Esempio n. 1
    def reload(self, filename=None, form=None, **kwargs):
        Creates the form from a stored file name
        # clean kwargs (these cannot be overridden)
        kwargs.pop("enforce_size", None)
        kwargs.pop("width", None)
        kwargs.pop("height", None)

        if form or self.input_form_dict:
            datadict = form if form else self.input_form_dict
            self.input_form_dict = datadict
        elif filename or self.filename:
            filename = filename if filename else self.filename
            datadict = all_from_module(filename)
            self.filename = filename
            datadict = {}

        cellchar = to_str(datadict.get("FORMCHAR", "x"))
        self.cellchar = to_str(cellchar[0] if len(cellchar) > 1 else cellchar)
        tablechar = datadict.get("TABLECHAR", "c")
        self.tablechar = tablechar[0] if len(tablechar) > 1 else tablechar

        # split into a list of list of lines. Form can be indexed with form[iy][ix]
        self.raw_form = _to_ansi(to_unicode(datadict.get("FORM", "")).split("\n"))
        # strip first line
        self.raw_form = self.raw_form[1:] if self.raw_form else self.raw_form


        # parse and replace
        self.mapping = self._parse_rectangles(self.cellchar, self.tablechar, self.raw_form, **kwargs)
        self.form = self._populate_form(self.raw_form, self.mapping)
Esempio n. 2
    def at_start(self):
        """Set up the event system when starting.

        Note that this hook is called every time the server restarts
        (including when it's reloaded).  This hook performs the following

        -   Create temporarily stored events.
        -   Generate locals (individual events' namespace).
        -   Load eventfuncs, including user-defined ones.
        -   Re-schedule tasks that aren't set to fire anymore.
        -   Effectively connect the handler to the main script.

        """ = {}
        for typeclass, name, variables, help_text, custom_call, custom_add in EVENTS:
            self.add_event(typeclass, name, variables, help_text, custom_call,

        # Generate locals
        self.ndb.current_locals = {}
        self.ndb.fresh_locals = {}
        addresses = ["evennia.contrib.ingame_python.eventfuncs"]
            getattr(settings, "EVENTFUNCS_LOCATIONS", ["world.eventfuncs"]))
        for address in addresses:
            if pypath_to_realpath(address):

        # Restart the delayed tasks
        now =
        for task_id, definition in tuple(self.db.tasks.items()):
            future, obj, event_name, locals = definition
            seconds = (future - now).total_seconds()
            if seconds < 0:
                seconds = 0

            delay(seconds, complete_task, task_id)

        # Place the script in the CallbackHandler
        from evennia.contrib.ingame_python import typeclasses

        CallbackHandler.script = self
        DefaultObject.callbacks = typeclasses.EventObject.callbacks

        # Create the channel if non-existent
   = ChannelDB.objects.get(db_key="everror")
        except ChannelDB.DoesNotExist:
   = create_channel(
                desc="Event errors",
Esempio n. 3
    def at_start(self):
        """Set up the event system when starting.

        Note that this hook is called every time the server restarts
        (including when it's reloaded).  This hook performs the following

        -   Create temporarily stored events.
        -   Generate locals (individual events' namespace).
        -   Load eventfuncs, including user-defined ones.
        -   Re-schedule tasks that aren't set to fire anymore.
        -   Effectively connect the handler to the main script.

        """ = {}
        for typeclass, name, variables, help_text, custom_call, custom_add in EVENTS:
            self.add_event(typeclass, name, variables, help_text, custom_call, custom_add)

        # Generate locals
        self.ndb.current_locals = {}
        self.ndb.fresh_locals = {}
        addresses = ["evennia.contrib.ingame_python.eventfuncs"]
        addresses.extend(getattr(settings, "EVENTFUNCS_LOCATIONS", ["world.eventfuncs"]))
        for address in addresses:
            if pypath_to_realpath(address):

        # Restart the delayed tasks
        now =
        for task_id, definition in tuple(self.db.tasks.items()):
            future, obj, event_name, locals = definition
            seconds = (future - now).total_seconds()
            if seconds < 0:
                seconds = 0

            delay(seconds, complete_task, task_id)

