async def take(cmd): user_data = EwUser( response = "" poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(user_data.poi) if poi.community_chest == None: response = "There is no community chest here." return await ewutils.send_message(cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) else: if len(poi.factions) > 0 and user_data.faction not in poi.factions: response = "Get real, asshole. You haven't even enlisted into this gang yet, so it's not like they'd trust you with a key to their valubles." return await ewutils.send_message(cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) item_search = ewutils.flattenTokenListToString(cmd.tokens[1:]) item_sought = ewitem.find_item(item_search = item_search, id_user = poi.community_chest, id_server = if cmd.guild is not None else None) if item_sought: if item_sought.get('item_type') == ewcfg.it_food: food_items = ewitem.inventory( id_user =, id_server =, item_type_filter = ewcfg.it_food ) if len(food_items) >= user_data.get_food_capacity(): response = "You can't carry any more food items." return await ewutils.send_message(cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) if item_sought.get('item_type') == ewcfg.it_weapon: weapons_held = ewitem.inventory( id_user =, id_server =, item_type_filter = ewcfg.it_weapon ) if user_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_corpse: response = "Ghosts can't hold weapons." return await ewutils.send_message(cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) elif len(weapons_held) >= user_data.get_weapon_capacity(): response = "You can't carry any more weapons." return await ewutils.send_message(cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) ewitem.give_item(id_item = item_sought.get('id_item'), id_server = user_data.id_server, id_user = user_data.id_user) response = "You retrieve a {} from the community chest.".format(item_sought.get("name")) else: if item_search: response = "There isn't one here." else: response = "{} which item? (check **{}**)".format(cmd.tokens[0], ewcfg.cmd_communitychest) await ewutils.send_message(cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response))
def get_fashion_stats(self): cosmetics = ewitem.inventory( id_user=self.id_user, id_server=self.id_server, item_type_filter=ewcfg.it_cosmetic ) result = [0] * 3 cosmetic_items = [] for cosmetic in cosmetics: cosmetic_items.append(ewitem.EwItem(id_item=cosmetic.get('id_item'))) for cos in cosmetic_items: if cos.item_props['adorned'] == 'true': cosmetic_count = sum(1 for cosmetic in cosmetic_items if cosmetic.item_props['cosmetic_name'] == cos.item_props['cosmetic_name'] and cosmetic.item_props['adorned'] == 'true') if cos.item_props.get('attack') == None: print('Failed to get attack stat for cosmetic with props: {}'.format(cos.item_props)) result[0] += int( int(cos.item_props['attack']) / cosmetic_count ) result[1] += int( int(cos.item_props['defense']) / cosmetic_count ) result[2] += int( int(cos.item_props['speed']) / cosmetic_count ) return result
async def dedorn(cmd): item_id = ewutils.flattenTokenListToString(cmd.tokens[1:]) try: item_id_int = int(item_id) except: item_id_int = None if item_id != None and len(item_id) > 0: response = "You don't have one." items = ewitem.inventory( id_user =, id_server =, item_type_filter = ewcfg.it_cosmetic ) item_sought = None for item in items: if item.get('id_item') == item_id_int or item_id in ewutils.flattenTokenListToString(item.get('name')): i = EwItem(item.get('id_item')) if i.item_props.get("adorned") == 'true': item_sought = i break if item_sought != None: item_sought.item_props['adorned'] = 'false' response = "You successfully dedorn your " + item_sought.item_props['cosmetic_name'] + "." item_sought.persist() await ewutils.send_message(cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) else: await ewutils.send_message(cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, 'Dedorn which cosmetic? Check your **!inventory**.'))
async def smoke(cmd): usermodel = EwUser( #item_sought = ewitem.find_item(item_search="cigarette",, id_server=usermodel.id_server) item_sought = None item_stash = ewitem.inventory(, id_server=usermodel.id_server) for item_piece in item_stash: item = EwItem(id_item=item_piece.get('id_item')) if item_piece.get('item_type') == ewcfg.it_cosmetic and item.item_props.get('id_cosmetic') == "cigarette" and "lit" not in item.item_props.get('cosmetic_desc'): item_sought = item_piece if item_sought: item = EwItem(id_item=item_sought.get('id_item')) if item_sought.get('item_type') == ewcfg.it_cosmetic and item.item_props.get('id_cosmetic') == "cigarette": response = "You light a cig and bring it to your mouth. So relaxing. So *cool*. All those naysayers and PSAs in Health class can go f**k themselves." item.item_props['cosmetic_desc'] = "A single lit cigarette sticking out of your mouth. You huff these things down in seconds but you’re never seen without one. Everyone thinks you’re really, really cool." item.item_props['adorned'] = "true" item.persist() await ewutils.send_message(cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) await asyncio.sleep(60) item = EwItem(id_item=item_sought.get('id_item')) response = "The cigarette fizzled out." item.item_props['cosmetic_desc'] = "It's a cigarette butt. What kind of hoarder holds on to these?" item.item_props['adorned'] = "false" item.item_props['id_cosmetic'] = "cigarettebutt" item.item_props['cosmetic_name'] = "cigarette butt" item.persist() else: response = "There aren't any usable cigarettes in your inventory." else: response = "There aren't any usable cigarettes in your inventory." return await ewutils.send_message(cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response))
async def score(cmd): response = "" user_data = None member = None if cmd.mentions_count == 0: user_data = EwUser( poudrins = ewitem.inventory(,, item_type_filter=ewcfg.it_slimepoudrin) poudrins_count = len(poudrins) # return my score response = "You currently have {:,} slime{}.".format( user_data.slimes, (" and {} slime poudrin{}".format( poudrins_count, ("" if poudrins_count == 1 else "s")) if poudrins_count > 0 else "")) else: member = cmd.mentions[0] user_data = EwUser(member=member) poudrins = ewitem.inventory(id_user=user_data.id_user,, item_type_filter=ewcfg.it_slimepoudrin) poudrins_count = len(poudrins) if user_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_grandfoe: # Can't see a raid boss's slime score. response = "{}'s power is beyond your understanding.".format( member.display_name) else: # return somebody's score response = "{} currently has {:,} slime{}.".format( member.display_name, user_data.slimes, (" and {} slime poudrin{}".format( poudrins_count, ("" if poudrins_count == 1 else "s")) if poudrins_count > 0 else "")) # Send the response to the player. await cmd.client.send_message(, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) await ewrolemgr.updateRoles(client=cmd.client, if member != None: await ewrolemgr.updateRoles(client=cmd.client, member=member)
async def dedorn(cmd): user_data = EwUser(member = # Check to see if you even have the item you want to repair item_id = ewutils.flattenTokenListToString(cmd.tokens[1:]) try: item_id_int = int(item_id) except: item_id_int = None if item_id is not None and len(item_id) > 0: response = "You don't have one." cosmetic_items = ewitem.inventory( id_user =, id_server =, item_type_filter = ewcfg.it_cosmetic ) item_sought = None already_adorned = False # Check all cosmetics found for item in cosmetic_items: i = EwItem(item.get('id_item')) # Search for desired cosmetic if item.get('id_item') == item_id_int or item_id in ewutils.flattenTokenListToString(item.get('name')): if i.item_props.get("adorned") == 'true': already_adorned = True item_sought = i break # If the cosmetic you want to adorn is found if item_sought != None: # Unadorn the cosmetic if already_adorned: item_sought.item_props['adorned'] = 'false' unadorn_response = str(item_sought.item_props['str_unadorn']) response = unadorn_response.format(item_sought.item_props['cosmetic_name']) item_sought.persist() user_data.persist() # That garment has not be adorned.. else: response = "You haven't adorned that garment in the first place! How can you dedorn something you haven't adorned? You disgust me." await ewutils.send_message(cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) else: await ewutils.send_message(cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, 'Adorn which cosmetic? Check your **!inventory**.'))
async def dye(cmd): first_id = ewutils.flattenTokenListToString(cmd.tokens[1:2]) second_id = ewutils.flattenTokenListToString(cmd.tokens[2:]) try: first_id_int = int(first_id) second_id_int = int(second_id) except: first_id_int = None second_id_int = None if first_id != None and len(first_id) > 0 and second_id != None and len(second_id) > 0: response = "You don't have one." items = ewitem.inventory( id_user =, id_server =, ) cosmetic = None dye = None for item in items: if item.get('id_item') in [first_id_int, second_id_int] or first_id in ewutils.flattenTokenListToString(item.get('name')) or second_id in ewutils.flattenTokenListToString(item.get('name')): if item.get('item_type') == ewcfg.it_cosmetic and cosmetic is None: cosmetic = item if item.get('item_type') == ewcfg.it_item and item.get('name') in ewcfg.dye_map and dye is None: dye = item if cosmetic != None and dye != None: break if cosmetic != None: if dye != None: user_data = EwUser(member = cosmetic_item = EwItem(id_item=cosmetic.get("id_item")) dye_item = EwItem(id_item=dye.get("id_item")) hue = ewcfg.hue_map.get(dye_item.item_props.get('id_item')) response = "You dye your {} in {} paint!".format(cosmetic_item.item_props.get('cosmetic_name'), hue.str_name) cosmetic_item.item_props['hue'] = hue.id_hue cosmetic_item.persist() ewitem.item_delete(id_item=dye.get('id_item')) else: response = 'Use which dye? Check your **!inventory**.' else: response = 'Dye which cosmetic? Check your **!inventory**.' await ewutils.send_message(cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) else: await ewutils.send_message(cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, 'You need to specify which cosmetic you want to paint and which dye you want to use! Check your **!inventory**.'))
