def push_handler(self, msg): """ Handle dist-git push messages by updating the parent-child relationship of commits in Neo4j. :param dict msg: a message to be processed """ commits = msg['body']['msg']['commits'] parent = DistGitCommit.get_or_create({ 'hash_': msg['body']['msg']['oldrev'] })[0] for commit in commits: child = DistGitCommit.get_or_create({ 'hash_': commit })[0] child.parent.connect(parent) parent = child
def commit_handler(self, msg): """ Handle a dist-git commit message and update Neo4j if necessary. :param dict msg: a message to be processed """ repo = DistGitRepo.get_or_create({ 'namespace': msg['headers']['namespace'], 'name': msg['headers']['repo'] })[0] # Get the username from the email if the email is a Red Hat email email = msg['headers']['email'].lower() if email.endswith(''): username = email.split('')[0] else: username = email author = User.create_or_update({ 'username': username, 'email': email })[0] commit_message = msg['body']['msg']['message'] commit = DistGitCommit.create_or_update({ 'hash_': msg['headers']['rev'], 'log_message': commit_message, 'author_date': timestamp_to_datetime(msg['body']['msg']['author_date']), 'commit_date': timestamp_to_datetime(msg['body']['msg']['commit_date']) })[0] bug_rel_mapping = self.parse_bugzilla_bugs(commit_message) for bug_id in bug_rel_mapping['resolves']: bug = BugzillaBug.get_or_create({'id_': bug_id})[0] commit.resolved_bugs.connect(bug) for bug_id in bug_rel_mapping['related']: bug = BugzillaBug.get_or_create({'id_': bug_id})[0] commit.related_bugs.connect(bug) for bug_id in bug_rel_mapping['reverted']: bug = BugzillaBug.get_or_create({'id_': bug_id})[0] commit.reverted_bugs.connect(bug) commit.conditional_connect(, author) repo.commits.connect(commit)
def build_handler(self, msg): """ Handle a build state message and update Neo4j if necessary. :param dict msg: a message to be processed """ if not msg['body']['msg']['info']['source']: return commit_hash_pattern = re.compile(r'(?:\#)([0-9a-f]{40})$') commit_hash = re.findall(commit_hash_pattern, msg['body']['msg']['info']['source']) # Container builds and rpms have commit hashes, so we want to process them if commit_hash: commit = DistGitCommit.get_or_create({'hash_': commit_hash[0]})[0] build = self.get_or_create_build(msg['body']['msg']['info']['id']) if build.__label__ == ModuleKojiBuild.__label__: extra_json = msg['body']['msg']['info']['extra'] module_extra_info = extra_json.get('typeinfo', {}).get('module') module_build_tag_name = module_extra_info.get( 'content_koji_tag') if module_build_tag_name: try: tag_info = self.koji_session.getTag( module_build_tag_name) except Exception: log.error('Failed to get tag {0}'.format( module_build_tag_name)) raise module_build_tag = KojiTag.create_or_update({ 'id_': tag_info['id'], 'name': module_build_tag_name })[0] module_build_tag.module_builds.connect(build) _, components = self.koji_session.listTaggedRPMS( module_build_tag_name) for component in components: component_build = self.get_or_create_build(component) build.components.connect(component_build) build.conditional_connect(build.commit, commit)
def build_handler(self, msg): """ Handle a build state message and update Neo4j if necessary. :param dict msg: a message to be processed """ if not msg['body']['msg']['info']['source']: return commit_hash_pattern = re.compile(r'(?:\#)([0-9a-f]{40})$') commit_hash = re.findall(commit_hash_pattern, msg['body']['msg']['info']['source']) # Container builds and rpms have commit hashes, so we want to process them if commit_hash: commit = DistGitCommit.get_or_create({'hash_': commit_hash[0]})[0] build = self.get_or_create_build(msg['body']['msg']['info']['id']) build.conditional_connect(build.commit, commit) if build.__label__ == ModuleKojiBuild.__label__: extra_json = msg['body']['msg']['info']['extra'] module_extra_info = extra_json.get('typeinfo', {}).get('module') module_build_tag_name = module_extra_info.get( 'content_koji_tag') if module_build_tag_name: _, components = self.koji_session.listTaggedRPMS( module_build_tag_name) for component in components: component_build = self.get_or_create_build(component) build.components.connect(component_build) elif build.__label__ == ContainerKojiBuild.__label__: extra_json = msg['body']['msg']['info']['extra'] build.operator = bool( extra_json.get('typeinfo', {}).get('operator-manifests', {}).get('archive'))
def test_module_story_node_siblings(client, resource, uid, backward_rel, expected): """Tests getting the siblings of an artifact's adjacent node in the module story path.""" bug = BugzillaBug.get_or_create({ 'classification': 'Red Hat', 'creation_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'id_': '12345', 'modified_time': datetime(2018, 2, 7, 19, 30, 47), 'priority': 'high', 'product_name': 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux', 'product_version': '7.5', 'resolution': '', 'severity': 'low', 'short_description': 'Some description', 'status': 'VERIFIED', 'target_milestone': 'rc', 'votes': 0 })[0] commit = DistGitCommit.get_or_create({ 'author_date': datetime(2017, 4, 26, 11, 44, 38), 'commit_date': datetime(2017, 4, 26, 11, 44, 38), 'hash_': '8a63adb248ba633e200067e1ad6dc61931727bad', 'log_message': 'Related: #12345 - fix xyz' })[0] build = KojiBuild.get_or_create({ 'completion_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'creation_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'epoch': '0', 