def add_content(scope, name, min_id=None, max_id=None, coll_id=None, content_type=ContentType.FILE, status=ContentStatus.NEW, priority=0, edge_name=None, edge_id=None, num_success=0, num_failure=0, last_failed_at=None, pfn_size=0, pfn=None, object_metadata=None, session=None): """ Add a collection content. :param scope: The scope of the collection data. :param name: The name of the collection data. :param min_id: The minimum id of the partial file, related to the whole file. :param max_id: The maximum id of the partial file, related to the whole file. :param coll_id: The collection it belongs to. :param content_type: The type of the cotent data. :param status: The status of the content. :param priority: The priority as an integer. :param edge_name: The name of the replicating edge. :param edge_id: The id of the replicating edge. :param num_success: The number of successful access. :param num_failure; The number of failed access :param last_failed_at: The time of last failure. :param pfn_size: The size of physical file name. :param pfn: Physical file name. :raises DuplicatedObject: If an edge with the same name exists. :raises DatabaseException: If there is a database error. :returns: collection content id. """ if isinstance(content_type, str) or isinstance(content_type, unicode): content_type = ContentType.from_sym(str(content_type)) if isinstance(status, str) or isinstance(status, unicode): status = ContentStatus.from_sym(str(status)) if not edge_id: edge_id = get_edge_id(edge_name=edge_name, session=session) new_content = models.CollectionContent(scope=scope, name=name, min_id=min_id, max_id=max_id, coll_id=coll_id, content_type=content_type, status=status, priority=priority, edge_id=edge_id, num_success=num_success, num_failure=num_failure, last_failed_at=last_failed_at, pfn_size=pfn_size, pfn=pfn, object_metadata=object_metadata) try: except IntegrityError: raise exceptions.DuplicatedObject('Content %s:%s[%s:%s](at edge %s) already exists!' % (scope, name, min_id, max_id, edge_name)) except DatabaseError as error: raise exceptions.DatabaseException(error.args) return new_content.content_id
class CollectionContent(BASE, ModelBase): """Represents files""" __tablename__ = 'ess_coll_content' content_id = Column(BigInteger().with_variant(Integer, "sqlite"), Sequence('ESS_CONTENT_ID_SEQ')) coll_id = Column(BigInteger) scope = Column(String(SCOPE_LENGTH)) name = Column(String(NAME_LENGTH)) min_id = Column(BigInteger) max_id = Column(BigInteger) content_type = Column(ContentType.db_type(name='ESS_CONTENT_TYPE'), default=ContentType.FILE) # size = Column(BigInteger) # md5 = Column(String(32)) # adler32 = Column(String(8)) edge_id = Column(Integer) status = Column(ContentStatus.db_type(name='ESS_CONTENT_STATUS'), default=ContentStatus.NEW) priority = Column(Integer()) num_success = Column(Integer()) num_failure = Column(Integer()) last_failed_at = Column(DateTime) pfn_size = Column(BigInteger) pfn = Column(String(1024)) object_metadata = Column(JSON()) _table_args = ( PrimaryKeyConstraint('content_id', name='ESS_COLL_CONTENT_PK'), # PrimaryKeyConstraint('scope', 'name', 'coll_id', 'content_type', 'min_id', 'max_id', 'edge_id', 'content_id', name='ESS_COLL_CONTENT_PK'), ForeignKeyConstraint(['edge_id'], ['ess_edges.edge_id'], name='ESS_CONTENT_EDGE_ID_FK'), ForeignKeyConstraint(['coll_id'], ['ess_coll.coll_id'], name='ESS_CONTENT_COLL_ID_FK'), CheckConstraint('status IS NOT NULL', name='ESS_CONTENT_STATUS_NN'), UniqueConstraint('scope', 'name', 'coll_id', 'content_type', 'min_id', 'max_id', 'edge_id', name='ESS_CONTENT_UQ'), Index('ESS_CONTENT_SCOPE_NAME_IDX', 'scope', 'name', 'edge_id', 'status'), Index('ESS_CONTENT_SCOPE_NAME_MM_IDX', 'scope', 'name', 'content_type', 'min_id', 'max_id', 'edge_id', 'status'), Index('ESS_CONTENT_COLLECTION_ID_IDX', 'coll_id', 'status'), Index('ESS_CONTENT_EDGE_ID_IDX', 'edge_id', 'status'), Index('ESS_CONTENT_STATUS_PRIO_IDX', 'status', 'priority'))
