def on_the_truck_cost(cf): state, am = waverly_state_truck() print state.orientation #state.orientation = 3.14/6 cf.initialize_state(state) extractor = Extractor() esdcs = extractor.extractEsdcs("next to the truck.") place_esdc = esdcs[0] place_esdc.type = "PLACE" truck_esdc = place_esdc.l[0] print "place", place_esdc, place_esdc.type print "truck", truck_esdc searcher = BeamSearch(cf) annotation = initial_annotation(state, esdcs[0]) truck = [ state.getGroundableById(o) for o in state.getObjectsSet() if 'flatbed' in state.getGroundableById(o).tags ][0] annotation.setGrounding(truck_esdc, truck) annotation.setGrounding("sequence", [(state, None)]) obj = prism_from_point(0, 0, truck.centroid3d[2] + .2, truck.centroid3d[2] + .5, width=0.5) #axes = p.axes() featureBrowser = crfFeatureWeights.MainWindow() axes = featureBrowser.axes for o in state.getObjectsSet(): drawObject(axes, state.getGroundableById(o)) drawPlaceCostMap(featureBrowser, obj, place_esdc, annotation, searcher, -5, 10, 25, 40, .2) #p.axes().set_aspect('equal') state, gggs = annotation_to_ggg_map(annotation) ggg = gggs[place_esdc] #ggg = ggg_from_esdc(esdcs[0]) factor = ggg.esdc_to_factor(place_esdc) print "factor", factor, print "cache", cf.factor_to_cost factor_to_cost = cf.factor_to_cost[factor] print "cache", factor_to_cost featureBrowser.load(cf.lccrf, factor_to_cost)
def main(): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("--source_corpus", dest="source_corpus", help="The file or directory to read from") parser.add_option("--dest_corpus", dest="dest_corpus", help="The yaml file to which data will be written") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() corpus = readCorpus.Corpus(options.source_corpus) extractor = Extractor() #oldCorpus = annotationIo.load("%s/dataAnnotation/data/forkliftMturkEsdcs.stefie10.groundings.withPaths.yaml" % os.environ['FORKLIFT_HOME']) #oldAssignmentIds = set(a.assignmentId for a in oldCorpus) #print len(oldAssignmentIds), "old ids" yamlData = [] print len(corpus.assignments), "assignments" filteredAnnotations = [ x for x in corpus.assignments if (x.scenario.platform == "forklift" and x.scenario.isSimulated == True) ] print len(filteredAnnotations), "filtered annotations" output_annotations = [] for i, a in enumerate(filteredAnnotations): esdcs = extractor.extractEsdcs(a.command) assignmentId = a.assignmentId agent = a.agent context = a.context esdcSource = [assignmentId for esdc in esdcs.flattenedEsdcs] output_annotations.append( Annotation(assignmentId=assignmentId, esdcs=esdcs, objectGroundings=None, groundingIsCorrect=None, agent=agent, context=context, esdcSource=esdcSource)) esdcYaml = toYaml(esdcs) print "******" print a, esdcYaml print esdcs yamlData.append({"command": esdcYaml, "assignmentId": a.assignmentId}) print "dumped", i, "commands." yaml.dump(yamlData, open(options.dest_corpus, "w"))
def approach_the_truck_cost_path(cf): state, am = waverly_state_truck() cf.initialize_state(state) extractor = Extractor() esdcs = extractor.extractEsdcs("Approach the truck.") event_esdc = esdcs[0] truck_esdc = event_esdc.l[0] annotation = initial_annotation(state, esdcs[0]) truck = [o for o in state.objects if 'flatbed' in o.tags][0] annotation.setGrounding(truck_esdc, truck) featureBrowser = crfFeatureWeights.MainWindow() ggg = drawAgentPathCostMap(featureBrowser, [event_esdc], annotation, cf, -15, 25, 15, 50, 1) factor = ggg.esdc_to_factor(event_esdc) featureBrowser.load(annotation.context, cf, factor)
def pick_up_the_pallet_cost_pickup(cf): state, am = waverly_state_truck() cf.initialize_state(state) extractor = Extractor() esdcs = extractor.extractEsdcs("Pick up the tire pallet.") event_esdc = esdcs[0] print 'event', event_esdc # pickup_esdc = event_esdc.r # print 'pickup', pickup_esdc pallet_esdc = event_esdc.l[0] print "pallet", pallet_esdc annotation = initial_annotation(state, esdcs[0]) pallet = [o for o in state.objects if 'tire' in o.tags][0] annotation.setGrounding(pallet_esdc, pallet) featureBrowser = crfFeatureWeights.MainWindow() ggg = drawObjectPathCostMap(featureBrowser, pallet_esdc, [event_esdc], annotation, cf, -20, 40, 15, 50, 1) factor = ggg.esdc_to_factor(event_esdc) featureBrowser.load(annotation.context, cf, factor)
