Esempio n. 1
class TelnetProtocol(Telnet, StatefulTelnetProtocol, Session):
    Each player connecting over telnet (ie using most traditional mud
    clients) gets a telnet protocol instance assigned to them.  All
    communication between game and player goes through here.
    def connectionMade(self):
        This is called when the connection is first established.
        # initialize the session
        self.iaw_mode = False
        self.no_lb_mode = False
        client_address = self.transport.client
        # this number is counted down for every handshake that completes.
        # when it reaches 0 the portal/server syncs their data
        self.handshakes = 7  # naws, ttype, mccp, mssp, msdp, gmcp, mxp
        self.init_session("telnet", client_address,

        # negotiate client size
        self.naws = naws.Naws(self)
        # negotiate ttype (client info)
        # Obs: mudlet ttype does not seem to work if we start mccp before ttype. /Griatch
        self.ttype = ttype.Ttype(self)
        # negotiate mccp (data compression) - turn this off for wireshark analysis
        self.mccp = Mccp(self)
        # negotiate mssp (crawler communication)
        self.mssp = mssp.Mssp(self)
        # oob communication (MSDP, GMCP) - two handshake calls!
        self.oob = telnet_oob.TelnetOOB(self)
        # mxp support
        self.mxp = Mxp(self)
        # keepalive watches for dead links
        # add this new connection to sessionhandler so
        # the Server becomes aware of it.

        # timeout the handshakes in case the client doesn't reply at all
        from evennia.utils.utils import delay
        delay(2, callback=self.handshake_done, retval=True)

        # set up a keep-alive
        self.keep_alive = LoopingCall(self._write, IAC + NOP)
        self.keep_alive.start(30, now=False)

    def handshake_done(self, force=False):
        This is called by all telnet extensions once they are finished.
        When all have reported, a sync with the server is performed.
        The system will force-call this sync after a small time to handle
        clients that don't reply to handshakes at all.
        if self.handshakes > 0:
            if force:
            self.handshakes -= 1
            if self.handshakes <= 0:
                # do the sync

    def enableRemote(self, option):
        This sets up the remote-activated options we allow for this protocol.
        return (option == LINEMODE or option == ttype.TTYPE
                or option == naws.NAWS or option == MCCP
                or option == mssp.MSSP)

    def enableLocal(self, option):
        Call to allow the activation of options for this protocol
        return (option == MCCP or option == ECHO)

    def disableLocal(self, option):
        Disable a given option
        if option == ECHO:
            return True
        if option == MCCP:
            return True
            return super(TelnetProtocol, self).disableLocal(option)

    def connectionLost(self, reason):
        this is executed when the connection is lost for
        whatever reason. it can also be called directly, from
        the disconnect method

    def dataReceived(self, data):
        This method will split the incoming data depending on if it
        starts with IAC (a telnet command) or not. All other data will
        be handled in line mode. Some clients also sends an erroneous
        line break after IAC, which we must watch out for.

        OOB protocols (MSDP etc) already intercept subnegotiations
        on their own, never entering this method. They will relay
        their parsed data directly to self.data_in.


        if data and data[0] == IAC or self.iaw_mode:
                #print "IAC mode"
                super(TelnetProtocol, self).dataReceived(data)
                if len(data) == 1:
                    self.iaw_mode = True
                    self.iaw_mode = False
            except Exception, err1:
                conv = ""
                    for b in data:
                        conv += " " + repr(ord(b))
                except Exception, err2:
                    conv = str(err2) + ":", str(data)
                out = "Telnet Error (%s): %s (%s)" % (err1, data, conv)
Esempio n. 2
class TelnetProtocol(Telnet, StatefulTelnetProtocol, Session):
    Each player connecting over telnet (ie using most traditional mud
    clients) gets a telnet protocol instance assigned to them.  All
    communication between game and player goes through here.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.protocol_name = "telnet"
        super(TelnetProtocol, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def connectionMade(self):
        This is called when the connection is first established.

        # initialize the session
        self.line_buffer = ""
        client_address = self.transport.client
        client_address = client_address[0] if client_address else None
        # this number is counted down for every handshake that completes.
        # when it reaches 0 the portal/server syncs their data
        self.handshakes = 7  # naws, ttype, mccp, mssp, msdp, gmcp, mxp
        self.init_session(self.protocol_name, client_address,

        # negotiate client size
        self.naws = naws.Naws(self)
        # negotiate ttype (client info)
        # Obs: mudlet ttype does not seem to work if we start mccp before ttype. /Griatch
        self.ttype = ttype.Ttype(self)
        # negotiate mccp (data compression) - turn this off for wireshark analysis
        self.mccp = Mccp(self)
        # negotiate mssp (crawler communication)
        self.mssp = mssp.Mssp(self)
        # oob communication (MSDP, GMCP) - two handshake calls!
        self.oob = telnet_oob.TelnetOOB(self)
        # mxp support
        self.mxp = Mxp(self)
        # add this new connection to sessionhandler so
        # the Server becomes aware of it.

        # timeout the handshakes in case the client doesn't reply at all
        from evennia.utils.utils import delay
        delay(2, callback=self.handshake_done, force=True)

        # TCP/IP keepalive watches for dead links
        # The TCP/IP keepalive is not enough for some networks;
        # we have to complement it with a NOP keep-alive.
        self.protocol_flags["NOPKEEPALIVE"] = True
        self.nop_keep_alive = None

    def _send_nop_keepalive(self):
        """Send NOP keepalive unless flag is set"""
        if self.protocol_flags.get("NOPKEEPALIVE"):
            self._write(IAC + NOP)

    def toggle_nop_keepalive(self):
        Allow to toggle the NOP keepalive for those sad clients that
        can't even handle a NOP instruction. This is turned off by the
        protocol_flag NOPKEEPALIVE (settable e.g. by the default
        `@option` command).
        if self.nop_keep_alive and self.nop_keep_alive.running:
            self.nop_keep_alive = LoopingCall(self._send_nop_keepalive)
            self.nop_keep_alive.start(30, now=False)

    def handshake_done(self, force=False):
        This is called by all telnet extensions once they are finished.
        When all have reported, a sync with the server is performed.
        The system will force-call this sync after a small time to handle
        clients that don't reply to handshakes at all.
        if self.handshakes > 0:
            if force:
            self.handshakes -= 1
            if self.handshakes <= 0:
                # do the sync

    def enableRemote(self, option):
        This sets up the remote-activated options we allow for this protocol.

            option (char): The telnet option to enable.

            enable (bool): If this option should be enabled.