'id_': '2345', 'name': 'slf4j', 'release': '4.el7_4', 'start_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'state': 1, 'version': '1.7.4' })[0] build_two = KojiBuild.get_or_create({ 'completion_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'creation_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'epoch': '0', 'id_': '3456', 'name': 'slf3j', 'release': '4.el6_3', 'start_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'state': 2, 'version': '1.7.1' })[0] module_build = ModuleKojiBuild.get_or_create({ 'completion_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'creation_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'epoch': '0', 'id_': '2345', 'name': '389-ds', 'context': 'a2037af3', 'release': '20180805121332.a2037af3', 'start_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'mbs_id': 1338, 'module_name': '389-ds', 'module_version': '20180805121332', 'module_stream': '1.4' })[0] advisory = Advisory.get_or_create({ 'actual_ship_date': datetime(2017, 8, 1, 15, 43, 51), 'advisory_name': 'RHBA-2017:2251-02', 'content_types': ['docker'], 'created_at': datetime(2017, 4, 3, 14, 47, 23), 'id_': '27825', 'issue_date': datetime(2017, 8, 1, 5, 59, 34), 'product_name': 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux', 'product_short_name': 'RHEL', 'security_impact': 'None', 'state': 'SHIPPED_LIVE', 'status_time': datetime(2017, 8, 1, 15, 43, 51), 'synopsis': 'cifs-utils bug fix update', 'update_date': datetime(2017, 8, 1, 7, 16) })[0] fm_event = FreshmakerEvent.get_or_create({ 'event_type_id': 8, 'id_': '1180', 'message_id': 'ID:messaging-devops-broker01.test', 'state': 2, 'state_name': 'COMPLETE', 'state_reason': 'All container images have been rebuilt.', 'time_created': datetime(2019, 8, 21, 13, 42, 20), 'time_done': datetime(2099, 8, 21, 13, 42, 20) })[0] cb = ContainerKojiBuild.get_or_create({ 'completion_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'creation_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'epoch': '0', 'id_': '710', 'name': 'slf4j_2', 'release': '4.el7_4_as', 'start_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'state': 1, 'version': '1.7.4' })[0] cb_two = ContainerKojiBuild.get_or_create({ 'completion_time': datetime(2018, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'creation_time': datetime(2018, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'epoch': '0', 'id_': '811', 'name': 'some_build', 'release': '4.el7_4_as', 'start_time': datetime(2018, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'state': 2, 'version': '1.7.5' })[0] ca = ContainerAdvisory.get_or_create({ 'actual_ship_date': datetime(2017, 8, 1, 15, 43, 51), 'advisory_name': 'RHBA-2017:2251-03', 'content_types': ['docker'], 'created_at': datetime(2017, 4, 3, 14, 47, 23), 'id_': '12327', 'issue_date': datetime(2017, 8, 1, 5, 59, 34), 'product_name': 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux', 'product_short_name': 'RHEL', 'security_impact': 'None', 'state': 'SHIPPED_LIVE', 'status_time': datetime(2017, 8, 1, 15, 43, 51), 'synopsis': 'cifs-utils bug fix update', 'update_date': datetime(2017, 8, 1, 7, 16) })[0] commit.resolved_bugs.connect(bug) commit.koji_builds.connect(build) build.advisories.connect(advisory) build_two.advisories.connect(advisory) fm_event.triggered_by_advisory.connect(advisory) fm_event.successful_koji_builds.connect(cb) fm_event.successful_koji_builds.connect(cb_two) ca.attached_builds.connect(cb) ca.attached_builds.connect(cb_two) module_build.components.connect(build) module_build.components.connect(build_two) module_build.advisories.connect(advisory) url = '/api/v1/siblings/{0}/{1}?story_type=module'.format(resource, uid) if backward_rel: url = '{0}&backward_rel=true'.format(url) rv = client.get(url) assert rv.status_code == 200 assert json.loads('utf-8')) == expected
def test_all_stories(client, resource, uid, expected): """Test getting all unique stories for an artifact.""" bug = BugzillaBug.get_or_create({ 'creation_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'id_': '12345', 'modified_time': datetime(2018, 2, 7, 19, 30, 47), 'priority': 'high', 'product_name': 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux', 'product_version': '7.5', 'resolution': '', 'severity': 'low', 'short_description': 'Some description', 'status': 'VERIFIED', 'target_milestone': 'rc', })[0] bug_two = BugzillaBug.get_or_create({ 'creation_time': datetime(2017, 4, 1, 17, 41, 4), 'severity': 'medium', 'short_description': 'some description', 'product_version': '7.2', 'priority': 'unspecified', 'product_name': 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7', 'resolution': 'DUPLICATE', 'target_milestone': 'rc', 'modified_time': datetime(2018, 3, 14, 5, 53, 19), 'id_': '1245', 'status': 'CLOSED' })[0] commit = DistGitCommit.get_or_create({ 'author_date': datetime(2017, 4, 26, 11, 44, 38), 'commit_date': datetime(2018, 5, 2, 10, 36, 47), 'hash_': '8a63adb248ba633e200067e1ad6dc61931727bad', 'log_message': 'Related: #12345 - fix xyz' })[0] commit_two = DistGitCommit.get_or_create({ 'commit_date': datetime(2018, 3, 14, 5, 52, 19), 'author_date': datetime(2018, 3, 14, 5, 53, 25), 'log_message': 'Repo creation', 'hash_': 'f4dfc64c10a90492303e4f14ad3549a1a2b13575' })[0] build = KojiBuild.get_or_create({ 'completion_time': datetime(2018, 6, 2, 10, 55, 47), 'creation_time': datetime(2018, 6, 2, 10, 36, 47), 'epoch': '0', 'id_': '2345', 'name': 'slf4j', 