Esempio n. 1
 def func(self):
         "## BEGIN INFO 1.1\nName: %s\nUptime: %s\nConnected: %d\nVersion: Evennia %s\n## END INFO"
         % (settings.SERVERNAME,
            SESSIONS.account_count(), utils.get_evennia_version()))
Esempio n. 2
    def _form_and_send_request(self):
        Build the request to send to the index.

        agent = Agent(reactor, pool=self._conn_pool)
        headers = {
            b"User-Agent": [b"Evennia Game Index Client"],
            b"Content-Type": [b"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"],
        egi_config = settings.GAME_INDEX_LISTING
        # We are using `or` statements below with dict.get() to avoid sending
        # stringified 'None' values to the server.
            values = {
                # Game listing stuff
                "game_name": egi_config.get("game_name", settings.SERVERNAME),
                "game_status": egi_config["game_status"],
                "game_website": egi_config.get("game_website", ""),
                "short_description": egi_config["short_description"],
                "long_description": egi_config.get("long_description", ""),
                "listing_contact": egi_config["listing_contact"],
                # How to play
                "telnet_hostname": egi_config.get("telnet_hostname", ""),
                "telnet_port": egi_config.get("telnet_port", ""),
                "web_client_url": egi_config.get("web_client_url", ""),
                # Game stats
                "connected_account_count": SESSIONS.account_count(),
                "total_account_count": AccountDB.objects.num_total_accounts()
                or 0,
                # System info
                "evennia_version": get_evennia_version(),
                "python_version": platform.python_version(),
                "django_version": django.get_version(),
                "server_platform": platform.platform(),
        except KeyError as err:
            raise KeyError(f"Error loading GAME_INDEX_LISTING: {err}")

        data = urllib.parse.urlencode(values)

        d = agent.request(
            bytes(self.report_url, "utf-8"),

        return d
Esempio n. 3
    def _form_and_send_request(self):
        Build the request to send to the index.

        agent = Agent(reactor, pool=self._conn_pool)
        headers = {
            b'User-Agent': [b'Evennia Game Index Client'],
            b'Content-Type': [b'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'],
        egi_config = settings.GAME_INDEX_LISTING
        # We are using `or` statements below with dict.get() to avoid sending
        # stringified 'None' values to the server.
            values = {
                # Game listing stuff
                'game_name': egi_config.get('game_name', settings.SERVERNAME),
                'game_status': egi_config['game_status'],
                'game_website': egi_config.get('game_website', ''),
                'short_description': egi_config['short_description'],
                'long_description': egi_config.get('long_description', ''),
                'listing_contact': egi_config['listing_contact'],

                # How to play
                'telnet_hostname': egi_config.get('telnet_hostname', ''),
                'telnet_port': egi_config.get('telnet_port', ''),
                'web_client_url': egi_config.get('web_client_url', ''),

                # Game stats
                'connected_account_count': SESSIONS.account_count(),
                'total_account_count': AccountDB.objects.num_total_accounts() or 0,

                # System info
                'evennia_version': get_evennia_version(),
                'python_version': platform.python_version(),
                'django_version': django.get_version(),
                'server_platform': platform.platform(),
        except KeyError as err:
            raise KeyError(f"Error loading GAME_INDEX_LISTING: {err}")

        data = urllib.parse.urlencode(values)

        d = agent.request(
            b'POST', bytes(self.report_url, 'utf-8'),

        return d
Esempio n. 4
    def func(self):
        """Show the connect screen."""
        connection_screen = """
         Welcome to |g{}|n, version {}!

