Esempio n. 1
def isIntersectingLoopPathList(loopList, otherPaths, pointBegin, pointEnd):
    "Determine if the segment between the first and second point is intersecting the loop list."
    normalizedSegment = pointEnd.dropAxis(2) - pointBegin.dropAxis(2)
    normalizedSegmentLength = abs(normalizedSegment)
    if normalizedSegmentLength == 0.0:
        return False
    normalizedSegment /= normalizedSegmentLength
    segmentYMirror = complex(normalizedSegment.real, -normalizedSegment.imag)
    pointBeginRotated = euclidean.getRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle(
        segmentYMirror, pointBegin)
    pointEndRotated = euclidean.getRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle(
        segmentYMirror, pointEnd)
    if euclidean.isLoopListIntersectingInsideXSegment(loopList,
        return True
    for path in otherPaths:
        rotatedPath = euclidean.getPathRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle(
            segmentYMirror, path)
        for pointIndex in range(len(rotatedPath) - 1):
            pointFirst = rotatedPath[pointIndex]
            pointSecond = rotatedPath[pointIndex + 1]
            if euclidean.isLineIntersectingInsideXSegment(
                    pointBeginRotated.x, pointEndRotated.x, pointFirst,
                    pointSecond, pointBeginRotated.y):
                return True
    return False
Esempio n. 2
	def insertPathsBetween( self, nextBeginning, pathEnd ):
		"Insert paths between the perimeter and the fill."
		betweenX = []
		switchX = []
		segment = nextBeginning.minus( pathEnd )
		segmentXY = segment.dropAxis( 2 )
		segmentYMirror = complex( segment.x, - segment.y )
		pathEndRotated = euclidean.getRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle( segmentYMirror, pathEnd )
		nextBeginningRotated = euclidean.getRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle( segmentYMirror, nextBeginning )
		y = pathEndRotated.y
		z = pathEndRotated.z
		for betweenIndex in range( len( self.getBetweens() ) ):
			between = self.getBetweens()[ betweenIndex ]
			betweenRotated = euclidean.getPathRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle( segmentYMirror, between )
			euclidean.addXIntersections( betweenRotated, betweenIndex, switchX, y )
		switchX.sort( euclidean.compareSolidXByX )
		maximumX = max( pathEndRotated.x, nextBeginningRotated.x )
		minimumX = min( pathEndRotated.x, nextBeginningRotated.x )
		for xIntersection in switchX:
			if xIntersection.real > minimumX and xIntersection.real < maximumX:
				betweenX.append( xIntersection )
		betweenXIndex = 0
		while betweenXIndex < len( betweenX ) - 1:
			betweenXFirst = betweenX[ betweenXIndex ]
			betweenXSecond = betweenX[ betweenXIndex + 1 ]
			if betweenXSecond.imag == betweenXFirst.imag:
				betweenXIndex += 1
				betweenFirst = euclidean.getRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle( segmentXY, Vec3( betweenXFirst.real, y, z ) )
				betweenSecond = euclidean.getRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle( segmentXY, Vec3( betweenXSecond.real, y, z ) )
				loopFirst = self.getBetweens()[ int( betweenXFirst.imag ) ]
				self.addPathBetween( betweenFirst, betweenSecond, loopFirst )
			betweenXIndex += 1
Esempio n. 3
	def addRotatedSlice( self, layerIndex, reverseRotationAroundZAngle, surroundingSlices ):
		"Add a rotated slice to the surrounding slices."
		if layerIndex < 0 or layerIndex >= len( self.rotatedLayers ):
		layer = self.rotatedLayers[ layerIndex ].toBeginningLoops
		rotatedSlice = []
		for thread in layer:
			planeRotatedLoop = euclidean.getPathRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle( reverseRotationAroundZAngle, thread[ 1 : ] )
			rotatedSlice.append( planeRotatedLoop )
		surroundingSlices.append( rotatedSlice )
Esempio n. 4
 def addRotatedSlice(self, layerIndex, reverseRotationAroundZAngle,
     "Add a rotated slice to the surrounding slices."