        return (option == LINEMODE or option == ttype.TTYPE
                or option == naws.NAWS or option == MCCP
                or option == mssp.MSSP)

    def enableLocal(self, option):
        Call to allow the activation of options for this protocol

            option (char): The telnet option to enable locally.

            enable (bool): If this option should be enabled.

        return option == MCCP or option == ECHO

    def disableLocal(self, option):
        Disable a given option locally.

            option (char): The telnet option to disable locally.

        if option == ECHO:
            return True
        if option == MCCP:
            return True
            return super(TelnetProtocol, self).disableLocal(option)

    def connectionLost(self, reason):
        this is executed when the connection is lost for whatever
        reason. it can also be called directly, from the disconnect

            reason (str): Motivation for losing connection.


    def applicationDataReceived(self, data):
        Telnet method called when non-telnet-command data is coming in
        over the telnet connection. We pass it on to the game engine

            data (str): Incoming data.

        if not data:
            data = [data]
        elif data.strip() == NULL:
            # this is an ancient type of keepalive used by some
            # legacy clients. There should never be a reason to send a
            # lone NULL character so this seems to be a safe thing to
            # support for backwards compatibility. It also stops the
            # NULL from continuously popping up as an unknown command.
            data = [_IDLE_COMMAND]
            data = _RE_LINEBREAK.split(data)
            if self.line_buffer and len(data) > 1:
                # buffer exists, it is terminated by the first line feed
                data[0] = self.line_buffer + data[0]
                self.line_buffer = ""
            # if the last data split is empty, it means all splits have
            # line breaks, if not, it is unterminated and must be
            # buffered.
            self.line_buffer += data.pop()
        # send all data chunks
        for dat in data:
            self.data_in(text=dat + "\n")

    def _write(self, data):
        """hook overloading the one used in plain telnet"""
        data = data.replace('\n', '\r\n').replace('\r\r\n', '\r\n')
        super(TelnetProtocol, self)._write(mccp_compress(self, data))

    def sendLine(self, line):
        Hook overloading the one used by linereceiver.

            line (str): Line to send.

        # escape IAC in line mode, and correctly add \r\n
        line += self.delimiter
        line = line.replace(IAC, IAC + IAC).replace('\n', '\r\n')
        return self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, line))

    # Session hooks

    def disconnect(self, reason=""):
        generic hook for the engine to call in order to
        disconnect this protocol.

            reason (str, optional): Reason for disconnecting.

        self.data_out(text=((reason, ), {}))

    def data_in(self, **kwargs):
        Data User -> Evennia

            kwargs (any): Options from the protocol.

        # from evennia.server.profiling.timetrace import timetrace  # DEBUG
        # text = timetrace(text, "telnet.data_in")  # DEBUG

        self.sessionhandler.data_in(self, **kwargs)

    def data_out(self, **kwargs):
        Data Evennia -> User

            kwargs (any): Options to the protocol
        self.sessionhandler.data_out(self, **kwargs)

    # send_* methods

    def send_text(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Send text data. This is an in-band telnet operation.

            text (str): The first argument is always the text string to send. No other arguments
                are considered.
            options (dict): Send-option flags
                   - mxp: Enforce MXP link support.
                   - ansi: Enforce no ANSI colors.
                   - xterm256: Enforce xterm256 colors, regardless of TTYPE.
                   - noxterm256: Enforce no xterm256 color support, regardless of TTYPE.
                   - nocolor: Strip all Color, regardless of ansi/xterm256 setting.
                   - raw: Pass string through without any ansi processing
                        (i.e. include Evennia ansi markers but do not
                        convert them into ansi tokens)
                   - echo: Turn on/off line echo on the client. Turn
                        off line echo for client, for example for password.
                        Note that it must be actively turned back on again!

        text = args[0] if args else ""
        if text is None:
        text = to_str(text, force_string=True)

        # handle arguments
        options = kwargs.get("options", {})
        flags = self.protocol_flags
        xterm256 = options.get(
            flags.get('XTERM256', False) if flags["TTYPE"] else True)
        useansi = options.get(
            flags.get('ANSI', False) if flags["TTYPE"] else True)
        raw = options.get("raw", flags.get("RAW", False))
        nocolor = options.get(
            flags.get("NOCOLOR") or not (xterm256 or useansi))
        echo = options.get("echo", None)
        mxp = options.get("mxp", flags.get("MXP", False))
        screenreader = options.get("screenreader",
                                   flags.get("SCREENREADER", False))

        if screenreader:
            # screenreader mode cleans up output
            text = ansi.parse_ansi(text,
            text = _RE_SCREENREADER_REGEX.sub("", text)

        if options.get("send_prompt"):
            # send a prompt instead.
            prompt = text
            if not raw:
                # processing
                prompt = ansi.parse_ansi(
                    _RE_N.sub("", prompt) +
                    ("|n" if prompt[-1] != "|" else "||n"),
                if mxp:
                    prompt = mxp_parse(prompt)
            prompt = prompt.replace(IAC, IAC + IAC).replace('\n', '\r\n')
            prompt += IAC + GA
            self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, prompt))
            if echo is not None:
                # turn on/off echo. Note that this is a bit turned around since we use
                # echo as if we are "turning off the client's echo" when telnet really
                # handles it the other way around.
                if echo:
                    # by telling the client that WE WON'T echo, the client knows
                    # that IT should echo. This is the expected behavior from
                    # our perspective.
                                                       IAC + WONT + ECHO))
                    # by telling the client that WE WILL echo, the client can
                    # safely turn OFF its OWN echo.
                                                       IAC + WILL + ECHO))
            if raw:
                # no processing
                # we need to make sure to kill the color at the end in order
                # to match the webclient output.
                linetosend = ansi.parse_ansi(
                    _RE_N.sub("", text) + ("|n" if text[-1] != "|" else "||n"),
                if mxp:
                    linetosend = mxp_parse(linetosend)

    def send_prompt(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Send a prompt - a text without a line end. See send_text for argument options.

        kwargs["options"].update({"send_prompt": True})
        self.send_text(*args, **kwargs)

    def send_default(self, cmdname, *args, **kwargs):
        Send other oob data
        if not cmdname == "options":
            self.oob.data_out(cmdname, *args, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 3
class TelnetProtocol(Telnet, StatefulTelnetProtocol, Session):
    Each player connecting over telnet (ie using most traditional mud
    clients) gets a telnet protocol instance assigned to them.  All
    communication between game and player goes through here.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.protocol_name = "telnet"
        super(TelnetProtocol, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def connectionMade(self):
        This is called when the connection is first established.