         If you have an existing account, connect to it by typing:
              |wconnect <username> <password>|n
         If you need to create an account, type (without the <>'s):
              |wcreate <username> <password>|n

         If you have spaces in your username, enclose it in quotes.
         Enter |whelp|n for more info. |wlook|n will re-show this screen.
        |b==============================================================|n""" \
            .format(settings.SERVERNAME, utils.get_evennia_version())
Esempio n. 5
    def _form_and_send_request(self):
        agent = Agent(reactor, pool=self._conn_pool)
        headers = {
            'User-Agent': ['Evennia Game Directory Client'],
            'Content-Type': ['application/x-www-form-urlencoded'],
        gd_config = settings.GAME_DIRECTORY_LISTING
        # We are using `or` statements below with dict.get() to avoid sending
        # stringified 'None' values to the server.
        values = {
            # Game listing stuff
            'game_name': settings.SERVERNAME,
            'game_status': gd_config['game_status'],
            'game_website': gd_config.get('game_website') or '',
            'short_description': gd_config.get('short_description') or '',
            'long_description': gd_config.get('long_description') or '',
            'listing_contact': gd_config['listing_contact'],

            # How to play
            'telnet_hostname': gd_config.get('telnet_hostname') or '',
            'telnet_port': gd_config.get('telnet_port') or '',
            'web_client_url': gd_config.get('web_client_url') or '',

            # Game stats
            'connected_player_count': SESSIONS.player_count(),
            'total_player_count': PlayerDB.objects.num_total_players() or 0,

            # System info
            'evennia_version': get_evennia_version(),
            'python_version': platform.python_version(),
            'django_version': django.get_version(),
            'server_platform': platform.platform(),
        data = urllib.urlencode(values)

        d = agent.request('POST',

        return d
Esempio n. 6
    def _form_and_send_request(self):
        agent = Agent(reactor, pool=self._conn_pool)
        headers = {
            'User-Agent': ['Evennia Game Index Client'],
            'Content-Type': ['application/x-www-form-urlencoded'],
        egi_config = self._get_config_dict()
        # We are using `or` statements below with dict.get() to avoid sending
        # stringified 'None' values to the server.
        values = {
            # Game listing stuff
            'game_name': settings.SERVERNAME,
            'game_status': egi_config['game_status'],
            'game_website': egi_config.get('game_website') or '',
            'short_description': egi_config['short_description'],
            'long_description': egi_config.get('long_description') or '',
            'listing_contact': egi_config['listing_contact'],

            # How to play
            'telnet_hostname': egi_config.get('telnet_hostname') or '',
            'telnet_port': egi_config.get('telnet_port') or '',
            'web_client_url': egi_config.get('web_client_url') or '',

            # Game stats
            'connected_player_count': SESSIONS.player_count(),
            'total_player_count': PlayerDB.objects.num_total_players() or 0,

            # System info
            'evennia_version': get_evennia_version(),
            'python_version': platform.python_version(),
            'django_version': django.get_version(),
            'server_platform': platform.platform(),
        data = urllib.urlencode(values)

        d = agent.request(
            'POST', self.report_url,

        return d
Esempio n. 7
    def func(self):
        """Show the version"""

        string = """
         |cEvennia|n %s|n
         MUD/MUX/MU* development system
         |wLicence|n BSD 3-Clause Licence:
         |wIrc|n #evennia on FreeNode
         |wMaintainer|n (2010-)   Griatch (griatch AT gmail DOT com)
         |wMaintainer|n (2006-10) Greg Taylor
         |wOS|n %s
         |wPython|n %s
         |wTwisted|n %s
         |wDjango|n %s
        """ % (utils.get_evennia_version(),, sys.version.split()[0],
               twisted.version.short(), django.get_version())
Esempio n. 8
    def send_authenticate(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Send grapevine authentication. This should be send immediately upon connection.

        data = {
            "event": "authenticate",
            "payload": {
                "client_id": GRAPEVINE_CLIENT_ID,
                "client_secret": GRAPEVINE_CLIENT_SECRET,
                "supports": ["channels"],
                "channels": GRAPEVINE_CHANNELS,
                "version": "1.0.0",
                "user_agent": get_evennia_version("pretty"),
        # override on-the-fly

Esempio n. 9
    def func(self):
        """Show the version"""

        string = """
         |cEvennia|n %s|n
         MUD/MUX/MU* development system
         |wLicence|n BSD 3-Clause Licence:
         |wIrc|n #evennia on FreeNode
         |wMaintainer|n (2010-)   Griatch (griatch AT gmail DOT com)
         |wMaintainer|n (2006-10) Greg Taylor
         |wOS|n %s
         |wPython|n %s
         |wTwisted|n %s
         |wDjango|n %s
        """ % (utils.get_evennia_version(),
Esempio n. 10
  variable is given, Evennia will pick one of them at random.