     if layerIndex < 0 or layerIndex >= len(self.rotatedLayers):
     layer = self.rotatedLayers[layerIndex].toBeginningLoops
     rotatedSlice = []
     for thread in layer:
         planeRotatedLoop = euclidean.getPathRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle(
             reverseRotationAroundZAngle, thread[1:])
Esempio n. 5
def isIntersectingLoopPathList( loopList, otherPaths, pointBegin, pointEnd ):
	"Determine if the segment between the first and second point is intersecting the loop list."
	normalizedSegment = pointEnd.dropAxis( 2 ) - pointBegin.dropAxis( 2 )
	normalizedSegmentLength = abs( normalizedSegment )
	if normalizedSegmentLength == 0.0:
		return False
	normalizedSegment /= normalizedSegmentLength
	segmentYMirror = complex( normalizedSegment.real, - normalizedSegment.imag )
	pointBeginRotated = euclidean.getRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle( segmentYMirror, pointBegin )
	pointEndRotated = euclidean.getRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle( segmentYMirror, pointEnd )
	if euclidean.isLoopListIntersectingInsideXSegment( loopList, pointBeginRotated.x, pointEndRotated.x, segmentYMirror, pointBeginRotated.y ):
		return True
	for path in otherPaths:
		rotatedPath = euclidean.getPathRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle( segmentYMirror, path )
		for pointIndex in range( len( rotatedPath ) - 1 ):
			pointFirst = rotatedPath[ pointIndex ]
			pointSecond = rotatedPath[ pointIndex + 1 ]
			if euclidean.isLineIntersectingInsideXSegment( pointBeginRotated.x, pointEndRotated.x, pointFirst, pointSecond, pointBeginRotated.y ):
				return True
	return False
Esempio n. 6
def getOverhangDirection( belowOutsetLoops, segmentBegin, segmentEnd ):
	"Add to span direction from the endpoint segments which overhang the layer below."
	segment = segmentEnd.minus( segmentBegin )
	normalizedSegment = complex( segment.x, segment.y )
	normalizedSegment /= abs( normalizedSegment )
	segmentYMirror = complex( normalizedSegment.real, - normalizedSegment.imag )
	segmentBegin = euclidean.getRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle( segmentYMirror, segmentBegin )
	segmentEnd = euclidean.getRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle( segmentYMirror, segmentEnd )
	solidXIntersectionList = []
	y = segmentBegin.y
	solidXIntersectionList.append( complex( segmentBegin.x, - 1.0 ) )
	solidXIntersectionList.append( complex( segmentEnd.x, - 1.0 ) )
	for belowLoopIndex in range( len( belowOutsetLoops ) ):
		belowLoop = belowOutsetLoops[ belowLoopIndex ]
		rotatedOutset = euclidean.getPathRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle( segmentYMirror, belowLoop )
		euclidean.addXIntersections( rotatedOutset, belowLoopIndex, solidXIntersectionList, y )
	overhangingSegments = euclidean.getSegmentsFromIntersections( solidXIntersectionList, y, segmentBegin.z )
	overhangDirection = complex()
	for overhangingSegment in overhangingSegments:
		overhangDirection += getDoubledRoundZ( overhangingSegment, normalizedSegment )
	return overhangDirection
Esempio n. 7
 def insertPathsBetween(self, nextBeginning, pathEnd):
     "Insert paths between the perimeter and the fill."