        # Place the script in the CallbackHandler
        from evennia.contrib.ingame_python import typeclasses
        CallbackHandler.script = self
        DefaultObject.callbacks = typeclasses.EventObject.callbacks

        # Create the channel if non-existent
   = ChannelDB.objects.get(db_key="everror")
        except ChannelDB.DoesNotExist:
   = create_channel("everror", desc="Event errors",
Esempio n. 4
def load_apps(path="auto.apps", errors=None):
    """Dynamically-load the apps stored in modules."""
    errors = errors or []
    relpath = path.replace(".", os.path.sep)
    for content in os.listdir(relpath):
        if content == "":

        if os.path.isfile(relpath + os.path.sep +
                          content) and content.endswith(
                              ".py") and not content.startswith("_"):
            # Obviously a module, try to load it
                variables = all_from_module(path + "." + content[:-3])
            except Exception as err:
                errors.append((path + "." + content[:-3], str(err)))
                # Explore the module, looking for a class
                app = None
                for var in variables.values():
                    if issubclass(var, BaseApp) and getattr(
                            var, "app_name", ""):
                        app = var

                if not app:
                    errors.append((path + "." + content[:-3],
                                   "Could not find the application class"))
                    folder = getattr(app, "folder", "app")
                    if folder not in APPS:
                        APPS[folder] = {}
                    folder = APPS[folder]
                    app_name = app.app_name
                    folder[app_name] = app
        elif os.path.isdir(relpath + os.path.sep + content):
            # Explore the sub-folder
            load_apps(path + "." + content, errors)

    return errors
Esempio n. 5
def load_module_prototypes():
    This is called by `evennia.__init__` as Evennia initializes. It's important
    to do this late so as to not interfere with evennia initialization.

    for mod in settings.PROTOTYPE_MODULES:
        # to remove a default prototype, override it with an empty dict.
        # internally we store as (key, desc, locks, tags, prototype_dict)
        prots = []
        for variable_name, prot in all_from_module(mod).items():
            if isinstance(prot, dict):
                if "prototype_key" not in prot:
                    prot["prototype_key"] = variable_name.lower()
                    (prot["prototype_key"], homogenize_prototype(prot)))
        # assign module path to each prototype_key for easy reference
            {prototype_key.lower(): mod
             for prototype_key, _ in prots})
        # make sure the prototype contains all meta info
        for prototype_key, prot in prots:
            actual_prot_key = prot.get("prototype_key", prototype_key).lower()
                prot["prototype_desc"] if "prototype_desc" in prot else mod,
                 if "prototype_locks" in prot else "use:all();edit:false()"),
                        list(make_iter(prot.get("prototype_tags", []))) +
            _MODULE_PROTOTYPES[actual_prot_key] = prot
Esempio n. 6
        homogenized["prototype_key"] = "prototype-{}".format(

    if "typeclass" not in prototype and "prototype_parent" not in prototype:
        homogenized["typeclass"] = settings.BASE_OBJECT_TYPECLASS

    return homogenized

# module-based prototypes

for mod in settings.PROTOTYPE_MODULES:
    # to remove a default prototype, override it with an empty dict.
    # internally we store as (key, desc, locks, tags, prototype_dict)
    prots = []
    for variable_name, prot in all_from_module(mod).items():
        if isinstance(prot, dict):
            if "prototype_key" not in prot:
                prot['prototype_key'] = variable_name.lower()
            prots.append((prot['prototype_key'], homogenize_prototype(prot)))
    # assign module path to each prototype_key for easy reference
    _MODULE_PROTOTYPE_MODULES.update({prototype_key.lower(): mod for prototype_key, _ in prots})
    # make sure the prototype contains all meta info
    for prototype_key, prot in prots:
        actual_prot_key = prot.get('prototype_key', prototype_key).lower()
          "prototype_key": actual_prot_key,
          "prototype_desc": prot['prototype_desc'] if 'prototype_desc' in prot else mod,
          "prototype_locks": (prot['prototype_locks']
                              if 'prototype_locks' in prot else "use:all();edit:false()"),
          "prototype_tags": list(set(make_iter(prot.get('prototype_tags', [])) + ["module"]))})
Esempio n. 7
def spawn(*prototypes, **kwargs):
    Spawn a number of prototyped objects. Each argument should be a
    prototype dictionary.

