"):
	   return set(list1)-set(list2)
	   for idx in xrange(0,len(list1)):
	       if list1[idx]!=list2[idx]:
	          return list1[idx]
    def diffLists(self, list1, list2):
        """Compare two list of run-ranges. Order lists and look first if 
	for intersection between them, if found show difference between list1 and list2"""
        if list1 == list2: return 0
        if list1 != list2:
            if list1[-1][1] < list2[0][0] or list2[-1][1] < list1[0][0]:
                return 0
        if es_init.checkPythonVersion("2.4"):
            return set(list1) - set(list2)
            for idx in xrange(0, len(list1)):
                if list1[idx] != list2[idx]:
                    return list1[idx]
    def checkRunsInDB(self, grade, tStamp):
        """Check if new list overlap with a list of run-ranges in DB"""
        if not tStamp:
            # find out latest timeStamp for that grade
            tStamp = self.findLatestTimeStamp(grade)
# get existing run list from DB
        newRunList = self.formNewRunList(grade, tStamp)
        query = """
	SELECT minRunNumber,maxRunNumber FROM Version,GraphPath,SpecificVersion 
	WHERE grade='%s' AND timeStamp=%s AND GraphPath.graphid=Version.graphid
	AND SpecificVersion.svid=GraphPath.svid AND SpecificVersion.svName='%s'
	""" % (grade, tStamp, self.svName)
        tup = self.fetchAll(query)
        dbGoodRunList = []
        for item in tup:
        if not dbGoodRunList or not newRunList:
        diff = self.diffLists(newRunList, dbGoodRunList)
        maxRunInES = int(dbGoodRunList[-1][1])
        if diff:
            # check if found difference is still valid for appending to ES
            if es_init.checkPythonVersion("2.4"):
                runRange = diff.pop()  # here 'diff' is a set of run ranges
                runRange = diff[0]  # here 'diff' is a list of run ranges
            minRunInNew = int(runRange[0])
            if minRunInNew <= maxRunInES:
                print "Found at least one run-range which overlap with run-ranges in ES:"
                print runRange
                print "max run in ES is %s, min run in provided list is %s" % (
                    maxRunInES, minRunInNew)
                print "To resolve this issue you need to assign a new time stamp for"
                print "your injection."
    def checkRunsInDB(self,grade,tStamp):
        """Check if new list overlap with a list of run-ranges in DB"""
	if not tStamp:
	   # find out latest timeStamp for that grade
	   tStamp = self.findLatestTimeStamp(grade)
	# get existing run list from DB
	newRunList = self.formNewRunList(grade,tStamp)
	SELECT minRunNumber,maxRunNumber FROM Version,GraphPath,SpecificVersion 
	WHERE grade='%s' AND timeStamp=%s AND GraphPath.graphid=Version.graphid
	AND SpecificVersion.svid=GraphPath.svid AND SpecificVersion.svName='%s'
	tup = self.fetchAll(query)
	for item in tup:
	if not dbGoodRunList or not newRunList:
	diff = self.diffLists(newRunList,dbGoodRunList)
	maxRunInES = int(dbGoodRunList[-1][1])
	if diff:
	   # check if found difference is still valid for appending to ES
	   if es_init.checkPythonVersion("2.4"):
	      runRange = diff.pop() # here 'diff' is a set of run ranges
	      runRange = diff[0]    # here 'diff' is a list of run ranges
	   minRunInNew = int(runRange[0])
	   if minRunInNew<=maxRunInES:
	      print "Found at least one run-range which overlap with run-ranges in ES:"
	      print runRange
	      print "max run in ES is %s, min run in provided list is %s"%(maxRunInES,minRunInNew)
	      print "To resolve this issue you need to assign a new time stamp for"
	      print "your injection."
Esempio n. 5
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Ported to GlueX by Sean Dobbs ([email protected]), 2014
# Copyright 2004 Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. All rights reserved.
# Author:  Valentin Kuznetsov, 2004
"""ESMoveManager is in charge of moving data in EventStore."""

import os, sys, string, time, glob, stat, shutil
import es_init, file_util, sql_util, gen_util
from es_init import ESInit, checkArg

# include python profiler only if python version greater then 2.3
if es_init.checkPythonVersion("2.3"):
    import hotshot  # Python profiler
    import hotshot.stats  # profiler statistics

class ESMoveManager(ESInit):
    """ESMoveManager is in charge of moving files in EventStore"""
    def __init__(self, db, dbType, logFile):
        ESInit.__init__(self, db, dbType, logFile)

    def moveFilesInES(self, iFileList, fileOut):
        """High-level method to move a list of files to fileOut destination.
        All job is done by using L{moveFileInES} method.
        @type iFileList: list
        @param iFileList: list of files
        @type fileOut: string
# Copyright 2004, 2005 
# Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. All rights reserved.
# Author:  Valentin Kuznetsov, 2004
# This utility counts events for given run/grade/timeStamp in EventStore
"""ESEventCounter counts events for given run/grade/timeStamp in EventStore"""

import os, sys, string, re, time
import esdb_auth, os_path_util, es_init, gen_util, sql_util, key_dump
from es_init import ESInit, checkArg
import SOAPpy

# include python profiler only if python version greater then 2.3
if es_init.checkPythonVersion("2.3"):
   import hotshot			# Python profiler
   import hotshot.stats			# profiler statistics

##### FIX THIS   
class MetaData_Services:
    def __init__(self):
        CLEO_wsdl      = ''
        CLEO_namespace = ''
        config         = SOAPpy.SOAPConfig ()
        config.debug   = 0
        config.buildWithNamespacePrefix = False

        self.proxy = SOAPpy.WSDL.Proxy(CLEO_wsdl,config,namespace=CLEO_namespace,noroot=1)
Esempio n. 7

    # close connection to db

    returnStatus = es_init.ESOutput(status, userCommand, historyFile,
                                    outputLog, globalLog)
    return returnStatus

# main
if __name__ == "__main__":
    if not es_init.checkPythonVersion("2.4"):
        print "To run ESBuilder you need to have 2.4 or higher version of python"
    if sys.argv.count('-profile') and es_init.checkPythonVersion("2.3"):
        # include python profiler only if python version greater then 2.3
        import hotshot  # Python profiler
        import hotshot.stats  # profiler statistics
        print "Run ESBuilder/ESManager in profiler mode"
        profiler = hotshot.Profile("profile.dat")"ESBuilder(sys.argv)")
        stats = hotshot.stats.load("profile.dat")
        stats.sort_stats('time', 'calls')
        status = ESBuilder(sys.argv)
Esempio n. 8
            print "--------------- See traceback ----------------"

    # close connection to db

    returnStatus = es_init.ESOutput(status, userCommand, historyFile, outputLog, globalLog)
    return returnStatus

# main
if __name__ == "__main__":
    if not es_init.checkPythonVersion("2.4"):
        print "To run ESBuilder you need to have 2.4 or higher version of python"
    if sys.argv.count("-profile") and es_init.checkPythonVersion("2.3"):
        # include python profiler only if python version greater then 2.3
        import hotshot  # Python profiler
        import hotshot.stats  # profiler statistics

        print "Run ESBuilder/ESManager in profiler mode"
        profiler = hotshot.Profile("profile.dat")"ESBuilder(sys.argv)")
        stats = hotshot.stats.load("profile.dat")
        stats.sort_stats("time", "calls")