'release': '4.el7_4', 'start_time': datetime(2018, 6, 2, 10, 36, 47), 'state': 1, 'version': '1.7.4' })[0] advisory = Advisory.get_or_create({ 'actual_ship_date': datetime(2017, 8, 1, 15, 43, 51), 'advisory_name': 'RHBA-2017:2251-02', 'created_at': datetime(2018, 6, 13, 10, 36, 47), 'id_': '27825', 'issue_date': datetime(2017, 8, 1, 5, 59, 34), 'product_name': 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux', 'security_impact': 'None', 'state': 'SHIPPED_LIVE', 'status_time': datetime(2017, 8, 1, 15, 43, 51), 'synopsis': 'cifs-utils bug fix update', 'update_date': datetime(2017, 8, 1, 7, 16) })[0] advisory_two = Advisory.get_or_create({ 'security_impact': 'None', 'created_at': datetime(2018, 4, 21, 19, 36, 47), 'synopsis': 'This is a synopsis of a test advisory.', 'product_name': 'Release End2End Test', 'update_date': datetime(2018, 4, 21, 19, 36, 47), 'advisory_name': 'RHBA-2017:27760-01', 'issue_date': datetime(2018, 3, 14, 5, 53, 25), 'status_time': datetime(2018, 3, 14, 7, 53, 25), 'state': 'DROPPED_NO_SHIP', 'id_': '123456' })[0] fm_event = FreshmakerEvent.get_or_create({ 'id_': '1180', 'state_name': 'COMPLETE', 'state_reason': 'All container images have been rebuilt.', 'time_created': datetime(2018, 8, 13, 10, 36, 47), 'time_done': datetime(2018, 8, 13, 12, 45, 47) })[0] cb = ContainerKojiBuild.get_or_create({ 'completion_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'creation_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'epoch': '0', 'id_': '710', 'name': 'slf4j_2', 'release': '4.el7_4_as', 'start_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'state': 1, 'version': '1.7.4' })[0] cb_two = ContainerKojiBuild.get_or_create({ 'completion_time': datetime(2018, 8, 17, 13, 55, 47), 'creation_time': datetime(2018, 8, 17, 8, 32, 47), 'epoch': '0', 'id_': '811', 'name': 'some_build', 'release': '4.el7_4_as', 'start_time': datetime(2018, 8, 17, 8, 32, 47), 'state': 2, 'version': '1.7.5' })[0] # Longest story commit.resolved_bugs.connect(bug) commit.koji_builds.connect(build) build.advisories.connect(advisory, {'time_attached': datetime(2018, 6, 13, 10, 36, 47)}) fm_event.triggered_by_advisory.connect(advisory) fm_event.successful_koji_builds.connect(cb) fm_event.successful_koji_builds.connect(cb_two) # Unique partial stories commit_two.resolved_bugs.connect(bug_two) commit_two.koji_builds.connect(build) build.advisories.connect(advisory_two, {'time_attached': datetime(2018, 4, 21, 19, 36, 47)}) rv = client.get('/api/v1/allstories/{0}/{1}'.format(resource, uid)) assert rv.status_code == 200 assert json.loads('utf-8')) == expected
def test_get_resources(client, resource, uid, expected): """Test getting a resource from Neo4j with its relationships.""" tbrady = User.get_or_create({ 'email': '*****@*****.**', 'username': '******' })[0] mprahl = User.get_or_create({ 'email': '*****@*****.**', 'username': '******' })[0] jsmith = User.get_or_create({ 'email': '*****@*****.**', 'username': '******' })[0] commit = DistGitCommit.get_or_create({ 'author_date': datetime(2017, 4, 26, 11, 44, 38), 'commit_date': datetime(2017, 4, 26, 11, 44, 38), 'hash_': '8a63adb248ba633e200067e1ad6dc61931727bad', 'log_message': 'Related: #12345 - fix xyz' })[0] commit_two = DistGitCommit.get_or_create({ 'author_date': datetime(2017, 4, 27, 11, 44, 38), 'commit_date': datetime(2017, 4, 27, 11, 44, 38), 'hash_': '1263adb248ba633e205067e1ad6dc61931727c2d', 'log_message': 'Related: #12345 - fix xz' })[0] commit_three = DistGitCommit.get_or_create({ 'author_date': datetime(2017, 4, 27, 11, 44, 38), 'commit_date': datetime(2017, 4, 27, 11, 44, 38), 'hash_': '5663adb248ba633e205067e1ad6dc61931727123', 'log_message': 'Revert: #12345' })[0] bug = BugzillaBug.get_or_create({ 'classification': 'Red Hat', 'creation_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'id_': '12345', 'modified_time': datetime(2018, 2, 7, 19, 30, 47), 'priority': 'high', 'product_name': 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux', 'product_version': '7.5', 'resolution': '', 'severity': 'low', 'short_description': 'Some description', 'status': 'VERIFIED', 'target_milestone': 'rc', 'votes': 0 })[0] bug_two = BugzillaBug.get_or_create({ 'classification': 'Red Hat', 'creation_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'id_': '67890', 'modified_time': datetime(2018, 2, 7, 19, 30, 47), 'priority': 'medium', 'product_name': 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux', 'product_version': '7.3', 'resolution': '', 'severity': 'low', 'short_description': 'Some description', 'status': 'VERIFIED', 'target_milestone': 'rc', 'votes': 0 })[0] bug_three = BugzillaBug.get_or_create({ 'classification': 'Red Hat', 'creation_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'id_': '272895', 'modified_time': datetime(2018, 2, 7, 19, 30, 47), 'priority': 'low', 'product_name': 'Satellite', 'product_version': '3', 'resolution': '', 'severity': 'medium', 'short_description': 'Some description', 'status': 'VERIFIED', 'target_milestone': 'rc', 'votes': 0 })[0] repo = DistGitRepo.get_or_create({ 'name': 'some_repo', 'namespace': 'some_namespace', })[0] branch = DistGitBranch.get_or_create({ 'name': 'some_branch_name', 'repo_name': 'some_repo_name', 'repo_namespace': 'some_repo_namespace' })[0] build = KojiBuild.get_or_create({ 'completion_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'creation_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'epoch': '0', 