    keyword args:
        prototype_modules - a python-path to a
            prototype module, or a list of such paths. These will be used
            to build the global protparents dictionary accessible by the
            input prototypes. If not given, it will instead look for modules
            defined by settings.PROTOTYPE_MODULES.
        prototype_parents - a dictionary holding a custom prototype-parent dictionary. Will
                      overload same-named prototypes from prototype_modules.
        return_prototypes - only return a list of the prototype-parents
                            (no object creation happens)

    protparents = {}
    protmodules = make_iter(kwargs.get("prototype_modules", []))
    if not protmodules and hasattr(settings, "PROTOTYPE_MODULES"):
        protmodules = make_iter(settings.PROTOTYPE_MODULES)
    for prototype_module in protmodules:
            dict((key, val)
                 for key, val in all_from_module(prototype_module).items()
                 if isinstance(val, dict)))
    #overload module's protparents with specifically given protparents
    protparents.update(kwargs.get("prototype_parents", {}))
    for key, prototype in protparents.items():
        _validate_prototype(key, prototype, protparents, [])

    if "return_prototypes" in kwargs:
        # only return the parents
        return copy.deepcopy(protparents)

    objsparams = []
    for prototype in prototypes:

        _validate_prototype(None, prototype, protparents, [])
        prot = _get_prototype(prototype, {}, protparents)
        if not prot:

        # extract the keyword args we need to create the object itself
        create_kwargs = {}
        create_kwargs["db_key"] = prot.pop(
            "key", "Spawned Object %06i" % randint(1, 100000))
        create_kwargs["db_location"] = _handle_dbref(prot.pop(
            "location", None))
        create_kwargs["db_home"] = _handle_dbref(
            prot.pop("home", settings.DEFAULT_HOME))
        create_kwargs["db_destination"] = _handle_dbref(
            prot.pop("destination", None))
        create_kwargs["db_typeclass_path"] = prot.pop(
            "typeclass", settings.BASE_OBJECT_TYPECLASS)

        # extract calls to handlers
        permission_string = prot.pop("permissions", "")
        lock_string = prot.pop("locks", "")
        alias_string = prot.pop("aliases", "")
        tags = prot.pop("tags", "")

        # extract ndb assignments
        nattributes = dict(
            (key.split("_", 1)[1], value if callable(value) else value)
            for key, value in prot.items() if key.startswith("ndb_"))

        # the rest are attributes
        attributes = dict(
            (key, value() if callable(value) else value)
            for key, value in prot.items()
            if not (key in _CREATE_OBJECT_KWARGS or key.startswith("ndb_")))

        # pack for call into _batch_create_object
        objsparams.append((create_kwargs, permission_string, lock_string,
                           alias_string, nattributes, attributes, tags))

    return _batch_create_object(*objsparams)
Esempio n. 8
def you(text, *args, **kwargs):
    Inserts your name.

    name = "You"
    sess = kwargs.get("session")
    if sess and sess.puppet:
        name = sess.puppet.key
    return name

# load functions from module (including this one, if using default settings)
for module in utils.make_iter(settings.INLINEFUNC_MODULES):
_INLINE_FUNCS.pop("inline_func_parse", None)

# dynamically build regexes for found functions
_RE_FUNCFULL = r"\{%s\((.*?)\)(.*?){/%s"
_RE_FUNCFULL_SINGLE = r"\{%s\((.*?)\)"
_RE_FUNCSTART = r"\{((?:%s))"
_RE_FUNCEND = r"\{/((?:%s))"
_RE_FUNCSPLIT = r"(\{/*(?:%s)(?:\(.*?\))*)"
_RE_FUNCCLEAN = r"\{%s\(.*?\)|\{/%s"