def main(): extractor = Extractor() oldCorpus = annotationIo.load("%s/dataAnnotation/data/forkliftMturkEsdcs.stefie10.groundings.withPaths.yaml" % os.environ['FORKLIFT_HOME']) annotations = [] for i, a in enumerate(oldCorpus): # if i != 140: # continue print "doing", i, a.entireText automatic_esdcs_groups = extractor.extractTopNEsdcs(a.entireText, n=10) for automatic_esdc_group in automatic_esdcs_groups: annotation = annotationIo.Annotation(a.assignmentId, automatic_esdc_group) for automatic_esdc in automatic_esdc_group.flattenedEsdcs: if automatic_esdc in a.flattenedEsdcs: annotation.setGroundingIsCorrect(automatic_esdc, True) else: annotation.setGroundingIsCorrect(automatic_esdc, False) annotations.append(annotation), "negativeEsdcs.yaml")
def tp_test(): ex = Extractor() #parse = ex.extractEsdcs("Pick up the tire pallet next to the truck.") parse = ex.extractEsdcs("Put the tire pallet on storage.") esdc = parse[0] am = action_map.action_map( "../../data/directions/forklift/partitions/forklift_full_part.pck") tp = task_planner(am, gen_cost, gen_cost, gen_cost, gen_cost) s1 = fork_state.fork_state() s1.pallets = [pallet_t(), pallet_t()] s1.objects = [object_t(), object_t()] s1.pallets[0].id = 0 s1.pallets[0].label = pallet_t.LABEL_TIRE s1.pallets[0].pos = [88, 125, 0] s1.pallets[0].bbox_min = [88, 125, 0] s1.pallets[0].bbox_max = [89, 126, 0] s1.pallets[1].id = 1 s1.pallets[1].label = pallet_t.LABEL_ENGINE s1.pallets[1].pos = [113, 41, 0] s1.pallets[1].bbox_min = [113, 41, 0] s1.pallets[1].bbox_max = [114, 42, 0] s1.objects[0].object_type = object_enum_t.FLATBED_TRUCK s1.objects[0].pos = [88, 125, 0] s1.objects[0].bbox_min = [88, 125, 0] s1.objects[0].bbox_max = [89, 126, 0] s1.objects[1].object_type = object_enum_t.FLATBED_TRAILER s1.objects[1].pos = [88, 125, 0] s1.objects[1].bbox_min = [88, 125, 0] s1.objects[1].bbox_max = [89, 126, 0] rndf_map = rndf("../../data/directions/forklift/Lee_RNDF_demo.txt") s1.zones = rndf_map.zone_polygons[:] s1.agent = 0 plan = tp.find_plan(esdc, s1, 100) c, p = plan[0] def printMapping(x): if hasattr(p[x], 'tag'): print 'mapped ', x.type, map(lambda s: s.text, x.f), ' to ', p[x].tag elif x.type == 'EVENT': print 'mapped', x.type, 'to:' ss = p[x] for s, a in ss: if a != None: print a, am.index_to_location(a.to_loc) else: print 'mapped', x.type, '(' + str(x) + ')', ' to ', p[x] print '---------------------' print '-----------------' ds.breadthFirstTraverse(esdc, printMapping) print c
def setUpClass(cls): cls.extractor = Extractor()
from esdcs.extractor.stanfordParserExtractor import Extractor as StanfordExtractor from g3.esdcs_to_ggg import ggg_from_esdc_group from yn_dialog.graph import YNGGG from coreference.merge_coreferences import renumber_ggg_ids, merge_gggs from dialog.question_answer_corpus import QACorpus qa_corpus = QACorpus([]) sentence = 'Pick up the tire pallet near the truck.' # sentence = 'Turn away from the truck and move forward' # sentence = "I went to the store." # sentence = 'Raise the forks, turn right, and proceed forward for a few seconds.' stanford_extractor = StanfordExtractor() stanford_esdcs = stanford_extractor.extractEsdcs(sentence) ggg = ggg_from_esdc_group(stanford_esdcs) ggg, max_id = renumber_ggg_ids(ggg, 0) target_node_id = '4' target_node = ggg.node_from_id(target_node_id) target_factors = ggg.factors_for_node(target_node, 'top') target_esdc = ggg.factor_to_esdc(target_factors[0]) target_text = target_esdc.text command_text = ggg.entireText oid = '??' question_text = qa_corpus.generate_base_question_text( target_text) + " " + oid + "?" qa_text = question_text + " " + "Yes." yn_ggg = YNGGG.from_dialog(ggg.entireText, qa_text, True) yn_ggg, max_id = renumber_ggg_ids(yn_ggg, max_id)