def process_poudrins_looted(id_server=None, id_user=None, value=None): poudrins = ewitem.inventory(id_user=id_user, id_server=id_server, item_type_filter=ewcfg.it_slimepoudrin) poudrins_count = len(poudrins) ewstats.track_maximum(id_user=id_user, id_server=id_server, metric=ewcfg.stat_max_poudrins, value=poudrins_count) ewstats.change_stat(id_user=id_user, id_server=id_server, metric=ewcfg.stat_lifetime_poudrins, n=value)
async def eat_item(cmd): user_data = EwUser( mutations = user_data.get_mutations() item_search = ewutils.flattenTokenListToString(cmd.tokens[1:]) food_item = None # look for a food item if a name was given if item_search: item_sought = ewitem.find_item(item_search=item_search, id_user=user_data.id_user, id_server=user_data.id_server, item_type_filter=ewcfg.it_food) if item_sought: food_item = EwItem(id_item=item_sought.get('id_item')) else: item_sought = ewitem.find_item(item_search=item_search, id_user=user_data.id_user, id_server=user_data.id_server) if item_sought and ewcfg.mutation_id_trashmouth in mutations: return await devour(cmd=cmd) # otherwise find the first useable food else: food_inv = ewitem.inventory(id_user=user_data.id_user, id_server=user_data.id_server, item_type_filter=ewcfg.it_food) for food in food_inv: food_item = EwItem(id_item=food.get('id_item')) # check if the user can eat this item if float(getattr(food_item, "time_expir", 0)) > time.time() or \ food_item.item_props.get('perishable') not in ['true', '1'] or \ ewcfg.mutation_id_spoiledappetite in user_data.get_mutations(): break if food_item != None: response = user_data.persist() else: if item_search: response = "Are you sure you have that item?" else: response = "You don't have anything to eat." await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response))
async def annoint(cmd): response = "" if cmd.tokens_count < 2: response = "Specify a name for your weapon!" else: annoint_name = cmd.message.content[(len(ewcfg.cmd_annoint)):].strip() if len(annoint_name) > 32: response = "That name is too long. ({:,}/32)".format( len(annoint_name)) else: user_data = EwUser( poudrins = ewitem.inventory(,, item_type_filter=ewcfg.it_slimepoudrin) poudrins_count = len(poudrins) if poudrins_count < 1: response = "You need a slime poudrin." elif user_data.slimes < 100: response = "You need more slime." elif user_data.weapon == "": response = "Equip a weapon first." else: # Perform the ceremony. user_data.change_slimes(n=-100, source=ewcfg.source_spending) user_data.weaponname = annoint_name skillup = 0 if user_data.weaponskill < 10: skillup = 1 user_data.add_weaponskill(n=skillup) # delete a slime poudrin from the player's inventory ewitem.item_delete(id_item=poudrins[0].get('id_item')) user_data.persist() response = "You place your weapon atop the poudrin and annoint it with slime. It is now known as {}!\n\nThe name draws you closer to your weapon. The poudrin was destroyed in the process.".format( annoint_name) # Send the response to the player. await cmd.client.send_message(, ewutils.formatMessage(, response))
async def sow(cmd): user_data = EwUser( # Checking availability of sow action if user_data.life_state != ewcfg.life_state_juvenile: response = "Only Juveniles of pure heart and with nothing better to do can farm." elif user_data.poi not in [ ewcfg.poi_id_jr_farms, ewcfg.poi_id_og_farms, ewcfg.poi_id_ab_farms ]: response = "The cracked, filthy concrete streets around you would be a pretty terrible place for a farm. Try again on more arable land." else: if user_data.poi == ewcfg.poi_id_jr_farms: farm_id = ewcfg.poi_id_jr_farms elif user_data.poi == ewcfg.poi_id_og_farms: farm_id = ewcfg.poi_id_og_farms else: # if it's the farm in arsonbrook farm_id = ewcfg.poi_id_ab_farms farm = EwFarm(,, farm=farm_id) if farm.time_lastsow > 0: response = "You’ve already sown something here. Try planting in another farming location. If you’ve planted in all three farming locations, you’re shit out of luck. Just wait, asshole." else: poudrins = ewitem.inventory(,, item_type_filter=ewcfg.it_slimepoudrin) if len(poudrins) < 1: response = "You don't have anything to plant! Try collecting a poudrin." else: # Sowing response = "You sow a poudrin into the fertile soil beneath you. It will grow in about a day." farm.time_lastsow = int(time.time() / 60) # Grow time is stored in minutes. ewitem.item_delete( id_item=poudrins[0].get('id_item')) # Remove Poudrins farm.persist() await cmd.client.send_message(, ewutils.formatMessage(, response))
async def smelt(cmd): poudrins = ewitem.inventory(,, item_type_filter=ewcfg.it_slimepoudrin) if len(poudrins) < 3: response = "You don't have enough poudrins to smelt." else: for i in range(3): ewitem.item_delete(id_item=poudrins[i].get('id_item')) patrician_rarity = 20 patrician_smelted = random.randint(1, patrician_rarity) patrician = False if patrician_smelted == 1: patrician = True items = [] for cosmetic in ewcfg.cosmetic_items_list: if patrician and cosmetic.rarity == ewcfg.rarity_patrician: items.append(cosmetic) elif not patrician and cosmetic.rarity == ewcfg.rarity_plebeian: items.append(cosmetic) item = items[random.randint(0, len(items) - 1)] ewitem.item_create(item_type=ewcfg.it_cosmetic,,, item_props={ 'cosmetic_name':, 'cosmetic_desc': item.description, 'rarity': item.rarity, 'adorned': 'false' }) response = "You smelted a {item_name}!".format( await cmd.client.send_message(, ewutils.formatMessage(, response))
def gen_score_text(id_user=None, id_server=None, display_name=None): user_data = EwUser(id_user=id_user, id_server=id_server) items = ewitem.inventory(id_user=id_user, id_server=id_server, item_type_filter=ewcfg.it_item) poudrin_amount = ewitem.find_poudrin(id_user=id_user, id_server=id_server) if user_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_grandfoe: # Can't see a raid boss's slime score. response = "{}'s power is beyond your understanding.".format( display_name) else: # return somebody's score response = "{} currently has {:,} slime{}.".format( display_name, user_data.slimes, (" and {} slime poudrin{}".format( poudrin_amount, ("" if poudrin_amount == 1 else "s")) if poudrin_amount > 0 else "")) return response
async def data(cmd): response = "" user_data = None member = None resp_cont = ewutils.EwResponseContainer( if len(cmd.tokens) > 1 and cmd.mentions_count == 0: user_data = EwUser( soughtenemy = " ".join(cmd.tokens[1:]).lower() enemy = find_enemy(soughtenemy, user_data) if enemy != None: if enemy.attacktype != ewcfg.enemy_attacktype_unarmed: response = "{} is a level {} enemy. They have {} slime, and attack with their {}.".format( enemy.display_name, enemy.level, enemy.slimes, enemy.attacktype) else: response = "{} is a level {} enemy. They have {} slime.".format( enemy.display_name, enemy.level, enemy.slimes) else: response = "ENDLESS WAR didn't understand that name." resp_cont.add_channel_response(, response) elif cmd.mentions_count == 0: user_data = EwUser( slimeoid = EwSlimeoid( mutations = user_data.get_mutations() cosmetics = ewitem.inventory(,, item_type_filter=ewcfg.it_cosmetic) adorned_cosmetics = [] for cosmetic in cosmetics: cos = EwItem(id_item=cosmetic.get('id_item')) if cos.item_props['adorned'] == 'true': hue = ewcfg.hue_map.get(cos.item_props.get('hue')) adorned_cosmetics.append((hue.str_name + " " if hue != None else "") + cosmetic.get('name')) poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(user_data.poi) if poi != None: response = "You find yourself {} {}. ".format( poi.str_in, poi.str_name) # return my data if user_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_corpse: response += "You are a level {} deadboi.".format( user_data.slimelevel) else: response += "You are a level {} slimeboi.".format( user_data.slimelevel) coinbounty = int(user_data.bounty / ewcfg.slimecoin_exchangerate) weapon_item = EwItem(id_item=user_data.weapon) weapon = ewcfg.weapon_map.get( weapon_item.item_props.get("weapon_type")) if weapon != None: response += " {} {}{}.".format( ewcfg.str_weapon_married_self if user_data.weaponmarried == True else ewcfg.str_weapon_wielding_self, ("" if len(weapon_item.item_props.get("weapon_name")) == 0 else "{}, ".format(weapon_item.item_props.get("weapon_name"))), weapon.str_weapon) if user_data.weaponskill >= 5: response += " {}".format( weapon.str_weaponmaster_self.format( rank=(user_data.weaponskill - 4))) trauma = ewcfg.weapon_map.get(user_data.trauma) # if trauma is not gathered from weapon_map, get it from attack_type_map if trauma == None: trauma = ewcfg.attack_type_map.get(user_data.trauma) if trauma != None: response += " {}".format(trauma.str_trauma_self) response_block = "" for mutation in mutations: mutation_flavor = ewcfg.mutations_map[mutation] response_block += "{} ".format(mutation_flavor.str_describe_self) if len(response_block) > 0: response += "\n\n" + response_block resp_cont.add_channel_response(, response) response = "" response_block = "" user_kills = ewstats.get_stat(user=user_data, metric=ewcfg.stat_kills) enemy_kills = ewstats.get_stat(user=user_data, metric=ewcfg.stat_pve_kills) if user_kills > 0 and enemy_kills > 0: response_block += "You have {:,} confirmed kills, and {:,} confirmed hunts. ".format( user_kills, enemy_kills) elif user_kills > 0: response_block += "You have {:,} confirmed kills. ".format( user_kills) elif enemy_kills > 0: response_block += "You have {:,} confirmed hunts. ".format( enemy_kills) if coinbounty != 0: response_block += "SlimeCorp offers a bounty of {:,} SlimeCoin for your death. ".format( coinbounty) if len(adorned_cosmetics) > 0: response_block += "You have a {} adorned. ".format( ewutils.formatNiceList(adorned_cosmetics, 'and')) if user_data.hunger > 0: response_block += "You are {}% hungry. ".format( round(user_data.hunger * 100.0 / user_data.get_hunger_max(), 1)) if user_data.busted and user_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_corpse: response_block += "You are busted and therefore cannot leave the sewers until your next !haunt. " statuses = user_data.getStatusEffects() for status in statuses: status_effect = EwStatusEffect(id_status=status, user_data=user_data) if status_effect.time_expire > time.time( ) or status_effect.time_expire == -1: status_flavor = ewcfg.status_effects_def_map.get(status) if status_flavor is not None: response_block += status_flavor.str_describe_self + " " if (slimeoid.life_state == ewcfg.slimeoid_state_active) and ( user_data.life_state != ewcfg.life_state_corpse): response_block += "You are accompanied by {}, a {}-foot-tall Slimeoid. ".format(, str(slimeoid.level)) if len(response_block) > 0: response += "\n" + response_block response += "\n\n{}".format( user_data.id_user) resp_cont.add_channel_response(, response) else: member = cmd.mentions[0] resp_cont = gen_data_text(,, display_name=member.display_name, # Send the response to the player. resp_cont.format_channel_response(, await await ewrolemgr.updateRoles(client=cmd.client, if member != None: await ewrolemgr.updateRoles(client=cmd.client, member=member)
def gen_data_text(id_user=None, id_server=None, display_name=None, channel_name=None): resp_cont = ewutils.EwResponseContainer(id_server=id_server) response = "" user_data = EwUser(id_user=id_user, id_server=id_server) slimeoid = EwSlimeoid(id_user=id_user, id_server=id_server) mutations = user_data.get_mutations() cosmetics = ewitem.inventory(id_user=user_data.id_user, id_server=user_data.id_server, item_type_filter=ewcfg.it_cosmetic) adorned_cosmetics = [] for cosmetic in cosmetics: cos = EwItem(id_item=cosmetic.get('id_item')) if cos.item_props['adorned'] == 'true': hue = ewcfg.hue_map.get(cos.item_props.get('hue')) adorned_cosmetics.append((hue.str_name + " " if hue != None else "") + cosmetic.get('name')) if user_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_grandfoe: poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(user_data.poi) if poi != None: response = "{} is {} {}.".format(display_name, poi.str_in, poi.str_name) else: response = "You can't discern anything useful about {}.".format( display_name) resp_cont.add_channel_response(channel_name, response) else: # return somebody's score if user_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_corpse: response = "{} is a level {} deadboi.".format( display_name, user_data.slimelevel) else: response = "{} is a level {} slimeboi.".format( display_name, user_data.slimelevel) coinbounty = int(user_data.bounty / ewcfg.slimecoin_exchangerate) weapon_item = EwItem(id_item=user_data.weapon) weapon = ewcfg.weapon_map.get( weapon_item.item_props.get("weapon_type")) if weapon != None: response += " {} {}{}.".format( ewcfg.str_weapon_married if user_data.weaponmarried == True else ewcfg.str_weapon_wielding, ("" if len(weapon_item.item_props.get("weapon_name")) == 0 else "{}, ".format(weapon_item.item_props.get("weapon_name"))), weapon.str_weapon) if user_data.weaponskill >= 5: response += " {}".format( weapon.str_weaponmaster.format( rank=(user_data.weaponskill - 4))) trauma = ewcfg.weapon_map.get(user_data.trauma) # if trauma is not gathered from weapon_map, get it from attack_type_map if trauma == None: trauma = ewcfg.attack_type_map.get(user_data.trauma) if trauma != None: response += " {}".format(trauma.str_trauma) response_block = "" for mutation in mutations: mutation_flavor = ewcfg.mutations_map[mutation] response_block += "{} ".format(mutation_flavor.str_describe_other) if len(response_block) > 0: response += "\n\n" + response_block resp_cont.add_channel_response(channel_name, response) response = "" response_block = "" user_kills = ewstats.get_stat(user=user_data, metric=ewcfg.stat_kills) enemy_kills = ewstats.get_stat(user=user_data, metric=ewcfg.stat_pve_kills) if user_kills > 0 and enemy_kills > 0: response_block += "They have {:,} confirmed kills, and {:,} confirmed hunts. ".format( user_kills, enemy_kills) elif user_kills > 0: response_block += "They have {:,} confirmed kills. ".format( user_kills) elif enemy_kills > 0: response_block += "They have {:,} confirmed hunts. ".format( enemy_kills) if coinbounty != 0: response_block += "SlimeCorp offers a bounty of {:,} SlimeCoin for their death. ".format( coinbounty) if len(adorned_cosmetics) > 0: response_block += "They have a {} adorned. ".format( ewutils.formatNiceList(adorned_cosmetics, 'and')) statuses = user_data.getStatusEffects() for status in statuses: status_effect = EwStatusEffect(id_status=status, user_data=user_data) if status_effect.time_expire > time.time( ) or status_effect.time_expire == -1: status_flavor = ewcfg.status_effects_def_map.get(status) if status_flavor is not None: response_block += status_flavor.str_describe + " " if (slimeoid.life_state == ewcfg.slimeoid_state_active) and ( user_data.life_state != ewcfg.life_state_corpse): response_block += "They are accompanied by {}, a {}-foot-tall Slimeoid.".format(, str(slimeoid.level)) if len(response_block) > 0: response += "\n" + response_block response += "\n\n{}".format( id_user) resp_cont.add_channel_response(channel_name, response) return resp_cont