        # initialize the session
        self.line_buffer = ""
        client_address = self.transport.client
        client_address = client_address[0] if client_address else None
        # this number is counted down for every handshake that completes.
        # when it reaches 0 the portal/server syncs their data
        self.handshakes = 7 # naws, ttype, mccp, mssp, msdp, gmcp, mxp
        self.init_session(self.protocol_name, client_address, self.factory.sessionhandler)

        # negotiate client size
        self.naws = naws.Naws(self)
        # negotiate ttype (client info)
        # Obs: mudlet ttype does not seem to work if we start mccp before ttype. /Griatch
        self.ttype = ttype.Ttype(self)
        # negotiate mccp (data compression) - turn this off for wireshark analysis
        self.mccp = Mccp(self)
        # negotiate mssp (crawler communication)
        self.mssp = mssp.Mssp(self)
        # oob communication (MSDP, GMCP) - two handshake calls!
        self.oob = telnet_oob.TelnetOOB(self)
        # mxp support
        self.mxp = Mxp(self)
        # add this new connection to sessionhandler so
        # the Server becomes aware of it.

        # timeout the handshakes in case the client doesn't reply at all
        from evennia.utils.utils import delay
        delay(2, callback=self.handshake_done, force=True)

        # TCP/IP keepalive watches for dead links
        # The TCP/IP keepalive is not enough for some networks;
        # we have to complement it with a NOP keep-alive.
        self.protocol_flags["NOPKEEPALIVE"] = True
        self.nop_keep_alive = None

    def _send_nop_keepalive(self):
        "Send NOP keepalive unless flag is set"
        if self.protocol_flags.get("NOPKEEPALIVE"):
            self._write(IAC + NOP)

    def toggle_nop_keepalive(self):
        Allow to toggle the NOP keepalive for those sad clients that
        can't even handle a NOP instruction. This is turned off by the
        protocol_flag NOPKEEPALIVE (settable e.g. by the default
        `@option` command).
        if self.nop_keep_alive and self.nop_keep_alive.running:
            self.nop_keep_alive = LoopingCall(self._send_nop_keepalive)
            self.nop_keep_alive.start(30, now=False)

    def handshake_done(self, force=False):
        This is called by all telnet extensions once they are finished.
        When all have reported, a sync with the server is performed.
        The system will force-call this sync after a small time to handle
        clients that don't reply to handshakes at all.
        if self.handshakes > 0:
            if force:
            self.handshakes -= 1
            if self.handshakes <= 0:
                # do the sync

    def enableRemote(self, option):
        This sets up the remote-activated options we allow for this protocol.

            option (char): The telnet option to enable.

            enable (bool): If this option should be enabled.

        return (option == LINEMODE or
                option == ttype.TTYPE or
                option == naws.NAWS or
                option == MCCP or
                option == mssp.MSSP)

    def enableLocal(self, option):
        Call to allow the activation of options for this protocol

            option (char): The telnet option to enable locally.

            enable (bool): If this option should be enabled.

        return (option == MCCP or option==ECHO)

    def disableLocal(self, option):
        Disable a given option locally.

            option (char): The telnet option to disable locally.

        if option == ECHO:
            return True
        if option == MCCP:
            return True
            return super(TelnetProtocol, self).disableLocal(option)

    def connectionLost(self, reason):
        this is executed when the connection is lost for whatever
        reason. it can also be called directly, from the disconnect

            reason (str): Motivation for losing connection.


    def applicationDataReceived(self, data):
        Telnet method called when non-telnet-command data is coming in
        over the telnet connection. We pass it on to the game engine

            string (str): Incoming data.

        if not data:
            data = [data]
        elif data.strip() == NULL:
            # this is an ancient type of keepalive used by some
            # legacy clients. There should never be a reason to send a
            # lone NULL character so this seems to be a safe thing to
            # support for backwards compatibility. It also stops the
            # NULL from continously popping up as an unknown command.
            data = [_IDLE_COMMAND]
            data = _RE_LINEBREAK.split(data)
            if self.line_buffer and len(data) > 1:
                # buffer exists, it is terminated by the first line feed
                data[0] = self.line_buffer + data[0]
                self.line_buffer = ""
            # if the last data split is empty, it means all splits have
            # line breaks, if not, it is unterminated and must be
            # buffered.
            self.line_buffer += data.pop()
        # send all data chunks
        for dat in data:
            self.data_in(text=dat + "\n")

    def _write(self, data):
        "hook overloading the one used in plain telnet"
        data = data.replace('\n', '\r\n').replace('\r\r\n', '\r\n')
        super(TelnetProtocol, self)._write(mccp_compress(self, data))

    def sendLine(self, line):
        Hook overloading the one used by linereceiver.

            line (str): Line to send.

        #escape IAC in line mode, and correctly add \r\n
        line += self.delimiter
        line = line.replace(IAC, IAC + IAC).replace('\n', '\r\n')
        return self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, line))

    # Session hooks

    def disconnect(self, reason=None):
        generic hook for the engine to call in order to
        disconnect this protocol.

            reason (str): Reason for disconnecting.

        self.data_out(text=((reason or "",), {}))

    def data_in(self, **kwargs):
        Data User -> Evennia

            kwargs (any): Options from the protocol.

        #from evennia.server.profiling.timetrace import timetrace
        #text = timetrace(text, "telnet.data_in")

        self.sessionhandler.data_in(self, **kwargs)

    def data_out(self, **kwargs):
        Data Evennia -> User

            kwargs (any): Options to the protocol
        self.sessionhandler.data_out(self, **kwargs)

    # send_* methods

    def send_text(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Send text data. This is an in-band telnet operation.

            text (str): The first argument is always the text string to send. No other arguments
                are considered.
            options (dict): Send-option flags
                   - mxp: Enforce MXP link support.
                   - ansi: Enforce no ANSI colors.
                   - xterm256: Enforce xterm256 colors, regardless of TTYPE.
                   - noxterm256: Enforce no xterm256 color support, regardless of TTYPE.
                   - nomarkup: Strip all ANSI markup. This is the same as noxterm256,noansi
                   - raw: Pass string through without any ansi processing
                        (i.e. include Evennia ansi markers but do not
                        convert them into ansi tokens)
                   - echo: Turn on/off line echo on the client. Turn
                        off line echo for client, for example for password.
                        Note that it must be actively turned back on again!

        text = args[0] if args else ""
        if text is None:
        text = to_str(text, force_string=True)