The commands available to the user when the connection screen is shown
are defined in evennia.default_cmds.UnloggedinCmdSet. The parsing and display
of the screen is done by the unlogged-in "look" command.


from django.conf import settings
from evennia import utils

CONNECTION_SCREEN = """|113==============================================================================|n
                       Welcome to |113{}|n!
  If you have an existing account, connect to it by typing:
      |wconnect <username> <password>|n
  To join the game, create a new account by typing:
      |wcreate <username> <password>|n
    |yThis is generally your character name.|n
  To just visit us with a temporary account, connect to it by typing:
      |wconnect guest|n

               We are running on |gEvennia version {}|n 
                  and using |gKumaRPG version {}.|n

        If you have spaces in your username, enclose it in quotes.
     Enter |whelp|n for more info. |wlook|n will re-show this screen.
    settings.SERVERNAME, settings.GAME_SLOGAN,
    utils.get_evennia_version("short"), settings.KUMAVERS)
Esempio n. 11
Connection screen

Texts in this module will be shown to the user at login-time.

Evennia will look at global string variables (variables defined
at the "outermost" scope of this module and use it as the
connection screen. If there are more than one, Evennia will
randomize which one it displays.

The commands available to the user when the connection screen is shown
are defined in commands.default_cmdsets. UnloggedinCmdSet and the
screen is read and displayed by the unlogged-in "look" command.


from django.conf import settings
from evennia import utils

Bienvenue sur l'ancien
  __     __               _       __  __ _   _ ____
  \ \   / /_ _ _ __   ___(_) __ _|  \/  | | | |  _ \
   \ \ / / _` | '_ \ / __| |/ _` | |\/| | | | | | | |
    \ V / (_| | | | | (__| | (_| | |  | | |_| | |_| |
     \_/ \__,_|_| |_|\___|_|\__,_|_|  |_|\___/|____/

                                        Basé sur |gEvennia {}|n""" \
To change the login screen in this module, do one of the following:

- Define a function `connection_screen()`, taking no arguments. This will be
  called first and must return the full string to act as the connection screen.
  This can be used to produce more dynamic screens.
- Alternatively, define a string variable in the outermost scope of this module
  with the connection string that should be displayed. If more than one such
  variable is given, Evennia will pick one of them at random.

The commands available to the user when the connection screen is shown
are defined in evennia.default_cmds.UnloggedinCmdSet. The parsing and display
of the screen is done by the unlogged-in "look" command.


from django.conf import settings
from evennia import utils

 Welcome to |g{}|n, version {}!

 If you have an existing account, connect to it by typing:
      |wconnect <username> <password>|n
 If you need to create an account, type (without the <>'s):
      |wcreate <username> <password>|n

 Enter |whelp|n for more info. |wlook|n will re-show this screen.
    settings.SERVERNAME, utils.get_evennia_version("short"))
Evennia will look at global string variables (variables defined
at the "outermost" scope of this module and use it as the
connection screen. If there are more than one, Evennia will
randomize which one it displays.

The commands available to the user when the connection screen is shown
are defined in commands.default_cmdsets.UnloggedinCmdSet and the
screen is read and displayed by the unlogged-in "look" command.


from django.conf import settings
from evennia import utils

           Neighvada Nights v0.0.2A
          This game is STRICTLY 18+.
 If you are under the age of 18, disconnect immediately.

If you have an existing account, connect to it by typing:
      {wconnect <username> <password>{n
 If you need to create an account, type (without the <>'s):
      {wcreate <username> <password>{n

 If you have spaces in your username, enclose it in quotes.
 Enter {whelp{n for more info. {wlook{n will re-show this screen.
 We are running Evennia version %s.
{b=============================================================={n""" \
 % (utils.get_evennia_version())
Esempio n. 14
    def audit(self, **kwargs):
        Extracts messages and system data from a Session object upon message
        send or receive.

            src (str): Source of data; 'client' or 'server'. Indicates direction.
            text (str or list): Client sends messages to server in the form of
                lists. Server sends messages to client as string.

            log (dict): Dictionary object containing parsed system and user data
                related to this message.