_INLINE_FUNCS = dict((key, (func, re.compile(_RE_FUNCFULL % (key, key), re.DOTALL &  re.MULTILINE),
                                  re.compile(_RE_FUNCFULL_SINGLE % key, re.DOTALL & re.MULTILINE)))
                          for key, func in _INLINE_FUNCS.items() if callable(func))
_FUNCSPLIT_REGEX = re.compile(_RE_FUNCSPLIT % r"|".join([key for key in _INLINE_FUNCS]), re.DOTALL & re.MULTILINE)
Esempio n. 9
def spawn(*prototypes, **kwargs):
    Spawn a number of prototyped objects.

        prototypes (dict): Each argument should be a prototype
        prototype_modules (str or list): A python-path to a prototype
            module, or a list of such paths. These will be used to build
            the global protparents dictionary accessible by the input
            prototypes. If not given, it will instead look for modules
            defined by settings.PROTOTYPE_MODULES.
        prototype_parents (dict): A dictionary holding a custom
            prototype-parent dictionary. Will overload same-named
            prototypes from prototype_modules.
        return_prototypes (bool): Only return a list of the
            prototype-parents (no object creation happens)


    protparents = {}
    protmodules = make_iter(kwargs.get("prototype_modules", []))
    if not protmodules and hasattr(settings, "PROTOTYPE_MODULES"):
        protmodules = make_iter(settings.PROTOTYPE_MODULES)
    for prototype_module in protmodules:
        protparents.update(dict((key, val) for key, val in
                                all_from_module(prototype_module).items() if isinstance(val, dict)))
    # overload module's protparents with specifically given protparents
    protparents.update(kwargs.get("prototype_parents", {}))
    for key, prototype in protparents.items():
        _validate_prototype(key, prototype, protparents, [])

    if "return_prototypes" in kwargs:
        # only return the parents
        return copy.deepcopy(protparents)

    objsparams = []
    for prototype in prototypes:

        _validate_prototype(None, prototype, protparents, [])
        prot = _get_prototype(prototype, {}, protparents)
        if not prot:

        # extract the keyword args we need to create the object itself. If we get a callable,
        # call that to get the value (don't catch errors)
        create_kwargs = {}
        keyval = prot.pop("key", "Spawned Object %06i" % randint(1, 100000))
        create_kwargs["db_key"] = keyval() if callable(keyval) else keyval

        locval = prot.pop("location", None)
        create_kwargs["db_location"] = locval() if callable(locval) else _handle_dbref(locval)

        homval = prot.pop("home", settings.DEFAULT_HOME)
        create_kwargs["db_home"] = homval() if callable(homval) else _handle_dbref(homval)

        destval = prot.pop("destination", None)
        create_kwargs["db_destination"] = destval() if callable(destval) else _handle_dbref(destval)

        typval = prot.pop("typeclass", settings.BASE_OBJECT_TYPECLASS)
        create_kwargs["db_typeclass_path"] = typval() if callable(typval) else typval

        # extract calls to handlers
        permval = prot.pop("permissions", [])
        permission_string = permval() if callable(permval) else permval
        lockval = prot.pop("locks", "")
        lock_string = lockval() if callable(lockval) else lockval
        aliasval = prot.pop("aliases", "")
        alias_string = aliasval() if callable(aliasval) else aliasval
        tagval = prot.pop("tags", [])
        tags = tagval() if callable(tagval) else tagval
        attrval = prot.pop("attrs", [])
        attributes = attrval() if callable(tagval) else attrval

        exval = prot.pop("exec", "")
        execs = make_iter(exval() if callable(exval) else exval)

        # extract ndb assignments
        nattributes = dict((key.split("_", 1)[1], value() if callable(value) else value)
                           for key, value in prot.items() if key.startswith("ndb_"))

        # the rest are attributes
        simple_attributes = [(key, value()) if callable(value) else (key, value)
                             for key, value in prot.items() if not key.startswith("ndb_")]
        attributes = attributes + simple_attributes
        attributes = [tup for tup in attributes if not tup[0] in _CREATE_OBJECT_KWARGS]