        # handle arguments
        options = kwargs.get("options", {})
        flags = self.protocol_flags
        xterm256 = options.get("xterm256", flags.get('XTERM256', False) if flags["TTYPE"] else True)
        useansi = options.get("ansi", flags.get('ANSI', False) if flags["TTYPE"] else True)
        raw = options.get("raw", flags.get("RAW", False))
        nomarkup = options.get("nomarkup", flags.get("NOMARKUP", not (xterm256 or useansi)))
        echo = options.get("echo", None)
        mxp = options.get("mxp", flags.get("MXP", False))
        screenreader =  options.get("screenreader", flags.get("SCREENREADER", False))

        if screenreader:
            # screenreader mode cleans up output
            text = ansi.parse_ansi(text, strip_ansi=True, xterm256=False, mxp=False)
            text = _RE_SCREENREADER_REGEX.sub("", text)

        if options.get("send_prompt"):
            # send a prompt instead.
            if not raw:
                # processing
                prompt = ansi.parse_ansi(_RE_N.sub("", text) + "{n", strip_ansi=nomarkup, xterm256=xterm256)
                if mxp:
                    prompt = mxp_parse(prompt)
            prompt = prompt.replace(IAC, IAC + IAC).replace('\n', '\r\n')
            prompt += IAC + GA
            self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, prompt))
            if echo is not None:
                # turn on/off echo. Note that this is a bit turned around since we use
                # echo as if we are "turning off the client's echo" when telnet really
                # handles it the other way around.
                if echo:
                    # by telling the client that WE WON'T echo, the client knows
                    # that IT should echo. This is the expected behavior from
                    # our perspective.
                    self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, IAC+WONT+ECHO))
                    # by telling the client that WE WILL echo, the client can
                    # safely turn OFF its OWN echo.
                    self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, IAC+WILL+ECHO))
            if raw:
                # no processing
                # we need to make sure to kill the color at the end in order
                # to match the webclient output.
                linetosend = ansi.parse_ansi(_RE_N.sub("", text) + "{n", strip_ansi=nomarkup, xterm256=xterm256, mxp=mxp)
                if mxp:
                    linetosend = mxp_parse(linetosend)

    def send_prompt(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Send a prompt - a text without a line end. See send_text for argument options.

        kwargs["options"].update({"send_prompt": True})
        self.send_text(*args, **kwargs)

    def send_default(self, cmdname, *args, **kwargs):
        Send other oob data
        if not cmdname == "options":
            self.oob.data_out(cmdname, *args, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 4
class TelnetProtocol(Telnet, StatefulTelnetProtocol, Session):
    Each player connecting over telnet (ie using most traditional mud
    clients) gets a telnet protocol instance assigned to them.  All
    communication between game and player goes through here.
    def connectionMade(self):
        This is called when the connection is first established.
        # initialize the session
        self.iaw_mode = False
        self.no_lb_mode = False
        client_address = self.transport.client
        # this number is counted down for every handshake that completes.
        # when it reaches 0 the portal/server syncs their data
        self.handshakes = 7 # naws, ttype, mccp, mssp, msdp, gmcp, mxp
        self.init_session("telnet", client_address, self.factory.sessionhandler)

        # negotiate client size
        self.naws = naws.Naws(self)
        # negotiate ttype (client info)
        # Obs: mudlet ttype does not seem to work if we start mccp before ttype. /Griatch
        self.ttype = ttype.Ttype(self)
        # negotiate mccp (data compression) - turn this off for wireshark analysis
        self.mccp = Mccp(self)
        # negotiate mssp (crawler communication)
        self.mssp = mssp.Mssp(self)
        # oob communication (MSDP, GMCP) - two handshake calls!
        self.oob = telnet_oob.TelnetOOB(self)
        # mxp support
        self.mxp = Mxp(self)
        # keepalive watches for dead links


        # add this new connection to sessionhandler so
        # the Server becomes aware of it.

        # timeout the handshakes in case the client doesn't reply at all
        from evennia.utils.utils import delay
        delay(2, callback=self.handshake_done, retval=True)

        # set up a keep-alive
        self.keep_alive = LoopingCall(self._write, IAC + NOP)
        self.keep_alive.start(30, now=False)

    def handshake_done(self, force=False):
        This is called by all telnet extensions once they are finished.
        When all have reported, a sync with the server is performed.
        The system will force-call this sync after a small time to handle
        clients that don't reply to handshakes at all.
        if self.handshakes > 0:
            if force:
            self.handshakes -= 1
            if self.handshakes <= 0:
                # do the sync

    def enableRemote(self, option):
        This sets up the remote-activated options we allow for this protocol.
        return (option == LINEMODE or
                option == ttype.TTYPE or
                option == naws.NAWS or
                option == MCCP or
                option == mssp.MSSP)

    def enableLocal(self, option):
        Call to allow the activation of options for this protocol
        return (option == MCCP or option==ECHO)

    def disableLocal(self, option):
        Disable a given option
        if option == ECHO:
            return True
        if option == MCCP:
            return True
            return super(TelnetProtocol, self).disableLocal(option)

    def connectionLost(self, reason):
        this is executed when the connection is lost for
        whatever reason. it can also be called directly, from
        the disconnect method

    def dataReceived(self, data):
        This method will split the incoming data depending on if it
        starts with IAC (a telnet command) or not. All other data will
        be handled in line mode. Some clients also sends an erroneous
        line break after IAC, which we must watch out for.

        OOB protocols (MSDP etc) already intercept subnegotiations
        on their own, never entering this method. They will relay
        their parsed data directly to self.data_in.


        if data and data[0] == IAC or self.iaw_mode:
                #print "IAC mode"
                super(TelnetProtocol, self).dataReceived(data)
                if len(data) == 1:
                    self.iaw_mode = True
                    self.iaw_mode = False
            except Exception, err1:
                conv = ""
                    for b in data:
                        conv += " " + repr(ord(b))
                except Exception, err2:
                    conv = str(err2) + ":", str(data)
                out = "Telnet Error (%s): %s (%s)" % (err1, data, conv)
Esempio n. 5
class TelnetProtocol(Telnet, StatefulTelnetProtocol, Session):
    Each player connecting over telnet (ie using most traditional mud
    clients) gets a telnet protocol instance assigned to them.  All
    communication between game and player goes through here.
    def connectionMade(self):
        This is called when the connection is first established.

        # initialize the session
        self.iaw_mode = False
        self.no_lb_mode = False
        client_address = self.transport.client
        # this number is counted down for every handshake that completes.
        # when it reaches 0 the portal/server syncs their data
        self.handshakes = 7  # naws, ttype, mccp, mssp, msdp, gmcp, mxp
        self.init_session("telnet", client_address,

        # negotiate client size
        self.naws = naws.Naws(self)
        # negotiate ttype (client info)
        # Obs: mudlet ttype does not seem to work if we start mccp before ttype. /Griatch
        self.ttype = ttype.Ttype(self)
        # negotiate mccp (data compression) - turn this off for wireshark analysis
        self.mccp = Mccp(self)
        # negotiate mssp (crawler communication)
        self.mssp = mssp.Mssp(self)
        # oob communication (MSDP, GMCP) - two handshake calls!
        self.oob = telnet_oob.TelnetOOB(self)
        # mxp support
        self.mxp = Mxp(self)
        # keepalive watches for dead links
        # add this new connection to sessionhandler so
        # the Server becomes aware of it.

