Esempio n. 1
def login_and_store_credentials_in_session(request, *args, **kwargs):
    '''Custom login view.  Calls the standard Django authentication,
    but on successful login, stores encrypted user credentials in
    order to allow accessing the Fedora repository with the
    credentials of the currently-logged in user (e.g., when the
    application and Fedora share a common authentication system, such
    as LDAP).

    In order for :class:`~eulcore.django.fedora.server.Repository` to
    pick up user credentials, you must pass the request object in (so
    it will have access to the session).  Example::

    	from eulcore.django.fedora.server import Repository

        def my_view(rqst):
            repo = Repository(request=rqst)

    Any arguments supported by :meth:`django.contrib.auth.views.login`
    can be specified and they will be passed along for the standard
    login functionality.

    **This is not a terribly secure.  Do NOT use this method unless
    you need the functionality.**
    response = authviews.login(request, *args, **kwargs)
    if request.method == "POST" and request.user.is_authenticated():
        # on successful login, encrypt and store user's password to use for fedora access
        request.session[FEDORA_PASSWORD_SESSION_KEY] = encrypt(request.POST.get('password'))
    return response
Esempio n. 2
 def test_encrypt_decrypt(text):
     encrypted = cryptutil.encrypt(text)
     self.assertNotEqual(text, encrypted,
         "encrypted text (%s) should not match original (%s)" % (encrypted, text))
     decrypted = cryptutil.decrypt(encrypted)
     self.assertEqual(text, decrypted,
         "decrypted text (%s) should match original encrypted text (%s)" % (decrypted, text))