        # pack for call into _batch_create_object
        objsparams.append((create_kwargs, permission_string, lock_string,
                           alias_string, nattributes, attributes, tags, execs))

    return _batch_create_object(*objsparams)
Esempio n. 10
def spawn(*prototypes, **kwargs):
    Spawn a number of prototyped objects.

        prototypes (dict): Each argument should be a prototype
        prototype_modules (str or list): A python-path to a prototype
            module, or a list of such paths. These will be used to build
            the global protparents dictionary accessible by the input
            prototypes. If not given, it will instead look for modules
            defined by settings.PROTOTYPE_MODULES.
        prototype_parents (dict): A dictionary holding a custom
            prototype-parent dictionary. Will overload same-named
            prototypes from prototype_modules.
        return_prototypes (bool): Only return a list of the
            prototype-parents (no object creation happens)


    protparents = {}
    protmodules = make_iter(kwargs.get("prototype_modules", []))
    if not protmodules and hasattr(settings, "PROTOTYPE_MODULES"):
        protmodules = make_iter(settings.PROTOTYPE_MODULES)
    for prototype_module in protmodules:
            dict((key, val)
                 for key, val in all_from_module(prototype_module).items()
                 if isinstance(val, dict)))
    # overload module's protparents with specifically given protparents
    protparents.update(kwargs.get("prototype_parents", {}))
    for key, prototype in protparents.items():
        _validate_prototype(key, prototype, protparents, [])

    if "return_prototypes" in kwargs:
        # only return the parents
        return copy.deepcopy(protparents)

    objsparams = []
    for prototype in prototypes:

        _validate_prototype(None, prototype, protparents, [])
        prot = _get_prototype(prototype, {}, protparents)
        if not prot:

        # extract the keyword args we need to create the object itself. If we get a callable,
        # call that to get the value (don't catch errors)
        create_kwargs = {}
        keyval = prot.pop("key", "Spawned Object %06i" % randint(1, 100000))
        create_kwargs["db_key"] = keyval() if callable(keyval) else keyval

        locval = prot.pop("location", None)
        create_kwargs["db_location"] = locval() if callable(
            locval) else _handle_dbref(locval)

        homval = prot.pop("home", settings.DEFAULT_HOME)
        create_kwargs["db_home"] = homval() if callable(
            homval) else _handle_dbref(homval)

        destval = prot.pop("destination", None)
        create_kwargs["db_destination"] = destval() if callable(
            destval) else _handle_dbref(destval)

        typval = prot.pop("typeclass", settings.BASE_OBJECT_TYPECLASS)
        create_kwargs["db_typeclass_path"] = typval() if callable(
            typval) else typval

        # extract calls to handlers
        permval = prot.pop("permissions", [])
        permission_string = permval() if callable(permval) else permval
        lockval = prot.pop("locks", "")
        lock_string = lockval() if callable(lockval) else lockval
        aliasval = prot.pop("aliases", "")
        alias_string = aliasval() if callable(aliasval) else aliasval
        tagval = prot.pop("tags", [])
        tags = tagval() if callable(tagval) else tagval
        attrval = prot.pop("attrs", [])
        attributes = attrval() if callable(tagval) else attrval

        exval = prot.pop("exec", "")
        execs = make_iter(exval() if callable(exval) else exval)

        # extract ndb assignments
        nattributes = dict(
            (key.split("_", 1)[1], value() if callable(value) else value)
            for key, value in prot.items() if key.startswith("ndb_"))

        # the rest are attributes
        simple_attributes = [(key, value()) if callable(value) else
                             (key, value) for key, value in prot.items()
                             if not key.startswith("ndb_")]
        attributes = attributes + simple_attributes
        attributes = [
            tup for tup in attributes if not tup[0] in _CREATE_OBJECT_KWARGS

        # pack for call into _batch_create_object
        objsparams.append((create_kwargs, permission_string, lock_string,
                           alias_string, nattributes, attributes, tags, execs))

    return _batch_create_object(*objsparams)
Esempio n. 11
        if key in reserved:
            homogenized[key] = val
            attrs.append((key, val, None, ''))
    if attrs:
        homogenized['attrs'] = attrs
    return homogenized

