Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self,
                 db: AtomicDatabaseAPI,
                 state_root: Hash32 = BLANK_ROOT_HASH) -> None:
        Internal implementation details (subject to rapid change):
        Database entries go through several pipes, like so...

        .. code::

            db > _batchdb ---------------------------> _journaldb ----------------> code lookups
              -> _batchtrie -> _trie -> _trie_cache -> _journaltrie --------------> account lookups

        Journaling sequesters writes at the _journal* attrs ^, until persist is called.

        _batchtrie enables us to prune all trie changes while building
        state,  without deleting old trie roots.

        _batchdb and _batchtrie together enable us to make the state root,
        without saving everything to the database.

        _journaldb is a journaling of the keys and values used to store
        code and account storage.

        _trie is a hash-trie, used to generate the state root

        _trie_cache is a cache tied to the state root of the trie. It
        is important that this cache is checked *after* looking for
        the key in _journaltrie, because the cache is only invalidated
        after a state root change.

        _journaltrie is a journaling of the accounts (an address->rlp mapping,
        rather than the nodes stored by the trie). This enables
        a squashing of all account changes before pushing them into the trie.

        .. NOTE:: StorageDB works similarly

        AccountDB synchronizes the snapshot/revert/persist of both of the
        self._raw_store_db = KeyAccessLoggerAtomicDB(db,
        self._batchdb = BatchDB(self._raw_store_db)
        self._batchtrie = BatchDB(self._raw_store_db,
        self._journaldb = JournalDB(self._batchdb)
        self._trie = HashTrie(
            HexaryTrie(self._batchtrie, state_root, prune=True))
        self._trie_logger = KeyAccessLoggerDB(self._trie,
        self._trie_cache = CacheDB(self._trie_logger)
        self._journaltrie = JournalDB(self._trie_cache)
        self._account_cache = LRU(2048)
        self._account_stores: Dict[Address, AccountStorageDatabaseAPI] = {}
        self._dirty_accounts: Set[Address] = set()
        self._root_hash_at_last_persist = state_root
        self._accessed_accounts: Set[Address] = set()
        self._accessed_bytecodes: Set[Address] = set()
        # Track whether an account or slot have been accessed during a given transaction:
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self,
                 db: BaseDB,
                 state_root: Hash32 = BLANK_ROOT_HASH) -> None:
        Internal implementation details (subject to rapid change):
        Database entries go through several pipes, like so...

        .. code::

                                                                    -> hash-trie -> storage lookups
            db > _batchdb ---------------------------> _journaldb ----------------> code lookups
              -> _batchtrie -> _trie -> _trie_cache -> _journaltrie --------------> account lookups

        Journaling sequesters writes at the _journal* attrs ^, until persist is called.

        _batchtrie enables us to prune all trie changes while building
        state,  without deleting old trie roots.

        _batchdb and _batchtrie together enable us to make the state root,
        without saving everything to the database.

        _journaldb is a journaling of the keys and values used to store
        code and account storage.

        _trie is a hash-trie, used to generate the state root

        _trie_cache is a cache tied to the state root of the trie. It
        is important that this cache is checked *after* looking for
        the key in _journaltrie, because the cache is only invalidated
        after a state root change.

        _journaltrie is a journaling of the accounts (an address->rlp mapping,
        rather than the nodes stored by the trie). This enables
        a squashing of all account changes before pushing them into the trie.

        .. NOTE:: There is an opportunity to do something similar for storage

        AccountDB synchronizes the snapshot/revert/persist of both of the
        self._batchdb = BatchDB(db)
        self._batchtrie = BatchDB(db)
        self._journaldb = JournalDB(self._batchdb)
        self._trie = HashTrie(
            HexaryTrie(self._batchtrie, state_root, prune=True))
        self._trie_cache = CacheDB(self._trie)
        self._journaltrie = JournalDB(self._trie_cache)
        self._account_cache = LRU(2048)
Esempio n. 3
def test_journal_db_rejects_committing_root():
    memory_db = MemoryDB({})
    journal_db = JournalDB(memory_db)

    root = journal_db.journal.root_changeset_id
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, db: BaseAtomicDB, storage_root: Hash32,
                 address: Address) -> None:
        Database entries go through several pipes, like so...