async def revive(cmd): time_now = int(time.time()) response = "" if != ewcfg.channel_endlesswar and != ewcfg.channel_sewers: response = "Come to me. I hunger. #{}.".format(ewcfg.channel_sewers) else: player_data = EwUser( time_until_revive = (player_data.time_lastdeath + player_data.degradation) - time_now if time_until_revive > 0: response = "ENDLESS WAR is not ready to {} you yet ({}s).".format( cmd.tokens[0], time_until_revive) return await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) slimeoid = EwSlimeoid( if player_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_corpse: market_data = EwMarket( # Endless War collects his fee. #fee = (player_data.slimecoin / 10) #player_data.change_slimecoin(n = -fee, coinsource = ewcfg.coinsource_revival) #market_data.slimes_revivefee += fee #player_data.busted = False # Preserve negaslime if player_data.slimes < 0: #market_data.negaslime += player_data.slimes player_data.change_slimes(n=-player_data.slimes) # set to 0 # reset slimelevel to zero player_data.slimelevel = 0 # Set time of last revive. This used to provied spawn protection, but currently isn't used. player_data.time_lastrevive = time_now if player_data.degradation >= 100: player_data.life_state = ewcfg.life_state_shambler player_data.change_slimes(n=0.5 * ewcfg.slimes_shambler) player_data.trauma = "" poi_death = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(player_data.poi_death) if ewmap.inaccessible(poi=poi_death, user_data=player_data): player_data.poi = ewcfg.poi_id_downtown else: player_data.poi = poi_death.id_poi else: # Set life state. This is what determines whether the player is actually alive. player_data.life_state = ewcfg.life_state_juvenile # Give player some initial slimes. player_data.change_slimes(n=ewcfg.slimes_onrevive) # Get the player out of the sewers. player_data.poi = ewcfg.poi_id_downtown player_data.persist() market_data.persist() # Shower every district in the city with slime from the sewers. sewer_data = EwDistrict(district=ewcfg.poi_id_thesewers, # the amount of slime showered is divided equally amongst the districts districts_amount = len(ewcfg.capturable_districts) geyser_amount = int(0.5 * sewer_data.slimes / districts_amount) # Get a list of all the districts for poi in ewcfg.capturable_districts: district_data = EwDistrict(district=poi, district_data.change_slimes(n=geyser_amount) sewer_data.change_slimes(n=-1 * geyser_amount) district_data.persist() sewer_data.persist() sewer_inv = ewitem.inventory(, id_server=sewer_data.id_server) for item in sewer_inv: district = ewcfg.poi_id_slimesea if random.random() < 0.5: district = random.choice(ewcfg.capturable_districts) ewitem.give_item(id_item=item.get("id_item"), id_user=district, id_server=sewer_data.id_server) await ewrolemgr.updateRoles(client=cmd.client, response = '{slime4} Geysers of fresh slime erupt from every manhole in the city, showering their surrounding districts. {slime4} {name} has been reborn in slime. {slime4}'.format( slime4=ewcfg.emote_slime4, else: response = 'You\'re not dead just yet.' # deathreport = "You were {} by {}. {}".format(kill_descriptor,, ewcfg.emote_slimeskull) # deathreport = "{} ".format(ewcfg.emote_slimeskull) + ewutils.formatMessage(member, deathreport) if slimeoid.life_state == ewcfg.slimeoid_state_active: reunite = "" brain = ewcfg.brain_map.get( reunite += brain.str_revive.format( new_poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(player_data.poi) revivechannel = ewutils.get_channel(cmd.message.server, reunite = ewutils.formatMessage(, reunite) await ewutils.send_message(cmd.client, revivechannel, reunite) # Send the response to the player. await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response))
async def on_message(message): time_now = int(time.time()) """ do not interact with our own messages """ if == or == True: return if message.server != None: # Note that the user posted a message. active_map = active_users_map.get( if active_map == None: active_map = {} active_users_map[] = active_map active_map[] = True # Update player information. ewplayer.player_update(, server=message.server) content_tolower = message.content.lower() re_awoo = re.compile('.*![a]+[w]+o[o]+.*') if message.content.startswith( ewcfg.cmd_prefix) or message.server == None or len( < 2: """ Wake up if we need to respond to messages. Could be: message starts with ! direct message (server == None) user is new/has no roles (len(roles) < 2) """ # tokenize the message. the command should be the first word. try: tokens = shlex.split( message.content ) # it's split with shlex now because shlex regards text within quotes as a single token except: tokens = message.content.split( ' ' ) # if splitting via shlex doesnt work (odd number of quotes), use the old splitting method so it doesnt give an exception tokens_count = len(tokens) cmd = tokens[0].lower() # remove mentions to us mentions = list( filter(lambda user: !=, message.mentions)) mentions_count = len(mentions) # Create command object cmd_obj = ewcmd.EwCmd(tokens=tokens, message=message, client=client, mentions=mentions) """ Handle direct messages. """ if message.server == None: # Direct message the player their inventory. if ewitem.cmd_is_inventory(cmd): return await ewitem.inventory_print(cmd_obj) elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_inspect: return await ewitem.item_look(cmd_obj) # FIXME add this back when the help doc is updated. """ else: time_last = last_helped_times.get(, 0) # Only send the help doc once every thirty seconds. There's no need to spam it. if (time_now - time_last) > 30: last_helped_times[] = time_now await client.send_message(, 'Check out the guide for help:') """ # Nothing else to do in a DM. return # assign the appropriate roles to a user with less than @everyone, faction, location if len( < 3: return await ewrolemgr.updateRoles(client=client, # Scold/ignore offline players. if == discord.Status.offline: response = "You cannot participate in the ENDLESS WAR while offline." await client.send_message(, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) return # Check the main command map for the requested command. global cmd_map cmd_fn = cmd_map.get(cmd) if cmd_fn != None: # Execute found command return await cmd_fn(cmd_obj) # FIXME debug # Test item creation elif debug == True and cmd == '!createtestitem': item_id = ewitem.item_create( item_type='medal',,, item_props={ 'medal_name': 'Test Award', 'medal_desc': '**{medal_name}**: *Awarded to Krak by Krak for testing shit.*' }) ewutils.logMsg('Created item: {}'.format(item_id)) item = EwItem(id_item=item_id) item.item_props['test'] = 'meow' item.persist() item = EwItem(id_item=item_id) await client.send_message(, ewutils.formatMessage(, ewitem.item_look(item))) # Creates a poudrin elif debug == True and cmd == '!createpoudrin': item_id = ewitem.item_create(item_type=ewcfg.it_slimepoudrin,, ewutils.logMsg('Created item: {}'.format(item_id)) item = EwItem(id_item=item_id) item.persist() item = EwItem(id_item=item_id) await client.send_message(, ewutils.formatMessage(, "Poudrin created.")) # Gives the user some slime elif debug == True and cmd == '!getslime': user_data = EwUser( user_data.change_slimes(n=10000) user_data.persist() await client.send_message(, ewutils.formatMessage(, "You receive 10,000 slime.")) # FIXME debug # Test item deletion elif debug == True and cmd == '!delete': items = ewitem.inventory(, for item in items: ewitem.item_delete(id_item=item.get('id_item')) await client.send_message(, ewutils.formatMessage(, 'ok')) # AWOOOOO elif re_awoo.match(cmd): return await ewcmd.cmd_howl(cmd_obj) # Debug command to override the role of a user elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'setrole'): response = "" if mentions_count == 0: response = 'Set who\'s role?' else: roles_map = ewutils.getRoleMap(message.server.roles) role_target = tokens[1] role = roles_map.get(role_target) if role != None: for user in mentions: await client.replace_roles(user, role) response = 'Done.' else: response = 'Unrecognized role.' await client.send_message(, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) # didn't match any of the command words. else: """ couldn't process the command. bail out!! """ """ bot rule 0: be cute """ randint = random.randint(1, 3) msg_mistake = "ENDLESS WAR is growing frustrated." if randint == 2: msg_mistake = "ENDLESS WAR denies you his favor." elif randint == 3: msg_mistake = "ENDLESS WAR pays you no mind." msg = await client.send_message(, msg_mistake) await asyncio.sleep(2) await client.delete_message(msg) elif content_tolower.find(ewcfg.cmd_howl) >= 0 or content_tolower.find( ewcfg.cmd_howl_alt1) >= 0 or re_awoo.match(content_tolower): """ Howl if !howl is in the message at all. """ return await ewcmd.cmd_howl(ewcmd.EwCmd(message=message, client=client))
async def retrofit(cmd): user_data = EwUser( # Player must be at the Bodega if user_data.poi == ewcfg.poi_id_bodega: item_id = ewutils.flattenTokenListToString(cmd.tokens[1:]) try: item_id_int = int(item_id) except: item_id_int = None # Check to see if you even have the item you want to retrofit if item_id != None and len(item_id) > 0: response = "You don't have one." cosmetic_items = ewitem.inventory(,, item_type_filter=ewcfg.it_cosmetic) item_sought = None item_from_slimeoid = None for item in cosmetic_items: if item.get( 'id_item' ) == item_id_int or item_id in ewutils.flattenTokenListToString( item.get('name')): i = EwItem(item.get('id_item')) if item_from_slimeoid == None and i.item_props.get( "slimeoid") == 'true': item_from_slimeoid = i continue else: item_sought = i break if item_sought == None: item_sought = item_from_slimeoid # If the cosmetic you want to have repaired is found if item_sought != None: if item_sought.item_props.get( 'id_cosmetic') == 'soul' or item_sought.item_props.get( 'id_cosmetic') == 'scalp': response = 'The hipster behind the counter is taken aback by your total lack of self awareness. "By Doctor Who!" He exclaims. "This is a place where fine clothing is sold, sir. Not a common circus freak show for ill-bred worms to feed upon the suffering of others, where surely someone of your morally bankrupt description must surely have originated! That or the w***e house, oh my Rainbow Dash..." He begins to tear up. "Just… go. Take your {} and go. Do come back if you want it sewn back together, though."'.format( item_sought.item_props['cosmetic_name']) else: current_item_stats = {} # Get the current stats of your cosmetic for stat in ewcfg.playerstats_list: if stat in item_sought.item_props.keys(): if abs(int(item_sought.item_props[stat])) > 0: current_item_stats[stat] = int( item_sought.item_props[stat]) if 'ability' in item_sought.item_props.keys(): current_item_stats['ability'] = item_sought.item_props[ 'ability'] # Get the stats retrofitting would give you from the item model in ewcfg.cosmetic_items_list desired_item = ewcfg.cosmetic_map.get( item_sought.item_props['id_cosmetic']) if desired_item == None: response = "The hipster behind the counter doesn't really know what to do with that cosmetic, it's simply too outdated and worn out. He thinks you should just take it home and stuff it inside a box as a souvenir." return await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) desired_item_stats = {} for stat in ewcfg.playerstats_list: if stat in desired_item.stats.keys(): if abs(int(desired_item.stats[stat])) > 0: desired_item_stats[stat] = desired_item.stats[ stat] if desired_item.ability is not None: desired_item_stats['ability'] = desired_item.ability # Check to see if the cosmetic is actually outdated if current_item_stats != desired_item_stats: cost_ofretrofit = 100 # This is a completely random number that I arbitrarily pulled out of my ass if cost_ofretrofit > user_data.slimes: response = 'The hipster behind the counter narrows his gaze, his thick-rimmed glasses magnify his hatred of your ignoble ancestry.\n"Sir… it would cost {:,} to retrofit this garment with updated combat abilities. That’s more slime than you or your clan could ever accrue. Good day, sir. I SAID GOOD DAY. Come back when you’re a little, mmmmhh, *richer*."'.format( cost_ofretrofit) else: response = '"Let’s see, all told… including tax… plus gratuity… and a hefty tip, of course… your total comes out to {}, sir."'.format( cost_ofretrofit) response += "\n**!accept** or **!refuse** the deal." await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) # Wait for an answer accepted = False try: message = await cmd.client.wait_for( 'message', timeout=20, check=lambda message: == cmd and message.content.lower( ) in [ewcfg.cmd_accept, ewcfg.cmd_refuse]) if message != None: if message.content.lower( ) == ewcfg.cmd_accept: accepted = True if message.content.lower( ) == ewcfg.cmd_refuse: accepted = False except: accepted = False # Cancel deal if the hat is no longer in user's inventory if item_sought.id_owner != str(user_data.id_user): accepted = False # Cancel deal if the user has left Krak Bay if user_data.poi != ewcfg.poi_id_bodega: accepted = False # Candel deal if the user doesn't have enough slime anymore if cost_ofretrofit > user_data.slimes: accepted = False if accepted == True: for stat in ewcfg.playerstats_list: if stat in desired_item_stats.keys(): item_sought.item_props[ stat] = desired_item_stats[stat] item_sought.persist() user_data.slimes -= cost_ofretrofit user_data.persist() response = '"Excellent. Just a moment… one more iron press and-- there, perfect! Your {}, sir. It’s like you just smelted it, no? Well, no refunds in any case."'.format( item_sought.item_props['cosmetic_name']) else: response = '"Oh, yes, of course. I understand, sir. No, really that’s okay. I get it. I totally get it. That’s your decision. Really, it’s okay. No problem here. Yep. Yup. Uh-huh, uh-huh. Yep. It’s fine, sir. That’s completely fine. For real. Seriously. I understand, sir. It’s okay. I totally get it. Yep. Uh-huh. Yes, sir. Really, it’s okay. Some people just don’t care how they look. I understand, sir."' else: response = 'The hipster behind the counter looks over your {} with the thoroughness that a true man would only spend making sure all the blood really was wrung from his most recent hunt’s neck or all the cum was ejactulated from his partner’s throbbing c**k…\n"Sir," he begins to say, turning back to you before almost vomiting at the sight. After he regains his composure, he continues, "I understand you are an, shall we say, uneducated peasant, to put it delicately, but even still you should be able to tell that your {} is already completely up-to-date. Please, do not bother me with such wastes of my boss’ time again. I do enough of that on my own."'.format( item_sought.item_props['cosmetic_name'], item_sought.item_props['cosmetic_name']) else: response = "Sew which cosmetic? Check your **!inventory**." else: response = "Heh, yeah right. What kind of self-respecting juvenile delinquent knows how to sew? Sewing totally lame, everyone knows that! Even people who sew know that! Looks like you’re gonna have to find some nerd to do it for you." return await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response))