'id_': '2345', 'name': 'slf4j', 'release': '4.el7_4', 'start_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'state': 1, 'version': '1.7.4' })[0] tag = KojiTag.get_or_create({ 'id_': '2702', 'name': 'some_active_tag' })[0] advisory = Advisory.get_or_create({ 'actual_ship_date': datetime(2017, 8, 1, 15, 43, 51), 'advisory_name': 'RHBA-2017:2251-02', 'content_types': ['docker'], 'created_at': datetime(2017, 4, 3, 14, 47, 23), 'id_': '27825', 'issue_date': datetime(2017, 8, 1, 5, 59, 34), 'product_name': 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux', 'product_short_name': 'RHEL', 'security_impact': 'None', 'state': 'SHIPPED_LIVE', 'status_time': datetime(2017, 8, 1, 15, 43, 51), 'synopsis': 'cifs-utils bug fix update', 'update_date': datetime(2017, 8, 1, 7, 16) })[0] fm_event = FreshmakerEvent.get_or_create({ 'event_type_id': 8, 'id_': '1180', 'message_id': 'ID:messaging-devops-broker01.test', 'state': 2, 'state_name': 'COMPLETE', 'state_reason': 'All container images have been rebuilt', 'time_created': datetime(2019, 8, 21, 13, 42, 20), 'time_done': datetime(2099, 8, 21, 13, 42, 20) })[0] fm_build = FreshmakerBuild.get_or_create({ 'id_': 398, 'build_id': 15639305, 'dep_on': "jboss-eap-7-eap70-openshift-docker", 'name': "metrics-hawkular-metrics-docker", 'original_nvr': "metrics-hawkular-metrics-docker-v3.7.23-10", 'rebuilt_nvr': "metrics-hawkular-metrics-docker-v3.7.23-10.1522094767", 'state': 1, 'state_name': "DONE", 'state_reason': "Built successfully.", 'time_completed': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'time_submitted': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'type_': 1, 'type_name': "IMAGE", 'url': "/api/1/builds/398" })[0] cb = ContainerKojiBuild.get_or_create({ 'completion_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'creation_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'epoch': '0', 'id_': '710', 'name': 'slf4j_2', 'release': '4.el7_4_as', 'start_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'state': 1, 'version': '1.7.4' })[0] if resource == 'bugzillabug': bug.assignee.connect(mprahl) bug.qa_contact.connect(jsmith) bug.reporter.connect(tbrady) commit.resolved_bugs.connect(bug) commit_two.resolved_bugs.connect(bug) commit_three.reverted_bugs.connect(bug) advisory.attached_bugs.connect(bug) if resource == 'distgitcommit': commit.parent.connect(commit_two) commit_three.parent.connect(commit) commit.related_bugs.connect(bug) commit.related_bugs.connect(bug_three) commit.reverted_bugs.connect(bug_two) repo.commits.connect(commit) branch.commits.connect(commit) commit.resolved_bugs.connect(bug) commit.resolved_bugs.connect(bug_two) if resource == 'kojibuild': build.owner.connect(mprahl) build.commit.connect(commit_two) tag.builds.connect(build) if resource == 'advisory': advisory.assigned_to.connect(mprahl) advisory.reporter.connect(jsmith) advisory.attached_builds.connect(build) advisory.attached_bugs.connect(bug) if resource == 'freshmakerevent': fm_event.triggered_by_advisory.connect(advisory) fm_event.successful_koji_builds.connect(cb) fm_event.requested_builds.connect(fm_build) if resource == 'containerbuild': fm_event.successful_koji_builds.connect(cb) rv = client.get('/api/v1/{0}/{1}'.format(resource, uid)) assert rv.status_code == 200 assert json.loads('utf-8')) == expected
def _update_neo4j(neo4j_url, total_results, counter_and_results): """ Update Neo4j results via mapping with multiprocessing. :param str neo4j_url: database url for Neo4j :param int total_results: the total number of results that will be processed. This is used for a logging statement about progress. :param tuple counter_and_results: a tuple where the first index is the current counter and the second index is a list of dictionaries representing results from Teiid """ try: previous_total = counter_and_results[0] results = counter_and_results[1] # Since _update_neo4j will be run in a separate process, we must configure the database # URL every time the method is run. neomodel_config.DATABASE_URL = neo4j_url # Create a thread pool with 4 threads to speed up queries to cgit pool = ThreadPool(4) counter = 0 for result in results: if counter % 200 == 0: until = counter + 200 if until > len(results): until = len(results) # Because of the joins in the SQL query, we end up with several rows with the # same commit hash and we only want to query cgit once per commit unique_commits = set([(c['module'], c['sha']) for c in results[counter:until]]) log.debug( 'Getting the author email addresses from cgit in parallel ' 'for results {0} to {1}'.format(counter, until)) repos_info = { r['commit']: r for r in, unique_commits) } # This is no longer needed so it can be cleared to save RAM del unique_commits counter += 1'Processing commit entry {0}/{1}'.format( previous_total + counter, total_results)) repo_info = repos_info[result['sha']] if not repo_info.get('namespace'): 'Skipping nodes creation with commit ID {0}'.format( result['commit_id'])) continue log.debug( 'Creating nodes associated with commit ID {0}'.format( result['commit_id'])) repo = DistGitRepo.get_or_create({ 'namespace': repo_info['namespace'], 'name': result['module'] })[0] commit = DistGitCommit.create_or_update({ 'author_date': result['author_date'], 'commit_date': result['commit_date'], 'hash_': result['sha'], # In case we get unicode characters in Python 2 'log_message': bytes(result['log_message'], 'utf-8').decode() })[0] bug = BugzillaBug.get_or_create({'id_': result['bugzilla_id']})[0] log.debug( 'Creating the user nodes associated with commit ID {0}'. format(result['commit_id'])) author = User.create_or_update({ 'username': repo_info['author_username'], 'email': repo_info['author_email'] })[0] log.debug( 'Creating the relationships associated with commit ID {0}'. format(result['commit_id'])) repo.commits.connect(commit) commit.conditional_connect(, author) if result['bugzilla_type'] == 'related': commit.related_bugs.connect(bug) elif result['bugzilla_type'] == 'resolves': commit.resolved_bugs.connect(bug) elif result['bugzilla_type'] == 'reverted': commit.reverted_bugs.connect(bug) # This is no longer needed so it can be cleared to save RAM del repo_info finally: # Close the DB connection after this is done processing db.driver.close()
def test_get_recent_nodes(client): """Test the get_recent_nodes function.""" id_dict = { FreshmakerEvent.__label__: 'id', BugzillaBug.__label__: 'id', DistGitCommit.__label__: 'hash', KojiBuild.__label__: 'id', Advisory.__label__: 'id' } timestamp_dict = { FreshmakerEvent.__label__: 'time_created', BugzillaBug.__label__: 'modified_time', DistGitCommit.__label__: 'commit_date', KojiBuild.__label__: 'completion_time', Advisory.__label__: 'update_date' } expected = { 'data': { 'Advisory': [{ 'advisory_name': 'RHBA-2017:27760-01', 'update_date': '2017-05-30T11:44:38Z', 'issue_date': None, 'created_at': None, 'state': None, 'product_name': None, 'security_sla': None, 'synopsis': None, 'security_impact': None, 'status_time': None, 'actual_ship_date': None, 'release_date': None, 'id': '66666', 'display_name': 'RHBA-2017:27760-01', 'resource_type': 'Advisory', 'assigned_to': None, 'attached_bugs': [], 'attached_builds': [], 'triggered_freshmaker_event': [], 'reporter': None }], 'DistGitCommit': [{ 'log_message': None, 'author': None, 'author_date': None, 'koji_builds': [], 'hash': '55555', 'commit_date': '2017-05-02T11:44:38Z', 'display_name': 'commit #55555', 'resource_type': 'DistGitCommit', 'related_bugs': [], 'repos': [], 'resolved_bugs': [], 'reverted_bugs': [] }], 'FreshmakerEvent': [{ 'state_reason': None, 'state_name': None, 'time_created': '2017-05-30T11:44:38Z', 'time_done': None, 'id': '77777', 'display_name': 'Freshmaker event 77777', 'resource_type': 'FreshmakerEvent', 'requested_builds': [], 'successful_koji_builds': [], 'triggered_by_advisory': None, }], 'KojiBuild': [{ 'name': 'slf4j', 'start_time': None, 'creation_time': None, 'state': None, 'completion_time': '2017-05-27T11:44:38Z', 'epoch': None, 'version': '1.7.4', 'release': '4.el7_4', 'id': '44444', 'display_name': 'slf4j-1.7.4-4.el7_4', 'resource_type': 'KojiBuild', 'module_builds': [], 'owner': None, 'commit': None, 'advisories': [] }], 'BugzillaBug': [{ 'status': None, 'severity': None, 'resolution': None, 'product_version': None, 'creation_time': None, 'modified_time': '2017-06-26T11:44:38Z', 'product_name': None, 'priority': None, 'short_description': None, 'target_milestone': None, 'id': '22222', 'display_name': 'RHBZ#22222', 'resource_type': 'BugzillaBug', 'assignee': None, 'attached_advisories': [], 'qa_contact': None, 'related_by_commits': [], 'reporter': None, 'resolved_by_commits': [], 'reverted_by_commits': [] }, { 'status': None, 'severity': None, 'resolution': None, 'product_version': None, 'creation_time': None, 'modified_time': '2017-05-26T11:44:38Z', 'product_name': None, 'priority': None, 'short_description': None, 'target_milestone': None, 'id': '33333', 'display_name': 'RHBZ#33333', 'resource_type': 'BugzillaBug', 'assignee': None, 'attached_advisories': [], 'qa_contact': None, 'related_by_commits': [], 'reporter': None, 'resolved_by_commits': [], 'reverted_by_commits': [] }, { 'status': None, 'severity': None, 'resolution': None, 'product_version': None, 'creation_time': None, 'modified_time': '2017-04-26T11:44:38Z', 'product_name': None, 'priority': None, 'short_description': None, 'target_milestone': None, 'id': '11111', 'display_name': 'RHBZ#11111', 'resource_type': 'BugzillaBug', 'assignee': None, 'attached_advisories': [], 'qa_contact': None, 'related_by_commits': [], 'reporter': None, 'resolved_by_commits': [], 'reverted_by_commits': [] }] }, 'metadata': { 'id_keys': id_dict, 'timestamp_keys': timestamp_dict } } BugzillaBug.get_or_create({ 'id_': '11111', 'modified_time': datetime(2017, 4, 26, 11, 44, 38) }) BugzillaBug.get_or_create({ 'id_': '22222', 'modified_time': datetime(2017, 6, 26, 11, 44, 38) }) BugzillaBug.get_or_create({ 'id_': '33333', 'modified_time': datetime(2017, 5, 26, 11, 44, 38) }) KojiBuild.get_or_create({ 'id_': '44444', 'completion_time': datetime(2017, 5, 27, 11, 44, 38), 'name': 'slf4j', 'version': '1.7.4', 'release': '4.el7_4' }) DistGitCommit.get_or_create({ 'hash_': '55555', 'commit_date': datetime(2017, 5, 2, 11, 44, 38) }) Advisory.get_or_create({ 'id_': '66666', 'update_date': datetime(2017, 5, 30, 11, 44, 38), 'advisory_name': 'RHBA-2017:27760-01' }) FreshmakerEvent.get_or_create({ 'id_': '77777', 'time_created': datetime(2017, 5, 30, 11, 44, 38), }) rv = client.get('/api/v1/recents') assert rv.status_code == 200 assert json.loads('utf-8')) == expected