     betweenX = []
     switchX = []
     segment = nextBeginning.minus(pathEnd)
     segmentXY = segment.dropAxis(2)
     segmentYMirror = complex(segment.x, -segment.y)
     pathEndRotated = euclidean.getRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle(
         segmentYMirror, pathEnd)
     nextBeginningRotated = euclidean.getRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle(
         segmentYMirror, nextBeginning)
     y = pathEndRotated.y
     z = pathEndRotated.z
     for betweenIndex in range(len(self.getBetweens())):
         between = self.getBetweens()[betweenIndex]
         betweenRotated = euclidean.getPathRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle(
             segmentYMirror, between)
         euclidean.addXIntersections(betweenRotated, betweenIndex, switchX,
     maximumX = max(pathEndRotated.x, nextBeginningRotated.x)
     minimumX = min(pathEndRotated.x, nextBeginningRotated.x)
     for xIntersection in switchX:
         if xIntersection.real > minimumX and xIntersection.real < maximumX:
     betweenXIndex = 0
     while betweenXIndex < len(betweenX) - 1:
         betweenXFirst = betweenX[betweenXIndex]
         betweenXSecond = betweenX[betweenXIndex + 1]
         if betweenXSecond.imag == betweenXFirst.imag:
             betweenXIndex += 1
             betweenFirst = euclidean.getRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle(
                 segmentXY, Vec3(betweenXFirst.real, y, z))
             betweenSecond = euclidean.getRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle(
                 segmentXY, Vec3(betweenXSecond.real, y, z))
             loopFirst = self.getBetweens()[int(betweenXFirst.imag)]
             self.addPathBetween(betweenFirst, betweenSecond, loopFirst)
         betweenXIndex += 1
Esempio n. 8
 def addFill(self, layerIndex):
     "Add fill to the slice layer."
     #		if layerIndex > 5:
     #			return
     alreadyFilledArounds = []
     arounds = []
     back = -999999999.0
     layerExtrusionWidth = self.extrusionWidth
     layerFillInset = self.fillInset
     layer = self.rotatedLayers[layerIndex].toBeginningLoops
     self.addLine('(<layerStart> ' + str(layer[0][0].z) +
                  ' )')  # Indicate that a new layer is starting.
     if self.rotatedLayers[layerIndex].rotation != None:
         layerExtrusionWidth = self.extrusionWidth * self.bridgeExtrusionWidthOverSolid
         layerFillInset = self.fillInset * self.bridgeExtrusionWidthOverSolid
             '(<bridgeLayer> )')  # Indicate that this is a bridge layer.
     doubleExtrusionWidth = 2.0 * layerExtrusionWidth
     muchGreaterThanLayerFillInset = 3.0 * layerFillInset
     endpoints = []
     fill = []
     aroundInset = 0.7 * layerFillInset
     front = -back
     slightlyGreaterThanFill = 1.01 * layerFillInset
     layerRotationAroundZAngle = self.getLayerRoundZ(layerIndex)
     reverseRotationAroundZAngle = complex(layerRotationAroundZAngle.real,
     rotatedExtruderLoops = []
     stretch = 0.5 * layerExtrusionWidth
     loops = []
     for thread in layer:
     surroundingSlices = []
     layerRemainder = layerIndex % int(
     if layerRemainder >= int(
         for surroundingIndex in range(1, self.solidSurfaceThickness + 1):
             self.addRotatedSlice(layerIndex - surroundingIndex,
             self.addRotatedSlice(layerIndex + surroundingIndex,
     extraShells = self.fillPreferences.extraShellsSparseLayer.value
     if len(surroundingSlices) < self.doubleSolidSurfaceThickness:
         if self.lastExtraShells != self.fillPreferences.extraShellsBase.value:
             extraShells = self.fillPreferences.extraShellsBase.value
     self.lastExtraShells = extraShells
     surroundingLoops = euclidean.getSurroundingLoops(
         layerExtrusionWidth, loops)
     for extraShellIndex in range(extraShells):
     fillLoops = euclidean.getFillOfSurroundings(surroundingLoops)
     for loop in fillLoops:
         alreadyFilledLoop = []
         planeRotatedPerimeter = euclidean.getPathRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle(
             reverseRotationAroundZAngle, loop)
         circleNodes = intercircle.getCircleNodesFromLoop(
