Esempio n. 1
def getInsetFromClockwiseLoop( loop, radius ):
	"Get loop inset from clockwise loop, out from widdershins loop."
	insetLoop = []
	for pointIndex in range( len( loop ) ):
		behindAbsolute = loop[ ( pointIndex + len( loop ) - 1 ) % len( loop ) ]
		center = loop[ pointIndex ]
		aheadAbsolute = loop[ ( pointIndex + 1 ) % len( loop ) ]
		insetLoop.append( getInsetFromClockwiseTriple( aheadAbsolute, behindAbsolute, center, radius ) )
	return euclidean.getSimplifiedLoop( insetLoop, radius )
Esempio n. 2
def getInsetFromClockwiseLoop(loop, radius):
    "Get loop inset from clockwise loop, out from widdershins loop."
    insetLoop = []
    for pointIndex in range(len(loop)):
        behindAbsolute = loop[(pointIndex + len(loop) - 1) % len(loop)]
        center = loop[pointIndex]
        aheadAbsolute = loop[(pointIndex + 1) % len(loop)]
            getInsetFromClockwiseTriple(aheadAbsolute, behindAbsolute, center,
    return euclidean.getSimplifiedLoop(insetLoop, radius)
Esempio n. 3
	def getLoopsFromMesh( self, z ):
		"Get loops from a slice of a mesh."
		loops = []
		originalLoops = []
		if self.slicePreferences.correct.value:
			originalLoops = getLoopsFromCorrectMesh( self.triangleMesh.edges, self.triangleMesh.faces, self.triangleMesh.vertices, z )
		if len( originalLoops ) < 1:
			originalLoops = getLoopsFromUnprovenMesh( self.triangleMesh.edges, self.extrusionWidth, self.triangleMesh.faces, self.triangleMesh.vertices, self.slicePreferences, z )
		for original in originalLoops:
			loops.append( euclidean.getSimplifiedLoop( original, self.extrusionWidth ) )
		for pathIndex in range( len( loops ) ):
			loop = loops[ pathIndex ]
			leftPoint = euclidean.getLeftPoint( loop )
			totalNumberOfIntersectionsToLeft = 0
			for otherLoop in loops[ : pathIndex ] + loops[ pathIndex + 1 : ]:
				totalNumberOfIntersectionsToLeft += euclidean.getNumberOfIntersectionsToLeft( leftPoint, otherLoop )
			loopIsWiddershins = euclidean.isWiddershins( loop )
			isEven = totalNumberOfIntersectionsToLeft % 2 == 0
			if isEven != loopIsWiddershins:
		return loops
Esempio n. 4
def addPath(extrusionWidth, fill, path, rotationPlaneAngle):
    "Add simplified path to fill."
    planeRotated = euclidean.getPathRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle(
        rotationPlaneAngle, euclidean.getSimplifiedLoop(path, extrusionWidth))
Esempio n. 5
def addPath( extrusionWidth, fill, path, rotationPlaneAngle ):
	"Add simplified path to fill."
	planeRotated = euclidean.getPathRoundZAxisByPlaneAngle( rotationPlaneAngle, euclidean.getSimplifiedLoop( path, extrusionWidth ) )
	fill.append( planeRotated )