        .. code::

            db -> _storage_lookup -> _storage_cache -> _journal_storage

        db is the raw database, we can assume it hits disk when written to.
        Keys are stored as node hashes and rlp-encoded node values.

        _storage_lookup is itself a pair of databases: (BatchDB -> HexaryTrie),
        writes to storage lookup *are* immeditaely applied to a trie, generating
        the appropriate trie nodes and and root hash (via the HexaryTrie). The
        writes are *not* persisted to db, until _storage_lookup is explicitly instructed to,
        via :meth:`StorageLookup.commit_to`

        _storage_cache is a cache tied to the state root of the trie. It
        is important that this cache is checked *after* looking for
        the key in _journal_storage, because the cache is only invalidated
        after a state root change. Otherwise, you will see data since the last
        storage root was calculated.

        Journaling batches writes at the _journal_storage layer, until persist is called.
        It manages all the checkpointing and rollbacks that happen during EVM execution.

        In both _storage_cache and _journal_storage, Keys are set/retrieved as the
        big_endian encoding of the slot integer, and the rlp-encoded value.
        self._address = address
        self._storage_lookup = StorageLookup(db, storage_root, address)
        self._storage_cache = CacheDB(self._storage_lookup)
        self._journal_storage = JournalDB(self._storage_cache)
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, db: AtomicDatabaseAPI, storage_root: Hash32,
                 address: Address) -> None:
        Database entries go through several pipes, like so...

        .. code::

            db -> _storage_lookup -> _storage_cache -> _locked_changes -> _journal_storage

        db is the raw database, we can assume it hits disk when written to.
        Keys are stored as node hashes and rlp-encoded node values.

        _storage_lookup is itself a pair of databases: (BatchDB -> HexaryTrie),
        writes to storage lookup *are* immeditaely applied to a trie, generating
        the appropriate trie nodes and and root hash (via the HexaryTrie). The
        writes are *not* persisted to db, until _storage_lookup is explicitly instructed to,
        via :meth:`StorageLookup.commit_to`

        _storage_cache is a cache tied to the state root of the trie. It
        is important that this cache is checked *after* looking for
        the key in _journal_storage, because the cache is only invalidated
        after a state root change. Otherwise, you will see data since the last
        storage root was calculated.

        _locked_changes is a batch database that includes only those values that are
        un-revertable in the EVM. Currently, that means changes that completed in a
        previous transaction.

        Journaling batches writes at the _journal_storage layer, until persist is called.
        It manages all the checkpointing and rollbacks that happen during EVM execution.

        In both _storage_cache and _journal_storage, Keys are set/retrieved as the
        big_endian encoding of the slot integer, and the rlp-encoded value.
        self._address = address
        self._storage_lookup = StorageLookup(db, storage_root, address)
        self._storage_cache = CacheDB(self._storage_lookup)
        self._locked_changes = JournalDB(self._storage_cache)
        self._journal_storage = JournalDB(self._locked_changes)
        self._accessed_slots: Set[int] = set()

        # Track how many times we have cleared the storage. This is journaled
        # in lockstep with other storage changes. That way, we can detect if a revert
        # causes use to revert past the previous storage deletion. The clear count is used
        # as an index to find the base trie from before the revert.
        self._clear_count = JournalDB(
            MemoryDB({CLEAR_COUNT_KEY_NAME: to_bytes(0)}))
Esempio n. 6
def test_journal_db_diff_respects_clear():
    memory_db = MemoryDB({})
    journal_db = JournalDB(memory_db)

    journal_db[b'first'] = b'val'

    pending = journal_db.diff().pending_items()
    assert len(pending) == 0
Esempio n. 7
def db(request):
    base_db = MemoryDB()
    if request.param is JournalDB:
        return JournalDB(base_db)
    elif request.param is BatchDB:
        return BatchDB(base_db)
    elif request.param is MemoryDB:
        return base_db
        raise Exception("Invariant")
Esempio n. 8
def test_journal_persist_set_KeyError_leaves_changeset_in_place():
    memory_db = MemoryDBSetRaisesKeyError()

    journal_db = JournalDB(memory_db)

    journal_db[b'failing-to-set-key'] = b'val'
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):

    diff = journal_db.diff()
    assert diff.pending_items() == ((b'failing-to-set-key', b'val'), )
Esempio n. 9
def test_journal_persist_set_KeyError():
    memory_db = MemoryDBSetRaisesKeyError()