        # timeout the handshakes in case the client doesn't reply at all
        from evennia.utils.utils import delay
        delay(2, callback=self.handshake_done, retval=True)

        # set up a keep-alive
        self.keep_alive = LoopingCall(self._write, IAC + NOP)
        self.keep_alive.start(30, now=False)

    def handshake_done(self, force=False):
        This is called by all telnet extensions once they are finished.
        When all have reported, a sync with the server is performed.
        The system will force-call this sync after a small time to handle
        clients that don't reply to handshakes at all.
        if self.handshakes > 0:
            if force:
            self.handshakes -= 1
            if self.handshakes <= 0:
                # do the sync

    def enableRemote(self, option):
        This sets up the remote-activated options we allow for this protocol.

            option (char): The telnet option to enable.

            enable (bool): If this option should be enabled.

        return (option == LINEMODE or option == ttype.TTYPE
                or option == naws.NAWS or option == MCCP
                or option == mssp.MSSP)

    def enableLocal(self, option):
        Call to allow the activation of options for this protocol

            option (char): The telnet option to enable locally.

            enable (bool): If this option should be enabled.

        return (option == MCCP or option == ECHO)

    def disableLocal(self, option):
        Disable a given option locally.

            option (char): The telnet option to disable locally.

        if option == ECHO:
            return True
        if option == MCCP:
            return True
            return super(TelnetProtocol, self).disableLocal(option)

    def connectionLost(self, reason):
        this is executed when the connection is lost for whatever
        reason. it can also be called directly, from the disconnect

            reason (str): Motivation for losing connection.


    def dataReceived(self, data):
        Handle incoming data over the wire.

        This method will split the incoming data depending on if it
        starts with IAC (a telnet command) or not. All other data will
        be handled in line mode. Some clients also sends an erroneous
        line break after IAC, which we must watch out for.

            data (str): Incoming data.

            OOB protocols (MSDP etc) already intercept subnegotiations on
            their own, never entering this method. They will relay their
            parsed data directly to self.data_in.

        if data and data[0] == IAC or self.iaw_mode:
                super(TelnetProtocol, self).dataReceived(data)
                if len(data) == 1:
                    self.iaw_mode = True
                    self.iaw_mode = False
            except Exception as err1:
                conv = ""
                    for b in data:
                        conv += " " + repr(ord(b))
                except Exception as err2:
                    conv = str(err2) + ":", str(data)
                out = "Telnet Error (%s): %s (%s)" % (err1, data, conv)

        if self.no_lb_mode and _RE_LEND.match(data):
            # we are in no_lb_mode and we get a single line break
            # - this line break should have come with the previous
            # command - it was already added so we drop it here
            self.no_lb_mode = False
        elif not
            # no line break at the end of the command, note this.
            data = data.rstrip("\r\n") + "\n"
            self.no_lb_mode = True

        # if we get to this point the command should end with a linebreak.
        # We make sure to add it, to fix some clients messing this up.
        StatefulTelnetProtocol.dataReceived(self, data)

    def _write(self, data):
        "hook overloading the one used in plain telnet"
        data = data.replace('\n', '\r\n').replace('\r\r\n', '\r\n')
        #data = data.replace('\n', '\r\n')
        super(TelnetProtocol, self)._write(mccp_compress(self, data))

    def sendLine(self, line):
        Hook overloading the one used by linereceiver.

            line (str): Line to send.

        #escape IAC in line mode, and correctly add \r\n
        line += self.delimiter
        line = line.replace(IAC, IAC + IAC).replace('\n', '\r\n')
        return self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, line))

    def lineReceived(self, string):
        Telnet method called when data is coming in over the telnet
        connection. We pass it on to the game engine directly.

            string (str): Incoming data.


    # Session hooks

    def disconnect(self, reason=None):
        generic hook for the engine to call in order to
        disconnect this protocol.

            reason (str): Reason for disconnecting.

        if reason:

    def data_in(self, text=None, **kwargs):
        Data User -> Evennia

            text (str): Incoming text.
            kwargs (any): Options from the protocol.

        #from evennia.server.profiling.timetrace import timetrace
        #text = timetrace(text, "telnet.data_in")

        self.sessionhandler.data_in(self, text=text, **kwargs)

    def data_out(self, text=None, **kwargs):
        Data Evennia -> User. A generic hook method for engine to call
        in order to send data through the telnet connection.

            text (str): Text to send.
            oob (list): `[(cmdname,args,kwargs), ...]`, supply an
                Out-of-Band instruction.
            xterm256 (bool): Enforce xterm256 setting. If not given,
                ttype result is used. If client does not suport xterm256,
                the ansi fallback will be used
            mxp (bool): Enforce mxp setting. If not given, enables if
                we detected client support for it
            ansi (bool): Enforce ansi setting. If not given, ttype
                result is used.
            nomarkup (bool): If True, strip all ansi markup (this is
                the same as `xterm256=False, ansi=False`)
            raw (bool):Pass string through without any ansi processing
                (i.e. include Evennia ansi markers but do not convert them
                into ansi tokens)
            prompt (str): Supply a prompt text which gets sent without
                a newline added to the end.
            echo (str): Turn on/off line echo on the client, if the
                client supports it (e.g. for password input). Remember
                that you must manually activate it again later.

            The telnet TTYPE negotiation flags, if any, are used if no kwargs
            are given.