async def sew(cmd): user_data = EwUser( # Player must be at the Bodega if user_data.poi == ewcfg.poi_id_bodega: item_id = ewutils.flattenTokenListToString(cmd.tokens[1:]) try: item_id_int = int(item_id) except: item_id_int = None # Check to see if you even have the item you want to repair if item_id != None and len(item_id) > 0: response = "You don't have one." cosmetic_items = ewitem.inventory(,, item_type_filter=ewcfg.it_cosmetic) item_sought = None item_from_slimeoid = None for item in cosmetic_items: if item.get( 'id_item' ) == item_id_int or item_id in ewutils.flattenTokenListToString( item.get('name')): i = EwItem(item.get('id_item')) if item_from_slimeoid == None and i.item_props.get( "slimeoid") == 'true': item_from_slimeoid = i continue else: item_sought = i break if item_sought == None: item_sought = item_from_slimeoid # If the cosmetic you want to have repaired is found if item_sought != None: # Can't repair items without durability limits, since they couldn't have been damaged in the first place if item_sought.item_props['durability'] is None: response = "I'm sorry, but I can't repair that piece of clothing!" else: if item_sought.item_props['id_cosmetic'] == 'soul': original_durability = ewcfg.soul_durability elif item_sought.item_props['id_cosmetic'] == 'scalp': if 'original_durability' not in item_sought.item_props.keys( ): # If it's a scalp created before this update original_durability = ewcfg.generic_scalp_durability else: original_durability = int( float(item_sought. item_props['original_durability']) ) # If it's a scalp created after else: # Find the mold of the item in ewcfg.cosmetic_items_list if item_sought.item_props.get( 'rarity') == ewcfg.rarity_princeps: original_durability = ewcfg.base_durability * 100 original_item = None # Princeps do not have existing templates else: try: original_item = ewcfg.cosmetic_map.get( item_sought.item_props['id_cosmetic']) original_durability = original_item.durability except: original_durability = ewcfg.base_durability current_durability = int( float(item_sought.item_props['durability'])) # If the cosmetic is actually damaged at all if current_durability < original_durability: difference = abs(current_durability - original_durability) # cost_ofrepair = difference * 4 # NO ONE SAID IT WOULD BE EASY cost_ofrepair = 10000 # I did... if cost_ofrepair > user_data.slimes: response = 'The hipster behind the counter narrows his gaze, his thick-rimmed glasses magnify his hatred of your ignoble ancestry.\n"Sir… it would cost {:,} to sew this garment back together. That’s more slime than you or your clan could ever accrue. Good day, sir. I SAID GOOD DAY. Come back when you’re a little, mmmmhh, *richer*."'.format( cost_ofrepair) else: response = '"Let’s see, all told… including tax… plus gratuity… and a hefty tip, of course… your total comes out to {}, sir."'.format( cost_ofrepair) response += "\n**!accept** or **!refuse** the deal." await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) # Wait for an answer accepted = False try: message = await cmd.client.wait_for( 'message', timeout=20, check=lambda message: == cmd and message.content.lower( ) in [ewcfg.cmd_accept, ewcfg.cmd_refuse]) if message != None: if message.content.lower( ) == ewcfg.cmd_accept: accepted = True if message.content.lower( ) == ewcfg.cmd_refuse: accepted = False except: accepted = False # Cancel deal if the hat is no longer in user's inventory if item_sought.id_owner != str(user_data.id_user): accepted = False # Cancel deal if the user has left Krak Bay if user_data.poi != ewcfg.poi_id_bodega: accepted = False # Candel deal if the user doesn't have enough slime anymore if cost_ofrepair > user_data.slimes: accepted = False if accepted == True: user_data.change_slimes( n=-cost_ofrepair, source=ewcfg.source_spending) user_data.persist() item_sought.item_props[ 'durability'] = original_durability item_sought.persist() response = '"Excellent. Just a moment… one more stitch and-- there, perfect! Your {}, sir. It’s good as new, no? Well, no refunds in any case."'.format( item_sought.item_props['cosmetic_name']) else: response = '"Oh, yes, of course. I understand, sir. No, really that’s okay. I get it. I totally get it. That’s your decision. Really, it’s okay. No problem here. Yep. Yup. Uh-huh, uh-huh. Yep. It’s fine, sir. That’s completely fine. For real. Seriously. I understand, sir. It’s okay. I totally get it. Yep. Uh-huh. Yes, sir. Really, it’s okay. Some people just don’t care how they look. I understand, sir."' else: response = 'The hipster behind the counter looks over your {} with the thoroughness that a true man would only spend making sure all the blood really was wrung from his most recent hunt’s neck or all the cum was ejactulated from his partner’s throbbing c**k…\n"Sir," he begins to say, turning back to you before almost vomiting at the sight. After he regains his composure, he continues, "I understand you are an, shall we say, uneducated peasant, to put it delicately, but even still you should be able to tell that your {} is in mint condition. Please, do not bother me with such wastes of my boss’ time again. I do enough of that on my own."'.format( item_sought.item_props['cosmetic_name'], item_sought.item_props['cosmetic_name']) else: response = "Sew which cosmetic? Check your **!inventory**." else: response = "Heh, yeah right. What kind of self-respecting juvenile delinquent knows how to sew? Sewing totally f*****g lame, everyone knows that! Even people who sew know that! You’re gonna have to find some nerd to do it for you." return await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response))
async def smoke(cmd): usermodel = EwUser( #item_sought = ewitem.find_item(item_search="cigarette",, id_server=usermodel.id_server) item_sought = None space_adorned = 0 item_stash = ewitem.inventory(, id_server=usermodel.id_server) for item_piece in item_stash: item = EwItem(id_item=item_piece.get('id_item')) if item.item_props.get('adorned') == 'true': space_adorned += int(item.item_props.get('size')) if item_piece.get('item_type') == ewcfg.it_cosmetic and ( item.item_props.get('id_cosmetic') == "cigarette" or item.item_props.get('id_cosmetic') == "cigar" ) and "lit" not in item.item_props.get('cosmetic_desc'): item_sought = item_piece if item_sought: item = EwItem(id_item=item_sought.get('id_item')) if item_sought.get( 'item_type') == ewcfg.it_cosmetic and item.item_props.get( 'id_cosmetic') == "cigarette": if int(item.item_props.get('size')) > 0: space_adorned += int(item.item_props.get('size')) if space_adorned < ewutils.max_adornspace_bylevel( usermodel.slimelevel): response = "You light a cig and bring it to your mouth. So relaxing. So *cool*. All those naysayers and PSAs in Health class can go f**k themselves." item.item_props[ 'cosmetic_desc'] = "A single lit cigarette sticking out of your mouth. You huff these things down in seconds but you’re never seen without one. Everyone thinks you’re really, really cool." item.item_props['adorned'] = "true" item.persist() usermodel.persist() await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) await asyncio.sleep(60) item = EwItem(id_item=item_sought.get('id_item')) response = "The cigarette fizzled out." item.item_props[ 'cosmetic_desc'] = "It's a cigarette butt. What kind of hoarder holds on to these?" item.item_props['adorned'] = "false" item.item_props['id_cosmetic'] = "cigarettebutt" item.item_props['cosmetic_name'] = "cigarette butt" item.persist() usermodel.persist() else: response = "Sadly, you cannot smoke the cigarette. To smoke it, you'd have to have it inbetween your lips for approximately a minute, which technically counts as adorning something. " \ "And, seeing as you are out of adornable cosmetic space, you cannot do that. Sorry. Weird how this message doesn't show up when you suck all that dick though, huh?" elif item_sought.get( 'item_type') == ewcfg.it_cosmetic and item.item_props.get( 'id_cosmetic') == "cigar": if int(item.item_props['size']) > 0: space_adorned += int(item.item_props['size']) if space_adorned < ewutils.max_adornspace_bylevel( usermodel.slimelevel): response = "You light up your stogie and bring it to your mouth. So relaxing. So *cool*. All those naysayers and PSAs in Health class can go f**k themselves." item.item_props[ 'cosmetic_desc'] = "A single lit cigar sticking out of your mouth. These thing take their time to kick in, but it's all worth it to look like a supreme gentleman." item.item_props['adorned'] = "true" item.persist() usermodel.persist() await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) await asyncio.sleep(300) item = EwItem(id_item=item_sought.get('id_item')) response = "The cigar fizzled out." item.item_props[ 'cosmetic_desc'] = "It's a cigar stump. It's seen better days." item.item_props['adorned'] = "false" item.item_props['id_cosmetic'] = "cigarstump" item.item_props['cosmetic_name'] = "cigar stump" item.persist() usermodel.persist() else: response = "Sadly, you cannot smoke the cigar. To smoke it, you'd have to have it inbetween your lips for approximately a minute, which technically counts as adorning something. " \ "And, seeing as you are out of adornable cosmetic space, you cannot do that. Sorry. Weird how this message doesn't show up when you suck all that dick though, huh?" else: response = "You can't smoke that." else: response = "There aren't any usable cigarettes or cigars in your inventory." return await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response))
async def adorn(cmd): user_data = EwUser( # Check to see if you even have the item you want to repair item_id = ewutils.flattenTokenListToString(cmd.tokens[1:]) try: item_id_int = int(item_id) except: item_id_int = None if item_id is not None and len(item_id) > 0: response = "You don't have one." cosmetic_items = ewitem.inventory(,, item_type_filter=ewcfg.it_cosmetic) item_sought = None item_from_slimeoid = None already_adorned = False space_adorned = 0 for item in cosmetic_items: i = EwItem(item.get('id_item')) # Get space used adorned cosmetics if i.item_props['adorned'] == 'true': space_adorned += int(i.item_props['size']) # Check all cosmetics found for item in cosmetic_items: i = EwItem(item.get('id_item')) # Search for desired cosmetic if item.get( 'id_item' ) == item_id_int or item_id in ewutils.flattenTokenListToString( item.get('name')): if item_from_slimeoid == None and i.item_props.get( "slimeoid") == 'true': item_from_slimeoid = i continue if i.item_props.get("adorned") == 'true': already_adorned = True elif i.item_props.get("context") == 'costume': if not ewutils.check_fursuit_active(i.id_server): response = "You can't adorn your costume right now." else: item_sought = i break else: item_sought = i break if item_sought == None: item_sought = item_from_slimeoid # If the cosmetic you want to adorn is found if item_sought != None: # Calculate how much space you'll have after adorning... if int(item_sought.item_props['size']) > 0: space_adorned += int(item_sought.item_props['size']) # If you don't have enough space, abort if space_adorned > ewutils.max_adornspace_bylevel( user_data.slimelevel): response = "Oh yeah? And, pray tell, just how do you expect to do that? You’re out of space, you can’t adorn any more garments!" # If you have enough space, adorn else: item_sought.item_props['adorned'] = 'true' # Take the hat from your slimeoid if necessary if item_sought.item_props.get('slimeoid') == 'true': item_sought.item_props['slimeoid'] = 'false' response = "You take your {} from your slimeoid and successfully adorn it.".format( item_sought.item_props.get('cosmetic_name')) else: onadorn_response = item_sought.item_props['str_onadorn'] response = onadorn_response.format( item_sought.item_props['cosmetic_name']) item_sought.persist() user_data.persist() elif already_adorned: response = "You already have that garment adorned!" await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) else: await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, 'Adorn which cosmetic? Check your **!inventory**.'))
async def adorn(cmd): item_id = ewutils.flattenTokenListToString(cmd.tokens[1:]) try: item_id_int = int(item_id) except: item_id_int = None if item_id != None and len(item_id) > 0: response = "You don't have one." items = ewitem.inventory(,, item_type_filter=ewcfg.it_cosmetic) item_sought = None for item in items: if item.get( 'id_item' ) == item_id_int or item_id in ewutils.flattenTokenListToString( item.get('name')): item_sought = item break if item_sought != None: id_item = item_sought.get('id_item') item_def = item_sought.get('item_def') name = item_sought.get('name') item_type = item_sought.get('item_type') adorned_items = 0 for it in items: i = EwItem(it.get('id_item')) if i.item_props['adorned'] == 'true': adorned_items += 1 item = EwItem(id_item=id_item) user_data = EwUser( if item.item_props['adorned'] == 'true': item.item_props['adorned'] = 'false' response = "You successfully dedorn your " + item.item_props[ 'cosmetic_name'] + "." else: if adorned_items >= math.ceil( user_data.slimelevel / ewcfg.max_adorn_mod): response = "You can't adorn anymore cosmetics." else: item.item_props['adorned'] = 'true' response = "You successfully adorn your " + item.item_props[ 'cosmetic_name'] + "." item.persist() await cmd.client.send_message(, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) else: await cmd.client.send_message(, ewutils.formatMessage(, 'Adorn which cosmetic? Check your **!inventory**.'))
