Esempio n. 1
    def at_repeat(self):
        "Regularly save memory statistics."
        pid = os.getpid()
        rmem = float(os.popen('ps -p %d -o %s | tail -1' % (pid, "rss")).read()) / 1000.0  # resident memory
        vmem = float(os.popen('ps -p %d -o %s | tail -1' % (pid, "vsz")).read()) / 1000.0  # virtual memory
        total_num, cachedict = _idmapper.cache_size()
        t0 = (time.time() - self.db.starttime) / 60.0  # save in minutes

        with open(LOGFILE, "a") as f:
            f.write("%s, %s, %s, %s\n" % (t0, rmem, vmem, int(total_num)))
Esempio n. 2
    def func(self):
        """Show list."""

        global _IDMAPPER
        if not _IDMAPPER:
            from evennia.utils.idmapper import models as _IDMAPPER

        if "flushmem" in self.switches:
            # flush the cache
            prev, _ = _IDMAPPER.cache_size()
            nflushed = _IDMAPPER.flush_cache()
            now, _ = _IDMAPPER.cache_size()
            string = "The Idmapper cache freed |w{idmapper}|n database objects.\n" \
                     "The Python garbage collector freed |w{gc}|n Python instances total."
            self.caller.msg(string.format(idmapper=(prev - now), gc=nflushed))

        # display active processes

        os_windows = == "nt"
        pid = os.getpid()

        if os_windows:
            # Windows requires the psutil module to even get paltry
            # statistics like this (it's pretty much worthless,
            # unfortunately, since it's not specific to the process) /rant
                import psutil
                has_psutil = True
            except ImportError:
                has_psutil = False

            if has_psutil:
                loadavg = psutil.cpu_percent()
                _mem = psutil.virtual_memory()
                rmem = _mem.used / (1000.0 * 1000)
                pmem = _mem.percent

                if "mem" in self.switches:
                    string = "Total computer memory usage: |w%g|n MB (%g%%)"
                    self.caller.msg(string % (rmem, pmem))
                # Display table
                loadtable = EvTable("property", "statistic", align="l")
                loadtable.add_row("Total CPU load", "%g %%" % loadavg)
                loadtable.add_row("Total computer memory usage",
                                  "%g MB (%g%%)" % (rmem, pmem))
                loadtable.add_row("Process ID", "%g" % pid),
                loadtable = "Not available on Windows without 'psutil' library " \
                            "(install with |wpip install psutil|n)."

            # Linux / BSD (OSX) - proper pid-based statistics

            global _RESOURCE
            if not _RESOURCE:
                import resource as _RESOURCE

            loadavg = os.getloadavg()[0]
            rmem = float(
                os.popen('ps -p %d -o %s | tail -1' %
                         (pid, "rss")).read()) / 1000.0  # resident memory
            vmem = float(
                os.popen('ps -p %d -o %s | tail -1' %
                         (pid, "vsz")).read()) / 1000.0  # virtual memory
            pmem = float(
                    'ps -p %d -o %s | tail -1' %
                    (pid, "%mem")).read())  # % of resident memory to total
            rusage = _RESOURCE.getrusage(_RESOURCE.RUSAGE_SELF)

            if "mem" in self.switches:
                string = "Memory usage: RMEM: |w%g|n MB (%g%%), VMEM (res+swap+cache): |w%g|n MB."
                self.caller.msg(string % (rmem, pmem, vmem))

            loadtable = EvTable("property", "statistic", align="l")
            loadtable.add_row("Server load (1 min)", "%g" % loadavg)
            loadtable.add_row("Process ID", "%g" % pid),
            loadtable.add_row("Memory usage", "%g MB (%g%%)" % (rmem, pmem))
            loadtable.add_row("Virtual address space", "")
            loadtable.add_row("|x(resident+swap+caching)|n", "%g MB" % vmem)
                "CPU time used (total)", "%s (%gs)" %
                (utils.time_format(rusage.ru_utime), rusage.ru_utime))
                "CPU time used (user)", "%s (%gs)" %
                (utils.time_format(rusage.ru_stime), rusage.ru_stime))
                "Page faults", "%g hard,  %g soft, %g swapouts" %
                (rusage.ru_majflt, rusage.ru_minflt, rusage.ru_nswap))
                "Disk I/O",
                "%g reads, %g writes" % (rusage.ru_inblock, rusage.ru_oublock))
                "Network I/O",
                "%g in, %g out" % (rusage.ru_msgrcv, rusage.ru_msgsnd))
                "Context switching", "%g vol, %g forced, %g signals" %
                (rusage.ru_nvcsw, rusage.ru_nivcsw, rusage.ru_nsignals))

