def flash_program(self): self.button_flash.config(state=tk.DISABLED) flash_command = [] flash_command.extend( ['--baud', '460800', '--port', self.selected_port, 'write_flash']) try: with open(self.project_directory + '/flash_project_args') as f: args = [] lines ='\n') for i, line in enumerate(lines): split_line = line.split(' ') if 0 < i < len(lines) - 1: split_line[ 1] = self.project_directory + '/' + split_line[1] args.extend(split_line) flash_command.extend(args) esptool.main(flash_command) except FileNotFoundError: msg = ( "No flash_project_args found! " "Change the project directory for the one that has flash_project_args in it." ) self.show_messagebox("No flash_project_args found", msg) # Clear command self.button_flash.config(state=tk.ACTIVE)
def get_node_platform_and_mac(esptool, port): """ Get Node Platform and Mac Addres from device :param esptool: esptool module :type esptool: module :param port: Serial Port :type port: str :return: Node Platform and Mac Address on Success :rtype: str """ sys.stdout = mystdout = StringIO() command = ['--port', port, 'chip_id']"Running esptool command to get node\ platform and mac from device") esptool.main(command) sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ # Finding chip type from output. node_platform = next( filter(lambda line: 'Detecting chip type' in line, mystdout.getvalue().splitlines())) # Finds the first occurence of the line # with the MAC Address from the output. mac = next( filter(lambda line: 'MAC: ' in line, mystdout.getvalue().splitlines())) mac_addr = mac.split('MAC: ')[1].replace(':', '').upper() platform = node_platform.split()[-1].lower() return platform, mac_addr
def run(self): try: command = [] if not self._config.port.startswith(__auto_select__): command.append("--port") command.append(self._config.port) esp32 -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 460800 --before=default_reset --after=hard_reset write_flash --flash_mode dio #--flash_freq 40m --flash_size 4MB 0x8000 partition_table/partition-table.bin 0x1000 bootloader/bootloader.bin 0x10000 alles.bin command.extend([ "--baud", str(self._config.baud), "--before", "default_reset", "--after", "hard_reset", "write_flash", "--flash_size", "4MB", "--flash_mode", "dio", "0x8000", "partition-table.bin", "0x1000", "bootloader.bin", "0x10000", self._config.firmware_path ]) if self._config.erase_before_flash: command.append("--erase-all") print("Command: %s\n" % " ".join(command)) esptool.main(command) print("\nFirmware successfully flashed.") except SerialException as e: self._parent.report_error(e.strerror) raise e
def get_node_platform_and_mac(port): """ Get Node Platform and Mac Addres from device :param port: Serial Port :type port: str :return: Node Platform and MAC Address on Success :rtype: str """ if not port: sys.exit( "<port> argument not provided. Cannot read MAC address from node.") sys.stdout = mystdout = StringIO() command = ['--port', port, 'chip_id']"Running esptool command to get node\ platform and mac from device") esptool.main(command) sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ # Finding chip type from output. node_platform = next( filter(lambda line: 'Detecting chip type' in line, mystdout.getvalue().splitlines())) # Finds the first occurence of the line # with the MAC Address from the output. mac = next( filter(lambda line: 'MAC: ' in line, mystdout.getvalue().splitlines())) mac_addr = mac.split('MAC: ')[1].replace(':', '').upper() platform = node_platform.split()[-1].lower().replace('-', '') print("Node platform detected is: ", platform) print("MAC address is: ", mac_addr) log.debug("MAC address received: " + mac_addr) log.debug("Node platform is: " + platform) return platform, mac_addr
def esp32_create_combined_bin(source, target, env): #print("Generating combined binary for serial flashing") # The offset from begin of the file where the app0 partition starts # This is defined in the partition .csv file app_offset = 0x10000 new_file_name = env.subst("$BUILD_DIR/${PROGNAME}.factory.bin") sections = env.subst(env.get("FLASH_EXTRA_IMAGES")) firmware_name = env.subst("$BUILD_DIR/${PROGNAME}.bin") chip = env.get("BOARD_MCU") flash_size = env.BoardConfig().get("upload.flash_size") cmd = [ "--chip", chip, "merge_bin", "-o", new_file_name, "--flash_size", flash_size, ] print(" Offset | File") for section in sections: sect_adr, sect_file = section.split(" ", 1) print(f" - {sect_adr} | {sect_file}") cmd += [sect_adr, sect_file] print(f" - {hex(app_offset)} | {firmware_name}") cmd += [hex(app_offset), firmware_name] #print('Using arguments: %s' % ' '.join(cmd)) esptool.main(cmd)
