Esempio n. 1
    def commit_state(self):
        """Commit account caches"""
        """Write the acount caches on the corresponding tries."""
        changes = []
        if len(self.journal) == 0:
            # log_state.trace('delta', changes=[])
        addresses = sorted(list(self.caches['all'].keys()))
        for addr in addresses:
            acct = self._get_acct(addr)

            # storage
            for field in ('balance', 'nonce', 'code', 'storage'):
                if addr in self.caches[field]:
                    v = self.caches[field][addr]
                    changes.append([field, addr, v])
                    setattr(acct, field, v)

            t = SecureTrie(Trie(self.db,
            for k, v in self.caches.get(b'storage:' + addr, {}).items():
                enckey = utils.zpad(utils.coerce_to_bytes(k), 32)
                val = rlp.encode(v)
                changes.append(['storage', addr, k, v])
                if v:
                    t.update(enckey, val)
   = t.root_hash
            self.state.update(addr, rlp.encode(acct))
        log_state.trace('delta', changes=changes)
        self.db.put(b'validated:' + self.hash, '1')
Esempio n. 2
    def account_to_dict(self, address, with_storage_root=False,
        """Serialize an account to a dictionary with human readable entries.

        :param address: the 20 bytes account address
        :param with_storage_root: include the account's storage root
        :param with_storage: include the whole account's storage
        if len(address) == 40:
            address = decode_hex(address)
        assert len(address) == 20

        if with_storage_root:
            # if there are uncommited account changes the current storage root
            # is meaningless
            assert len(self.journal) == 0
        med_dict = {}

        account = self._get_acct(address)
        for field in ('balance', 'nonce'):
            value = self.caches[field].get(address, getattr(account, field))
            med_dict[field] = to_string(value)
        code = self.caches['code'].get(address, account.code)
        med_dict['code'] = b'0x' + encode_hex(code)

        storage_trie = SecureTrie(Trie(self.db,
        if with_storage_root:
            med_dict['storage_root'] = encode_hex(storage_trie.get_root_hash())
        if with_storage:
            med_dict['storage'] = {}
            d = storage_trie.to_dict()
            subcache = self.caches.get(b'storage:' + address, {})
            subkeys = [utils.zpad(utils.coerce_to_bytes(kk), 32)
                       for kk in list(subcache.keys())]
            for k in list(d.keys()) + subkeys:
                v = d.get(k, None)
                v2 = subcache.get(utils.big_endian_to_int(k), None)
                hexkey = b'0x' + encode_hex(utils.zunpad(k))
                if v2 is not None:
                    if v2 != 0:
                        med_dict['storage'][hexkey] = \
                            b'0x' + encode_hex(utils.int_to_big_endian(v2))
                elif v is not None:
                    med_dict['storage'][hexkey] = b'0x' + encode_hex(rlp.decode(v))

        return med_dict
Esempio n. 3
    def get_storage_data(self, address, index):
        """Get a specific item in the storage of an account.

        :param address: the address of the account (binary or hex string)
        :param index: the index of the requested item in the storage
        if len(address) == 40:
            address = decode_hex(address)
        assert len(address) == 20
        CACHE_KEY = b'storage:' + address
        if CACHE_KEY in self.caches:
            if index in self.caches[CACHE_KEY]:
                return self.caches[CACHE_KEY][index]
        key = utils.zpad(utils.coerce_to_bytes(index), 32)
        storage = self.get_storage(address).get(key)
        if storage:
            return rlp.decode(storage, big_endian_int)
            return 0