    # make sure test is set up correctly
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        memory_db[b'failing-to-set-key'] = b'val'

    journal_db = JournalDB(memory_db)

    journal_db[b'failing-to-set-key'] = b'val'
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
def test_journal_persist_set_fail_leaves_checkpoint_in_place(
        db_class, expected_exception):
    memory_db = db_class()

    journal_db = JournalDB(memory_db)

    journal_db[b'failing-to-set-key'] = b'val'
    with pytest.raises(expected_exception):

    diff = journal_db.diff()
    assert diff.pending_items() == ((b'failing-to-set-key', b'val'), )
def test_journal_persist_set_fail(db_class, expected_exception):
    memory_db = db_class()

    # make sure test is set up correctly
    with pytest.raises(expected_exception):
        memory_db[b'failing-to-set-key'] = b'val'

    journal_db = JournalDB(memory_db)

    journal_db[b'failing-to-set-key'] = b'val'

    with pytest.raises(expected_exception):
Esempio n. 12
def db(request):
    base_db = MemoryDB()
    if request.param is JournalDB:
        yield JournalDB(base_db)
    elif request.param is BatchDB:
        yield BatchDB(base_db)
    elif request.param is MemoryDB:
        yield base_db
    elif request.param is AtomicDB:
        atomic_db = AtomicDB(base_db)
        with atomic_db.atomic_batch() as batch:
            yield batch
    elif request.param is CacheDB:
        yield CacheDB(base_db)
        raise Exception("Invariant")
Esempio n. 13
def test_journal_persist_set_KeyError_then_persist():
    original_data = {b'data-to-delete': b'val'}
    memory_db = MemoryDBSetRaisesKeyError(original_data)

    journal_db = JournalDB(memory_db)

    journal_db[b'failing-to-set-key'] = b'val'
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
    assert b'failing-to-set-key' not in memory_db

    # A persist that fails reinstates all the pending changes as a single changeset
    # Let's switch to a Memory DB that doesn't fail on delete and try again:
    journal_db.wrapped_db = original_data

    # smoke test that persist works after an exception
    del journal_db[b'data-to-delete']
    assert b'data-to-delete' not in memory_db
    # This key is set on the second attempt
    assert b'failing-to-set-key' in memory_db
def test_journal_persist_set_fail_then_persist(db_class, expected_exception):
    original_data = {b'data-to-delete': b'val'}
    memory_db = db_class(original_data)

    journal_db = JournalDB(memory_db)

    journal_db[b'failing-to-set-key'] = b'val'
    with pytest.raises(expected_exception):
    assert b'failing-to-set-key' not in memory_db

    # A persist that fails reinstates all the pending changes, but without any checkpoints.
    # Let's switch to a Memory DB that doesn't fail on delete and try again:
    journal_db._wrapped_db = original_data

    # smoke test that persist works after an exception
    del journal_db[b'data-to-delete']
    assert b'data-to-delete' not in memory_db
    # This key is set on the second attempt
    assert b'failing-to-set-key' in memory_db
def test_journal_persist_delete_fail_then_persist():
    db = {b'delete-me': b'val'}

    journal_db = JournalDB(db)

    del journal_db[b'delete-me']

    # Let's artificially remove the key so it fails on delete
    # (this might happen if the wrapped db is a trie)
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):

    # A persist that fails reinstates all the pending changes, but without any checkpoints.
    # Let's add the value to the Memory DB so doesn't fail on delete and try again:
    db[b'delete-me'] = b'val'

    # smoke test that persist works after an exception
    journal_db[b'new-key'] = b'new-val'
    assert db[b'new-key'] == b'new-val'
    assert b'delete-me' not in db
Esempio n. 16
def journal_db(memory_db):
    return JournalDB(memory_db)
Esempio n. 17
 def _reset_access_counters(self) -> None:
     # Account accesses and storage accesses recorded in the same journal
     # Accounts just use the address as the key (and an empty value as a flag)
     # Storage use a concatenation of address and slot converted to bytes (and empty value)
     self._journal_accessed_state = JournalDB(MemoryDB())
 def __init__(self):
     self.slow_wrapped = {}
     self.slow_journal = SlowJournalDB(self.slow_wrapped)
     self.fast_wrapped = {}
     self.fast_journal = JournalDB(self.fast_wrapped)