        # Get time at start of processing
        time_obj =
        time_str = str(time_obj)

        session = self
        src = kwargs.pop('src', '?')
        bytecount = 0

        # Do not log empty lines
        if not kwargs:
            return {}

        # Get current session's IP address
        client_ip = session.address

        # Capture Account name and dbref together
        account = session.get_account()
        account_token = ''
        if account:
            account_token = '%s%s' % (account.key, account.dbref)

        # Capture Character name and dbref together
        char = session.get_puppet()
        char_token = ''
        if char:
            char_token = '%s%s' % (char.key, char.dbref)

        # Capture Room name and dbref together
        room = None
        room_token = ''
        if char:
            room = char.location
            room_token = '%s%s' % (room.key, room.dbref)

        # Try to compile an input/output string
        def drill(obj, bucket):
            if isinstance(obj, dict):
                return bucket
            elif utils.is_iter(obj):
                for sub_obj in obj:
                    bucket.extend(drill(sub_obj, []))
            return bucket

        text = kwargs.pop('text', '')
        if utils.is_iter(text):
            text = '|'.join(drill(text, []))

        # Mask any PII in message, where possible
        bytecount = len(text.encode('utf-8'))
        text = self.mask(text)

        # Compile the IP, Account, Character, Room, and the message.
        log = {
            'time': time_str,
            'hostname': socket.getfqdn(),
            'application': '%s' % ev_settings.SERVERNAME,
            'version': get_evennia_version(),
            'pid': os.getpid(),
            'direction': 'SND' if src == 'server' else 'RCV',
            'protocol': self.protocol_key,
            'ip': client_ip,
            'session': 'session#%s' % self.sessid,
            'account': account_token,
            'character': char_token,
            'room': room_token,
            'text': text.strip(),
            'bytes': bytecount,
            'data': kwargs,
            'objects': {
                'time': time_obj,
                'session': self,
                'account': account,
                'character': char,
                'room': room,

        # Remove any keys with blank values
        if AUDIT_ALLOW_SPARSE is False:
            log['data'] = {k: v for k, v in log['data'].items() if v}
            log['objects'] = {k: v for k, v in log['objects'].items() if v}
            log = {k: v for k, v in log.items() if v}

        return log
Esempio n. 15
from django.conf import settings
from evennia import utils

CONNECTION_PARTS = { 'default': """
 Welcome to |g{}|n, version {}!

 If you have an existing account, connect to it by typing:
      |wconnect <username> <password>|n
 If you need to create an account, type (without the <>'s):
      |wcreate <username> <password>|n

 If you have spaces in your username, enclose it in quotes.
 Enter |whelp|n for more info. |wlook|n will re-show this screen.
|b==============================================================|n""" \
    .format(settings.SERVERNAME, utils.get_evennia_version()),
    'custom_divider': """                       - .... .    ..-. --- -..- .... --- .-.. . """,
    'login_instructions_long': """ If you have an existing account, connect to it by typing:
      |wconnect <username> <password>|n
 If you need to create an account, type (without the <>'s):
      |wcreate <username> <password>|n""",
    'login_footer': """ Please do not include spaces in your username.
 Enter |whelp|n for login info or |wlook|n to show this again.""",
    'border_heavy': """|b==============================================================|n""",
    'border_light': """|b--------------------------------------------------------------|n""",
    'version_footer': """                       server {} - game {}|n""" \
 .format(utils.get_evennia_version(), 'tbd'),

Esempio n. 16
Evennia will look at global string variables (variables defined
at the "outermost" scope of this module and use it as the
connection screen. If there are more than one, Evennia will
randomize which one it displays.

The commands available to the user when the connection screen is shown
are defined in commands.default_cmdsets.UnloggedinCmdSet and the
screen is read and displayed by the unlogged-in "look" command.


from django.conf import settings
from evennia import utils

 Welcome to the demo install of Evennia - |g%s|n,
 currently running version %s!

 This demo instance may reset without warning, in which case
 you will have to recreate your account.

