Esempio n. 1
def compute():
	LIMIT = 10**7
	smallestprimefactor = eulerlib.list_smallest_prime_factors(LIMIT)
	ans = 0
	for i in range(1, LIMIT + 1):
		# Compute factorization as coprime prime powers. e.g. 360 = {2^3, 3^2, 5^1}
		factorization = []
		j = i
		while j != 1:
			p = smallestprimefactor[j]
			q = 1
			while True:
				j //= p
				q *= p
				if j % p != 0:
		solns = [0]
		modulus = 1
		for q in factorization:
			# Use Chinese remainder theorem; cache parts of it
			recip = eulerlib.reciprocal_mod(q % modulus, modulus)
			newmod = q * modulus
			solns = [((0 + (x    ) * recip * q) % newmod) for x in solns] + \
			        [((1 + (x - 1) * recip * q) % newmod) for x in solns]
			modulus = newmod
		ans += max(solns)
	return str(ans)
def compute():
	LIMIT = 10**7
	smallestprimefactor = eulerlib.list_smallest_prime_factors(LIMIT)
	ans = 0
	for i in range(1, LIMIT + 1):
		# Compute factorization as coprime prime powers. e.g. 360 = {2^3, 3^2, 5^1}
		factorization = []
		j = i
		while j != 1:
			p = smallestprimefactor[j]
			q = 1
			while True:
				j //= p
				q *= p
				if j % p != 0:
		solns = [0]
		modulus = 1
		for q in factorization:
			# Use Chinese remainder theorem; cache parts of it
			recip = eulerlib.reciprocal_mod(q % modulus, modulus)
			newmod = q * modulus
			solns = [((0 + (x    ) * recip * q) % newmod) for x in solns] + \
			        [((1 + (x - 1) * recip * q) % newmod) for x in solns]
			modulus = newmod
		ans += max(solns)
	return str(ans)
Esempio n. 3
def compute():
    LIMIT = 10**7

    smallestprimefactor = eulerlib.list_smallest_prime_factors(LIMIT)

    # Maximum size of set of prime factors where the product of the set <= LIMIT.
    # This is important because the number of solutions for n is 2^N,
    # where N is the number of distinct prime factors of n.
    maxnumprimefactors = 0
    prod = 1
    for i in range(2, len(smallestprimefactor)):
        if smallestprimefactor[i] == i:  # i is prime
            if LIMIT // prod < i:
            prod *= i
            maxnumprimefactors += 1

    ans = 0
    # Temporary arrays
    solns = [0] * (2**maxnumprimefactors)
    newsolns = [0] * (2**maxnumprimefactors)
    for i in range(1, LIMIT + 1):
        # Compute factorization as coprime prime powers. e.g. 360 = {2^3, 3^2, 5^1}
        factorization = []
        j = i
        while j != 1:
            p = smallestprimefactor[j]
            q = 1
            while True:
                j //= p
                q *= p
                if j % p != 0:

        solns[0] = 0
        solnslen = 1
        modulus = 1
        for q in factorization:
            # Use Chinese remainder theorem; cache parts of it
            recip = eulerlib.reciprocal_mod(q % modulus, modulus)
            newmod = q * modulus

            newsolnslen = 0
            for j in range(solnslen):
                newsolns[newsolnslen] = (0 + (
                    (solns[j] - 0 + modulus) * recip % modulus) * q) % newmod
                newsolnslen += 1
                newsolns[newsolnslen] = (1 + (
                    (solns[j] - 1 + modulus) * recip % modulus) * q) % newmod
                newsolnslen += 1

            solnslen = newsolnslen
            modulus = newmod

            # Flip buffers
            solns, newsolns = newsolns, solns

        ans += max(solns[:solnslen])
    return str(ans)
Esempio n. 4
def compute():
    LIMIT = 120000
    smallestprimefactor = eulerlib.list_smallest_prime_factors(LIMIT - 1)

    rads = [0]
    for i in range(1, LIMIT):
        n = i
        rad = 1
        while n > 1:
            p = smallestprimefactor[n]
            while True:
                n //= p
                if n % p != 0:
            rad *= p

    # - gcd(a,b) = gcd(a,c) = gcd(b,c), so we only need to compute one of them.
    # - Since {a, b, c} are mutually coprime, rad(a * b * c) = rad(a) * rad(b) * rad(c).
    # - rad(a)*rad(b)*rad(c) < c implies rad(a)*rad(b)*rad(c) <= c-1 implies rad(a)*rad(b) <= floor((c-1)/rad(c)).
    sum = 0
    for c in range(2, LIMIT):
        thres = (c - 1) // rads[c]
        for a in itertools.count(1):
            b = c - a
            if b <= a:
            # The first two conditions are just optional optimizations
            if rads[a] <= thres and rads[b] <= thres and rads[a] * rads[
                    b] <= thres and fractions.gcd(a, b) == 1:
                sum += c
    return str(sum)
Esempio n. 5
def compute():
	LIMIT = 120000
	smallestprimefactor = eulerlib.list_smallest_prime_factors(LIMIT - 1)
	rads = [0]
	for i in range(1, LIMIT):
		n = i
		rad = 1
		while n > 1:
			p = smallestprimefactor[n]
			while True:
				n //= p
				if n % p != 0:
			rad *= p
	# - gcd(a,b) = gcd(a,c) = gcd(b,c), so we only need to compute one of them.
	# - Since {a, b, c} are mutually coprime, rad(a * b * c) = rad(a) * rad(b) * rad(c).
	# - rad(a)*rad(b)*rad(c) < c implies rad(a)*rad(b)*rad(c) <= c-1 implies rad(a)*rad(b) <= floor((c-1)/rad(c)).
	sum = 0
	for c in range(2, LIMIT):
		thres = (c - 1) // rads[c]
		for a in itertools.count(1):
			b = c - a
			if b <= a:
			# The first two conditions are just optional optimizations
			if rads[a] <= thres and rads[b] <= thres and rads[a] * rads[b] <= thres and fractions.gcd(a, b) == 1:
				sum += c
	return str(sum)
Esempio n. 6
def compute():
	N = 20000000
	K = 15000000
	smallestprimefactor = eulerlib.list_smallest_prime_factors(N)
	def factorial_prime_factor_sum(n):
		result = 0
		for i in range(n + 1):
			j = i
			while j > 1:
				p = smallestprimefactor[j]
				result += p
				j //= p
		return result
	ans = factorial_prime_factor_sum(N) - factorial_prime_factor_sum(K) - factorial_prime_factor_sum(N - K)
	return str(ans)
Esempio n. 7
def compute():
	N = 20000000
	K = 15000000
	smallestprimefactor = eulerlib.list_smallest_prime_factors(N)
	def factorial_prime_factor_sum(n):
		result = 0
		for i in range(n + 1):
			j = i
			while j > 1:
				p = smallestprimefactor[j]
				result += p
				j //= p
		return result
	ans = factorial_prime_factor_sum(N) - factorial_prime_factor_sum(K) - factorial_prime_factor_sum(N - K)
	return str(ans)