def update_neo4j(self, results): """ Update Neo4j with the dist-git commit and push information from Teiid. :param list results: a list of dictionaries """ pool = Pool(processes=8) counter = 0 for result in results: if counter % 200 == 0: until = counter + 200 if until > len(results): until = len(results) # Because of the joins in the SQL query, we end up with several rows with the same # commit hash and we only want to query cgit once per commit unique_commits = set([(c['module'], c['sha']) for c in results[counter:until]]) log.debug( 'Getting the author and committer email addresses from cgit in parallel ' 'for results {0} to {1}'.format(counter, until)) repos_info = {} for _r in, unique_commits): r = json.loads(_r) repos_info[r['commit']] = r # This is no longer needed so it can be cleared to save RAM del unique_commits # A lot of RAM was allocated or used up, so let's call gc.collect() to ensure it # is removed gc.collect() counter += 1'Processing commit and push entry {0}/{1}'.format( str(counter), str(len(results)))) repo_info = repos_info[result['sha']] if not repo_info.get('namespace'): 'Skipping nodes creation with commit ID {0} and push ID {1}' .format(result['commit_id'], result['push_id'])) continue log.debug( 'Creating nodes associated with commit ID {0} and push ID {1}'. format(result['commit_id'], result['push_id'])) repo = DistGitRepo.get_or_create({ 'namespace': repo_info['namespace'], 'name': result['module'] })[0] branch_name = result['ref'].rsplit('/', 1)[1] branch = DistGitBranch.get_or_create({ 'name': branch_name, 'repo_namespace': repo_info['namespace'], 'repo_name': result['module'] })[0] commit = DistGitCommit.create_or_update({ 'author_date': result['author_date'], 'commit_date': result['commit_date'], 'hash_': result['sha'], # In case we get unicode characters in Python 2 'log_message': bytes(result['log_message'], 'utf-8').decode() })[0] push = DistGitPush.get_or_create({ 'id_': result['push_id'], 'push_date': result['push_date'], 'push_ip': result['push_ip'] })[0] bug = BugzillaBug.get_or_create({'id_': result['bugzilla_id']})[0] log.debug( 'Creating the user nodes associated with commit ID {0} and push ID {1}' .format(result['commit_id'], result['push_id'])) author = User.create_or_update({ 'username': repo_info['author_username'], 'email': repo_info['author_email'] })[0] committer = User.create_or_update({ 'username': repo_info['committer_username'], 'email': repo_info['committer_email'] })[0] pusher = User.get_or_create({'username': result['pusher']})[0] log.debug( 'Creating the relationships associated with commit ID {0} and push ID {1}' .format(result['commit_id'], result['push_id'])) repo.contributors.connect(author) repo.contributors.connect(committer) repo.contributors.connect(pusher) repo.commits.connect(commit) repo.pushes.connect(push) repo.branches.connect(branch) branch.contributors.connect(author) branch.contributors.connect(committer) branch.contributors.connect(pusher) branch.commits.connect(commit) branch.pushes.connect(push) push.conditional_connect(push.pusher, pusher) push.commits.connect(commit) commit.conditional_connect(, author) commit.conditional_connect(commit.committer, committer) if repo_info['parent']: parent_commit = DistGitCommit.get_or_create( {'hash_': repo_info['parent']})[0] commit.conditional_connect(commit.parent, parent_commit) if result['bugzilla_type'] == 'related': commit.related_bugs.connect(bug) elif result['bugzilla_type'] == 'resolves': commit.resolved_bugs.connect(bug) elif result['bugzilla_type'] == 'reverted': commit.reverted_bugs.connect(bug) # This is no longer needed so it can be cleared to save RAM del repo_info
def update_neo4j(self, builds): """ Update Neo4j with Koji build information from Teiid. :param list builds: a list of dictionaries """ # Uploads builds data to their respective nodes'Beginning to upload data to Neo4j') count = 0 for build_dict in builds: build_params = dict( id_=build_dict['id'], epoch=build_dict['epoch'], state=build_dict['state'], creation_time=build_dict['creation_time'], start_time=build_dict['start_time'], completion_time=build_dict['completion_time'], extra=build_dict['extra'], name=build_dict['package_name'], version=build_dict['version'], release=build_dict['release'] ) package_name = build_dict['package_name'] try: extra_json = json.loads(build_dict['extra']) except (ValueError, TypeError): extra_json = {} container_build = False # Checking a heuristic for determining if a build is a container build since, currently # there is no definitive way to do it. if extra_json and extra_json.get('container_koji_build_id'): container_build = True # Checking another heuristic for determining if a build is a container build since # currently there is no definitive way to do it. elif (package_name.endswith('-container') or package_name.endswith('-docker')): container_build = True if container_build: build = ContainerKojiBuild.create_or_update(build_params)[0] else: build = KojiBuild.create_or_update(build_params)[0] if build_dict['owner_username']: username = build_dict['owner_username'].split('@')[0] else: username = build_dict['owner_name'] user = User.get_or_create(dict(username=username))[0] build.conditional_connect(build.owner, user) tags = self.get_build_tags(build_dict['id']) current_tag_ids = set() for _tag in tags: current_tag_ids.add(_tag['tag_id']) tag = KojiTag.create_or_update(dict( id_=_tag['tag_id'], name=_tag['tag_name'] ))[0] tag.builds.connect(build) # _tag.id_ must be cast as an int because it is stored as a string in Neo4j since # it's a UniqueIdProperty connected_tags = {int(_tag.id_): _tag for _tag in build.tags.all()} extra_connected_tag_ids = set(connected_tags.keys()) - current_tag_ids for tag_id in extra_connected_tag_ids: build.tags.disconnect(connected_tags[tag_id]) count += 1'Uploaded {0} builds out of {1}'.format(count, len(builds))) try: extra_json = json.loads(build_dict['extra']) except (ValueError, TypeError): extra_json = {} container_koji_task_id = extra_json.get('container_koji_task_id') if build_dict['task_id']: task_id = build_dict['task_id'] elif container_koji_task_id: task_id = container_koji_task_id else: # Continue if the task_id is None continue # Getting task related to the current build task_dict = self.get_task(task_id)[0] xml_root = ET.fromstring(task_dict['request']) commit_hash = None for child in xml_root.iter('string'): if child.text and child.text.startswith('git'): commit_hash = child.text.rsplit('#', 1)[1] break if not task_dict: # Continue if no corresponding task found continue task = KojiTask.create_or_update(dict( id_=task_dict['id'], weight=task_dict['weight'], create_time=task_dict['create_time'], start_time=task_dict['start_time'], completion_time=task_dict['completion_time'], state=task_dict['state'], priority=task_dict['priority'], arch=task_dict['arch'], method=task_dict['method'] ))[0] # Defining Relationships task.builds.connect(build) task.conditional_connect(task.owner, user) if commit_hash: commit = DistGitCommit.get_or_create(dict(hash_=commit_hash))[0] build.conditional_connect(build.commit, commit) child_tasks = self.get_task_children(task_dict['id']) if not child_tasks: # Continue if no corresponding child task found continue for child_task_dict in child_tasks: child_task = KojiTask.create_or_update(dict( id_=child_task_dict['id'], weight=child_task_dict['weight'], create_time=child_task_dict['create_time'], start_time=child_task_dict['start_time'], completion_time=child_task_dict['completion_time'], state=child_task_dict['state'], priority=child_task_dict['priority'], arch=child_task_dict['arch'], method=child_task_dict['method'] ))[0] child_task.conditional_connect(child_task.parent, task)
def test_get_recent_nodes(): """Test the get_recent_nodes function.""" BugzillaBug.get_or_create({ 'id_': '11111', 'modified_time': datetime(2017, 4, 26, 11, 44, 38) }) BugzillaBug.get_or_create({ 'id_': '22222', 'modified_time': datetime(2017, 6, 26, 11, 44, 38) }) BugzillaBug.get_or_create({ 'id_': '33333', 'modified_time': datetime(2017, 5, 26, 11, 44, 38) }) KojiBuild.get_or_create({ 'id_': '44444', 'completion_time': datetime(2017, 5, 27, 11, 44, 38) }) DistGitCommit.get_or_create({ 'hash_': '55555', 'commit_date': datetime(2017, 5, 2, 11, 44, 38) }) Advisory.get_or_create({ 'id_': '66666', 'update_date': datetime(2017, 5, 30, 11, 44, 38) }) Advisory.get_or_create({'id_': '66666', 'update_date': None}) FreshmakerEvent.get_or_create({ 'id_': '77777', 'time_created': datetime(2017, 5, 30, 11, 44, 38), }) nodes, meta = estuary.utils.recents.get_recent_nodes() assert nodes['Advisory'][0]['id'] == '66666' assert nodes['DistGitCommit'][0]['hash'] == '55555' assert nodes['FreshmakerEvent'][0]['id'] == '77777' assert nodes['KojiBuild'][0]['id'] == '44444' assert nodes['BugzillaBug'][0]['id'] == '22222' assert nodes['BugzillaBug'][1]['id'] == '33333' assert nodes['BugzillaBug'][2]['id'] == '11111' id_dict = { FreshmakerEvent.__label__: 'id', BugzillaBug.__label__: 'id', DistGitCommit.__label__: 'hash', KojiBuild.__label__: 'id', Advisory.__label__: 'id' } timestamp_dict = { FreshmakerEvent.__label__: 'time_created', BugzillaBug.__label__: 'modified_time', DistGitCommit.__label__: 'commit_date', KojiBuild.__label__: 'completion_time', Advisory.__label__: 'update_date' } assert meta['id_keys'] == id_dict assert meta['timestamp_keys'] == timestamp_dict
def update_neo4j(self, builds): """ Update Neo4j with Koji build information from Teiid. :param list builds: a list of dictionaries """ # Uploads builds data to their respective nodes'Beginning to upload data to Neo4j') count = 0 for build_dict in builds: build_params = dict( id_=build_dict['id'], epoch=build_dict['epoch'], state=build_dict['state'], creation_time=build_dict['creation_time'], start_time=build_dict['start_time'], completion_time=build_dict['completion_time'], name=build_dict['package_name'], version=build_dict['version'], release=build_dict['release'] ) try: extra_json = json.loads(build_dict['extra']) except (ValueError, TypeError): extra_json = {} if self.is_container_build(build_dict): build_params['operator'] = bool( extra_json.get('typeinfo', {}).get('operator-manifests', {}).get('archive') ) try: build = ContainerKojiBuild.create_or_update(build_params)[0] except neomodel.exceptions.ConstraintValidationFailed: # This must have errantly been created as a KojiBuild instead of a # ContainerKojiBuild, so let's fix that. build = KojiBuild.nodes.get_or_none(id_=build_params['id_']) if not build: # If there was a constraint validation failure and the build isn't just the # wrong label, then we can't recover. raise build.add_label(ContainerKojiBuild.