async def reel(cmd): user_data = EwUser(member = if not in fishers.keys(): fishers[] = EwFisher() fisher = fishers[] poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(user_data.poi) # Ghosts cannot fish. if user_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_corpse: response = "You can't fish while you're dead. Try {}.".format(ewcfg.cmd_revive) elif in [ewcfg.channel_tt_pier, ewcfg.channel_jp_pier, ewcfg.channel_cl_pier, ewcfg.channel_afb_pier, ewcfg.channel_vc_pier, ewcfg.channel_se_pier, ewcfg.channel_ferry]: # Players who haven't cast a line cannot reel. if == False: response = "You haven't cast your hook yet. Try !cast." # If a fish isn't biting, then a player reels in nothing. elif fisher.bite == False and == True: fisher.current_fish = "" fisher.current_size = "" = False fisher.pier = "" response = "You reeled in too early! Nothing was caught." # On successful reel. else: if fisher.current_fish == "item": slimesea_inventory = ewitem.inventory(id_server =, id_user = ewcfg.poi_id_slimesea) pier_poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(fisher.pier) if pier_poi.pier_type != ewcfg.fish_slime_saltwater or len(slimesea_inventory) == 0 or random.random() < 0.5: item = random.choice(ewcfg.mine_results) unearthed_item_amount = (random.randrange(5) + 8) # anywhere from 8-12 drops item_props = ewitem.gen_item_props(item) for creation in range(unearthed_item_amount): ewitem.item_create( item_type = item.item_type, id_user =, id_server =, item_props = item_props ) response = "You reel in {} {}s! ".format(unearthed_item_amount, item.str_name) else: item = random.choice(slimesea_inventory) ewitem.give_item(id_item = item.get('id_item'), member = response = "You reel in a {}!".format(item.get('name')) = False fisher.bite = False fisher.current_fish = "" fisher.current_size = "" fisher.pier = "" user_data.persist() else: user_initial_level = user_data.slimelevel gang_bonus = False has_fishingrod = False if user_data.weapon >= 0: weapon_item = EwItem(id_item = user_data.weapon) weapon = ewcfg.weapon_map.get(weapon_item.item_props.get("weapon_type")) if weapon.id_weapon == "fishingrod": has_fishingrod = True value = 0 if fisher.current_size == ewcfg.fish_size_miniscule: slime_gain = ewcfg.fish_gain * 1 value += 10 elif fisher.current_size == ewcfg.fish_size_small: slime_gain = ewcfg.fish_gain * 2 value += 20 elif fisher.current_size == ewcfg.fish_size_average: slime_gain = ewcfg.fish_gain * 3 value += 30 elif fisher.current_size == ewcfg.fish_size_big: slime_gain = ewcfg.fish_gain * 4 value += 40 elif fisher.current_size == ewcfg.fish_size_huge: slime_gain = ewcfg.fish_gain * 5 value += 50 else: slime_gain = ewcfg.fish_gain * 6 value += 60 if ewcfg.fish_map[fisher.current_fish].rarity == ewcfg.fish_rarity_common: value += 10 if ewcfg.fish_map[fisher.current_fish].rarity == ewcfg.fish_rarity_uncommon: value += 20 if ewcfg.fish_map[fisher.current_fish].rarity == ewcfg.fish_rarity_rare: value += 30 if ewcfg.fish_map[fisher.current_fish].rarity == ewcfg.fish_rarity_promo: value += 40 if user_data.life_state == 2: if ewcfg.fish_map[fisher.current_fish].catch_time == ewcfg.fish_catchtime_day and user_data.faction == ewcfg.faction_rowdys: gang_bonus = True slime_gain = slime_gain * 1.5 value += 20 if ewcfg.fish_map[fisher.current_fish].catch_time == ewcfg.fish_catchtime_night and user_data.faction == ewcfg.faction_killers: gang_bonus = True slime_gain = slime_gain * 1.5 value += 20 if has_fishingrod == True: slime_gain = slime_gain * 2 if fisher.current_fish == "plebefish": slime_gain = ewcfg.fish_gain * .5 value = 10 if poi.is_subzone: district_data = EwDistrict(district = poi.mother_district, id_server = else: district_data = EwDistrict(district = poi.id_poi, id_server = if district_data.controlling_faction != "" and district_data.controlling_faction == user_data.faction: slime_gain *= 2 ewitem.item_create( id_user =, id_server =, item_type = ewcfg.it_food, item_props = { 'id_food': ewcfg.fish_map[fisher.current_fish].id_fish, 'food_name': ewcfg.fish_map[fisher.current_fish].str_name, 'food_desc': ewcfg.fish_map[fisher.current_fish].str_desc, 'recover_hunger': 20, 'str_eat': ewcfg.str_eat_raw_material.format(ewcfg.fish_map[fisher.current_fish].str_name), 'rarity': ewcfg.fish_map[fisher.current_fish].rarity, 'size': fisher.current_size, 'time_expir': time.time() + ewcfg.std_food_expir, 'time_fridged': 0, 'acquisition': ewcfg.acquisition_fishing, 'value': value } ) response = "You reel in a {fish}! {flavor} You grab hold and wring {slime} slime from it. "\ .format(fish = ewcfg.fish_map[fisher.current_fish].str_name, flavor = ewcfg.fish_map[fisher.current_fish].str_desc, slime = str(slime_gain)) if gang_bonus == True: if user_data.faction == ewcfg.faction_rowdys: response += "The Rowdy-pride this fish is showing gave you more slime than usual. " elif user_data.faction == ewcfg.faction_killers: response += "The Killer-pride this fish is showing gave you more slime than usual. " levelup_response = user_data.change_slimes(n = slime_gain, source = ewcfg.source_fishing) was_levelup = True if user_initial_level < user_data.slimelevel else False # Tell the player their slime level increased. if was_levelup: response += levelup_response market_data = EwMarket(id_server=user_data.id_server) if market_data.caught_fish == ewcfg.debugfish_goal and fisher.pier in ewcfg.debugpiers: item = ewcfg.debugitem ewitem.item_create( item_type=ewcfg.it_item, id_user=user_data.id_user, id_server=user_data.id_server, item_props={ 'id_item': item.id_item, 'context': item.context, 'item_name': item.str_name, 'item_desc': item.str_desc, } ), ewutils.logMsg('Created item: {}'.format(item.id_item)) item = EwItem(id_item=item.id_item) item.persist() response += ewcfg.debugfish_response market_data.caught_fish += 1 market_data.persist() elif market_data.caught_fish < ewcfg.debugfish_goal and fisher.pier in ewcfg.debugpiers: market_data.caught_fish += 1 market_data.persist() = False fisher.bite = False fisher.current_fish = "" fisher.current_size = "" fisher.pier = "" user_data.persist() else: response = "You cast your fishing rod unto a sidewalk. That is to say, you've accomplished nothing. Go to a pier if you want to fish." await ewutils.send_message(cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response))
async def on_message(message): time_now = int(time.time()) ewcfg.set_client(client) """ do not interact with our own messages """ if == or == True: return if message.server != None: # Note that the user posted a message. active_map = active_users_map.get( if active_map == None: active_map = {} active_users_map[] = active_map active_map[] = True # Update player information. ewplayer.player_update( member =, server = message.server ) content_tolower = message.content.lower() re_awoo = re.compile('.*![a]+[w]+o[o]+.*') # update the player's time_last_action which is used for kicking AFK players out of subzones if message.server != None: try: ewutils.execute_sql_query("UPDATE users SET {time_last_action} = %s WHERE id_user = %s AND id_server = %s".format( time_last_action = ewcfg.col_time_last_action ), ( int(time.time()),, )) except: ewutils.logMsg('server {}: failed to update time_last_action for {}'.format(, user_data = EwUser(member = statuses = user_data.getStatusEffects() if ewcfg.status_strangled_id in statuses: strangle_effect = EwStatusEffect(id_status=ewcfg.status_strangled_id, user_data=user_data) source = EwPlayer(id_user=strangle_effect.source, response = "You manage to break {}'s garrote wire!".format(source.display_name) user_data.clear_status(ewcfg.status_strangled_id) return await ewutils.send_message(client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) if message.content.startswith(ewcfg.cmd_prefix) or message.server == None or len( < 2: """ Wake up if we need to respond to messages. Could be: message starts with ! direct message (server == None) user is new/has no roles (len(roles) < 2) """ #Ignore users with weird characters in their name try:[:3].encode('utf-8').decode('ascii') except UnicodeError: return await ewutils.send_message(client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, "We don't take kindly to moon runes around here.")) # tokenize the message. the command should be the first word. try: tokens = shlex.split(message.content) # it's split with shlex now because shlex regards text within quotes as a single token except: tokens = message.content.split(' ') # if splitting via shlex doesnt work (odd number of quotes), use the old splitting method so it doesnt give an exception tokens_count = len(tokens) cmd = tokens[0].lower() if tokens_count >= 1 else "" # remove mentions to us mentions = list(filter(lambda user : !=, message.mentions)) mentions_count = len(mentions) # Create command object cmd_obj = ewcmd.EwCmd( tokens = tokens, message = message, client = client, mentions = mentions ) """ Handle direct messages. """ if message.server == None: playermodel = ewplayer.EwPlayer(id_user = usermodel = EwUser(, id_server= playermodel.id_server) poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(usermodel.poi) # Direct message the player their inventory. if ewitem.cmd_is_inventory(cmd): return await ewitem.inventory_print(cmd_obj) elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_inspect: return await ewitem.item_look(cmd_obj) elif poi.is_apartment: return await ewapt.aptCommands(cmd=cmd_obj) else: time_last = last_helped_times.get(, 0) # Only send the help doc once every thirty seconds. There's no need to spam it. if (time_now - time_last) > 30: last_helped_times[] = time_now await ewutils.send_message(client,, ewcfg.generic_help_response) # Nothing else to do in a DM. return # assign the appropriate roles to a user with less than @everyone, faction, location if len( < 3: await ewrolemgr.updateRoles(client = client, member = user_data = EwUser(member = if user_data.arrested: return mutations = user_data.get_mutations() # Scold/ignore offline players. if == discord.Status.offline: if ewcfg.mutation_id_chameleonskin not in mutations or cmd not in ewcfg.offline_cmds: response = "You cannot participate in the ENDLESS WAR while offline." return await ewutils.send_message(client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) if user_data.time_lastoffline > time_now - ewcfg.time_offline: if ewcfg.mutation_id_chameleonskin not in mutations or cmd not in ewcfg.offline_cmds: response = "You are too paralyzed by ENDLESS WAR's judgemental stare to act." return await ewutils.send_message(client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) # Ignore stunned players if ewcfg.status_stunned_id in statuses: return # Check the main command map for the requested command. global cmd_map cmd_fn = cmd_map.get(cmd) if user_data.poi in ewcfg.tutorial_pois: return await ewdungeons.tutorial_cmd(cmd_obj) elif cmd_fn != None: # Execute found command return await cmd_fn(cmd_obj) # FIXME debug # Test item creation elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'createtestitem'): item_id = ewitem.item_create( item_type = 'medal', id_user =, id_server =, item_props = { 'medal_name': 'Test Award', 'medal_desc': '**{medal_name}**: *Awarded to Krak by Krak for testing shit.*' } ) ewutils.logMsg('Created item: {}'.format(item_id)) item = EwItem(id_item = item_id) item.item_props['test'] = 'meow' item.persist() item = EwItem(id_item = item_id) await ewutils.send_message(client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, ewitem.item_look(item))) # Creates a poudrin elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'createpoudrin'): for item in ewcfg.item_list: if item.context == "poudrin": ewitem.item_create( item_type = ewcfg.it_item, id_user =, id_server =, item_props = { 'id_item': item.id_item, 'context': item.context, 'item_name': item.str_name, 'item_desc': item.str_desc, } ), ewutils.logMsg('Created item: {}'.format(item.id_item)) item = EwItem(id_item = item.id_item) item.persist() else: pass await ewutils.send_message(client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, "Poudrin created.")) # Gives the user some slime elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'getslime'): user_data = EwUser(member = user_initial_level = user_data.slimelevel response = "You get 100,000 slime!" levelup_response = user_data.change_slimes(n = 100000) was_levelup = True if user_initial_level < user_data.slimelevel else False if was_levelup: response += " {}".format(levelup_response) user_data.persist() await ewutils.send_message(client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'getcoin'): user_data = EwUser( user_data.change_slimecoin(n=1000000000, coinsource=ewcfg.coinsource_spending) response = "You get 1,000,000,000 slimecoin!" user_data.persist() await ewutils.send_message(client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) # Deletes all items in your inventory. elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'clearinv'): user_data = EwUser(member = ewitem.item_destroyall(id_server =, id_user = response = "You destroy every single item in your inventory." user_data.persist() await ewutils.send_message(client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'createapple'): item_id = ewitem.item_create( id_user =, id_server =, item_type = ewcfg.it_food, item_props = { 'id_food': "direapples", 'food_name': "Dire Apples", 'food_desc': "This sure is a illegal Dire Apple!", 'recover_hunger': 500, 'str_eat': "You chomp into this illegal Dire Apple.", 'time_expir': int(time.time() + ewcfg.farm_food_expir) } ) ewutils.logMsg('Created item: {}'.format(item_id)) item = EwItem(id_item = item_id) item.item_props['test'] = 'meow' item.persist() await ewutils.send_message(client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, "Apple created.")) elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'createhat'): patrician_rarity = 20 patrician_smelted = random.randint(1, patrician_rarity) patrician = False if patrician_smelted == 1: patrician = True items = [] for cosmetic in ewcfg.cosmetic_items_list: if patrician and cosmetic.rarity == ewcfg.rarity_patrician: items.append(cosmetic) elif not patrician and cosmetic.rarity == ewcfg.rarity_plebeian: items.append(cosmetic) item = items[random.randint(0, len(items) - 1)] item_id = ewitem.item_create( item_type = ewcfg.it_cosmetic, id_user =, id_server =, item_props = { 'id_cosmetic': item.id_cosmetic, 'cosmetic_name': item.str_name, 'cosmetic_desc': item.str_desc, 'rarity': item.rarity, 'adorned': 'false' } ) ewutils.logMsg('Created item: {}'.format(item_id)) item = EwItem(id_item = item_id) item.item_props['test'] = 'meow' item.persist() await ewutils.send_message(client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, "Hat created.")) elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'createfood'): item = ewcfg.food_list[random.randint(0, len(ewcfg.food_list) - 1)] item_id = ewitem.item_create( item_type = ewcfg.it_food, id_user =, id_server =, item_props = { 'id_food': item.id_food, 'food_name': item.str_name, 'food_desc': item.str_desc, 'recover_hunger': item.recover_hunger, 'str_eat': item.str_eat, 'time_expir': item.time_expir } ) ewutils.logMsg('Created item: {}'.format(item_id)) item = EwItem(id_item = item_id) item.item_props['test'] = 'meow' item.persist() await ewutils.send_message(client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, "Food created.")) # FIXME debug # Test item deletion elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'delete'): items = ewitem.inventory( id_user =, id_server = ) for item in items: ewitem.item_delete( id_item = item.get('id_item') ) await ewutils.send_message(client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, 'ok')) # AWOOOOO elif re_awoo.match(cmd): return await ewcmd.cmd_howl(cmd_obj) # Debug command to override the role of a user elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'setrole'): response = "" if mentions_count == 0: response = 'Set who\'s role?' else: roles_map = ewutils.getRoleMap(message.server.roles) role_target = tokens[1] role = roles_map.get(role_target) if role != None: for user in mentions: try: await client.replace_roles(user, role) except: ewutils.logMsg('Failed to replace_roles for user {} with {}.'