 If you have an existing account, connect to it by typing:
      |wconnect <username> <password>|n
 If you need to create an account, type (without the <>'s):
      |wcreate <username> <password>|n

 Enter |whelp|n for more info. |wlook|n will re-show this screen.
|b==============================================================|n""" \
 % (settings.SERVERNAME, utils.get_evennia_version())
Esempio n. 17
    def audit(self, **kwargs):
        Extracts messages and system data from a Session object upon message
        send or receive.

            src (str): Source of data; 'client' or 'server'. Indicates direction.
            text (str or list): Client sends messages to server in the form of
                lists. Server sends messages to client as string.

            log (dict): Dictionary object containing parsed system and user data
                related to this message.

        # Get time at start of processing
        time_obj =
        time_str = str(time_obj)

        session = self
        src = kwargs.pop('src', '?')
        bytecount = 0

        # Do not log empty lines
        if not kwargs:
            return {}

        # Get current session's IP address
        client_ip = session.address

        # Capture Account name and dbref together
        account = session.get_account()
        account_token = ''
        if account:
            account_token = '%s%s' % (account.key, account.dbref)

        # Capture Character name and dbref together
        char = session.get_puppet()
        char_token = ''
        if char:
            char_token = '%s%s' % (char.key, char.dbref)

        # Capture Room name and dbref together
        room = None
        room_token = ''
        if char:
            room = char.location
            room_token = '%s%s' % (room.key, room.dbref)

        # Try to compile an input/output string
        def drill(obj, bucket):
            if isinstance(obj, dict):
                return bucket
            elif utils.is_iter(obj):
                for sub_obj in obj:
                    bucket.extend(drill(sub_obj, []))
            return bucket

        text = kwargs.pop('text', '')
        if utils.is_iter(text):
            text = '|'.join(drill(text, []))

        # Mask any PII in message, where possible
        bytecount = len(text.encode('utf-8'))
        text = self.mask(text)

        # Compile the IP, Account, Character, Room, and the message.
        log = {
            'time': time_str,
            'hostname': socket.getfqdn(),
            'application': '%s' % ev_settings.SERVERNAME,
            'version': get_evennia_version(),
            'pid': os.getpid(),
            'direction': 'SND' if src == 'server' else 'RCV',
            'protocol': self.protocol_key,
            'ip': client_ip,
            'session': 'session#%s' % self.sessid,
            'account': account_token,
            'character': char_token,
            'room': room_token,
            'text': text.strip(),
            'bytes': bytecount,
            'data': kwargs,
            'objects': {
                'time': time_obj,
                'session': self,
                'account': account,
                'character': char,
                'room': room,

        # Remove any keys with blank values
        if AUDIT_ALLOW_SPARSE is False:
            log['data'] = {k: v for k, v in log['data'].iteritems() if v}
            log['objects'] = {k: v for k, v in log['objects'].iteritems() if v}
            log = {k: v for k, v in log.iteritems() if v}

        return log
Esempio n. 18
    def audit(self, **kwargs):
        Extracts messages and system data from a Session object upon message
        send or receive.

            src (str): Source of data; 'client' or 'server'. Indicates direction.
            text (str or list): Client sends messages to server in the form of
                lists. Server sends messages to client as string.

            log (dict): Dictionary object containing parsed system and user data
                related to this message.

        # Get time at start of processing
        time_obj =
        time_str = str(time_obj)

        session = self
        src = kwargs.pop("src", "?")
        bytecount = 0

        # Do not log empty lines
        if not kwargs:
            return {}

        # Get current session's IP address
        client_ip = session.address

        # Capture Account name and dbref together
        account = session.get_account()
        account_token = ""
        if account:
            account_token = "%s%s" % (account.key, account.dbref)

        # Capture Character name and dbref together
        char = session.get_puppet()
        char_token = ""
        if char:
            char_token = "%s%s" % (char.key, char.dbref)

        # Capture Room name and dbref together
        room = None
        room_token = ""
        if char:
            room = char.location
            room_token = "%s%s" % (room.key, room.dbref)