        ## profiling, debugging
        #if text.startswith("TEST_MESSAGE"): 1/0
        #from evennia.server.profiling.timetrace import timetrace
        #text = timetrace(text, "telnet.data_out", final=True)

            text = utils.to_str(text if text else "", encoding=self.encoding)
        except Exception as e:
        if "oob" in kwargs and "OOB" in self.protocol_flags:
            # oob is a list of [(cmdname, arg, kwarg), ...]
            for cmdname, args, okwargs in kwargs["oob"]:
                self.oob.data_out(cmdname, *args, **okwargs)

        # parse **kwargs, falling back to ttype if nothing is given explicitly
        ttype = self.protocol_flags.get('TTYPE', {})
        xterm256 = kwargs.get(
            ttype.get('256 COLORS', False) if ttype.get("init_done") else True)
        useansi = kwargs.get(
            "ansi", ttype and ttype.get('ANSI', False)
            if ttype.get("init_done") else True)
        raw = kwargs.get("raw", False)
        nomarkup = kwargs.get("nomarkup", not (xterm256 or useansi))
        prompt = kwargs.get("prompt")
        echo = kwargs.get("echo", None)
        mxp = kwargs.get("mxp", self.protocol_flags.get("MXP", False))

        if raw:
            # no processing whatsoever
        elif text:
            # we need to make sure to kill the color at the end in order
            # to match the webclient output.
            linetosend = ansi.parse_ansi(_RE_N.sub("", text) + "{n",
            if mxp:
                linetosend = mxp_parse(linetosend)

        if prompt:
            # Send prompt separately
            prompt = ansi.parse_ansi(_RE_N.sub("", prompt) + "{n",
            if mxp:
                prompt = mxp_parse(prompt)
            prompt = prompt.replace(IAC, IAC + IAC).replace('\n', '\r\n')
            prompt += IAC + GA
            self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, prompt))
        if echo:
            self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, IAC + WONT + ECHO))
        elif echo == False:
            self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, IAC + WILL + ECHO))
Esempio n. 6
class TelnetProtocol(Telnet, StatefulTelnetProtocol, Session):
    Each player connecting over telnet (ie using most traditional mud
    clients) gets a telnet protocol instance assigned to them.  All
    communication between game and player goes through here.
    def connectionMade(self):
        This is called when the connection is first established.

        # initialize the session
        self.iaw_mode = False
        self.no_lb_mode = False
        client_address = self.transport.client
        # this number is counted down for every handshake that completes.
        # when it reaches 0 the portal/server syncs their data
        self.handshakes = 7 # naws, ttype, mccp, mssp, msdp, gmcp, mxp
        self.init_session("telnet", client_address, self.factory.sessionhandler)

        # negotiate client size
        self.naws = naws.Naws(self)
        # negotiate ttype (client info)
        # Obs: mudlet ttype does not seem to work if we start mccp before ttype. /Griatch
        self.ttype = ttype.Ttype(self)
        # negotiate mccp (data compression) - turn this off for wireshark analysis
        self.mccp = Mccp(self)
        # negotiate mssp (crawler communication)
        self.mssp = mssp.Mssp(self)
        # oob communication (MSDP, GMCP) - two handshake calls!
        self.oob = telnet_oob.TelnetOOB(self)
        # mxp support
        self.mxp = Mxp(self)
        # keepalive watches for dead links
        # add this new connection to sessionhandler so
        # the Server becomes aware of it.

        # timeout the handshakes in case the client doesn't reply at all
        from evennia.utils.utils import delay
        delay(2, callback=self.handshake_done, retval=True)

        # set up a keep-alive
        self.keep_alive = LoopingCall(self._write, IAC + NOP)
        self.keep_alive.start(30, now=False)

    def handshake_done(self, force=False):
        This is called by all telnet extensions once they are finished.
        When all have reported, a sync with the server is performed.
        The system will force-call this sync after a small time to handle
        clients that don't reply to handshakes at all.
        if self.handshakes > 0:
            if force:
            self.handshakes -= 1
            if self.handshakes <= 0:
                # do the sync

    def enableRemote(self, option):
        This sets up the remote-activated options we allow for this protocol.

            option (char): The telnet option to enable.

            enable (bool): If this option should be enabled.

        return (option == LINEMODE or
                option == ttype.TTYPE or
                option == naws.NAWS or
                option == MCCP or
                option == mssp.MSSP)

    def enableLocal(self, option):
        Call to allow the activation of options for this protocol

            option (char): The telnet option to enable locally.

            enable (bool): If this option should be enabled.

        return (option == MCCP or option==ECHO)

    def disableLocal(self, option):
        Disable a given option locally.

            option (char): The telnet option to disable locally.

        if option == ECHO:
            return True
        if option == MCCP:
            return True
            return super(TelnetProtocol, self).disableLocal(option)

    def connectionLost(self, reason):
        this is executed when the connection is lost for whatever
        reason. it can also be called directly, from the disconnect

            reason (str): Motivation for losing connection.


    def dataReceived(self, data):
        Handle incoming data over the wire.

        This method will split the incoming data depending on if it
        starts with IAC (a telnet command) or not. All other data will
        be handled in line mode. Some clients also sends an erroneous
        line break after IAC, which we must watch out for.

            data (str): Incoming data.

            OOB protocols (MSDP etc) already intercept subnegotiations on
            their own, never entering this method. They will relay their
            parsed data directly to self.data_in.

        if data and data[0] == IAC or self.iaw_mode:
                super(TelnetProtocol, self).dataReceived(data)
                if len(data) == 1:
                    self.iaw_mode = True
                    self.iaw_mode = False
            except Exception as err1:
                conv = ""
                    for b in data:
                        conv += " " + repr(ord(b))
                except Exception as err2:
                    conv = str(err2) + ":", str(data)
                out = "Telnet Error (%s): %s (%s)" % (err1, data, conv)

        if self.no_lb_mode and _RE_LEND.match(data):
            # we are in no_lb_mode and we get a single line break
            # - this line break should have come with the previous
            # command - it was already added so we drop it here
            self.no_lb_mode = False
        elif not
            # no line break at the end of the command, note this.
            data = data.rstrip("\r\n") + "\n"
            self.no_lb_mode = True

        # if we get to this point the command should end with a linebreak.
        # We make sure to add it, to fix some clients messing this up.
        StatefulTelnetProtocol.dataReceived(self, data)

    def _write(self, data):
        "hook overloading the one used in plain telnet"
        data = data.replace('\n', '\r\n').replace('\r\r\n', '\r\n')
        #data = data.replace('\n', '\r\n')
        super(TelnetProtocol, self)._write(mccp_compress(self, data))

    def sendLine(self, line):
        Hook overloading the one used by linereceiver.

            line (str): Line to send.

        #escape IAC in line mode, and correctly add \r\n
        line += self.delimiter
        line = line.replace(IAC, IAC + IAC).replace('\n', '\r\n')
        return self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, line))

    def lineReceived(self, string):
        Telnet method called when data is coming in over the telnet
        connection. We pass it on to the game engine directly.

            string (str): Incoming data.


    # Session hooks

    def disconnect(self, reason=None):
        generic hook for the engine to call in order to
        disconnect this protocol.

            reason (str): Reason for disconnecting.

        if reason:

    def data_in(self, text=None, **kwargs):
        Data User -> Evennia

            text (str): Incoming text.
            kwargs (any): Options from the protocol.