def get_content_best_match(scope, name, min_id=None, max_id=None, edge_name=None, edge_id=None, status=None, session=None): """ Get a collection content or raise a NoObject exception. :param scope: The scope of the collection data. :param name: The name of the collection data. :param min_id: The minimum id of the partial file, related to the whole file. :param max_id: The maximum id of the partial file, related to the whole file. :param edge_name: The name of the edge. :param edge_id: The id of the Edge :param session: The database session in use. :raises NoObject: If no edge is founded. :returns: Content model. """ try: if not edge_id and edge_name: edge_id = get_edge_id(edge_name=edge_name, session=session) if status and (isinstance(status, str) or isinstance(status, unicode)): status = ContentStatus.from_sym(str(status)) query = session.query(models.CollectionContent).filter_by(scope=scope, name=name) if status: query = query.filter_by(status=status) if edge_id: query = query.filter_by(edge_id=edge_id) if min_id is not None and max_id is not None: contents = query.filter(and_(CollectionContent.min_id <= min_id, CollectionContent.max_id >= max_id)).all() content = None for row in contents: if (not content) or (content['max_id'] - content['min_id'] > row['max_id'] - row['min_id']): content = row if content is None: raise sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound() else: content = query.filter_by(content_type=ContentType.FILE).one() content['content_type'] = content.content_type content['status'] = content.status return content except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: raise exceptions.NoObject('Content %s:%s[%s:%s](at edge %s) cannot be found' % (scope, name, min_id, max_id, edge_id))
def get_contents_by_edge(edge_name, edge_id=None, status=None, coll_id=None, content_type=None, collection_scope=None, collection_name=None, limit=None, session=None): """ Get a collection content or raise a NoObject exception. :param edge_name: The name of the edge. :param edge_id: The id of the Edge :param status: The status of the content. :param coll_id: The collection id. :param content_type: The tyep of the content. :param limit: Number to return limited items. :param session: The database session in use. :raises NoObject: If no edge is founded. :returns: Content model. """ try: if not edge_id: edge_id = get_edge_id(edge_name=edge_name, session=session) if not coll_id and (collection_scope and collection_name): coll_id = get_collection_id(collection_scope, collection_name) query = session.query(models.CollectionContent).filter_by(edge_id=edge_id) if status: if isinstance(status, str) or isinstance(status, unicode): status = ContentStatus.from_sym(str(status)) query = query.filter_by(status=status) if coll_id: query = query.filter_by(coll_id=coll_id) if content_type: query = query.filter_by(content_type=content_type) if limit: query = query.limit(limit) contents = query.all() for content in contents: content['content_type'] = content.content_type content['status'] = content.status return contents except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: raise exceptions.NoObject('No contents at edge %s with status %s' % (edge_name, status))
def get_contents_statistics(edge_name, edge_id=None, coll_id=None, status=None, content_type=None, session=None): """ Get content statistics. :param edge_name: The name of the edge. :param edge_id: The id of the Edge :param coll_id: The collection id. :param status: The status of the content. :param content_type: The tyep of the content. :param session: The database session in use. :returns: dict. """ try: if not edge_id and edge_name: edge_id = get_edge_id(edge_name=edge_name, session=session) query = session.query(models.CollectionContent.edge_id, models.CollectionContent.coll_id, models.CollectionContent.content_type, models.CollectionContent.status, func.count(1).label('counter')) if edge_id: query = query.filter_by(edge_id=edge_id) if coll_id: query = query.filter_by(coll_id=coll_id) if status: if isinstance(status, str) or isinstance(status, unicode): status = ContentStatus.from_sym(str(status)) query = query.filter_by(status=status) if content_type: if isinstance(content_type, str) or isinstance(content_type, unicode): content_type = ContentType.from_sym(str(content_type)) query = query.filter_by(content_type=content_type) query = query.group_by(models.CollectionContent.edge_id, models.CollectionContent.coll_id, models.CollectionContent.content_type, models.CollectionContent.status) statistics = query.all() return statistics except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: raise exceptions.NoObject('Failed to get statistics for edge %s and collection %s' % (edge_id, coll_id))