__label__) build = ContainerKojiBuild.create_or_update(build_params)[0] elif self.is_module_build(build_dict): module_extra_info = extra_json.get('typeinfo', {}).get('module') try: build_params['context'] = module_extra_info.get('context') build_params['mbs_id'] = module_extra_info.get('module_build_service_id') build_params['module_name'] = module_extra_info.get('name') build_params['module_stream'] = module_extra_info.get('stream') build_params['module_version'] = module_extra_info.get('version') build = ModuleKojiBuild.create_or_update(build_params)[0] except neomodel.exceptions.ConstraintValidationFailed: # This must have errantly been created as a KojiBuild instead of a # ModuleKojiBuild, so let's fix that. build = KojiBuild.nodes.get_or_none(id_=build_params['id_']) if not build: # If there was a constraint validation failure and the build isn't just the # wrong label, then we can't recover. raise build.add_label(ModuleKojiBuild.__label__) build = ModuleKojiBuild.create_or_update(build_params)[0] else: build = KojiBuild.create_or_update(build_params)[0] username = build_dict['owner_name'] user = User.get_or_create(dict(username=username))[0] build.conditional_connect(build.owner, user) if build.__label__ == ModuleKojiBuild.__label__: module_build_tag_name = module_extra_info.get('content_koji_tag') if module_build_tag_name: module_components = self.get_tag_info(module_build_tag_name) # Some modules don't have components if module_components: for item in module_components: module_component = KojiBuild.get_or_create(dict( id_=item['build_id'] ))[0] build.components.connect(module_component) component_builds = self.get_build_info( [item['build_id'] for item in module_components]) self.update_neo4j(component_builds) count += 1'Uploaded {0} builds out of {1}'.format(count, len(builds))) container_koji_task_id = extra_json.get('container_koji_task_id') if build_dict['task_id']: task_id = build_dict['task_id'] elif container_koji_task_id: task_id = container_koji_task_id else: # Continue if the task_id is None continue # Getting task related to the current build try: task_dict = self.get_task(task_id)[0] except IndexError: continue commit_hash = None # Only look for the commit hash if the build is an RPM or container if task_dict['method'] in ('build', 'buildContainer'): xml_root = ET.fromstring(task_dict['request']) for child in xml_root.iter('string'): if child.text and child.text.startswith('git'): commit_hash = child.text.rsplit('#', 1)[1] break if commit_hash: commit = DistGitCommit.get_or_create(dict(hash_=commit_hash))[0] build.conditional_connect(build.commit, commit)
def test_get_stories(client, resource, uid, expected): """Test getting a resource story from Neo4j with its relationships.""" commit = DistGitCommit.get_or_create({ 'author_date': datetime(2017, 4, 26, 11, 44, 38), 'commit_date': datetime(2017, 4, 26, 11, 44, 38), 'hash_': '8a63adb248ba633e200067e1ad6dc61931727bad', 'log_message': 'Related: #12345 - fix xyz' })[0] advisory = Advisory.get_or_create({ 'actual_ship_date': datetime(2017, 8, 1, 15, 43, 51), 'advisory_name': 'RHBA-2017:2251-02', 'content_types': ['docker'], 'created_at': datetime(2017, 4, 3, 14, 47, 23), 'id_': '27825', 'issue_date': datetime(2017, 8, 1, 5, 59, 34), 'product_name': 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux', 'product_short_name': 'RHEL', 'security_impact': 'None', 'state': 'SHIPPED_LIVE', 'status_time': datetime(2017, 8, 1, 15, 43, 51), 'synopsis': 'cifs-utils bug fix update', 'type_': 'RHBA', 'update_date': datetime(2017, 8, 1, 7, 16), 'updated_at': datetime(2017, 8, 1, 15, 43, 51) })[0] bug = BugzillaBug.get_or_create({ 'classification': 'Red Hat', 'creation_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'id_': '12345', 'modified_time': datetime(2018, 2, 7, 19, 30, 47), 'priority': 'high', 'product_name': 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux', 'product_version': '7.5', 'resolution': '', 'severity': 'low', 'short_description': 'Some description', 'status': 'VERIFIED', 'target_milestone': 'rc', 'votes': 0 })[0] bug_two = BugzillaBug.get_or_create({ 'classification': 'Red Hat', 'creation_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 6, 43, 58), 'id_': '5555', 'modified_time': datetime(2017, 12, 5, 10, 12, 47), 'priority': 'unspecified', 'product_name': 'Red Hat CloudForms Management Engine', 'product_version': '5.7.0', 'resolution': 'WORKSFORME', 'severity': 'unspecified', 'short_description': 'Fail to delete OSP tenant by CFME', 'status': 'CLOSED', 'target_milestone': 'GA', 'votes': 0 })[0] build = KojiBuild.get_or_create({ 'completion_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'creation_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'epoch': '0', 'id_': '2345', 'name': 'slf4j', 'release': '4.el7_4', 'start_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'state': 1, 'version': '1.7.4' })[0] fm_event = FreshmakerEvent.get_or_create({ 'event_type_id': 8, 'id_': '1180', 'message_id': 'ID:messaging-devops-broker01.test', 'state': 2, 'state_name': 'COMPLETE', 'state_reason': 'All container images have been rebuilt.', 'url': '/api/1/events/1180' })[0] cb = ContainerKojiBuild.get_or_create({ 'completion_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'creation_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'epoch': '0', 'id_': '710', 'name': 'slf4j_2', 'release': '4.el7_4_as', 'start_time': datetime(2017, 4, 2, 19, 39, 6), 'state': 1, 'version': '1.7.4' })[0] commit.resolved_bugs.connect(bug_two) commit.resolved_bugs.connect(bug) commit.koji_builds.connect(build) build.advisories.connect(advisory) advisory.attached_builds.connect(build) fm_event.triggered_by_advisory.connect(advisory) fm_event.triggered_container_builds.connect(cb) rv = client.get('/api/v1/story/{0}/{1}'.format(resource, uid)) assert rv.status_code == 200 assert json.loads('utf-8')) == expected