def run(self): try: command = [] if not self._config.port.startswith(__auto_select__): command.append("--port") command.append(self._config.port) command.extend(["--baud", str(self._config.baud), "--after", "no_reset", "write_flash", "--flash_mode", self._config.mode, "0x10000", self._config.firmware_path]) if self._config.erase_before_flash: command.append("--erase-all") print("Command: %s\n" % " ".join(command)) esptool.main(command) # The last line printed by esptool is "Staying in bootloader." -> some indication that the process is # done is needed print("\nFirmware successfully flashed. Unplug/replug or reset device \nto switch back to normal boot " "mode.") except SerialException as e: self._parent.report_error(e.strerror) raise e
def flashFirmware(firmwarePath=None): boardParams = command.detectBoardConfig() for referenceName, referenceParams in config.boardTypes.items(): if all([ referenceParams[key] == boardParams[key] for key in ["manufacturer", "device", "flash_size"] ]): flashParams = referenceParams print("Detected " + referenceName) break else: flashParams = None if flashParams is not None: params = dict() params.update(config.hardwareConfig()) params.update(config.filesystemConfig()) params.update(flashSpeedOverride) params.update(flashParams) if firmwarePath is not None: params['local_image_path'] = firmwarePath commandPattern = " --port ${port} --baud ${baud} write_flash --flash_mode ${flash_mode} --flash_size ${flash_size} 0 ${local_image_path}" command.emulateInvocation(commandPattern, params) esptool.main() else: raise Error("Board unrecognised")
def detectBoardConfig(): import sys import re import io import esptool oldOut = sys.stdout newOut = io.StringIO() emulateInvocation(" --port ${port} flash_id", config.hardwareConfig()) try: sys.stdout = newOut esptool.main() finally: sys.stdout = oldOut printed = newOut.getvalue() def extractBackreference(pattern): return, printed, re.MULTILINE).group(1) return { "chip": extractBackreference("^Chip is (\w+)$"), "manufacturer": extractBackreference('^Manufacturer: (\w+)$'), "device": extractBackreference('^Device: (\w+)$'), "flash_size": extractBackreference('^Detected flash size: (\w+)$'), }
def flash_nvs_partition_bin(port, bin_to_flash, address): """ Flash binary onto node :param port: Serial Port :type port: str :param bin_to_flash: Filname of binary to flash :type bin_to_flash: str :raises Exception: If there is any issue when flashing binary onto node :return: None on Success :rtype: None """ try: if not port: sys.exit( "If you want to write the claim data to flash, please provide the <port> argument." ) print("Flashing binary onto node")"Flashing binary onto node") command = ['--port', port, 'write_flash', address, bin_to_flash] esptool.main(command) except Exception as err: log.error(err) sys.exit(1)
def burn_firmware(term_port): print('Erase Flash...') esptool.main(['--port', term_port, 'erase_flash']) print('Write Flash...') esptool.main(['--port', term_port, 'write_flash', '--flash_size=detect', '0', 'esp8266-20200911-v1.13.bin']) print('ok') sleep(2)
def esptoolRunner(self): '''Handles the interaction with esptool''' self.ESPTOOL_BUSY = True self.disableUI() self.labelStatusValue.config(text="Upgrading ...") cmd = self.esptool_cmd_builder() try: esptool.main(cmd) print('esptool execution completed') except esptool.FatalError as e: print(e) pass except serial.SerialException as e: print(e) pass except Exception as e: print(e) print( 'unexpected error, maybe you chose invalid files, or files which overlap' ) pass self.ESPTOOL_BUSY = False self.enableUI() self.buttonFlash["state"] = "enabled" self.labelStatusValue.config(text="Done")
def updateMorserino(port, rate, path): f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stdout(f): command = getUpdateCommand(port, rate, path) esptool.main(command) s = f.getvalue().rstrip() writeConfirmation = 'Hash of data verified.' return s.count(writeConfirmation) == 4, s
def esp_update(fwfile, port, baud): esptool.main(argv=[ "--chip", "esp32", "--port", port, "--baud", str(baud), "--before", "default_reset", "--after", "hard_reset", "write_flash", "-z", "--flash_mode", "dio", "--flash_freq", "40m", "--flash_size", "detect", "0x1000", "bootloader_dio_40m.bin", "0x8000", "partitions.bin", "0xe000", "boot_app0.bin", "0x10000", fwfile ])
def eraseMorserino(port, rate): f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stdout(f): command = getEraseCommand(port, rate) esptool.main(command) s = f.getvalue().rstrip() writeConfirmation = 'Chip erase completed successfully' return s.count(writeConfirmation) == 1, s
def __do_step_esptool(self): if not self.profile["programmer"] == "esptool": return command = ['--port', '/dev/serial0', '--baud', '921600', 'write_flash'] for b in self.profile["bins"]: command.append(b["addr"]) command.append("bins/%s.hex" % (b["name"])) esptool.main(command)