             planeRotatedPerimeter, slightlyGreaterThanFill)
         centers = intercircle.getCentersFromCircleNodes(circleNodes)
         for center in centers:
             alreadyFilledInset = intercircle.getInsetFromClockwiseLoop(
                 center, layerFillInset)
             #				if euclidean.isWiddershins( alreadyFilledInset ) == euclidean.isWiddershins( center ):
             if euclidean.getMaximumSpan(
             ) > muchGreaterThanLayerFillInset or euclidean.isWiddershins(
             around = intercircle.getInsetFromClockwiseLoop(
                 center, aroundInset)
             if euclidean.isPathInsideLoop(
                     planeRotatedPerimeter, around
             ) != euclidean.isWiddershins(planeRotatedPerimeter):
                 for point in around:
                     back = max(back, point.y)
                     front = min(front, point.y)
     fillWidth = back - front
     numberOfIntervals = int(math.floor(fillWidth / layerExtrusionWidth))
     fillRemainder = fillWidth - float(
         numberOfIntervals) * layerExtrusionWidth
     halfFillRemainder = 0.5 * fillRemainder
     back -= halfFillRemainder
     front += halfFillRemainder
     horizontalSegments = []
     for fillLine in range(numberOfIntervals + 1):
         y = front + float(fillLine) * layerExtrusionWidth
         lineSegments = getHorizontalSegments(rotatedExtruderLoops,
                                              alreadyFilledArounds, y)
     removedEndpoints = []
     for fillLine in range(len(horizontalSegments)):
         y = front + float(fillLine) * layerExtrusionWidth
         horizontalEndpoints = horizontalSegments[fillLine]
         surroundingXIntersections = getSurroundingXIntersections(
             len(alreadyFilledArounds), self.doubleSolidSurfaceThickness,
             surroundingSlices, y)
         addSparseEndpoints(doubleExtrusionWidth, endpoints,
                            self.fillDensity, fillLine, horizontalSegments,
                            removedEndpoints, surroundingXIntersections)
     if len(endpoints) < 1:
             self.oldOrderedLocation, surroundingLoops, self)
     stretchedXSegments = []
     for beginningEndpoint in endpoints[::2]:
         beginningPoint = beginningEndpoint.point
         stretchedXSegment = StretchedXSegment().getFromXYStretch(
             beginningPoint.x, beginningPoint.y,
             beginningEndpoint.otherEndpoint.point.x, stretch)
     endpointFirst = endpoints[0]
     otherEndpoint = endpointFirst.otherEndpoint
     nextEndpoint = None
     path = []
     paths = []
     if len(endpoints) > 1:
         nextEndpoint = otherEndpoint.getNearestMiss(
             arounds, endpoints, layerExtrusionWidth, path,
         if nextEndpoint != None:
             if nextEndpoint.point.distance2(
                     endpointFirst.point) < nextEndpoint.point.distance2(
                 endpointFirst = endpointFirst.otherEndpoint
                 otherEndpoint = endpointFirst.otherEndpoint
     while len(endpoints) > 1:
         nextEndpoint = otherEndpoint.getNearestMiss(
             arounds, endpoints, layerExtrusionWidth, path,
         if nextEndpoint == None:
             path = []
             nextEndpoint = otherEndpoint.getNearestEndpoint(endpoints)
         if nextEndpoint.isOtherEndpointExtrudable(path):
             otherEndpoint = nextEndpoint.otherEndpoint
             otherEndpoint = nextEndpoint
     for removedEndpoint in removedEndpoints:
         addAroundClosest(arounds, layerExtrusionWidth, paths,
     for path in paths:
         addPath(layerFillInset, fill, path, layerRotationAroundZAngle)
     euclidean.transferPathsToSurroundingLoops(fill, surroundingLoops)
                                                  surroundingLoops, self)
Esempio n. 9
def addPath(extrusionWidth, fill, path, rotationPlaneAngle):
    "Add simplified path to fill."
    planeRotated = euclidean.getPathRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle(
        rotationPlaneAngle, euclidean.getSimplifiedLoop(path, extrusionWidth))
Esempio n. 10
	def addFill( self, layerIndex ):
		"Add fill to the slice layer."