        #from evennia.server.profiling.timetrace import timetrace
        #text = timetrace(text, "telnet.data_in")

        self.sessionhandler.data_in(self, text=text, **kwargs)

    def data_out(self, text=None, **kwargs):
        Data Evennia -> User. A generic hook method for engine to call
        in order to send data through the telnet connection.

            text (str): Text to send.
            oob (list): `[(cmdname,args,kwargs), ...]`, supply an
                Out-of-Band instruction.
            xterm256 (bool): Enforce xterm256 setting. If not given,
                ttype result is used. If client does not suport xterm256,
                the ansi fallback will be used
            mxp (bool): Enforce mxp setting. If not given, enables if
                we detected client support for it
            ansi (bool): Enforce ansi setting. If not given, ttype
                result is used.
            nomarkup (bool): If True, strip all ansi markup (this is
                the same as `xterm256=False, ansi=False`)
            raw (bool):Pass string through without any ansi processing
                (i.e. include Evennia ansi markers but do not convert them
                into ansi tokens)
            prompt (str): Supply a prompt text which gets sent without
                a newline added to the end.
            echo (str): Turn on/off line echo on the client, if the
                client supports it (e.g. for password input). Remember
                that you must manually activate it again later.

            The telnet TTYPE negotiation flags, if any, are used if no kwargs
            are given.

        ## profiling, debugging
        #if text.startswith("TEST_MESSAGE"): 1/0
        #from evennia.server.profiling.timetrace import timetrace
        #text = timetrace(text, "telnet.data_out", final=True)

            text = utils.to_str(text if text else "", encoding=self.encoding)
        except Exception as e:
        if "oob" in kwargs and "OOB" in self.protocol_flags:
            # oob is a list of [(cmdname, arg, kwarg), ...]
            for cmdname, args, okwargs in kwargs["oob"]:
                self.oob.data_out(cmdname, *args, **okwargs)

        # parse **kwargs, falling back to ttype if nothing is given explicitly
        ttype = self.protocol_flags.get('TTYPE', {})
        xterm256 = kwargs.get("xterm256", ttype.get('256 COLORS', False) if ttype.get("init_done") else True)
        useansi = kwargs.get("ansi", ttype and ttype.get('ANSI', False) if ttype.get("init_done") else True)
        raw = kwargs.get("raw", False)
        nomarkup = kwargs.get("nomarkup", not (xterm256 or useansi))
        prompt = kwargs.get("prompt")
        echo = kwargs.get("echo", None)
        mxp = kwargs.get("mxp", self.protocol_flags.get("MXP", False))

        if raw:
            # no processing whatsoever
        elif text:
            # we need to make sure to kill the color at the end in order
            # to match the webclient output.
            linetosend = ansi.parse_ansi(_RE_N.sub("", text) + "{n", strip_ansi=nomarkup, xterm256=xterm256, mxp=mxp)
            if mxp:
                linetosend = mxp_parse(linetosend)

        if prompt:
            # Send prompt separately
            prompt = ansi.parse_ansi(_RE_N.sub("", prompt) + "{n", strip_ansi=nomarkup, xterm256=xterm256)
            if mxp:
                prompt = mxp_parse(prompt)
            prompt = prompt.replace(IAC, IAC + IAC).replace('\n', '\r\n')
            prompt += IAC + GA
            self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, prompt))
        if echo:
            self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, IAC+WONT+ECHO))
        elif echo == False:
            self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, IAC+WILL+ECHO))
Esempio n. 7
class TelnetProtocol(Telnet, StatefulTelnetProtocol, Session):
    Each player connecting over telnet (ie using most traditional mud
    clients) gets a telnet protocol instance assigned to them.  All
    communication between game and player goes through here.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.protocol_name = "telnet"
        super(TelnetProtocol, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def connectionMade(self):
        This is called when the connection is first established.

        # initialize the session
        self.iaw_mode = False
        self.no_lb_mode = False
        client_address = self.transport.client
        client_address = client_address[0] if client_address else None
        # this number is counted down for every handshake that completes.
        # when it reaches 0 the portal/server syncs their data
        self.handshakes = 7 # naws, ttype, mccp, mssp, msdp, gmcp, mxp
        self.init_session(self.protocol_name, client_address, self.factory.sessionhandler)

        # negotiate client size
        self.naws = naws.Naws(self)
        # negotiate ttype (client info)
        # Obs: mudlet ttype does not seem to work if we start mccp before ttype. /Griatch
        self.ttype = ttype.Ttype(self)
        # negotiate mccp (data compression) - turn this off for wireshark analysis
        self.mccp = Mccp(self)
        # negotiate mssp (crawler communication)
        self.mssp = mssp.Mssp(self)
        # oob communication (MSDP, GMCP) - two handshake calls!
        self.oob = telnet_oob.TelnetOOB(self)
        # mxp support
        self.mxp = Mxp(self)
        # add this new connection to sessionhandler so
        # the Server becomes aware of it.

        # timeout the handshakes in case the client doesn't reply at all
        from evennia.utils.utils import delay
        delay(2, callback=self.handshake_done, retval=True)

        # TCP/IP keepalive watches for dead links
        # The TCP/IP keepalive is not enough for some networks;
        # we have to complement it with a NOP keep-alive.
        self.protocol_flags["NOPKEEPALIVE"] = True
        self.nop_keep_alive = None

    def _send_nop_keepalive(self):
        "Send NOP keepalive unless flag is set"
        if self.protocol_flags.get("NOPKEEPALIVE"):
            self._write(IAC + NOP)

    def toggle_nop_keepalive(self):
        Allow to toggle the NOP keepalive for those sad clients that
        can't even handle a NOP instruction. This is turned off by the
        protocol_flag NOPKEEPALIVE (settable e.g. by the default
        `@option` command).
        if self.nop_keep_alive and self.nop_keep_alive.running:
            self.nop_keep_alive = LoopingCall(self._send_nop_keepalive)
            self.nop_keep_alive.start(30, now=False)

    def handshake_done(self, force=False):
        This is called by all telnet extensions once they are finished.
        When all have reported, a sync with the server is performed.
        The system will force-call this sync after a small time to handle
        clients that don't reply to handshakes at all.
        if self.handshakes > 0:
            if force:
            self.handshakes -= 1
            if self.handshakes <= 0:
                # do the sync

    def enableRemote(self, option):
        This sets up the remote-activated options we allow for this protocol.

            option (char): The telnet option to enable.

            enable (bool): If this option should be enabled.

        return (option == LINEMODE or
                option == ttype.TTYPE or
                option == naws.NAWS or
                option == MCCP or
                option == mssp.MSSP)

    def enableLocal(self, option):
        Call to allow the activation of options for this protocol

            option (char): The telnet option to enable locally.

            enable (bool): If this option should be enabled.

        return (option == MCCP or option==ECHO)

    def disableLocal(self, option):
        Disable a given option locally.

            option (char): The telnet option to disable locally.

        if option == ECHO:
            return True
        if option == MCCP:
            return True
            return super(TelnetProtocol, self).disableLocal(option)

    def connectionLost(self, reason):
        this is executed when the connection is lost for whatever
        reason. it can also be called directly, from the disconnect

            reason (str): Motivation for losing connection.


    def dataReceived(self, data):
        Handle incoming data over the wire.