def flash_micropython(port): micropython_bin_file_path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, MICROPYTHON_BIN_FILE_DIR, MICROPYTHON_BIN_FILE_NAME) command = [ "--chip", "esp32", "--port", port, "--baud", "230400", "--after", "hard_reset", "write_flash", "-z", "0x1000", micropython_bin_file_path ] esptool.main(command)
def main(): try: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exit_) except Exception: pass args = argparse.ArgumentParser() args.add_argument("-b", "--baudrate", help="Port baudrate.") stdargs = args.parse_args() if stdargs.baudrate: commands[baud] = stdargs.baudrate else: print( "====================================================================" ) print("0: basic") print("1: atom") board = input("Please choice board(default: 0):") try: board = int(board) except Exception: board = 0 if board == 1: commands[baud] = "1500000" port_str = get_port() commands[port] = port_str print( "====================================================================") print("0: choice from local.") print("1: choice from remote.") c = input("Please firmware localtion(default: 0):") try: c = int(c) except Exception: c = 0 print(f"choice: {c}") if c == 0: local_option() elif c == 1: remote_option() try: esptool.main(commands) except OSError as e: print(f"Error encountered! {e}") print() if "Permission denied" in str(e): print("Please ensure you part of the `dialout` group. See README " "for more details") else: print("Please do not disconnect from the device.") except esptool.FatalError as e: print(e)
def run(com): from esptool import main import sys, traceback sys.argv = [ '', '--port', com, '--baud', '460800', 'erase_flash' ] try: main() return None except Exception as e: return str(e)
def run_esptool(self, command, content_path="./ESP_Packages"): """run esptool Parameters: command (list): list of esptool parameter content_path (str): path to esp binaries """ print(f'Using command {command}') os.chdir(content_path) esptool.main(command) os.chdir(self.root_dir)
def update_morserino(port, rate, path): f = io.StringIO() command = [ '--port', port, '--baud', rate, '--before', 'default_reset', '--after', 'hard_reset', 'write_flash', '0x10000', path ] with redirect_stdout(f): esptool.main(command) s = f.getvalue().rstrip() suffix = "Hard resetting via RTS pin..." return s.endswith(suffix)
def run(self): try: command = [ '--port',, 'write_flash', '0x00010000', self.firmware ] print('Using command %s' % ' '.join(command)) esptool.main(command) self.finishSignal.emit(1) except: print('---ESPTOOL ERROR---') self.finishSignal.emit(2) return
def run(self): command.extend([ "--baud", "921600", "--after", "no_reset", "write_flash", "--flash_mode", "dio", "0x00000", self.dir ]) with open('log.txt', 'w') as f: with redirect_stdout(f): #print("Command: %s\n" % " ".join(command)) print("Starting HELIOS updater by TheHackLife") print("dir is " + globaldir) esptool.main(command) evt = wxWorkerDone() wx.PostEvent(, evt)
def get_firmware(com): try: import sys sys.argv = [ '', '--chip', 'esp32', '--port', com, '--baud', '921600', 'read_flash', '0x1000', '0x250000', 'firmware.bin' ] from esptool import main main() return None except Exception as e: print(e) return str(e)
def upload_firmware(updater, esp, firmware): # serial_port = esp._port.portstr try: start = timer() # esp = esptool.find_port([esp._port.portstr]) updater(f"Uploading firmware to device on {esp._port.portstr}...") # esptool.write_flash(esp, ('0x00000', firmware)) <=== what are args? esptool.main(["write_flash", "0x00000", firmware], esp) # run(["python", "-u", "", '--port', serial_port, 'write_flash', '0x00000', firmware]) # print("ret " + str(ret)) elapsed = timer() - start # in seconds if elapsed < 3: updater( f"The firmware upload process went suspcisiously fast, meaning something went wrong. Run time: {elapsed:0.1f} seconds." ) print("Aborting!") return False updater("Upload complete") except esptool.FatalError as ex: updater(f"Problem: {ex}") traceback.print_exc() return False except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: output = ex.output # Check for specific known failure modes search ="error: Failed to open (COM\d+)", output) updater(f"Failed to upload firmware: {output}") if search: port = updater() updater( f"Could not open {port}: it appears to be in use by another process!" ) return False updater("Firmware loaded and device successfully configured.") return True
def run(self): try: spiffs_image_path = self.create_spiffs_image() command = [] if not self._config.port.startswith(__auto_select__): command.append("--port") command.append(self._config.port) command.extend([ "--baud", str(self._config.baud), # these are the default values # "--before", "default_reset", # "--after", "hard_reset", "write_flash", # "--flash_size", "detect", "--flash_mode", self._config.device_type.flash_mode, "0x00000", self._config.app_path, self._config.spiffs.offset, spiffs_image_path ]) if self._config.erase_before_flash: command.append("--erase-all") print("\nInstalling application...") print("Command: %s\n" % " ".join(command)) esptool.main(command) # The "success" message depends on the esptool post-write behavior. This one is in line with the # --after hard_reset configuration about. print("\nApplication successfully installed. Device will reset.") except SerialException as e: self._parent.report_error(e.strerror) raise e finally: self._callback()