def get_contents_by_edge(edge_name, edge_id=None, status=None, coll_id=None, content_type=ContentType.FILE, session=None): """ Get a collection content or raise a NoObject exception. :param edge_name: The name of the edge. :param edge_id: The id of the Edge :param status: The status of the content. :param coll_id: The collection id. :param session: The database session in use. :raises NoObject: If no edge is founded. :returns: Content model. """ try: if not edge_id: edge_id = get_edge_id(edge_name=edge_name, session=session) if status: if isinstance(status, str) or isinstance(status, unicode): status = ContentStatus.from_sym(str(status)) if coll_id: contents = session.query(models.CollectionContent).filter_by(edge_id=edge_id, status=status, coll_id=coll_id, content_type=content_type).all() else: contents = session.query(models.CollectionContent).filter_by(edge_id=edge_id, status=status, content_type=content_type).all() else: if coll_id: contents = session.query(models.CollectionContent).filter_by(edge_id=edge_id, coll_id=coll_id, content_type=content_type).all() else: contents = session.query(models.CollectionContent).filter_by(edge_id=edge_id, content_type=content_type).all() for content in contents: content['content_type'] = content.content_type content['status'] = content.status return contents except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: raise exceptions.NoObject('No contents at edge %s with status %s' % (edge_name, status))
def update_contents_by_id(files, session=None): """ update a collection content. :param files: The list of content files. :param session: The database session in use. :raises NoObject: If no content is founded. :raises DatabaseException: If there is a database error. """ try: for id in files: parameters = files[id] if 'status' in parameters and \ (isinstance(parameters['status'], str) or isinstance(parameters['status'], unicode)): parameters['status'] = ContentStatus.from_sym(str(parameters['status'])) session.query(models.CollectionContent).filter_by(content_id=id).update(parameters) except DatabaseError as error: raise exceptions.DatabaseException(error.args)
def update_content(scope, name, min_id=None, max_id=None, edge_name=None, edge_id=None, content_id=None, parameters=None, session=None): """ update a collection content. :param scope: The scope of the collection data. :param name: The name of the collection data. :param min_id: The minimum id of the partial file, related to the whole file. :param max_id: The maximum id of the partial file, related to the whole file. :param edge_name: The name of the edge. :param edge_id: The id of the Edge :param session: The database session in use. :raises NoObject: If no content is founded. :raises DatabaseException: If there is a database error. :returns: content id. """ content = get_content(scope, name, min_id=min_id, max_id=max_id, edge_name=edge_name, edge_id=edge_id, session=session) try: content = get_content(scope, name, min_id=min_id, max_id=max_id, content_id=content_id, edge_name=edge_name, edge_id=edge_id, session=session) if 'content_type' in parameters and \ (isinstance(parameters['content_type'], str) or isinstance(parameters['content_type'], unicode)): parameters['content_type'] = ContentType.from_sym(str(parameters['content_type'])) if 'status' in parameters and \ (isinstance(parameters['status'], str) or isinstance(parameters['status'], unicode)): parameters['status'] = ContentStatus.from_sym(str(parameters['status'])) content.update(parameters) except DatabaseError as error: raise exceptions.DatabaseException(error.args) return content.content_id