        # os-generic

        string = "|wServer CPU and Memory load:|n\n%s" % loadtable

        # object cache count (note that sys.getsiseof is not called so this works for pypy too.
        total_num, cachedict = _IDMAPPER.cache_size()
        sorted_cache = sorted([(key, num)
                               for key, num in cachedict.items() if num > 0],
                              key=lambda tup: tup[1],
        memtable = EvTable("entity name", "number", "idmapper %", align="l")
        for tup in sorted_cache:
            memtable.add_row(tup[0], "%i" % tup[1],
                             "%.2f" % (float(tup[1]) / total_num * 100))

        string += "\n|w Entity idmapper cache:|n %i items\n%s" % (total_num,

        # return to caller
Esempio n. 3
    def func(self):
        """Show list."""

        global _IDMAPPER
        if not _IDMAPPER:
            from evennia.utils.idmapper import models as _IDMAPPER

        if "flushmem" in self.switches:
            # flush the cache
            prev, _ = _IDMAPPER.cache_size()
            nflushed = _IDMAPPER.flush_cache()
            now, _ = _IDMAPPER.cache_size()
            string = "The Idmapper cache freed |w{idmapper}|n database objects.\n" \
                     "The Python garbage collector freed |w{gc}|n Python instances total."
            self.caller.msg(string.format(idmapper=(prev - now), gc=nflushed))

        # display active processes

        os_windows = == "nt"
        pid = os.getpid()

        if os_windows:
            # Windows requires the psutil module to even get paltry
            # statistics like this (it's pretty much worthless,
            # unfortunately, since it's not specific to the process) /rant
                import psutil
                has_psutil = True
            except ImportError:
                has_psutil = False

            if has_psutil:
                loadavg = psutil.cpu_percent()
                _mem = psutil.virtual_memory()
                rmem = _mem.used / (1000.0 * 1000)
                pmem = _mem.percent

                if "mem" in self.switches:
                    string = "Total computer memory usage: |w%g|n MB (%g%%)"
                    self.caller.msg(string % (rmem, pmem))
                # Display table
                loadtable = EvTable("property", "statistic", align="l")
                loadtable.add_row("Total CPU load", "%g %%" % loadavg)
                loadtable.add_row("Total computer memory usage", "%g MB (%g%%)" % (rmem, pmem))
                loadtable.add_row("Process ID", "%g" % pid),
                loadtable = "Not available on Windows without 'psutil' library " \
                            "(install with |wpip install psutil|n)."

            # Linux / BSD (OSX) - proper pid-based statistics

            global _RESOURCE
            if not _RESOURCE:
                import resource as _RESOURCE

            loadavg = os.getloadavg()[0]
            rmem = float(os.popen('ps -p %d -o %s | tail -1' % (pid, "rss")).read()) / 1000.0  # resident memory
            vmem = float(os.popen('ps -p %d -o %s | tail -1' % (pid, "vsz")).read()) / 1000.0  # virtual memory
            pmem = float(os.popen('ps -p %d -o %s | tail -1' % (pid, "%mem")).read())  # % of resident memory to total
            rusage = _RESOURCE.getrusage(_RESOURCE.RUSAGE_SELF)

            if "mem" in self.switches:
                string = "Memory usage: RMEM: |w%g|n MB (%g%%), VMEM (res+swap+cache): |w%g|n MB."
                self.caller.msg(string % (rmem, pmem, vmem))

            loadtable = EvTable("property", "statistic", align="l")
            loadtable.add_row("Server load (1 min)", "%g" % loadavg)
            loadtable.add_row("Process ID", "%g" % pid),
            loadtable.add_row("Memory usage", "%g MB (%g%%)" % (rmem, pmem))
            loadtable.add_row("Virtual address space", "")
            loadtable.add_row("|x(resident+swap+caching)|n", "%g MB" % vmem)
            loadtable.add_row("CPU time used (total)", "%s (%gs)"
                              % (utils.time_format(rusage.ru_utime), rusage.ru_utime))
            loadtable.add_row("CPU time used (user)", "%s (%gs)"
                              % (utils.time_format(rusage.ru_stime), rusage.ru_stime))
            loadtable.add_row("Page faults", "%g hard,  %g soft, %g swapouts"
                              % (rusage.ru_majflt, rusage.ru_minflt, rusage.ru_nswap))
            loadtable.add_row("Disk I/O", "%g reads, %g writes" % (rusage.ru_inblock, rusage.ru_oublock))
            loadtable.add_row("Network I/O", "%g in, %g out" % (rusage.ru_msgrcv, rusage.ru_msgsnd))
            loadtable.add_row("Context switching", "%g vol, %g forced, %g signals"
                              % (rusage.ru_nvcsw, rusage.ru_nivcsw, rusage.ru_nsignals))

        # os-generic

        string = "|wServer CPU and Memory load:|n\n%s" % loadtable

        # object cache count (note that sys.getsiseof is not called so this works for pypy too.
        total_num, cachedict = _IDMAPPER.cache_size()
        sorted_cache = sorted([(key, num) for key, num in cachedict.items() if num > 0],
                              key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True)
        memtable = EvTable("entity name", "number", "idmapper %", align="l")
        for tup in sorted_cache:
            memtable.add_row(tup[0], "%i" % tup[1], "%.2f" % (float(tup[1]) / total_num * 100))

        string += "\n|w Entity idmapper cache:|n %i items\n%s" % (total_num, memtable)

        # return to caller