def thumb_range(auth_key, event, t0, t1, num, off):
    num = int(num)
    off = int(off)
    if not (0 < num <= 16):
    if not (0 <= off < num):
    t0f = float(t0)
    t1f = float(t1)
    rows = EVENT_ROWS[event]
    times = EVENT_ROW_TIMES[event]
    # Left: >= time Right: <= time
    i, j = get_row_bounds(times, t0f, t1f)
    print((i, j))
    if i != len(times) and j:
        rows = rows[i:j - 1]
        skip = 1
        if len(rows) > num:
            skip = len(rows) / num
        bottle.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/jpeg'
        bottle.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=2592000'
        return CLIENT.get_row('images',
                              rows[off * skip],
def extract_data():
    global event_sensor_values
    for d in [DATA['movement']]:  # DATA['scene']
        cm = {x: {y: 0 for y in d.keys()} for x in d.keys()}  # [true][pred]
        for class_name, slices in d.items():
            for s in slices:
                event = s['event']
                row_start, row_stop = get_row_bounds(EVENT_ROW_TIMES[event], s['start'], s['stop'])
                times = EVENT_ROW_TIMES[event][row_start:row_stop]
                for _, _, cn in classify_slice(EVENT_ROWS[event][row_start:row_stop], ROW_COLUMNS, times[0], times[-1]):
                    # TODO: Need to fix for other types
                    c = CLASSES['locomotion'][cn['locomotion']]
                    print((class_name, c))
                    cm[class_name][c] += 1
def extract_data():
    global event_sensor_values
    for d in [DATA['movement']]:  # DATA['scene']
        cm = {x: {y: 0 for y in d.keys()} for x in d.keys()}  # [true][pred]
        for class_name, slices in d.items():
            for s in slices:
                event = s['event']
                row_start, row_stop = get_row_bounds(EVENT_ROW_TIMES[event],
                                                     s['start'], s['stop'])
                times = EVENT_ROW_TIMES[event][row_start:row_stop]
                for _, _, cn in classify_slice(
                        EVENT_ROWS[event][row_start:row_stop], ROW_COLUMNS,
                        times[0], times[-1]):
                    # TODO: Need to fix for other types
                    c = CLASSES['locomotion'][cn['locomotion']]
                    print((class_name, c))
                    cm[class_name][c] += 1
Esempio n. 4
def thumb_range(auth_key, event, t0, t1, num, off):
    num = int(num)
    off = int(off)
    if not (0 < num <= 16):
    if not (0 <= off < num):
    t0f = float(t0)
    t1f = float(t1)
    rows = EVENT_ROWS[event]
    times = EVENT_ROW_TIMES[event]
    # Left: >= time Right: <= time
    i, j = get_row_bounds(times, t0f, t1f)
    if i != len(times) and j:
        rows = rows[i:j - 1]
        skip = 1
        if len(rows) > num:
            skip = len(rows) / num
        bottle.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/jpeg'
        bottle.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=2592000'
        return CLIENT.get_row('images', rows[off * skip], columns=[THUMB_COLUMN])[THUMB_COLUMN]