Esempio n. 1
async def haunt(cmd):
	time_now = int(time.time())
	response = ""
	resp_cont = ewutils.EwResponseContainer(id_server =

	if cmd.mentions_count > 1:
		response = "You can only spook one person at a time. Who do you think you are, the Lord of Ghosts?"
		haunted_data = None
		member = None
		if cmd.mentions_count == 0 and cmd.tokens_count > 1:
			server = cmd.guild
			member = server.get_member(ewutils.getIntToken(cmd.tokens))
			haunted_data = EwUser(member = member)
		elif cmd.mentions_count == 1:
			member = cmd.mentions[0]
			haunted_data = EwUser(member = member)
		if member:
			# Get the user and target data from the database.
			user_data = EwUser(member =
			market_data = EwMarket(id_server =
			target_mutations = haunted_data.get_mutations()
			target_poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(haunted_data.poi)
			target_is_shambler = haunted_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_shambler
			target_is_inhabitted = haunted_data.id_user == user_data.get_inhabitee()

			if user_data.life_state != ewcfg.life_state_corpse:
				# Only dead players can haunt.
				response = "You can't haunt now. Try {}.".format(ewcfg.cmd_suicide)
			elif haunted_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_kingpin:
				# Disallow haunting of generals.
				response = "He is too far from the sewers in his ivory tower, and thus cannot be haunted."
			elif (time_now - user_data.time_lasthaunt) < ewcfg.cd_haunt:
				# Disallow haunting if the user has haunted too recently.
				response = "You're being a little TOO spooky lately, don't you think? Try again in {} seconds.".format(int(ewcfg.cd_haunt-(time_now-user_data.time_lasthaunt)))
			elif ewutils.channel_name_is_poi( == False:
				response = "You can't commit violence from here."
			elif target_poi.pvp == False:
			#Require the target to be in a PvP area, and flagged if it's a remote haunt
				response = "{} is not mired in the ENDLESS WAR right now.".format(member.display_name)
			elif haunted_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_corpse:
				# Dead players can't be haunted.
				response = "{} is already dead.".format(member.display_name)
			elif haunted_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_grandfoe:
				# Grand foes can't be haunted.
				response = "{} is invulnerable to ghosts.".format(member.display_name)
			elif haunted_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_enlisted or haunted_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_juvenile or haunted_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_shambler:
				haunt_power_multiplier = 1

				# power to the ancients
				ghost_age = time_now - user_data.time_lastdeath
				if ghost_age > 60 * 60 * 24 * 7: # dead for longer than
					if ghost_age > 60 * 60 * 24 * 365: # one friggin year
						haunt_power_multiplier *= 2.5
					if ghost_age > 60 * 60 * 24 * 90: # three months
						haunt_power_multiplier *= 2
					elif ghost_age > 60 * 60 * 24 * 30: # one month
						haunt_power_multiplier *= 1.5
					else: # one week
						haunt_power_multiplier *= 1.25

				# vitriol as virtue
				list_ids = []
				for quadrant in ewcfg.quadrant_ids:
					quadrant_data = ewquadrants.EwQuadrant(,, quadrant=quadrant)
					if quadrant_data.id_target != -1 and quadrant_data.check_if_onesided() is False:
					if quadrant_data.id_target2 != -1 and quadrant_data.check_if_onesided() is False:
				if haunted_data.id_user in list_ids: # any mutual quadrants
					haunt_power_multiplier *= 1.2
				if haunted_data.faction and ((not user_data.faction) or (user_data.faction != haunted_data.faction)): # opposite faction (or no faction at all)
					haunt_power_multiplier *= 1.2
				if user_data.id_killer == haunted_data.id_user: # haunting your murderer/buster
					haunt_power_multiplier *= 1.2

				# places of power.
				if haunted_data.poi in [ewcfg.poi_id_thevoid, ewcfg.poi_id_wafflehouse, ewcfg.poi_id_blackpond]:
					haunt_power_multiplier *= 2
				elif haunted_data.poi in ewmap.get_void_connection_pois(
					haunt_power_multiplier *= 1.25

				# glory to the vanquished
				target_kills = ewstats.get_stat(user = haunted_data, metric = ewcfg.stat_kills)
				if target_kills > 5:
					haunt_power_multiplier *= 1.25 + ((target_kills - 5) / 100) # 1% per kill after 5
					haunt_power_multiplier *= 1 + (target_kills * 5 / 100) # 5% per kill
				if time_now - haunted_data.time_lastkill < (60 * 15):
					haunt_power_multiplier *= 1.5 # wet hands