        # Try to compile an input/output string
        def drill(obj, bucket):
            if isinstance(obj, dict):
                return bucket
            elif utils.is_iter(obj):
                for sub_obj in obj:
                    bucket.extend(drill(sub_obj, []))
            return bucket

        text = kwargs.pop("text", "")
        if utils.is_iter(text):
            text = "|".join(drill(text, []))

        # Mask any PII in message, where possible
        bytecount = len(text.encode("utf-8"))
        text = self.mask(text)

        # Compile the IP, Account, Character, Room, and the message.
        log = {
            "time": time_str,
            "hostname": socket.getfqdn(),
            "application": "%s" % ev_settings.SERVERNAME,
            "version": get_evennia_version(),
            "pid": os.getpid(),
            "direction": "SND" if src == "server" else "RCV",
            "protocol": self.protocol_key,
            "ip": client_ip,
            "session": "session#%s" % self.sessid,
            "account": account_token,
            "character": char_token,
            "room": room_token,
            "text": text.strip(),
            "bytes": bytecount,
            "data": kwargs,
            "objects": {
                "time": time_obj,
                "session": self,
                "account": account,
                "character": char,
                "room": room,

        # Remove any keys with blank values
        if AUDIT_ALLOW_SPARSE is False:
            log["data"] = {k: v for k, v in log["data"].items() if v}
            log["objects"] = {k: v for k, v in log["objects"].items() if v}
            log = {k: v for k, v in log.items() if v}

        return log
Esempio n. 19
Texts in this module will be shown to the user at login-time.

Evennia will look at global string variables (variables defined
at the "outermost" scope of this module and use it as the
connection screen. If there are more than one, Evennia will
randomize which one it displays.

The commands available to the user when the connection screen is shown
are defined in commands.default_cmdsets.UnloggedinCmdSet and the
screen is read and displayed by the unlogged-in "look" command.


from django.conf import settings
from evennia import utils

r"""Welcome to

          /' /
       ,/'  /.     ,   ____     ,____     ____ .   . ,   ,
      /`--,/ |    /  /'    )   /'    )  /'    )|   |/   /
    /'    /  |  /' /(___,/'  /'    /' /(___,/' |  /|  /'
(,/'     (_,_|/(__(________/'    /(__(_________|/' |/(__

|gAvenew One|n, built on Evennia %s!""" \
 % (utils.get_evennia_version())
Esempio n. 20
connection screen. If there are more than one, Evennia will
randomize which one it displays.

The commands available to the user when the connection screen is shown
are defined in commands.default_cmdsets.UnloggedinCmdSet and the
screen is read and displayed by the unlogged-in "look" command.


from django.conf import settings
from evennia import utils

 Welcome to the demo install of Evennia |g%s|n,
 currently running version %s!
 (generously hosted by Jarin at - Thanks!)

 This demo instance may reset without warning, in which case
 you will have to recreate your account.

 If you have an existing account, connect to it by typing:
      |wconnect <username> <password>|n
 If you need to create an account, type (without the <>'s):
      |wcreate <username> <password>|n

 If you have spaces in your username, enclose it in quotes.
 Enter |whelp|n for more info. |wlook|n will re-show this screen.
|b==============================================================|n""" \
 % (settings.SERVERNAME, utils.get_evennia_version())
Esempio n. 21
 Welcome to the test install of {gEvennia{n
 currently running version %s
 (generously hosted by Puciek - Thanks!)

 This demo instance may reset without warning, in which case
 you will have to recreate your account.

 If you have an existing account, connect to it by typing:
      {wconnect <username> <password>{n
 To create a new account, type (without the <>'s):
      {wcreate <username> <password>{n

 If you have spaces in your username, enclose it in quotes.
 Enter {whelp{n for more info. {wlook{n will re-show this screen.
{b=============================================================={n""" % utils.get_evennia_version()

# # Mux-like alternative screen for contrib/

# """{b=============================================================={n
# Welcome to {gEvennia{n, version %s!
# If you have an existing account, connect to it by typing:
#      {wconnect <email> <password>{n
# If you need to create an account, type (without the <>'s):
#      {wcreate \"<username>\" <email> <password>{n
# Enter {whelp{n for more info. {wlook{n will re-load this screen.
#{b=============================================================={n""" % utils.get_evennia_version()