.format(user.display_name, response = 'Done.' else: response = 'Unrecognized role.' await ewutils.send_message(client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'getrowdy'): response = "You get rowdy. F**k. YES!" user_data = EwUser( user_data.life_state = ewcfg.life_state_enlisted user_data.faction = ewcfg.faction_rowdys user_data.time_lastenlist = time_now + ewcfg.cd_enlist user_data.persist() await ewutils.send_message(client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'getkiller'): response = "You uh... 'get' killer. Sure." user_data = EwUser( user_data.life_state = ewcfg.life_state_enlisted user_data.faction = ewcfg.faction_killers user_data.time_lastenlist = time_now + ewcfg.cd_enlist user_data.persist() await ewutils.send_message(client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) # Toggles rain on and off elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'toggledownfall'): market_data = EwMarket( if == ewcfg.weather_bicarbonaterain: newweather = ewcfg.weather_sunny = newweather response = "Bicarbonate rain turned OFF. Weather was set to {}.".format(newweather) else: = ewcfg.weather_bicarbonaterain response = "Bicarbonate rain turned ON." market_data.persist() await ewutils.send_message(client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'dayforward'): market_data = EwMarket( += 1 market_data.persist() response = "Time has progressed 1 day forward manually." if ewutils.check_fursuit_active(market_data.id_server): response += "\nIt's a full moon!" await ewutils.send_message(client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'hourforward'): market_data = EwMarket( market_data.clock += 1 response = "Time has progressed 1 hour forward manually." if market_data.clock >= 24 or market_data.clock < 0: market_data.clock = 0 += 1 response += "\nMidnight has come. 1 day progressed forward." if ewutils.check_fursuit_active(market_data.id_server): response += "\nIt's a full moon!" market_data.persist() await ewutils.send_message(client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) # didn't match any of the command words. else: """ couldn't process the command. bail out!! """ """ bot rule 0: be cute """ randint = random.randint(1,3) msg_mistake = "ENDLESS WAR is growing frustrated." if randint == 2: msg_mistake = "ENDLESS WAR denies you his favor." elif randint == 3: msg_mistake = "ENDLESS WAR pays you no mind." msg = await ewutils.send_message(client,, msg_mistake) await asyncio.sleep(2) try: await client.delete_message(msg) except: pass elif content_tolower.find(ewcfg.cmd_howl) >= 0 or content_tolower.find(ewcfg.cmd_howl_alt1) >= 0 or re_awoo.match(content_tolower): """ Howl if !howl is in the message at all. """ return await ewcmd.cmd_howl(ewcmd.EwCmd( message = message, client = client ))
async def order(cmd): user_data = EwUser( if user_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_shambler and user_data.poi != ewcfg.poi_id_nuclear_beach_edge: response = "You lack the higher brain functions required to {}.".format( cmd.tokens[0]) return await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) market_data = EwMarket( currency_used = 'slime' current_currency_amount = user_data.slimes #poi = ewmap.fetch_poi_if_coordless( poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(user_data.poi) if poi is None or len(poi.vendors) == 0 or ewutils.channel_name_is_poi( == False: # Only allowed in the food court. response = "There’s nothing to buy here. If you want to purchase some items, go to a sub-zone with a vendor in it, like the food court, the speakeasy, or the bazaar." else: poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(user_data.poi) district_data = EwDistrict(district=poi.id_poi, id_server=user_data.id_server) shambler_multiplier = 1 #for speakeasy during shambler times if district_data.is_degraded( ) and poi.id_poi != ewcfg.poi_id_nuclear_beach_edge: if poi.id_poi == ewcfg.poi_id_speakeasy: shambler_multiplier = 4 else: response = "{} has been degraded by shamblers. You can't {} here anymore.".format( poi.str_name, cmd.tokens[0]) return await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) #value = ewutils.flattenTokenListToString(cmd.tokens[1:2]) #if cmd.tokens_count > 1: # value = cmd.tokens[1] # value = value.lower() value = None togo = False if cmd.tokens_count > 1: for token in cmd.tokens[1:]: if token.startswith('<@') == False and token.lower( ) not in "togo": # togo can be spelled together or separate value = token break for token in cmd.tokens[1:]: if token.lower( ) in "togo": # lets people get away with just typing only to or only go (or only t etc.) but whatever togo = True break # Finds the item if it's an EwGeneralItem. if value == "mylittleponyfigurine": value = random.choice(ewcfg.furniture_pony) item = ewcfg.item_map.get(value) item_type = ewcfg.it_item if item != None: item_id = item.id_item name = item.str_name # Finds the item if it's an EwFood item. if item == None: item = ewcfg.food_map.get(value) item_type = ewcfg.it_food if item != None: item_id = item.id_food name = item.str_name # Finds the item if it's an EwCosmeticItem. if item == None: item = ewcfg.cosmetic_map.get(value) item_type = ewcfg.it_cosmetic if item != None: item_id = item.id_cosmetic name = item.str_name if item == None: item = ewcfg.furniture_map.get(value) item_type = ewcfg.it_furniture if item != None: item_id = item.id_furniture name = item.str_name if item_id in ewcfg.furniture_pony: item.vendors = [ewcfg.vendor_bazaar] if item == None: item = ewcfg.weapon_map.get(value) item_type = ewcfg.it_weapon if item != None: item_id = item.id_weapon name = item.str_weapon if item != None: item_type = item.item_type # Gets a vendor that the item is available and the player currently located in try: current_vendor = (set(item.vendors).intersection( set(poi.vendors))).pop() except: current_vendor = None # Check if the item is available in the current bazaar item rotation if current_vendor == ewcfg.vendor_bazaar: if item_id not in market_data.bazaar_wares.values(): if item_id in ewcfg.furniture_pony and "mylittleponyfigurine" in market_data.bazaar_wares.values( ): pass else: current_vendor = None if current_vendor == ewcfg.vendor_downpourlaboratory: currency_used = 'brainz' current_currency_amount = user_data.gvs_currency if current_vendor is None or len(current_vendor) < 1: response = "Check the {} for a list of items you can {}.".format( ewcfg.cmd_menu, ewcfg.cmd_order) else: response = "" value = item.price premium_purchase = True if item_id in ewcfg.premium_items else False if premium_purchase: togo = True # Just in case they order a premium food item, don't make them eat it right then and there. if ewcfg.cd_premium_purchase > (int( time.time()) - user_data.time_lastpremiumpurchase): response = "That item is in very limited stock! The vendor asks that you refrain from purchasing it for a day or two." return await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) elif ewcfg.cd_new_player > (int(time.time()) - user_data.time_joined): response = "You've only been in the city for a few days. The vendor doesn't trust you with that item very much..." return await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) stock_data = None company_data = None # factor in the current stocks for vendor in item.vendors: if vendor in ewcfg.vendor_stock_map: stock = ewcfg.vendor_stock_map.get(vendor) company_data = EwCompany(id_server=user_data.id_server, stock=stock) stock_data = EwStock(id_server=user_data.id_server, stock=stock) if stock_data is not None: value *= (stock_data.exchange_rate / ewcfg.default_stock_exchange_rate)**0.2 controlling_faction = ewutils.get_subzone_controlling_faction( user_data.poi, user_data.id_server) if controlling_faction != "" and poi.id_poi != ewcfg.poi_id_nuclear_beach_edge: # prices are halved for the controlling gang if controlling_faction == user_data.faction: value /= 2 # and 4 times as much for enemy gangsters elif user_data.faction != "": value *= 4 # raise shambled speakeasy price 4 times value *= shambler_multiplier # Raise the price for togo ordering. This gets lowered back down later if someone does togo ordering on a non-food item by mistake. if togo: value *= 1.5 if current_vendor == ewcfg.vendor_breakroom and user_data.faction == ewcfg.faction_slimecorp: value = 0 value = int(value) food_ordered = False target_data = None # Kingpins eat free. if (user_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_kingpin or user_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_grandfoe ) and item_type == ewcfg.it_food: value = 0 if value > current_currency_amount: # Not enough money. response = "A {} costs {:,} {}, and you only have {:,}.".format( name, value, currency_used, current_currency_amount) else: if item_type == ewcfg.it_food: food_ordered = True food_items = ewitem.inventory(,, item_type_filter=ewcfg.it_food) target = None target_data = None if not togo: # cant order togo for someone else, you can just give it to them in person if cmd.mentions_count == 1: target = cmd.mentions[0] if == target = None if target != None: target_data = EwUser(member=target) if target_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_corpse and target_data.get_possession( ): response = "How are you planning to feed them while they're possessing you?" return await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) elif target_data.poi != user_data.poi: response = "You can't order anything for them because they aren't here!" return await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) if len(food_items) >= user_data.get_food_capacity( ) and target_data == None and togo: # user_data never got persisted so the player won't lose money unnecessarily response = "You can't carry any more food than that." return await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) elif item_type == ewcfg.it_weapon: weapons_held = ewitem.inventory( id_user=user_data.id_user,, item_type_filter=ewcfg.it_weapon) has_weapon = False # Thrown weapons are stackable if ewcfg.weapon_class_thrown in item.classes: # Check the player's inventory for the weapon and add amount to stack size. Create a new item the max stack size has been reached for wep in weapons_held: weapon = EwItem(id_item=wep.get("id_item")) if weapon.item_props.get( "weapon_type" ) == item.id_weapon and weapon.stack_size < weapon.stack_max: has_weapon = True weapon.stack_size += 1 weapon.persist() if value == 0: response = "You swipe a {} from the counter at {}.".format( item.str_weapon, current_vendor) else: response = "You slam {:,} slime down on the counter at {} for {}.".format( value, current_vendor, item.str_weapon) user_data.change_slimes( n=-value, source=ewcfg.source_spending) user_data.persist() return await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) if has_weapon == False: if len(weapons_held ) >= user_data.get_weapon_capacity(): response = "You can't carry any more weapons." return await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) elif user_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_corpse: response = "Ghosts can't hold weapons." return await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) item_props = ewitem.gen_item_props(item) customtext = cmd.message.content[(len(cmd.tokens[0]) + len(cmd.tokens[1]) + 2):] if item.item_type == ewcfg.it_furniture and "custom" in item_props.get( 'id_furniture'): if customtext == "": response = "You need to specify the customization text before buying a custom item. Come on, isn't that self-evident?" return await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) # Only food should have the value multiplied. If someone togo orders a non-food item by mistake, lower it back down. if not food_ordered and togo: value = int(value / 1.5) if currency_used == 'slime': user_data.change_slimes(n=-value, source=ewcfg.source_spending) elif currency_used == 'brainz': user_data.gvs_currency -= value if company_data is not None: company_data.recent_profits += value company_data.persist() if item.str_name == "arcade cabinet": item_props['furniture_desc'] = random.choice( ewcfg.cabinets_list) elif item.item_type == ewcfg.it_furniture: if "custom" in item_props.get('id_furniture'): item_props['furniture_name'] = item_props[ 'furniture_name'].format(custom=customtext) item_props['furniture_desc'] = item_props[ 'furniture_desc'].format(custom=customtext) item_props['furniture_look_desc'] = item_props[ 