				# misc
				if ewcfg.weather_map.get( == ewcfg.weather_foggy:
					haunt_power_multiplier *= 1.1
				if not haunted_data.has_soul:
					haunt_power_multiplier *= 1.2
				# uncomment this after moon mechanics update
				# if ( % 31 == 15 and market_data.clock >= 20) or ( % 31 == 16 and market_data.clock <= 6):
				# 	haunt_power_multiplier *= 2

				# divide haunt power by 2 if not in same area
				if user_data.poi != haunted_data.poi:
					haunt_power_multiplier /= 2

				# Double Halloween
				#haunt_power_multiplier *= 4

				haunted_slimes = int((haunted_data.slimes / ewcfg.slimes_hauntratio) * haunt_power_multiplier)
				slimes_lost = int(haunted_slimes / 5) # hauntee only loses 1/5th of what the ghost gets as antislime

				if ewcfg.mutation_id_coleblooded in target_mutations:
					haunted_slimes = -10000
					if user_data.slimes > haunted_slimes:
						haunted_slimes = user_data.slimes

				haunted_data.change_slimes(n = -slimes_lost, source = ewcfg.source_haunted)
				user_data.change_slimes(n = -haunted_slimes, source = ewcfg.source_haunter)
				market_data.negaslime -= haunted_slimes

				user_data.time_lasthaunt = time_now
				user_data.busted = False
				# Persist changes to the database.

				response = "{} has been haunted by the ghost of {}! Slime has been lost! {} antislime congeals within you.".format(member.display_name,, haunted_slimes)
				if ewcfg.mutation_id_coleblooded in target_mutations:
					response = "{} has been haunted by the ghost of {}! Their exorcising coleslaw blood purges {} antislime from your being! Better not do that again.".format(member.display_name,, -haunted_slimes)

				haunted_channel = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(haunted_data.poi).channel
				haunt_message = "You feel a cold shiver run down your spine"
				if cmd.tokens_count > 2:
					haunt_message_content = re.sub("<.+>" if cmd.mentions_count == 1 else "\d{17,}", "", cmd.message.content[(len(cmd.tokens[0])):]).strip()
					# Cut down really big messages so discord doesn't crash
					if len(haunt_message_content) > 500:
						haunt_message_content = haunt_message_content[:-500]
					haunt_message += " and faintly hear the words \"{}\"".format(haunt_message_content)
				haunt_message += ". {} slime evaporates from your body.".format(slimes_lost)
				if ewcfg.mutation_id_coleblooded in target_mutations:
					haunt_message += " The ghost that did it wails in agony as their ectoplasm boils in your coleslaw blood!"

				haunt_message = ewutils.formatMessage(member, haunt_message)
				resp_cont.add_channel_response(haunted_channel, haunt_message)
			# No mentions, or mentions we didn't understand.
			response = "Your spookiness is appreciated, but ENDLESS WAR didn\'t understand that name."

	# Send the response to the player.
	resp_cont.add_channel_response(, response)
Esempio n. 2
async def haunt(cmd):
    time_now = int(time.time())
    response = ""
    resp_cont = ewutils.EwResponseContainer(

    if cmd.mentions_count > 1:
        response = "You can only spook one person at a time. Who do you think you are, the Lord of Ghosts?"
    elif cmd.mentions_count == 1:
        # Get the user and target data from the database.
        user_data = EwUser(

        member = cmd.mentions[0]
        haunted_data = EwUser(member=member)
        market_data = EwMarket(
        target_isshambler = haunted_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_shambler

        if user_data.life_state != ewcfg.life_state_corpse:
            # Only dead players can haunt.
            response = "You can't haunt now. Try {}.".format(ewcfg.cmd_suicide)
        elif haunted_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_kingpin:
            # Disallow haunting of generals.
            response = "He is too far from the sewers in his ivory tower, and thus cannot be haunted."
        elif (time_now - user_data.time_lasthaunt) < ewcfg.cd_haunt:
            # Disallow haunting if the user has haunted too recently.
            response = "You're being a little TOO spooky lately, don't you think? Try again in {} seconds.".format(
                int(ewcfg.cd_haunt - (time_now - user_data.time_lasthaunt)))
        elif ewmap.channel_name_is_poi( == False:
            response = "You can't commit violence from here."
        elif time_now > haunted_data.time_expirpvp and not target_isshambler:
            # Require the target to be flagged for PvP
            response = "{} is not mired in the ENDLESS WAR right now.".format(
        elif haunted_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_corpse:
            # Dead players can't be haunted.
            response = "{} is already dead.".format(member.display_name)
        elif haunted_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_grandfoe:
            # Grand foes can't be haunted.
            response = "{} is invulnerable to ghosts.".format(
        elif haunted_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_enlisted or haunted_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_juvenile or haunted_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_shambler:
            # Target can be haunted by the player.
            haunted_slimes = int(haunted_data.slimes / ewcfg.slimes_hauntratio)
            # if user_data.poi == haunted_data.poi:  # when haunting someone face to face, there is no cap and you get double the amount
            # 	haunted_slimes *= 2
            if haunted_slimes > ewcfg.slimes_hauntmax:
                haunted_slimes = ewcfg.slimes_hauntmax