#		if layerIndex > 5:
#			return
		alreadyFilledArounds = []
		arounds = []
		back = - 999999999.0
		layerExtrusionWidth = self.extrusionWidth
		layerFillInset = self.fillInset
		layer = self.rotatedLayers[ layerIndex ].toBeginningLoops
		self.addLine( '(<layerStart> ' + str( layer[ 0 ][ 0 ].z ) + ' )' ) # Indicate that a new layer is starting.
		if self.rotatedLayers[ layerIndex ].rotation != None:
			layerExtrusionWidth = self.extrusionWidth * self.bridgeExtrusionWidthOverSolid
			layerFillInset = self.fillInset * self.bridgeExtrusionWidthOverSolid
			self.addLine( '(<bridgeLayer> )' ) # Indicate that this is a bridge layer.
		doubleExtrusionWidth = 2.0 * layerExtrusionWidth
		muchGreaterThanLayerFillInset = 3.0 * layerFillInset
		endpoints = []
		fill = []
		aroundInset = 0.7 * layerFillInset
		front = - back
		slightlyGreaterThanFill = 1.01 * layerFillInset
		layerRotationAroundZAngle = self.getLayerRoundZ( layerIndex )
		reverseRotationAroundZAngle = complex( layerRotationAroundZAngle.real, - layerRotationAroundZAngle.imag )
		rotatedExtruderLoops = []
		stretch = 0.5 * layerExtrusionWidth
		loops = []
		for thread in layer:
			loops.append( thread[ 1 : ] )
		surroundingSlices = []
		layerRemainder = layerIndex % int( round( self.fillPreferences.diaphragmPeriod.value ) )
		if layerRemainder >= int( round( self.fillPreferences.diaphragmThickness.value ) ):
			for surroundingIndex in range( 1, self.solidSurfaceThickness + 1 ):
				self.addRotatedSlice( layerIndex - surroundingIndex, reverseRotationAroundZAngle, surroundingSlices )
				self.addRotatedSlice( layerIndex + surroundingIndex, reverseRotationAroundZAngle, surroundingSlices )
		extraShells = self.fillPreferences.extraShellsSparseLayer.value
		if len( surroundingSlices ) < self.doubleSolidSurfaceThickness:
			if self.lastExtraShells != self.fillPreferences.extraShellsBase.value:
				extraShells = self.fillPreferences.extraShellsBase.value
		self.lastExtraShells = extraShells
		surroundingLoops = euclidean.getSurroundingLoops( layerExtrusionWidth, loops )
		for extraShellIndex in range( extraShells ):
			createFillForSurroundings( surroundingLoops )
		fillLoops = euclidean.getFillOfSurroundings( surroundingLoops )
		for loop in fillLoops:
			alreadyFilledLoop = []
			alreadyFilledArounds.append( alreadyFilledLoop )
			planeRotatedPerimeter = euclidean.getPathRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle( reverseRotationAroundZAngle, loop )
			rotatedExtruderLoops.append( planeRotatedPerimeter )
			circleNodes = intercircle.getCircleNodesFromLoop( planeRotatedPerimeter, slightlyGreaterThanFill )
			centers = intercircle.getCentersFromCircleNodes( circleNodes )
			for center in centers:
				alreadyFilledInset = intercircle.getInsetFromClockwiseLoop( center, layerFillInset )
#				if euclidean.isWiddershins( alreadyFilledInset ) == euclidean.isWiddershins( center ):
				if euclidean.getMaximumSpan( alreadyFilledInset ) > muchGreaterThanLayerFillInset or euclidean.isWiddershins( alreadyFilledInset ):
					alreadyFilledLoop.append( alreadyFilledInset )
				around = intercircle.getInsetFromClockwiseLoop( center, aroundInset )
				if euclidean.isPathInsideLoop( planeRotatedPerimeter, around ) != euclidean.isWiddershins( planeRotatedPerimeter ):
					arounds.append( around )
					for point in around:
						back = max( back, point.y )
						front = min( front, point.y )
