class BaseMods(Common): ''':class:`~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject` with common field declarations for all top-level MODS elements; base class for :class:`MODS` and :class:`RelatedItem`.''' schema_validate = True id = xmlmap.StringField("@ID") title = xmlmap.StringField("mods:titleInfo/mods:title") title_info = xmlmap.NodeField('mods:titleInfo', TitleInfo) title_info_list = xmlmap.NodeListField('mods:titleInfo', TitleInfo) resource_type = xmlmap.SchemaField("mods:typeOfResource", "resourceTypeDefinition") name = xmlmap.NodeField('mods:name', Name) # DEPRECATED: use names instead names = xmlmap.NodeListField('mods:name', Name) note = xmlmap.NodeField('mods:note', Note) notes = xmlmap.NodeListField('mods:note', Note) origin_info = xmlmap.NodeField('mods:originInfo', OriginInfo) record_info = xmlmap.NodeField('mods:recordInfo', RecordInfo) identifiers = xmlmap.NodeListField('mods:identifier', Identifier) access_conditions = xmlmap.NodeListField('mods:accessCondition', AccessCondition) genres = xmlmap.NodeListField('mods:genre', Genre) languages = xmlmap.NodeListField('mods:language', Language) location = xmlmap.StringField('mods:location/mods:physicalLocation', required=False) locations = xmlmap.NodeListField('mods:location', Location) subjects = xmlmap.NodeListField('mods:subject', Subject) physical_description = xmlmap.NodeField('mods:physicalDescription', PhysicalDescription) abstract = xmlmap.NodeField('mods:abstract', Abstract) parts = xmlmap.NodeListField('mods:part', Part)
class NamePart(Common): ':class:`~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject` for MODS namePart' ROOT_NAME = 'namePart' # FIXME: schema required here for schemafields; this should be refactored type = xmlmap.SchemaField('@type', 'namePartTypeAttributeDefinition', required=False) # type is optional text = xmlmap.StringField('text()')
class Date(Common): ''':class:`~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject` for MODS date element (common fields for the dates under mods:originInfo).''' # this class not meant for direct use; should be extended for specific dates. date = xmlmap.StringField('text()') key_date = xmlmap.SimpleBooleanField('@keyDate', 'yes', false=None) encoding = xmlmap.SchemaField('@encoding', 'dateEncodingAttributeDefinition') point = xmlmap.SchemaField('@point', 'datePointAttributeDefinition') qualifier = xmlmap.SchemaField('@qualifier', 'dateQualifierAttributeDefinition') def is_empty(self): '''Returns False if no date value is set; returns True if any date value is set. Attributes are ignored for determining whether or not the date should be considered empty, as they are only meaningful in reference to a date value.''' return not self.node.text def __str__(self): return
class TitleInfo(Common): ROOT_NAME = 'titleInfo' title = xmlmap.StringField('mods:title') subtitle = xmlmap.StringField('mods:subTitle') part_number = xmlmap.StringField('mods:partNumber') part_name = xmlmap.StringField('mods:partName') non_sort = xmlmap.StringField('mods:nonSort') type = xmlmap.SchemaField('@type', 'titleInfoTypeAttributeDefinition') label = xmlmap.StringField('@displayLabel') def is_empty(self): '''Returns True if all titleInfo subfields are not set or empty; returns False if any of the fields are not empty.''' return not bool(self.title or self.subtitle or self.part_number \ or self.part_name or self.non_sort or self.type)
class Name(Common): ':class:`~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject` for MODS name' ROOT_NAME = 'name' type = xmlmap.SchemaField('@type', 'nameTypeAttributeDefinition', required=False) authority = xmlmap.StringField('@authority', choices=['', 'local', 'naf'], required=False) # naf = NACO authority file id = xmlmap.StringField('@ID', required=False) # optional name_parts = xmlmap.NodeListField('mods:namePart', NamePart) display_form = xmlmap.StringField('mods:displayForm') affiliation = xmlmap.StringField('mods:affiliation') roles = xmlmap.NodeListField('mods:role', Role) def __unicode__(self): # default text display of a name (excluding roles for now) # TODO: improve logic for converting to plain-text name # (e.g., for template display, setting as dc:creator, etc) return ' '.join([unicode(part) for part in self.name_parts])
class RelatedItem(BaseMods): ''':class:`~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject` for MODS relatedItem: contains all the top-level MODS fields defined by :class:`BaseMods`, plus a type attribute.''' ROOT_NAME = 'relatedItem' type = xmlmap.SchemaField("@type", 'relatedItemTypeAttributeDefinition') label = xmlmap.StringField('@displayLabel')