            #if -user_data.slimes < haunted_slimes:  # cap on for how much you can haunt
            #	haunted_slimes = -user_data.slimes

            market_data.negaslime -= haunted_slimes
            user_data.time_lasthaunt = time_now
            user_data.busted = False

            user_data.time_expirpvp = ewutils.calculatePvpTimer(
                (int(time.time()) + ewcfg.time_pvp_attack))
            # Persist changes to the database.

            response = "{} has been haunted by the ghost of {}! Slime has been lost!".format(

            haunted_channel = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(haunted_data.poi).channel
            haunt_message = "You feel a cold shiver run down your spine"
            if cmd.tokens_count > 2:
                haunt_message_content = re.sub(
                    "<.+>", "",
                # Cut down really big messages so discord doesn't crash
                if len(haunt_message_content) > 500:
                    haunt_message_content = haunt_message_content[:-500]
                haunt_message += " and faintly hear the words \"{}\"".format(
            haunt_message += "."
            haunt_message = ewutils.formatMessage(member, haunt_message)
            resp_cont.add_channel_response(haunted_channel, haunt_message)
            # Some condition we didn't think of.
            response = "You cannot haunt {}.".format(member.display_name)
        # No mentions, or mentions we didn't understand.
        response = "Your spookiness is appreciated, but ENDLESS WAR didn\'t understand that name."

    # Send the response to the player.
    resp_cont.add_channel_response(, response)
Esempio n. 3
async def revive(cmd):
	time_now = int(time.time())
	response = ""

	if != ewcfg.channel_endlesswar and != ewcfg.channel_sewers:
		response = "Come to me. I hunger. #{}.".format(ewcfg.channel_sewers)
		player_data = EwUser(member =
		slimeoid = EwSlimeoid(member =

		if player_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_corpse:
			market_data = EwMarket(id_server =

			# Endless War collects his fee.
			fee = (player_data.slimecredit / 10)
			player_data.change_slimecredit(n = -fee, coinsource = ewcfg.coinsource_revival)
			market_data.slimes_revivefee += fee
			player_data.busted = False
			# Preserve negaslime
			if player_data.slimes < 0:
				market_data.negaslime += player_data.slimes
				player_data.change_slimes(n = -player_data.slimes) # set to 0

			# Give player some initial slimes.
			player_data.slimelevel = 0
			player_data.change_slimes(n = ewcfg.slimes_onrevive)

			# Set time of last revive. This used to provied spawn protection, but currently isn't used.
			player_data.time_lastrevive = time_now

			# Set life state. This is what determines whether the player is actually alive.
			player_data.life_state = ewcfg.life_state_juvenile

			# Get the player out of the sewers. Will be endless-war eventually.
			player_data.poi = ewcfg.poi_id_downtown


			# Give some slimes to every living player (currently online)
			for member in cmd.message.server.members:
				if != and !=
					member_data = EwUser(member = member)

					if member_data.life_state != ewcfg.life_state_corpse and member_data.life_state != ewcfg.life_state_grandfoe:
						member_data.change_slimes(n = ewcfg.slimes_onrevive_everyone)

			await ewrolemgr.updateRoles(client = cmd.client, member =

			response = '{slime4} A geyser of fresh slime erupts, showering Rowdy, Killer, and Juvenile alike. {slime4} {name} has been reborn in slime. {slime4}'.format(slime4 = ewcfg.emote_slime4, name =
			response = 'You\'re not dead just yet.'

	#	deathreport = "You were {} by {}. {}".format(kill_descriptor,, ewcfg.emote_slimeskull)
	#	deathreport = "{} ".format(ewcfg.emote_slimeskull) + ewutils.formatMessage(member, deathreport)

		if slimeoid.life_state == ewcfg.slimeoid_state_active:
			reunite = ""
			brain = ewcfg.brain_map.get(
			reunite += brain.str_revive.format(
			slimeoid_name =
			downtownchannel = ewutils.get_channel(cmd.message.server, ewcfg.channel_downtown)
			reunite = ewutils.formatMessage(, reunite)
			await cmd.client.send_message(downtownchannel, reunite)

	# Send the response to the player.
	await cmd.client.send_message(, ewutils.formatMessage(, response))