Esempio n. 1
def load_transform_json(json_path):
    load a transformation stored in xyz + quaternion format in a .json file
    :param json_path: path to the .json file
    :return: t (SE(3) matrix), xyz (position), quat (orientation quaternion)
    import evo.core.lie_algebra as lie
    import evo.core.transformations as tr
    with open(json_path, 'r') as tf_file:
        data = json.load(tf_file)
        keys = ("x", "y", "z", "qx", "qy", "qz", "qw")
        if not all(key in data for key in keys):
            raise FileInterfaceException(
                "invalid transform file - expected keys " + str(keys))
        xyz = np.array([data["x"], data["y"], data["z"]])
        quat = np.array([data["qw"], data["qx"], data["qy"], data["qz"]])
        t = lie.se3(lie.so3_from_se3(tr.quaternion_matrix(quat)), xyz)
        return t, xyz, quat
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, p_file, cfg, imf=None, mx=None):
        if p_file is not None:
            with open(p_file, 'rb') as fp:
                d = pickle.load(fp, encoding='latin1')
                self.images = d[0]
                self.matches = d[1]
                self.poses = d[2]
                print("Total data {} {} from {}".format(
                    len(self.images), len(self.matches), p_file))
                nt = 0
                for m in self.matches:
                    nt += len(self.matches[m])
                self.nt = nt
            with open(os.path.join(HOME, imf), 'rb') as fp:
                A = pickle.load(fp)
       = A[0]
                # = pickle.load(fp)
                self.id_list = A[1]
        self.cfg = cfg
        # nt = 0
        # for ids in self.matches:
        #     for mm in self.matches[ids]:
        #         if ids[0]==1 and mm[3][0]<100:
        #             print(ids, mm)
        #         if ids[1]==1 and mm[3][1]<100:
        #             print(ids, mm)

        for id in self.images:
            img = self.images[id]
            # pose = self.poses[id]
            # Q = etr.quaternion_matrix(img[0])
            self.poses[id].Q4 = etr.quaternion_matrix(img[0])
            self.poses[id].Q4[:3, 3] = img[1]
            self.poses[id].Q4 = np.linalg.inv(self.poses[id].Q4)
            # print(self.poses[id].Q4)
        self.out = None
Esempio n. 3
def xyz_quat_wxyz_to_se3_poses(xyz, quat):
    poses = [
        lie.se3(lie.so3_from_se3(tr.quaternion_matrix(quat)), xyz)
        for quat, xyz in zip(quat, xyz)
    return poses
Esempio n. 4
 def q_to_m(q):
     A = tr.quaternion_matrix(q)
     return A
Esempio n. 5
def xyz_quat_wxyz_to_se3_poses(xyz, quat):
    poses = [lie.se3(lie.so3_from_se3(tr.quaternion_matrix(quat)), xyz)
             for quat, xyz in zip(quat, xyz)]
    return poses
Esempio n. 6
def get_gt_rel_pose(gt_df, match_ts, query_ts, to_scale=True):
    """Returns the relative pose from match to query for given timestamps.
        gt_df: A pandas.DataFrame object with timestamps as indices containing, at a minimum,
            columns representing the xyz position and wxyz quaternion-rotation at each
            timestamp, corresponding to the absolute pose at that time.
        match_ts: An integer representing the match frame timestamp.
        query_ts: An integer representing the query frame timestamp.
        to_scale: A boolean. If set to False, relative poses will have their translation
            part normalized.
        A 4x4 numpy array representing the relative pose from match to query frame.
    w_T_bmatch = None
    w_T_bquery = None

        closest_ts = closest_num(gt_df.index, match_ts)
        if closest_ts != match_ts:
            #             print("using closest match for timestamps")

        w_t_bmatch = np.array(
            [[closest_ts, idx] for idx in ["x", "y", "z"]])
        w_q_bmatch = np.array(
            [[closest_ts, idx] for idx in ["qw", "qx", "qy", "qz"]])
        w_T_bmatch = transformations.quaternion_matrix(w_q_bmatch)
        w_T_bmatch[:3, 3] = w_t_bmatch
            "Failed to convert an abs pose to a rel pose. Timestamp ",
            " is not available in ground truth df.",
        return None

        closest_ts = closest_num(gt_df.index, query_ts)
        if closest_ts != query_ts:
            #             print("using closest match for timestamps")

        w_t_bquery = np.array(
            [[closest_ts, idx] for idx in ["x", "y", "z"]])
        w_q_bquery = np.array(
            [[closest_ts, idx] for idx in ["qw", "qx", "qy", "qz"]])
        w_T_bquery = transformations.quaternion_matrix(w_q_bquery)
        w_T_bquery[:3, 3] = w_t_bquery
            "Failed to convert an abs pose to a rel pose. Timestamp ",
            " is not available in ground truth df.",
        return None

    bmatch_T_bquery = lie.relative_se3(w_T_bmatch, w_T_bquery)
    bmatch_t_bquery = bmatch_T_bquery[:3, 3]

    if not to_scale:
        norm = np.linalg.norm(bmatch_t_bquery)
        if norm > 1e-6:
            bmatch_t_bquery = bmatch_t_bquery / np.linalg.norm(bmatch_t_bquery)

    bmatch_T_bquery[:3, 3] = bmatch_t_bquery

    return bmatch_T_bquery
Esempio n. 7
 def Matrix4(self):
     data = np.array([self.w, self.x, self.y, self.z])
     return quaternion_matrix(data)