Esempio n. 1
def run_matcher():
       check matcher
    context =  { 'gmi': "",
                 'eum': "",
                 'gco': "",
                 'gmd': "",
                 "xsi": ""
    for the_file in fs.dirwalk('/homespace/gaubert/RODD/src-data/130810-vprodnav/',"*.xml"):
        print("file = %s\n" % (the_file))
        doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(the_file).documentElement
        lid = xpath.findvalues('/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmd:fileIdentifier/gco:CharacterString', doc, namespaces=context)
        print("[id:%s , path:%s]\n" % (lid[0], the_file))
        lid = xpath.findvalues('/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmd:fileIdentifier/gco:CharacterString', doc, namespaces=context)
        print("[id:%s , path:%s]\n" % (lid[0], the_file))
Esempio n. 2
def create_aggregated_viirs_dataset():
    dir  = "/homespace/gaubert/viirs/Mband-SDR"
    file = "SVM01_npp_d20030125_t0847056_e0848301_b00015_c20090513182937523620_gisf_pop.h5"
    geo_file     = h5py.File("%s/%s" %(dir,"GMODO_npp_d20030125_t0847056_e0848301_b00015_c20090513182937526121_gisf_pop.h5"))

    #create a fake file with integer lat lon (on a 16 bits integer lat -90:90 and lon -180:180)
    #create type
    i16 = numpy.dtype('<i2')
    #create empty array
    lat_arr = numpy.random.random_integers(-9000,9000, (768,3200))

    lon_arr = numpy.random.random_integers(-18000,18000, (768,3200))

    o_file  =  h5py.File("/tmp/prototype_file.h5" ,"w")
    lat_dset = o_file.create_dataset("Latitude", data=lat_arr, dtype=i16)
    lon_dset = o_file.create_dataset("Longitude", data=lon_arr, dtype=i16)
    lat_dset = lat_arr[:]
    lon_dset = lon_arr[:]
    #create file without geo spatial info
    output_file  =  h5py.File("/tmp/aggreg_sin_geospatial_file.h5" ,"w")
    for file in fs_utils.dirwalk(dir,"SVM*.h5"):
        input_file   =  h5py.File(file ,"r")
        extract_radiance(output_file, input_file)
    #create file 
    output_file  =  h5py.File("/tmp/aggreg_tie_points_file.h5" ,"w")
    #create type
    f32 = numpy.dtype('<f4')
    ui16 = numpy.dtype('<u2')
    i16 = numpy.dtype('<i2')
    #extract tie-points grid params
    (out_lat, out_lon, out_sol_za, out_sol_aa, out_sat_za, out_sat_aa, out_height) = create_tie_points_grid(geo_file)
    output_file.create_dataset('Latitude', data = out_lat.astype('float32'), dtype = f32)
    output_file.create_dataset('Longitude', data = out_lat.astype('float32'), dtype = f32)
    # convert height to i16
    numpy.around(out_height, 2, out_height)
    out_height = out_height * 100
    out_height = out_height.astype('int16')
    print("out_height min %d, max %d , range %d\n" % (numpy.min(out_height), numpy.max(out_height), (numpy.max(out_height)- numpy.min(out_height)) ))
    output_file.create_dataset('Height', data = out_height.astype('int16'), dtype = i16)
    # convert solar zenith angle  => Range 0-180
    # convert solar azimuth angle => Range -180-180
    numpy.around(out_sol_za, 3, out_sol_za)
    out_sol_za = out_sol_za * 1000
    out_sol_za = out_sol_za.astype('uint16')
    print("out_sol_za min %d, max %d , range %d\n" % (numpy.min(out_sol_za), numpy.max(out_sol_za), (numpy.max(out_sol_za)- numpy.min(out_sol_za)) ))
    numpy.around(out_sol_aa, 2, out_sol_aa)
    out_sol_aa = out_sol_aa * 100
    out_sol_aa = out_sol_aa.astype('int16')
    print("out_sol_aa min %d, max %d , range %d\n" % (numpy.min(out_sol_aa), numpy.max(out_sol_aa), (numpy.max(out_sol_aa)- numpy.min(out_sol_aa)) ))
    # convert sat zenith angle  => Range 0-180
    # convert sat azimuth angle => Range -180-180
    numpy.around(out_sat_za, 3, out_sat_za)
    out_sat_za = out_sat_za * 1000
    out_sat_za = out_sat_za.astype('uint16')
    print("out_sat_za min %d, max %d , range %d\n" % (numpy.min(out_sat_za), numpy.max(out_sat_za), (numpy.max(out_sat_za)- numpy.min(out_sat_za)) ))
    numpy.around(out_sat_aa, 2, out_sat_aa)
    out_sat_aa = out_sat_aa * 100
    out_sat_aa = out_sat_aa.astype('int16')
    print("out_sat_aa min %d, max %d , range %d\n" % (numpy.min(out_sat_aa), numpy.max(out_sat_aa), (numpy.max(out_sat_aa)- numpy.min(out_sat_aa)) ))
    output_file.create_dataset('SolarZenithAngle',      data = out_sol_za, dtype = ui16)
    output_file.create_dataset('SolarAzimuthAngle',     data = out_sol_aa, dtype = i16)
    output_file.create_dataset('SatelliteZenithAngle',  data = out_sat_za, dtype = ui16)
    output_file.create_dataset('SatelliteAzimuthAngle', data = out_sat_aa, dtype = i16)
    extract_extra_geo_spatial_info(output_file, geo_file)
    #output_file.create_dataset('SolarZenithAngle',      data = out_sol_za, dtype = f32)
    #output_file.create_dataset('SolarAzimuthAngle',     data = out_sol_aa, dtype = f32)
    #output_file.create_dataset('SatelliteZenithAngle',  data = out_sat_za, dtype = f32)
    #output_file.create_dataset('SatelliteAzimuthAngle', data = out_sat_aa, dtype = f32)
    for file in fs_utils.dirwalk(dir,"SVM*.h5"):
        input_file   =  h5py.File(file ,"r")
        extract_radiance(output_file, input_file)    
Esempio n. 3
def print_filetype_tree():
       Print all filetypes as a tree
    context =  { 'gmi': "",
                'eum': "",
                'gco': "",
                'gmd': "",
                "xsi": ""
    out = StringIO.StringIO()
    filtered = StringIO.StringIO()
    different_availabilities = set()
    for file in fs.dirwalk('/homespace/gaubert/RODD/src-data/130810-vprodnav/',"*.xml"):
        #print("file = %s\n" % (file))
        doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(file).documentElement
        #doc = elementtree.ElementTree.parse(file)
        fileidentifier   = xpath.findvalues('/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmd:fileIdentifier/gco:CharacterString', doc, namespaces=context)