# module-based prototypes

for mod in settings.PROTOTYPE_MODULES:
    # to remove a default prototype, override it with an empty dict.
    # internally we store as (key, desc, locks, tags, prototype_dict)
    prots = [(prototype_key.lower(), homogenize_prototype(prot))
             for prototype_key, prot in all_from_module(mod).items()
             if prot and isinstance(prot, dict)]
    # assign module path to each prototype_key for easy reference
    _MODULE_PROTOTYPE_MODULES.update({prototype_key.lower(): mod for prototype_key, _ in prots})
    # make sure the prototype contains all meta info
    for prototype_key, prot in prots:
        actual_prot_key = prot.get('prototype_key', prototype_key).lower()
          "prototype_key": actual_prot_key,
          "prototype_desc": prot['prototype_desc'] if 'prototype_desc' in prot else mod,
          "prototype_locks": (prot['prototype_locks']
                              if 'prototype_locks' in prot else "use:all();edit:false()"),
          "prototype_tags": list(set(make_iter(prot.get('prototype_tags', [])) + ["module"]))})
        _MODULE_PROTOTYPES[actual_prot_key] = prot

Esempio n. 12
def spawn(*prototypes, **kwargs):
    Spawn a number of prototyped objects. Each argument should be a
    prototype dictionary.

    keyword args:
        prototype_modules - a python-path to a
            prototype module, or a list of such paths. These will be used
            to build the global protparents dictionary accessible by the
            input prototypes. If not given, it will instead look for modules
            defined by settings.PROTOTYPE_MODULES.
        prototype_parents - a dictionary holding a custom prototype-parent dictionary. Will
                      overload same-named prototypes from prototype_modules.
        return_prototypes - only return a list of the prototype-parents
                            (no object creation happens)

    protparents = {}
    protmodules = make_iter(kwargs.get("prototype_modules", []))
    if not protmodules and hasattr(settings, "PROTOTYPE_MODULES"):
        protmodules = make_iter(settings.PROTOTYPE_MODULES)
    for prototype_module in protmodules:
        protparents.update(dict((key, val)
                for key, val in all_from_module(prototype_module).items() if isinstance(val, dict)))
    #overload module's protparents with specifically given protparents
    protparents.update(kwargs.get("prototype_parents", {}))
    for key, prototype in protparents.items():
        _validate_prototype(key, prototype, protparents, [])

    if "return_prototypes" in kwargs:
        # only return the parents
        return copy.deepcopy(protparents)

    objsparams = []
    for prototype in prototypes:

        _validate_prototype(None, prototype, protparents, [])
        prot = _get_prototype(prototype, {}, protparents)
        if not prot:

        # extract the keyword args we need to create the object itself
        create_kwargs = {}
        create_kwargs["db_key"] = prot.pop("key", "Spawned Object %06i" % randint(1,100000))
        create_kwargs["db_location"] = _handle_dbref(prot.pop("location", None))
        create_kwargs["db_home"] = _handle_dbref(prot.pop("home", settings.DEFAULT_HOME))
        create_kwargs["db_destination"] = _handle_dbref(prot.pop("destination", None))
        create_kwargs["db_typeclass_path"] = prot.pop("typeclass", settings.BASE_OBJECT_TYPECLASS)

        # extract calls to handlers
        permission_string = prot.pop("permissions", "")
        lock_string = prot.pop("locks", "")
        alias_string = prot.pop("aliases", "")

        # extract ndb assignments
        nattributes = dict((key.split("_", 1)[1], value if callable(value) else value)
                            for key, value in prot.items() if key.startswith("ndb_"))

        # the rest are attributes
        attributes = dict((key, value() if callable(value) else value)
                           for key, value in prot.items()
                           if not (key in _CREATE_OBJECT_KWARGS or key in nattributes))

        # pack for call into _batch_create_object
        objsparams.append( (create_kwargs, permission_string, lock_string,
                            alias_string, nattributes, attributes) )

    return _batch_create_object(*objsparams)