def flash_esp(bootloader_path, firmware_path, partition_table_path, port=None, callback=None): try: command = [] if port: command.append("--port") command.append(port) command.extend([ "--chip", "esp32", "--baud", "921600", "--before", "default_reset", "--after", "hard_reset", "write_flash", "--flash_size", "detect", "--flash_mode", "dio", "0x1000", bootloader_path, "0x10000", firmware_path, "0x8000", partition_table_path, ]) print("Command: %s\n" % " ".join(command)) esptool.main(command) if callback: callback(100) return True except serial.SerialException as e: print(e) return False
def program(self): command = [ "--port", SERIAL_PORT, "--baud", str(self.comm_speed), "write_flash", ] for b in self.profile["bins"]: command.append(b["addr"]) command.append("bins/%s.hex" % (b["name"])) try: self.__reset_device() esptool.main(command) self.__reset_device() except Exception as e: return False return True
def flash(com): FLASH_START = "0x1000" FLASH_MODE = "dio" FLASH_FREQ = "40m" import sys sys.argv = [ '', '--chip', 'esp32', '--port', com, '--baud', '460800', 'write_flash', '-z', '--flash_mode', FLASH_MODE, '--flash_size', '4MB', '--flash_freq', FLASH_FREQ, FLASH_START, os.getcwd() + '\\firmware.bin' ] try: from esptool import main main() return None except Exception as e: print(e) return str(e)
def uploadBin(signals, port, binFile, deviceInfo): command = [] command.append("--chip") command.append(deviceInfo["chip"]) command.append("--port") command.append(port) command.append("--baud") command.append(str(deviceInfo["speed"])) command.append("write_flash") command.append("-z") command.append("--erase-all") command.extend(shlex.split(deviceInfo["flag"])) command.append("0x1000" if deviceInfo["chip"] == "esp32" else "0x0000") command.append(binFile) try: esptool.main(command) return None except Exception as e: return str(e)
def asyncFlash(command): # command for asynchronously flashing the binaries. global flashing, running, modifiedT try: flashing = True esptool.main(command) except esptool.FatalError: status.configure(fg='red', text=connectionErrorMessage) # print("the board doesn't seem to be connected") running = False modifiedT = -1 except SystemExit: status.configure(fg='red', text=missingFileErrorMessage) # print("the board doesn't seem to be connected") # e = sys.exc_info()[0] # xprint( "<p>Error: %s</p>" % e ) running = False modifiedT = -1 flashing = False
# # Trivial wrapper program to run using the just-compiled # flasher stub in the build/ subdirectory # # For use when developing new flasher_stubs, not important otherwise. # # Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Fredrik Ahlberg, Angus Gratton, other contributors as noted. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # import os.path import sys THIS_DIR=os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) sys.path.append("..") import esptool # Python hackiness: evaluate the snippet in the context of the esptool module, so it # edits the esptool's global variables exec(open("%s/build/" % THIS_DIR).read(), esptool.__dict__, esptool.__dict__) if __name__ == "__main__": try: esptool.main() except esptool.FatalError as e: print('\nA fatal error occurred: %s' % e) sys.exit(2)
# First parameter is pyserial path, second is esptool path, then a series of command arguments separated with --end # i.e. tools/pyserial tools/esptool erase_flash --end write_flash file 0x0 --end import sys import os sys.argv.pop(0) # Remove executable name toolspath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)).replace('\\', '/') # CWD in UNIX format try: sys.path.append(toolspath + "/pyserial") # Add pyserial dir to search path sys.path.append(toolspath + "/esptool") # Add esptool dir to search path import esptool # If this fails, we can't continue and will bomb below except: sys.stderr.write("Error in command line, need pyserial path as 1st arg and esptool path as 2nd.\n") sys.exit(1) fakeargs = []; while len(sys.argv): if sys.argv[0] == '--end': esptool.main(fakeargs) sys.argv.pop(0) # Remove --end fakeargs = [] else: # We silently replace the 921kbaud setting with 460k to enable backward # compatibility with the old esptool-ck.exe. doesn't seem # work reliably at 921k, but is still significantly faster at 460kbaud. thisarg = sys.argv.pop(0) if thisarg == "921600": thisarg = "460800" fakeargs = fakeargs + [thisarg]