        #out.write("+-%s:%s\n" % (fileidentifier[0], os.path.basename(file)))
        filename_written = False

        digitaltransfers = xpath.find('//eum:digitalTransfers/eum:MD_EUMDigitalTransfer', doc, namespaces=context)
        for elem in digitaltransfers:
            #get availability value
            list_of_elems = get_nodes_with("/availability/MD_EUMDigitalTransferOptions/availability/CharacterString", elem.childNodes)
            if len(list_of_elems) > 1:
                raise Exception("Error too many elements found")
            availability_type = " ".join(t.nodeValue for t in list_of_elems[0].childNodes if t.nodeType == t.TEXT_NODE)
            # get list of channels
            list_of_channels = get_nodes_with("/availability/MD_EUMDigitalTransferOptions/eumetcastChannels/CharacterString", elem.childNodes)
            chans = ""
            for ch in list_of_channels:
                chans += " ".join(t.nodeValue for t in ch.childNodes if t.nodeType == t.TEXT_NODE)
            #print("chans = %s\n" %(chans))
            if contains(availability_type, ['EUMETCAST','GTS','DIRECT']): 
                #write name
                if not filename_written:
                    out.write("+-%s:%s:ch=[%s]\n" % (fileidentifier[0], os.path.basename(file),chans))
                    filename_written = False
                # get associated formats to this type
                #if contains(availability_type,["EUMETCAST","GEONETCAST", ] ):
                format_list = get_nodes_with("/format/MD_EUMFormat", elem.childNodes)
                for e in format_list:
                    dummy_list = get_nodes_with("/name/CharacterString", e.childNodes)
                    dum_node = dummy_list[0]
                    name = " ".join(t.nodeValue for t in dum_node.childNodes if t.nodeType == t.TEXT_NODE)
                    dummy_list = get_nodes_with("/typicalFilename/CharacterString", e.childNodes)
                    typicalfilenames = []
                    for dum_node in dummy_list:
                        typicalfilenames.append(" ".join(t.nodeValue for t in dum_node.childNodes if t.nodeType == t.TEXT_NODE))
                    out.write(" \__(%s:%s)\n" % (availability_type, name.strip()) )
                    for n in typicalfilenames:
                        out.write("     \__%s\n" % (n.strip()))
                #write name
                if not filename_written:
                    filtered.write("+-%s:%s\n" % (fileidentifier[0], os.path.basename(file)))
                    filename_written = False
                # get associated formats to this type
                #if contains(availability_type,["EUMETCAST","GEONETCAST", ] ):
                format_list = get_nodes_with("/format/MD_EUMFormat", elem.childNodes)
                for e in format_list:
                    dummy_list = get_nodes_with("/name/CharacterString", e.childNodes)
                    dum_node = dummy_list[0]
                    name = " ".join(t.nodeValue for t in dum_node.childNodes if t.nodeType == t.TEXT_NODE)
                    dummy_list = get_nodes_with("/typicalFilename/CharacterString", e.childNodes)
                    typicalfilenames = []
                    for dum_node in dummy_list:
                        typicalfilenames.append(" ".join(t.nodeValue for t in dum_node.childNodes if t.nodeType == t.TEXT_NODE))
                    filtered.write(" \__(%s:%s)\n" % (availability_type, name.strip()) )
                    for n in typicalfilenames:
                        filtered.write("     \__%s\n" % (n.strip()))
                #print("name = %s ; filesnames = %s\n" % (name, typicalfilenames) )
    out.write("Availabilities type:\n")
    for av in different_availabilities:
        out.write("- %s\n" % av)
    o_file= open("/tmp/dissemination-tree.txt", "w")
    o_file= open("/tmp/filtered-tree.txt", "w")