'furniture_look_desc'].format( custom=customtext) item_props['furniture_place_desc'] = item_props[ 'furniture_place_desc'].format( custom=customtext) item.str_name = item.str_name.format( custom=customtext) id_item = ewitem.item_create( item_type=item_type,,, stack_max=20 if item_type == ewcfg.it_weapon and ewcfg.weapon_class_thrown in item.classes else -1, stack_size=1 if item_type == ewcfg.it_weapon and ewcfg.weapon_class_thrown in item.classes else 0, item_props=item_props) if value == 0: response = "You swipe a {} from the counter at {}.".format( item.str_name, current_vendor) else: response = "You slam {:,} {} down on the counter at {} for {}.".format( value, currency_used, current_vendor, item.str_name) if food_ordered and not togo: item_data = EwItem(id_item=id_item) # Eat food on the spot! if target_data != None: target_player_data = EwPlayer( id_user=target_data.id_user) if value == 0: response = "You swipe a {} from the counter at {} and give it to {}.".format( item.str_name, current_vendor, target_player_data.display_name) else: response = "You slam {:,} slime down on the counter at {} for {} and give it to {}.".format( value, current_vendor, item.str_name, target_player_data.display_name) response += "\n\n*{}*: ".format( target_player_data.display_name ) + target_data.persist() asyncio.ensure_future( ewutils.decrease_food_multiplier( user_data.id_user)) else: if value == 0: response = "You swipe a {} from the counter at {} and eat it right on the spot.".format( item.str_name, current_vendor) else: response = "You slam {:,} slime down on the counter at {} for {} and eat it right on the spot.".format( value, current_vendor, item.str_name) user_player_data = EwPlayer( id_user=user_data.id_user) response += "\n\n*{}*: ".format( user_player_data.display_name) + item_data) user_data.persist() asyncio.ensure_future( ewutils.decrease_food_multiplier( user_data.id_user)) if premium_purchase: user_data.time_lastpremiumpurchase = int(time.time()) user_data.persist() else: response = "Check the {} for a list of items you can {}.".format( ewcfg.cmd_menu, ewcfg.cmd_order) # Send the response to the player. await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response))
async def on_message(message): time_now = int(time.time()) """ do not interact with our own messages """ if == or == True: return if message.server != None: # Note that the user posted a message. active_map = active_users_map.get( if active_map == None: active_map = {} active_users_map[] = active_map active_map[] = True # Update player information. ewplayer.player_update(, server=message.server) content_tolower = message.content.lower() re_awoo = re.compile('.*![a]+[w]+o[o]+.*') if message.content.startswith( ewcfg.cmd_prefix) or message.server == None or len( < 2: """ Wake up if we need to respond to messages. Could be: message starts with ! direct message (server == None) user is new/has no roles (len(roles) < 2) """ # tokenize the message. the command should be the first word. tokens = message.content.split(' ') tokens_count = len(tokens) cmd = tokens[0].lower() # remove mentions to us mentions = list( filter(lambda user: !=, message.mentions)) mentions_count = len(mentions) # Create command object cmd_obj = ewcmd.EwCmd(tokens=tokens, message=message, client=client, mentions=mentions) """ reply to DMs with help document """ if message.server == None: # Direct message the player their inventory. if ewitem.cmd_is_inventory(cmd): return await ewitem.inventory_print(cmd_obj) else: time_last = last_helped_times.get(, 0) # Only send the help doc once every thirty seconds. There's no need to spam it. if (time_now - time_last) > 30: last_helped_times[] = time_now await client.send_message(, 'Check out the guide for help:' ) # Nothing else to do in a DM. return # common data we'll need roles_map = cmd_obj.roles_map # assign the juveniles role to a user with only 1 or 0 roles. if len( < 2: role_juvenile = roles_map[ewcfg.role_juvenile] await client.replace_roles(, role_juvenile) return # Scold/ignore offline players. if == discord.Status.offline: resp = await ewcmd.start(cmd=cmd_obj) response = "You cannot participate in the ENDLESS WAR while offline." if resp != None: await client.edit_message( resp, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) else: await client.send_message(, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) return # process command words if cmd == ewcfg.cmd_kill or cmd == ewcfg.cmd_shoot: return await ewwep.attack(cmd_obj) # Choose your weapon elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_equip: return await ewwep.equip(cmd_obj) # Kill yourself to return slime to your general. elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_suicide: return await ewwep.suicide(cmd_obj) # Spar with an ally elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_spar: return await ewwep.spar(cmd_obj) # Name your current weapon. elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_annoint: return await ewwep.annoint(cmd_obj) # move from juvenile to one of the armies (rowdys or killers) elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_enlist: return await ewjuviecmd.enlist(cmd_obj) # gives slime to the miner ( elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_mine: return await ewjuviecmd.mine(cmd_obj) # Show the current slime score of a player. elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_score or cmd == ewcfg.cmd_score_alt1: return await ewcmd.score(cmd_obj) # Show a player's combat data. elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_data: return await #check what time it is, and the weather elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_time or cmd == ewcfg.cmd_clock or cmd == ewcfg.cmd_weather: return await # Show the total of negative slime in the world. elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_negaslime: return await ewspooky.negaslime(cmd_obj) # revive yourself as a juvenile after having been killed. elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_revive: return await ewspooky.revive(cmd_obj) # Ghosts can haunt enlisted players to reduce their slime score. elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_haunt: return await ewspooky.haunt(cmd_obj) # Play slime pachinko! elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_slimepachinko: return await ewcasino.pachinko(cmd_obj) # Toss the dice at slime craps! elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_slimecraps: return await ewcasino.craps(cmd_obj) # Pull the lever on a slot machine! elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_slimeslots: return await ewcasino.slots(cmd_obj) # See what's for sale in the Food Court. elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_menu: return await # Order refreshing food and drinks! elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_order: return await ewfood.order(cmd_obj) # Transfer slime between players. Shares a cooldown with investments. elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_transfer or cmd == ewcfg.cmd_transfer_alt1: return await ewmarket.xfer(cmd_obj) # Invest in the slime market! elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_invest: return await ewmarket.invest(cmd_obj) # Withdraw your investments! elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_withdraw: return await ewmarket.withdraw(cmd_obj) # Show the current slime market exchange rate (slime per credit). elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_exchangerate or cmd == ewcfg.cmd_exchangerate_alt1: return await ewmarket.rate(cmd_obj) # Show the player's slime credit. elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_slimecredit or cmd == ewcfg.cmd_slimecredit_alt1: return await ewmarket.slimecoin(cmd_obj) # faction leader consumes the mentioned players of their own faction to absorb their slime count # kills the mentioned players elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_devour: return await ewkingpin.devour(cmd_obj) # rowdy f****r and cop killer (leaders) can give slimes to anybody elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_giveslime or cmd == ewcfg.cmd_giveslime_alt1: return await ewkingpin.giveslime(cmd_obj) # Remove a megaslime (1 mil slime) from a general. elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_deadmega: return await ewkingpin.deadmega(cmd_obj) # FIXME debug # Test item creation elif cmd == '!create': item_id = ewitem.item_create( item_type='medal',,, item_props={ 'medal_name': 'Test Award', 'medal_desc': '**{medal_name}**: *Awarded to Krak by Krak for testing shit.*' }) ewutils.logMsg('Created item: {}'.format(item_id)) item = EwItem(id_item=item_id) item.item_props['test'] = 'meow' item.persist() item = EwItem(id_item=item_id) await client.send_message(, ewutils.formatMessage(, ewitem.item_look(item))) # FIXME debug # Test item deletion elif cmd == '!delete': items = ewitem.inventory(, for item in items: ewitem.item_delete(id_item=item.get('id_item')) await client.send_message(, ewutils.formatMessage(, 'ok')) # Direct message the player their inventory. elif ewitem.cmd_is_inventory(cmd): return await ewitem.inventory_print(cmd_obj) # !harvest is not a command elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_harvest: await client.send_message(, ewutils.formatMessage(, '**HARVEST IS NOT A COMMAND YOU F*****G IDIOT**')) # AWOOOOO elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_howl or cmd == ewcfg.cmd_howl_alt1 or re_awoo.match( cmd): return await ewcmd.cmd_howl(cmd_obj) # advertise patch notes elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_patchnotes: await client.send_message(, ewutils.formatMessage(, 'Look for the latest patchnotes on the news page:' )) # advertise help services elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_help or cmd == ewcfg.cmd_help_alt1 or cmd == ewcfg.cmd_help_alt2: await client.send_message(, ewutils.formatMessage(, 'Check out the guide for help:' )) # Debug command to override the role of a user elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'setrole'): resp = await ewcmd.start(cmd=cmd_obj) response = "" if mentions_count == 0: response = 'Set who\'s role?' else: role_target = tokens[1] role = roles_map.get(role_target) if role != None: for user in mentions: await client.replace_roles(user, role) response = 'Done.' else: response = 'Unrecognized role.' await client.edit_message( resp, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) # didn't match any of the command words. else: resp = await ewcmd.start(cmd=cmd_obj) """ couldn't process the command. bail out!! """ """ bot rule 0: be cute """ randint = random.randint(1, 3) msg_mistake = "ENDLESS WAR is growing frustrated." if randint == 2: msg_mistake = "ENDLESS WAR denies you his favor." elif randint == 3: msg_mistake = "ENDLESS WAR pays you no mind." await asyncio.sleep(1) await client.edit_message(resp, msg_mistake) await asyncio.sleep(2) await client.delete_message(resp) elif content_tolower.find(ewcfg.cmd_howl) >= 0 or content_tolower.find( ewcfg.cmd_howl_alt1) >= 0 or re_awoo.match(content_tolower): """ Howl if !howl is in the message at all. """ return await ewcmd.cmd_howl(ewcmd.EwCmd(message=message, client=client))
async def order(cmd): user_data = EwUser( market_data = EwMarket( poi = ewmap.fetch_poi_if_coordless( if poi is None or len(poi.vendors) == 0: # Only allowed in the food court. response = "There’s nothing to buy here. If you want to purchase some items, go to a sub-zone with a vendor in it, like the food court, the speakeasy, or the bazaar." else: value = ewutils.flattenTokenListToString(cmd.tokens[1:]) #if cmd.tokens_count > 1: # value = cmd.tokens[1] # value = value.lower() # Finds the item if it's an EwGeneralItem. item = ewcfg.item_map.get(value) item_type = ewcfg.it_item if item != None: item_id = item.id_item name = item.str_name # Finds the item if it's an EwFood item. if item == None: item = ewcfg.food_map.get(value) item_type = ewcfg.it_food if item != None: item_id = item.id_food name = item.str_name # Finds the item if it's an EwCosmeticItem. if item == None: item = ewcfg.cosmetic_map.get(value) item_type = ewcfg.it_cosmetic if item != None: item_id = item.id_cosmetic name = item.str_name if item == None: item = ewcfg.furniture_map.get(value) item_type = ewcfg.it_furniture if item != None: item_id = item.id_furniture name = item.str_name if item == None: item = ewcfg.weapon_map.get(value) item_type = ewcfg.it_weapon if item != None: item_id = item.id_weapon name = item.str_weapon if item != None: item_type = item.item_type # Gets a vendor that the item is available and the player currently located in try: current_vendor = (set(item.vendors).intersection( set(poi.vendors))).pop() except: current_vendor = None # Check if the item is available in the current bazaar item rotation if current_vendor == ewcfg.vendor_bazaar: if item_id not in market_data.bazaar_wares.values(): current_vendor = None if current_vendor is None or len(current_vendor) < 1: response = "Check the {} for a list of items you can {}.".format( ewcfg.cmd_menu, ewcfg.cmd_order) else: response = "" value = item.price stock_data = None company_data = None # factor in the current stocks for vendor in item.vendors: if vendor in ewcfg.vendor_stock_map: stock = ewcfg.vendor_stock_map.get(vendor) company_data = EwCompany(id_server=user_data.id_server, stock=stock) stock_data = EwStock(id_server=user_data.id_server, stock=stock) if stock_data is not None: value *= (stock_data.exchange_rate / ewcfg.default_stock_exchange_rate)**0.2 if poi.is_subzone: district_data = EwDistrict(district=poi.mother_district, else: district_data = EwDistrict(district=poi.id_poi, if district_data.controlling_faction != "": # prices are halved for the controlling gang if district_data.controlling_faction == user_data.faction: value /= 2 # and 4 times as much for enemy gangsters elif user_data.faction != "": value *= 4 value = int(value) # Kingpins eat free. if (user_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_kingpin or user_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_grandfoe ) and item_type == ewcfg.it_food: value = 0 # Yo, Slimernalia! if item_type == ewcfg.it_food: value = 0 if value > user_data.slimes: # Not enough money. response = "A {} costs {:,} slime, and you only have {:,}.".format( name, value, user_data.slimes) else: if item_type == ewcfg.it_food: food_items = ewitem.inventory(,, item_type_filter=ewcfg.it_food) if len(food_items) >= user_data.get_food_capacity(): # user_data never got persisted so the player won't lose money unnecessarily response = "You can't carry any more food than that." return await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) elif item_type == ewcfg.it_weapon: weapons_held = ewitem.inventory( id_user=user_data.id_user,, item_type_filter=ewcfg.it_weapon) has_weapon = False # Thrown weapons are stackable if ewcfg.weapon_class_thrown in item.classes: # Check the player's inventory for the weapon and add amount to stack size. Create a new item the max stack size has been reached for wep in weapons_held: weapon = EwItem(id_item=wep.get("id_item")) if weapon.item_props.get( "weapon_type" ) == item.id_weapon and weapon.stack_size < weapon.stack_max: has_weapon = True weapon.stack_size += 1 weapon.persist() response = "You slam {:,} slime down on the counter at {} for {}.".format( value, current_vendor, item.str_weapon) user_data.change_slimes( n=-value, source=ewcfg.source_spending) user_data.persist() return await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) if has_weapon == False: if len(weapons_held ) >= user_data.get_weapon_capacity(): response = "You can't carry any more weapons." return await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) elif user_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_corpse: response = "Ghosts can't hold weapons." return await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) user_data.change_slimes(n=-value, source=ewcfg.source_spending) if company_data is not None: company_data.recent_profits += value company_data.persist() item_props = ewitem.gen_item_props(item) if item.str_name == "arcade cabinet": item_props['furniture_desc'] = random.choice( ewcfg.cabinets_list) ewitem.item_create( item_type=item_type,,, stack_max=20 if item_type == ewcfg.it_weapon and ewcfg.weapon_class_thrown in item.classes else -1, stack_size=1 if item_type == ewcfg.it_weapon and ewcfg.weapon_class_thrown in item.classes else 0, item_props=item_props) response = "You slam {:,} slime down on the counter at {} for {}.".format( value, current_vendor, item.str_name) user_data.persist() else: response = "Check the {} for a list of items you can {}.".format( ewcfg.cmd_menu, ewcfg.cmd_order) # Send the response to the player. await ewutils.send_message( cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response))
async def order(cmd): user_data = EwUser( poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(user_data.poi) if (poi == None) or (len(poi.vendors) == 0): # Only allowed in the food court. response = ewcfg.str_food_channelreq.format(action="order") else: value = None togo = False if cmd.tokens_count > 1: for token in cmd.tokens[1:]: if token.startswith('<@') == False and token.lower( ) not in "togo": # togo can be spelled together or separate value = token break for token in cmd.tokens[1:]: if token.lower( ) in "togo": # lets people get away with just typing only to or only go (or only t etc.) but whatever togo = True break food = ewcfg.food_map.get(value.lower() if value != None else value) if food != None and food.vendor == ewcfg.vendor_vendingmachine: togo = True member = None if not togo: # cant order togo for someone else, you can just give it to them in person if cmd.mentions_count == 1: member = cmd.mentions[0] if == member = None member_data = EwUser(member=member) if food == None or food.vendor not in poi.vendors: response = "Check the {} for a list of items you can {}.".format( ewcfg.cmd_menu, ewcfg.cmd_order) elif member is not None and member_data.poi != user_data.poi: response = "The delivery service has become unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances." else: market_data = EwMarket( target_data = None if member != None: target_data = EwUser(member=member) value = food.price if not togo else food.price * ewcfg.togo_price_increase # Kingpins eat free. if user_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_kingpin or user_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_grandfoe: value = 0 if value > user_data.slimecredit: # Not enough money. response = "A {food} is {cost:,} SlimeCoin (and you only have {credits:,}).".format( food=food.str_name, cost=value, credits=user_data.slimecredit) else: user_data.change_slimecredit( n=-value, coinsource=ewcfg.coinsource_spending) if not togo: if target_data != None: target_data.hunger -= food.recover_hunger if target_data.hunger < 0: target_data.hunger = 0 target_data.inebriation += food.inebriation if target_data.inebriation > ewcfg.inebriation_max: target_data.inebriation = ewcfg.inebriation_max if food.id_food == "coleslaw": target_data.ghostbust = True else: user_data.hunger -= food.recover_hunger if user_data.hunger < 0: user_data.hunger = 0 user_data.inebriation += food.inebriation if user_data.inebriation > ewcfg.inebriation_max: user_data.inebriation = ewcfg.inebriation_max if food.id_food == "coleslaw": user_data.ghostbust = True else: # if it's togo inv = ewitem.inventory(, food_in_inv = 0 for item in inv: if item.get('item_type') == ewcfg.it_food: food_in_inv += 1 if food_in_inv >= math.ceil( user_data.slimelevel / ewcfg.max_food_in_inv_mod): # user_data never got persisted so the player won't lose money unnecessarily response = "You can't carry any more food than that." return await cmd.client.send_message(, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) item_props = { 'food_name': food.str_name, 'food_desc': food.str_desc, 'recover_hunger': food.recover_hunger, 'price': food.price, 'inebriation': food.inebriation, 'vendor': food.vendor, 'str_eat': food.str_eat, 'time_expir': time.time() + (food.time_expir if food.time_expir is not None else ewcfg.std_food_expir) } ewitem.item_create(item_type=ewcfg.it_food,,, item_props=item_props) response = "You slam {cost:,} SlimeCoin down at the {vendor} for a {food}{togo}{sharetext}{flavor}".format( cost=value, vendor=food.vendor, food=food.str_name, togo=" to go" if togo else "", sharetext=(". " if member == None else " and give it to {}.\n\n{}".format( member.display_name, ewutils.formatMessage(member, ""))), flavor=food.str_eat if not togo else "") if member == None and user_data.hunger <= 0 and not togo: response += "\n\nYou're stuffed!" user_data.persist() market_data.persist() if target_data != None: target_data.persist() # Send the response to the player. await cmd.client.send_message(, ewutils.formatMessage(, response))
async def adorn(cmd): item_id = ewutils.flattenTokenListToString(cmd.tokens[1:]) try: item_id_int = int(item_id) except: item_id_int = None if item_id != None and len(item_id) > 0: response = "You don't have one." items = ewitem.inventory( id_user =, id_server =, item_type_filter = ewcfg.it_cosmetic ) item_sought = None item_from_slimeoid = None already_adorned = False for item in items: if item.get('id_item') == item_id_int or item_id in ewutils.flattenTokenListToString(item.get('name')): i = EwItem(item.get('id_item')) if item_from_slimeoid == None and i.item_props.get("slimeoid") == 'true': item_from_slimeoid = i continue if i.item_props.get("adorned") == 'true': already_adorned = True elif i.item_props.get("context") == 'costume': if not ewutils.check_fursuit_active(i.id_server): response = "You can't adorn your costume right now." else: item_sought = i break else: item_sought = i break if item_sought == None: item_sought = item_from_slimeoid if item_sought != None: adorned_items = 0 for it in items: i = EwItem(it.get('id_item')) if i.item_props['adorned'] == 'true': adorned_items += 1 user_data = EwUser(member = if adorned_items >= ewutils.max_adorn_bylevel(user_data.slimelevel): response = "You can't adorn anymore cosmetics." else: item_sought.item_props['adorned'] = 'true' if item_sought.item_props.get('slimeoid') == 'true': item_sought.item_props['slimeoid'] = 'false' response = "You take your {} from your slimeoid and successfully adorn it.".format( item_sought.item_props.get('cosmetic_name')) else: response = "You successfully adorn your " + item_sought.item_props['cosmetic_name'] + "." item_sought.persist() elif already_adorned: response = "You already have it adorned." await ewutils.send_message(cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, response)) else: await ewutils.send_message(cmd.client,, ewutils.formatMessage(, 'Adorn which cosmetic? Check your **!inventory**.'))
async def weather_tick(id_server=None): if id_server != None: try: market_data = EwMarket(id_server=id_server) if == ewcfg.weather_sunny: exposed_pois = [] exposed_pois.extend(ewcfg.capturable_districts) exposed_pois.extend(ewcfg.outskirts) exposed_pois = tuple(exposed_pois) users = ewutils.execute_sql_query( "SELECT id_user FROM users WHERE id_server = %s AND {poi} IN %s AND {life_state} > 0" .format(poi=ewcfg.col_poi, life_state=ewcfg.col_life_state), (id_server, exposed_pois)) for user in users: try: user_data = EwUser(id_user=user[0], id_server=id_server) if user_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_kingpin: continue else: mutations = user_data.get_mutations() if ewcfg.mutation_id_airlock in mutations: user_data.hunger -= min(user_data.hunger, 5) except: ewutils.logMsg( "Error occurred in weather tick for server {}". format(id_server)) if != ewcfg.weather_bicarbonaterain: return exposed_pois = [] exposed_pois.extend(ewcfg.capturable_districts) exposed_pois.extend(ewcfg.outskirts) exposed_pois = tuple(exposed_pois) client = ewutils.get_client() server = client.get_guild(id_server) users = ewutils.execute_sql_query( "SELECT id_user FROM users WHERE id_server = %s AND {poi} IN %s AND {life_state} > 0" .format(poi=ewcfg.col_poi, life_state=ewcfg.col_life_state), (id_server, exposed_pois)) deathreport = "" resp_cont = ewutils.EwResponseContainer(id_server=id_server) for user in users: user_data = EwUser(id_user=user[0], id_server=id_server) if user_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_kingpin: continue user_poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(user_data.poi) player_data = EwPlayer(id_server=user_data.id_server, id_user=user_data.id_user) protected = False slimeoid_protected = False if user_data.weapon >= 0: weapon_item = EwItem(id_item=user_data.weapon) if weapon_item.item_props.get( 'weapon_type') in ewcfg.rain_protection: protected = True cosmetics = ewitem.inventory( id_user=user_data.id_user, id_server=id_server, item_type_filter=ewcfg.it_cosmetic) for cosmetic in cosmetics: cosmetic_data = EwItem(id_item=cosmetic.get('id_item')) if cosmetic_data.item_props.get( 'id_cosmetic') in ewcfg.rain_protection: if cosmetic_data.item_props.get('adorned') == 'true': protected = True elif cosmetic_data.item_props.get( 'slimeoid') == 'true': slimeoid_protected = True if not protected: if user_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_shambler: slime_gain = (ewcfg.slimes_shambler - user_data.slimes) / 10 slime_gain = max(0, int(slime_gain)) user_data.change_slimes(n=slime_gain, source=ewcfg.source_weather) else: if random.random() < 0.01: user_data.degradation += 1 user_data.persist() if not slimeoid_protected: slimeoid_data = EwSlimeoid(id_user=user_data.id_user, id_server=id_server) if slimeoid_data.life_state != ewcfg.slimeoid_state_active: continue slimeoid_response = "" if random.randrange(10) < slimeoid_data.level: slimeoid_response = "*{uname}*: {slname} cries out in pain, as it's hit by the bicarbonate rain.".format( uname=player_data.display_name, else: item_props = { 'context': ewcfg.context_slimeoidheart, 'subcontext': slimeoid_data.id_slimeoid, 'item_name': "Heart of {}".format(, 'item_desc': "A poudrin-like crystal. If you listen carefully you can hear something that sounds like a faint heartbeat." } ewitem.item_create(id_user=str(user_data.id_user), id_server=id_server, item_type=ewcfg.it_item, item_props=item_props) slimeoid_data.die() slimeoid_data.persist() slimeoid_response = "*{uname}*: {slname} lets out a final whimper as it's dissolved by the bicarbonate rain. {skull} You quickly pocket its heart.".format( uname=player_data.display_name,, skull=ewcfg.emote_slimeskull) resp_cont.add_channel_response(, slimeoid_response) for poi in exposed_pois: district_data = EwDistrict(district=poi, id_server=id_server) slimes_to_erase = district_data.slimes * 0.01 * ewcfg.weather_tick_length slimes_to_erase = max(slimes_to_erase, ewcfg.weather_tick_length * 1000) slimes_to_erase = min(district_data.slimes, slimes_to_erase) #round up or down, randomly weighted remainder = slimes_to_erase - int(slimes_to_erase) if random.random() < remainder: slimes_to_erase += 1 slimes_to_erase = int(slimes_to_erase) district_data.change_slimes(n=-slimes_to_erase, source=ewcfg.source_weather) district_data.persist() enemies = ewutils.execute_sql_query( "SELECT id_enemy FROM enemies WHERE id_server = %s AND {poi} IN %s AND {life_state} = %s AND {weathertype} != %s" .format(poi=ewcfg.col_enemy_poi, life_state=ewcfg.col_enemy_life_state, weathertype=ewcfg.col_enemy_weathertype), (id_server, exposed_pois, ewcfg.enemy_lifestate_alive, ewcfg.enemy_weathertype_rainresist)) for enemy in enemies: enemy_data = EwEnemy(id_enemy=enemy[0]) enemy_poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(enemy_data.poi) slimes_to_erase = enemy_data.slimes * 0.01 * ewcfg.weather_tick_length slimes_to_erase = max(slimes_to_erase, ewcfg.weather_tick_length * 1000) slimes_to_erase = min(enemy_data.slimes, slimes_to_erase) #round up or down, randomly weighted remainder = slimes_to_erase - int(slimes_to_erase) if random.random() < remainder: slimes_to_erase += 1 slimes_to_erase = int(slimes_to_erase) enemy_data.change_slimes(n=-slimes_to_erase, source=ewcfg.source_weather) enemy_data.persist() response = "{name} takes {slimeloss:,} damage from the bicarbonate rain.".format( name=enemy_data.display_name, slimeloss=slimes_to_erase) resp_cont.add_channel_response(, response) if enemy_data.slimes <= 0: ewhunting.delete_enemy(enemy_data) deathreport = "{skull} {name} is dissolved by the bicarbonate rain. {skull}".format( skull=ewcfg.emote_slimeskull, name=enemy_data.display_name) resp_cont.add_channel_response(, deathreport) await except: ewutils.logMsg( "Error occurred in weather tick for server {}".format( id_server))