		fillWidth = back - front
		numberOfIntervals = int( math.floor( fillWidth / layerExtrusionWidth ) )
		fillRemainder = fillWidth - float( numberOfIntervals ) * layerExtrusionWidth
		halfFillRemainder = 0.5 * fillRemainder
		back -= halfFillRemainder
		front += halfFillRemainder
		horizontalSegments = []
		for fillLine in range( numberOfIntervals + 1 ):
			y = front + float( fillLine ) * layerExtrusionWidth
			lineSegments = getHorizontalSegments( rotatedExtruderLoops, alreadyFilledArounds, y )
			horizontalSegments.append( lineSegments )
		removedEndpoints = []
		for fillLine in range( len( horizontalSegments ) ):
			y = front + float( fillLine ) * layerExtrusionWidth
			horizontalEndpoints = horizontalSegments[ fillLine ]
			surroundingXIntersections = getSurroundingXIntersections( len( alreadyFilledArounds ), self.doubleSolidSurfaceThickness, surroundingSlices, y )
			addSparseEndpoints( doubleExtrusionWidth, endpoints, self.fillDensity, fillLine, horizontalSegments, removedEndpoints, surroundingXIntersections )
		if len( endpoints ) < 1:
			euclidean.addToThreadsRemoveFromSurroundings( self.oldOrderedLocation, surroundingLoops, self )
		stretchedXSegments = []
		for beginningEndpoint in endpoints[ : : 2 ]:
			beginningPoint = beginningEndpoint.point
			stretchedXSegment = StretchedXSegment().getFromXYStretch( beginningPoint.x, beginningPoint.y, beginningEndpoint.otherEndpoint.point.x, stretch )
			stretchedXSegments.append( stretchedXSegment )
		endpointFirst = endpoints[ 0 ]
		endpoints.remove( endpointFirst )
		otherEndpoint = endpointFirst.otherEndpoint
		endpoints.remove( otherEndpoint )
		nextEndpoint = None
		path = []
		paths = []
		if len( endpoints ) > 1:
			nextEndpoint = otherEndpoint.getNearestMiss( arounds, endpoints, layerExtrusionWidth, path, stretchedXSegments )
			if nextEndpoint != None:
				if nextEndpoint.point.distance2( endpointFirst.point ) < nextEndpoint.point.distance2( otherEndpoint.point ):
					endpointFirst = endpointFirst.otherEndpoint
					otherEndpoint = endpointFirst.otherEndpoint
		path.append( endpointFirst.point )
		path.append( otherEndpoint.point )
		while len( endpoints ) > 1:
			nextEndpoint = otherEndpoint.getNearestMiss( arounds, endpoints, layerExtrusionWidth, path, stretchedXSegments )
			if nextEndpoint == None:
				paths.append( path )
				path = []
				nextEndpoint = otherEndpoint.getNearestEndpoint( endpoints )
			path.append( nextEndpoint.point )
			endpoints.remove( nextEndpoint )
			if nextEndpoint.isOtherEndpointExtrudable( path ):
				otherEndpoint = nextEndpoint.otherEndpoint
				path.append( otherEndpoint.point )
				endpoints.remove( otherEndpoint )
				otherEndpoint = nextEndpoint
		paths.append( path )
		for removedEndpoint in removedEndpoints:
			addAroundClosest( arounds, layerExtrusionWidth, paths, removedEndpoint )
		for path in paths:
			addPath( layerFillInset, fill, path, layerRotationAroundZAngle )
		euclidean.transferPathsToSurroundingLoops( fill, surroundingLoops )
		euclidean.addToThreadsRemoveFromSurroundings( self.oldOrderedLocation, surroundingLoops, self )
Esempio n. 11
def addPath( extrusionWidth, fill, path, rotationPlaneAngle ):
	"Add simplified path to fill."
	planeRotated = euclidean.getPathRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle( rotationPlaneAngle, euclidean.getSimplifiedLoop( path, extrusionWidth ) )
	fill.append( planeRotated )