        This method will split the incoming data depending on if it
        starts with IAC (a telnet command) or not. All other data will
        be handled in line mode. Some clients also sends an erroneous
        line break after IAC, which we must watch out for.

            data (str): Incoming data.

            OOB protocols (MSDP etc) already intercept subnegotiations on
            their own, never entering this method. They will relay their
            parsed data directly to self.data_in.

        if data and data[0] == IAC or self.iaw_mode:
                super(TelnetProtocol, self).dataReceived(data)
                if len(data) == 1:
                    self.iaw_mode = True
                    self.iaw_mode = False
            except Exception as err1:
                conv = ""
                    for b in data:
                        conv += " " + repr(ord(b))
                except Exception as err2:
                    conv = str(err2) + ":", str(data)
                out = "Telnet Error (%s): %s (%s)" % (err1, data, conv)

        if self.no_lb_mode and _RE_LEND.match(data):
            # we are in no_lb_mode and we get a single line break
            # - this line break should have come with the previous
            # command - it was already added so we drop it here
            self.no_lb_mode = False
        elif not
            # no line break at the end of the command, note this.
            data = data.rstrip("\r\n") + "\n"
            self.no_lb_mode = True

        # if we get to this point the command should end with a linebreak.
        # We make sure to add it, to fix some clients messing this up.
        StatefulTelnetProtocol.dataReceived(self, data)

    def _write(self, data):
        "hook overloading the one used in plain telnet"
        data = data.replace('\n', '\r\n').replace('\r\r\n', '\r\n')
        #data = data.replace('\n', '\r\n')
        super(TelnetProtocol, self)._write(mccp_compress(self, data))

    def sendLine(self, line):
        Hook overloading the one used by linereceiver.

            line (str): Line to send.

        #escape IAC in line mode, and correctly add \r\n
        line += self.delimiter
        line = line.replace(IAC, IAC + IAC).replace('\n', '\r\n')
        return self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, line))

    def lineReceived(self, string):
        Telnet method called when data is coming in over the telnet
        connection. We pass it on to the game engine directly.

            string (str): Incoming data.


    # Session hooks

    def disconnect(self, reason=None):
        generic hook for the engine to call in order to
        disconnect this protocol.

            reason (str): Reason for disconnecting.

        self.data_out(text=((reason or "",), {}))

    def data_in(self, **kwargs):
        Data User -> Evennia

            kwargs (any): Options from the protocol.

        #from evennia.server.profiling.timetrace import timetrace
        #text = timetrace(text, "telnet.data_in")

        self.sessionhandler.data_in(self, **kwargs)

    def data_out(self, **kwargs):
        Data Evennia -> User

            kwargs (any): Options to the protocol
        self.sessionhandler.data_out(self, **kwargs)

    # send_* methods

    def send_text(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Send text data. This is an in-band telnet operation.

            text (str): The first argument is always the text string to send. No other arguments
                are considered.
            options (dict): Send-option flags
                   - mxp: Enforce MXP link support.
                   - ansi: Enforce no ANSI colors.
                   - xterm256: Enforce xterm256 colors, regardless of TTYPE.
                   - noxterm256: Enforce no xterm256 color support, regardless of TTYPE.
                   - nomarkup: Strip all ANSI markup. This is the same as noxterm256,noansi
                   - raw: Pass string through without any ansi processing
                        (i.e. include Evennia ansi markers but do not
                        convert them into ansi tokens)
                   - echo: Turn on/off line echo on the client. Turn
                        off line echo for client, for example for password.
                        Note that it must be actively turned back on again!

        text = args[0] if args else ""
        if text is None:
        text = to_str(text, force_string=True)

        # handle arguments
        options = kwargs.get("options", {})
        flags = self.protocol_flags
        xterm256 = options.get("xterm256", flags.get('XTERM256', False) if flags["TTYPE"] else True)
        useansi = options.get("ansi", flags.get('ANSI', False) if flags["TTYPE"] else True)
        raw = options.get("raw", flags.get("RAW", False))
        nomarkup = options.get("nomarkup", flags.get("NOMARKUP", not (xterm256 or useansi)))
        echo = options.get("echo", None)
        mxp = options.get("mxp", flags.get("MXP", False))
        screenreader =  options.get("screenreader", flags.get("SCREENREADER", False))

        if screenreader:
            # screenreader mode cleans up output
            text = ansi.parse_ansi(text, strip_ansi=True, xterm256=False, mxp=False)
            text = _RE_SCREENREADER_REGEX.sub("", text)

        if options.get("send_prompt"):
            # send a prompt instead.
            if not raw:
                # processing
                prompt = ansi.parse_ansi(_RE_N.sub("", text) + "{n", strip_ansi=nomarkup, xterm256=xterm256)
                if mxp:
                    prompt = mxp_parse(prompt)
            prompt = prompt.replace(IAC, IAC + IAC).replace('\n', '\r\n')
            prompt += IAC + GA
            self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, prompt))
            if echo is not None:
                # turn on/off echo. Note that this is a bit turned around since we use
                # echo as if we are "turning off the client's echo" when telnet really
                # handles it the other way around.
                if echo:
                    # by telling the client that WE WON'T echo, the client knows
                    # that IT should echo. This is the expected behavior from
                    # our perspective.
                    self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, IAC+WONT+ECHO))
                    # by telling the client that WE WILL echo, the client can
                    # safely turn OFF its OWN echo.
                    self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, IAC+WILL+ECHO))
            if raw:
                # no processing
                # we need to make sure to kill the color at the end in order
                # to match the webclient output.
                linetosend = ansi.parse_ansi(_RE_N.sub("", text) + "{n", strip_ansi=nomarkup, xterm256=xterm256, mxp=mxp)
                if mxp:
                    linetosend = mxp_parse(linetosend)

    def send_prompt(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Send a prompt - a text without a line end. See send_text for argument options.

        kwargs["options"].update({"send_prompt": True})
        self.send_text(*args, **kwargs)

    def send_default(self, cmdname, *args, **kwargs):
        Send other oob data
        if not cmdname == "options":
            self.oob.data_out(cmdname, *args, **kwargs)